IDE :: Printing Contents Of List Box?

Feb 21, 2011

my form contains 4 list box and also the every list box contains the data. now i have to print the data of all the list box. how i can print the all the contents of the list box. for one list box i have succeeded to print the data but for more than one list box i tried a lot but couldn't print the data of the listbox.

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Validate The Contents Of A MaskTextBox With Contents From An Array Or List?

May 10, 2011

I am trying to create a code where I placed sets of numbers in an array.I'll use a masktextbox to have the user enter the numbers to match what's in the array. If the user enters the number, ex: social, and the data is correct (matches the numbers in the array), something happens if the number entered in the masktextbox does not match any of the number sets in an array then another thing happens.The masktextbox so far only validates format and gets number only, however, I want the number entered to match whats in the array.

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Printing Contents In .net?

Aug 23, 2010

i have to print certain part of controls of forms such as some labels, textbox etc choosing from many of them i have to print those selected items.

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Printing Contents Of A RichTextBox?

Sep 15, 2009

I have a RichTextBox that contains a Customer History.

I need to be able to print the contents, allow users to select the printer they want to use, and print the contents without running off the printed page.

I'm using vb 2008 with Vista.

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Printing The Contents Of The Htmleditor?

Apr 20, 2012

I have an htmlEditor on a form, using VB2010

I need to print the contents of the htmlEditor. But the pages come out blank.

I added a system.drawing.printing.printdocument to the form.

Added a button that looks like:

e AsSystem.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs)


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Printing The Datagridview Contents?

Dec 5, 2007

How to print the datagridview contents

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Printing Rictextbox Contents With Formatting?

Aug 19, 2009

I am trying to make sense of an msdn article: [URL] i need to print the contents of a Richtextbox - including text formating. Now i know im not the first to wail about how painful printing is in .net, but im now stuck.

The article isnt too easy to follow, that or im need my caffeine drip changing.

So far as i have understood it, i have added a class to my project, called Richtextboxex.vb

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Printing The Entire Contents Of A Datagridview?

Feb 18, 2009

I need to be able to print the contents of a datagrid view. I have the printdialog, printdocument and printpreview dialog controls put on my form.. Here is my code so far:

Private Sub PrintToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesPrintToolStripMenuItem.Click
If Me.PrintDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If


I know the code under printdocument_printpage isn't right. But how do I get everything in the datagridview selected to send it to print? I don't want the user to have to go highlighting the datagridview.

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Printing/save The Contents Of Listbox?

May 2, 2011

Ive built a very small application for personal use only. Ive been working on it for around 2-3 weeks & have just finally completed it this morning.

Basically what I want to do is add a button to my form which will allow me to take the contents of the listbox and print it out or atleast be able to save it to a word document or something of that kind, I'm not entirely sure how I would go about doing this. Bare in mind, Ive only just stepped into VB around a month ago.. self learning myself via internet & several books I have at hand.

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VS 2005 Printing The DataGridView Contents?

Jul 18, 2009

Now i want to add a print button so that i can print the datagridview contents....

I want to create an excel report..

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VS 2010 Printing The Contents Of A RichTextBox?

Feb 4, 2011

I want to print the contents of my RichTextBox1.Text how can I do this?

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Printing Listview Contents From Toolbar Button?

Jun 25, 2008

I am trying to print the contents of a listview to paper from a toolbar button. In the code below I can get the printer to function and print but cannot get the listview contents to print. I found an old post by Martyr discussing printing listview contents in debugger that was helpful but have not been able to figure out what part of the code to modify for the print sub to recognize the listview contents in the handler. This is what I have so far:

Private Sub PrintToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PrintToolStripButton.Click
Dim prn As New Printing.PrintDocument


The printer portion of the code that runs on the strip button works without any problems. If I use that button click code above and add something to the PrintHandler Sub like this:

args.Graphics.DrawString("Hello World With A Printer", New Font("Arial", 20, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.Black, 150, 125)

It prints the "Hello World String" with no problem. The issue is I am not sure what or how to refer to the contents of the listview in the Print Handler Sub or if this is even the correct way to attempt this.

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Printing From List View?

