Improve The UI Of Xtrareport From Runtime?

Mar 31, 2010

I am having a problem in paging for XtraReports. How can I improve the report paging from runtime and also I would like to initialize the reportviewer from pageload.We are designing the reports from runtime , so the data on multiple pages is not working i mean I am not comfortable with it. I woulld like to do paging and limit the number of records on the page from runtime.for example i would like to add a PageInfo component and add a "Go to page no.." like this.

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How To Use SubReport In XtraReport?

Jan 23, 2012

I have a main Report which consist of (Detail Report)

Transaction #
Amount Due


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.net - XtraReport Doesnt Display The Sub Report?

Jan 23, 2012

Possible Duplicate: How to use SubReport in XtraReport? I'm having a problem with my XtraReport it doesnt display the Sub Report but it Displays the main Report


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How To Improve My Coding

May 28, 2011

Whenever i work on form, so i use this code


Now i have 2 things to ask?

1) is this right way which i use?

2) I use the same on every form regardless on number of forms? is it fine to use it on every form?

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VS 2005 How To Improve This

May 28, 2011

whenever i work on form, so i use this code,[code...]

now i have 2 things to ask?

1) is this right way which i use?

2) I use the same on every form regardless on number of forms? is it fine to use it on every form?

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C# - Will Learning WPF Improve Skills In ASP

Dec 2, 2010

I have worked in Windows Forms for years, and still do. I'm not acquainted at all with the ASP.NET technology and no other Web related technology. I have worked with:

Oracle Form Builder;
Visual dBase 7.5;
Delphi 2.0, 3.0 and 7.0;
Sybase Power Builder 10.5;
Visual Basic 6;
Visual Basic 2003/2005/2008;
And ultimately, Visual C# 2005/2008.

I'm mostly a C# programmer with a growing experience in VB.NET for the current year. What would be the way to go to learn WPF the best possible way while taking into account my experience? And I'd like to know, will learning WPF improve my skills in ASP.NET and the like?

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Improve Reading Of A File

Feb 12, 2012

I read a text file every second..[code]The file is generated from another program and it's costantly updated more times per second.The sense of the code (StartIndex) is to read only the rows that I have not read from the last time.The code works without problems until the file is about 2.5 Mb in dimensions... for higher dimensions I have problems and all becomes very slow.Using and fs.Dispose() are like Microsoft suggest (and in fact if i run the code analisys I have no problems), but surely the problem is not here.The question is: is my code right or there is way to improve the reading?? Is there way to read only the tail without to open the whole file?

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Looking On Input For Areas To Improve?

Jul 21, 2011

I'm currently in a programing class for It's my first true exposure to OOP and I'm looking for some advice on areas where I could improve. I was wondering if someone would be willing to look at one of my programs that I have written and offer advice on areas where I can improve and things that I made much more complicated than they need to be. I'm not looking for a line by line critique just a general look at things to improve upon in the future.

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Should Use View To Improve Performance

Mar 9, 2010

i'm developing application. There are 10 ways of transactions. I want to produce 'Purchase register report'. For that I want to find what amount of effect has been made by each transaction on ledgers of 'Purchase account'. Purchase account has almost 30 ledgers. And transactions can produce about 10000 rows in database for a year. Now if I produce month wise report for a year, there will be 10000*30=300000 row scanning which makes it very slow in execution.

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VS 2005 Improve The Look Of Program?

Jan 27, 2011

I'm currently writing a football management game (Australian football) and would like to pretty it up a bit. The match engine simulates each player as a small circle, much like the old Championship Manager games. While I'm fine with this style, I'd like to improve the look. I'm just using the simple graphics tools in VB to draw circles and the oval in the background which they play on. They move around using a timer. It just doesn't look very good. The movement isn't smooth and the circles look jaggy and unprofessional. Given that I'd ultimately like to release this product, I want to make it look a lot better.

What are some 2D graphics engines that I should look at? I don't need fancy animations or anything, just some nice smooth movement and nice looking circles. Doesn't seem like I'm asking for much does it? It'd be also nice if I could add in a chrome-like look or something along those lines.