Dec 15, 2011

I am wondering, what is the most efficient way to print from a listview. The listview's values are loaded from a database, and I would like to print from that listview. So far I have tried moving them to a text file and printing the text file, but Windows said that "The file is to large for notpad" even though I was not using notepad.

Is it advised to create an array of structures and then load everything into the array? If so, do I create the array dynamicly?

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Force New Page While Printing A List?

May 10, 2012

I have a requirement to print a number of records from a database. Each record refers to a second database that holds x number of related records. Just like and invoice header and line items.

I first print the report heading on the first page Something like "Invoice list for May 2012"

I then print the Invoice record headings under the the report heading Something like "Inv# Cust # Cust Phone Address 1 Address2 etc"

I then print that data from the original recordset Something like 1234 DR127 555 555-1212 Somewhereville 245th street

I then print the Line item headings Something like "Ln# Item# Description Qty Cost Selling Extn"

NOW Here is my problem: I never know how many line items there will be so can not predetermine when I will need a new page. I do have a way of telling when I am at the bottom of a page by using the text height and incrementing a value for each line

BUT I cannot figure out how to break out of the line item loop, start a bew page then carry on where I left off.

Once all the line items have been printed I need to start the next invoice by printing the Invoice record headings again followed by the header data followed by the line item headers followed by the line items for that invoice.

I have said that the page break may come while in the line item loop but it actually cold come anywhere in the overall loop.

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Printing A File From List Collection?

Nov 16, 2009

I have a program in which I display a list of files in a ListView control and then send them all to a printer. I verified that the file is getting from the list to the print routine;however, I cannot seem to get the print function working right. I have tried several methods after reading many forum posts and articles to no avail. I listed my print routine below for reference; I send the file to the ReadFile sub that programatically creates the Print Document and then calls the Print page event. All in all rather simple, but I keep gettting about a dozen lines of blocks and arbitrary characters and then my document starts printing. I thought that by defining the SizeF structure in the MeasureString method and the RectangleF in the DrawString method I would clear up the problems

Private Sub ReadFile(ByVal _pfile As String)
'Dim fs As FileStream


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Printing A Form Using Info From List Box?

Mar 19, 2012

I've searched and searched for an answer to my question, but as of yet, have yet to find a solution to what I'm looking for. My background - 6 months out of College (Computer Studies)

Right now I'm working on a program that is going to be used to handle database information (Access 2007). On the main form the user can select 3 pieces of required info from drop down list boxes. Those are required. Then after that they are able to enter a first name and a second name. They then add that name to a list box below. They can add as many names as they want to a list box. Then from there they have the option to either just save the info, or if required (which will more then likely be the main option) print each person in the list their own certificate. I have designed a separate form laid out the way required for the certificate.

The trouble that I'm having at this time is that I am unable to make the printing process show all of the certs that are going to print in a print preview. I have been able to get it to only show one. The form is set to load where hidden = true.

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Printing Formatted Output To A List Box?

Jun 10, 2011

i am having trouble printing formatted output to a list box. Basically I have two string variables that i use to format the output, but it is not working.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub compute_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles compute.Click
'make the output area visible to the user
outPut_gp3.Visible = True


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Can't List Contents For Subfolders

Jan 20, 2012

The problem with this code is that I can't list the contents for subfolders for example example /test but it work fine under root folder /.I have used the Ftp.Listdirectory component, which seems only work for root folder /.The coding language is Visual Basic 2010 Express.

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Put List Box Contents In An Array?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm a sorta newcomer to visual basic and programming in general and I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure out how to put a listbox into an array. And just so we don't make any assumptions yes this is for school and no I'm not looking for anyone to do my homework for me. I just need some direction on how to do this step so I can make progress.

Anyway, the program is a data of students and I gotta do the code for alphabetically sorting by last name in ascending and descending order. I have to make it so whenever the A-Z button is pressed it will sort whatever is in the listbox, be it 1 record or all.[code]...

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Compare The Contents Of The Input List?