As for the menus and such, well, they are currently just the boring grey VB style. That's fine for now but, as mentioned earlier, I want to release this game at some point. How can I change all of the menus and such so that this doesn't look like a game made in visual basic...basically. I've seen skins before but I'm not really interested in giving my game some generic style. I want to be able to customize all of it for myself. I just don't know how to! Simply fiddling with the colours and fonts of the default VB controls isn't enough.

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.net - Improve Coding With List Intersect Using Net 3.5?

Jan 15, 2009

I've a class that has a list of IDs with a function for adding new IDs from a list of objects.I've got this resolved, but I'm sure this can be done with much less code.Public Class Page

Private _IdList As List(Of Integer)
Private _HasNewItems As Boolean = False
Public Sub AddItems(ByVal Items As List(Of Item))
Dim itemsID = From itemX In Items _
Select itemX.ID


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C#/.NET: How To Improve Anti-alias Quality

Aug 16, 2011

In Reporting Service, I need to have a vertical, starting at bottom, bottom-to-top, horizontally middle aligned text.The only way to do this is to create an image in code, and set this image into the title column.See the code below.Basically, it works fine, just that the anti-alias quality is pretty crappy.Is there anything I can do to improve it ?The vertical text is somehow pale, and not full black, and also there is smearing all around the text, in the background color.As well as it appears bolder than the text on the left, but both have format arial, size 8, bold I've tried all other values of System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.*, as well as no anti-alias at all but the current one seems to be the least crappy.I've also tried to change the image format, to no avail:

Function LoadImage2(ByVal sImageText As String, ByVal sImageTextMax As String) As System.Drawing.Image
sImageTextMax = sImageTextMax.PadRight(15)
Dim iFontSize As Integer = 8 '//Change this as needed


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How To Improve Performance Of App By Error Catching

Mar 7, 2009

I'm trying to improve my app with some error catching. I have a module that downloads a file from the Internet to a local folder. At the moment, if the local folder doesn't exist, it just crashes here:

strLocalFile = New FileStream(pPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)
with error:
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException was unhandled
Message="Could not find a part of the path 'C:Documents and SettingsSimonDesktop'."

How can I do something with that error and stop my app from crashing? Ideally, have a messagebox show saying 'directory not found' or similar.

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How To Improve Reading Performance From A Datatable

Oct 25, 2010

i have a datatable with about 10000 rows and few columns (4)I have noticed that the process of reading a big table its quite there a way to improve performance in reading a datatable?

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Improve On The Inserting Of Data String?

Sep 23, 2009

I am doing a project of inserting the data into the database through the used of textbox. I am using 5 textboxes when I run the application. The application is working fine but the problems is that when I post this codes, there is answer that I have to modify the inserting part to make it better. Is there any other way to make it better for the part when I am inserting the data? The program that I am using to make this application is visual studios 2005 and sql server 2005 for the database.



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Improve Perfomance Creating DataTable?

Feb 20, 2012

I have following code and it's slow to load first time. CSV file is about 4mb 16000 rows.

If Session("tb") Is Nothing Then
Dim str As String()
If (IsNothing(Cache("csvdata"))) Then


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Improve TcpClient Connection Speed?

Jan 31, 2012

I am writing a VB.NET app that connects to a legacy application using TCP.

The communication is working fine and is very quick once connected, but there is always a delay (of around 2.5-3.5 seconds) when I create the new connection even though I am connecting to my local machine[code]...

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VS 2008 Improve On Block Of Code?

Jun 13, 2009

I have this block of code that splits txt/csv files. It is working just fine but its a but "ghetto"


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VS 2008 Improve Search Speed

Jul 29, 2009

I have an application in VS (vb) with a database in Access 2007. In the application I have some search functions. They were running very slow until recently when I played around with access andthe indexes. I found that made great improvement in speed. But as the application is running the speed of the searc function to improve speed of the search function and make my database provide faster results.

View 6 Replies - Correct Way To Not Use Eval In A Repeater And Improve Performance?

May 31, 2012

I have a repeater which takes 270 seconds to render and actually ends up crashing all browsers. The SQL to retrieve the data takes about 10 seconds. I wanted to remove the Eval's to see if that speeds up things a bit, but I am having trouble with the correct syntax. I have doubts that this would actually improve performance as I am dealing with 150,000 records. Would a GridView or other control be faster? Would using LINQ to SQL improve performance? Here is the code for the Eval:


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How To Improve Code To Print On Multiple Pages

Mar 16, 2010

I want to print contents of a ListView, currently I can print on one page only so my question is how do I improve my code to print on multiple pages. I've read little about the HasMorePages property but no idea how to use it in this context. Heres my code:I have a PrintPreviewDialog and Print Document to assist in printing [code] I understand most part of this code but not all so its kinda hard to follow the program flow to make any big changes myself so if possible can someone please comment the code a bit? how printing works in .NET because I only understand parts of it so having trouble joining the pieces together if that makes sense?

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Improve Deserialize Speeds Of A Large Dictionary?

Feb 2, 2010

it's capability to serialize objects. In a future project I will be creating dictionaries which have a Long as a key and a Collection as an item (itself containing two other long values). These dictionaries will be large, containing around 300,000 entries.

I've worked out how serialize and deserialize the dictionary using a binary formatter.

To serialize I use:

Dim myDictionary As Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of Int64, Collection))
' I fill the dictionary with 300,000 entries here
Dim fs As New FileStream("c: empserialDict.dat", FileMode.Create)


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Improve Performance Of A Windows Forms Application?

Apr 10, 2009

How can I improve the performance of a Windows Forms application?

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Improve Performance Of Contact Fetching Using EWS Managed API?

Jul 30, 2010

improve performance of Contact fetching using EWS managed API?

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Improve The Performance Of A Windows Forms Application?

Jan 18, 2012

How can I improve the performance of a Windows Forms application?

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Improve Traffic Light System With Use Of Barrier

Dec 30, 2009

please help me am in need of code for traffic light simulator, wanted to design a simulator with barriers which close a lane when it light red and opens when it lights green.These barriers should be in form of red and black bars on the entrance of any parking area.The reason to barriers is that here in Uganda traffic is controlled mostly by the police men so i wanted to improve the traffic light system with the use of barrier.

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Variables Would Improve Script Execution Time?

Jun 20, 2012

I was updating an old .aspx.vb script that was originally written with dynamically typed variables, like this:

Dim price I updated them to the following format (along with some IsDBNull checks to compensate):

Dim price As String After doing this to all of my variables, the script appeared to run noticeably faster. Is this a real effect of static typing, or is it just a coincidence?

View 1 Replies - Improve The Design Of A Page With Multiple Case Statements?

Aug 17, 2011

My page contains: GridView1, GridView2, Button1, Button2, DropDownList1 I bind Gridviews to the table selected in dropdown like this:

Dim results as DataTable
Select Case ddl1.SelectedValue
Case 0


For me it looks like a lot of overhead. How can I improve then design and only specify that I'm working on the following record in dropdown list without specifying the Case condition every time? Should I change my design or leave it like it is?

RunZero, RunOne, RunTwo, RemoveZero, RemoveOne, RemoveTwo, RemoveThree - Execute six different stored procedures.

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Create Multiple Threads To Improve A Function On Program

Sep 7, 2011

i need to create multiple threads to improve a function on my program. it is a simple thing really but it's slow and if multithreaded it can improve the speed some thousand times. my program uses a dll to check the MX record of an e-mail from a textbox called emails if the mx record is correct then it validates that domain, if not, it sends to an error textbox with that mail my problem is that im reading a lot on multithreading and i dont have an idea how to make something like this: for x=0 to emails.lines.count -1' start a thread that runs my function next if i can limit the number of threads to avoid crashing it would be good.

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Does Making COM Files 'embedded Resources' Improve Performance

Jun 25, 2009

If I took a COM object (specifically Excel 2003 workbook) and made it an embedded resource of my executable, would that improve the notoriously slow .NET-COM interop at all?

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