Jan 15, 2012

I have 4 string lists as follows

Dim input_list As New List(Of String) Dim input_POS As New List(Of String) Dim trigger_list As New List(Of String) Dim trigger_POS As New List(Of String)

I want to compare the contents of the input list (containing words (e.g., want, the) etc. to the ones of the trigger list (containign again words) and if a same entry (i.e. word) get the POS for both input word and trigger word from the relevant lists and put them into a property list. For example

input list (want, the, right)trigger list(want, there, wait)input list POS (verb, article, adjective)trigger list POS (verb, pronoun, verb)

Output property list (want:verb, want:verb) (only want is common between input and trigger list). Then I need to conduct a test between the two property items for similarites. If they are exactly the same, the code should output a confirmation "i.e., Yes" into a textbox. If not the code should output a "No" plus the contents of the property list into a textbox.

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C# - Transferring Contents Of HTML List To Text

Jan 6, 2011

How can this be done? The .InnerText Property (when used on the containing div element) is giving me the html only. Is it possible to iterate through all the li elements contained and extract their values?

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Change Contents Of A Dropdown List Dynamically?

May 12, 2011

I have a pair of dropdown lists, they are linked in the sense that in it is basically a 2-d array. I have a list of accounts, and a list of domains for each account. So based on which account the user selects from the dropdown, I need to populate the domain list with the appropriate selections. Is there a way I can do this without [code]...

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Copy Contents Of A List Box To A Text File?

Apr 21, 2010

I understand I've been asking alot of similar questions around this topic, but I think, with luck, and your help, this will be the last time.

I have a listbox containing x-many different values.

What I want the program to do is to overwrite a pre existing file with all these values,

that is, essentially, to do the reverse of this piece of [code]...

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Creating List Of Folder Contents Ending *.PDF?

Oct 22, 2009

how to create a list of the contents of a folder (T:ENERGY) using *.pdf as the filter. Also could this be adapted to read folders names and place that into a string ";" delimited to be called upon and modify T:ENERGY)?

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VS 2008 List Contents Of A Mysql Database?

Aug 15, 2011

I have searched google and youtube for a tut on this but cant seem to find any :/I have a script that adds contents of textbox1 ans textbox2 to a online mysql database like username and and password.All this works perfect What i now need is to display the contents of the given database in a listbox or something.How would i go about this or is there any good tuts on this, all i seem to find is tuts using ms database not mysql

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Windows Phone 7 List Box Item Contents?

Jun 10, 2012

I have a data bound listview which I wish to retrieve the select items values I am able to get the value in the debugger by using this code but can't work out how to get the item values out of lbi. How do you do this

Dim lbi
As ListBoxItem = VehicleList.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(VehicleList.SelectedItem)


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Wrtite The Contents Of A Text File To A List Box?

Jan 30, 2010

Im using visual basic 2009, im trying to wrtite the contents of a text file to a list box, im using the following format technique

{0, -5}{1, -20}{2, -20}{3, -5}{4, -5}{5, -5}{6, -5}{7, -20}

i have used a similar format in vb6 where it worked, but in .net it doesnt get me anywhere, does anyone have experience of using string format in and can help me? =]

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[2008] List Contents Of Compressed Files

Feb 19, 2009

I need to open an archive and list the contents, size of files, and crc of files inside any compressed file. Be it rar, zip, ace, lha, 7zip, etc.. What's the easiest or best way to do this?

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Can't Print The Contents Of A List Box In Visual Studio 2005

Jan 25, 2010

I have a form which contains a list box. This list box gets its information from a access database. Basically it is showing a list of missing items. I want to be able to print the list of items which is in the list box. I found code on here, There are 12 items on the list, when I hit the print button, i get a list of 12 "System.Data.DataRowView" instead of the name of the object on the list. Here is the code I am using.

Imports System.Drawing.Printing
Public Class Form2
Private listItem As Integer = 0


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Loop Through An Array Of Byte And Copy The Contents To A New List?

Oct 3, 2011

I'm trying to loop through an array of byte and copy the contents to a new list of bytes, and display them back. see the code below.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim myByte() As Byte = New Byte() {65, 66, 67}


I want to see str1 as "ABC" but the out put i get is "A B C" (ie with spaces between letters) note: I have to copy(chunks) within a loop and get the result at the end, this is just a sample to reproduce my real issue.

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