Jagged Arrays Redim And String Causing?

Nov 12, 2010

Im coming from a background of writing vba in excel, but have go to the point where im fed up of having everything running in excel and have started leaning vb.net. i am trying to do something i have done before, but am pretty much rewriting it as having got the end i now see a better way of doing things

Normally Google is full of help full answers but today it isn't, i may be i'm doing something odd or am trying to use completely the wrong tool for the job am happy to be told either.

I am trying to take data from a text file dumped from one of our databases, i have read the (huge) and oddly formatted text file in, converted it to a 1d array = InPutArray


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Create A Dynamic Jagged Arrays

Sep 25, 2010

I'm trying to create a dynamic jagged array. That is, one that i can increase the size of at runtime. Maybe its easier if I show you. I have a folder containing a varied number of files. What I want to do is set up a jagged array, with the file contents as the second array. So kind of like this:

Filelist (0) (0) = Line1
Filelist (0) (1) = Line2
Filelist (0) (2) = Line3


However, it throws a System.NullReferenceExeption when I try that. In addition, I don't understand jagged arrays all that well....Here is my code (that doesn't work). The jagged array must be accessible by other methods.

Imports System.IO

Public Class Form1
Public Skills()()


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Extract Value From This Jagged String Array?

Mar 16, 2011

Dim strTest(recordSet.Count)() As String[code]...

Then once the array i populated above, i need to find the if another variable is contained in the second dimension of the second paren contains the value of my variable like this.[code]...

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C# : Make A Jagged String Array A Public Property?

Mar 28, 2011

Public Property TabsCollection()() as String()()
Return _tabsCollection
End Get


but it errors saying: End of statement expected.

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How To Filter Out Some Vulnerability Causing Characters In Query String

Apr 7, 2009

I need to filter out characters like /?-^%{}[];$=*`#|&@'"<>()+,. I need replace this with empty string if it is there in the query string. I am using this in ASP pages.

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VS 2008 Loop Causing Duplicate In List Of String?

Aug 21, 2009

Basically what happens is each time it loops through it adds a number to the end of the string, and by the end I should end up with an array full of string in a format like "111 222 333 444 555 666" but I end up getting strings like this "111 111 222 222 333 333". The weird thing is, if I add a message box in every loop it works fine, but obviously I don't want a message box pooping up every time it loops through. What is causing this and how might I fix it

The code is:
For x As Integer = 0 To (NumCards.Value - 1)
NumRep = 0


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String Arrays In For Loop?

Apr 3, 2012

What's the best way to do this in sort of thing in VB:


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Retrieve String Arrays From Unmanaged C++ Dll?

Aug 29, 2011

I got this DLL functions explained in C++ as below :Void GetResultData(int pIndex,char pStrData[100][255], double pDoubleData[100])

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String / Char Arrays And Whitespace

Feb 6, 2012

I am developping an app which talks across a network and will eventually be used to read in a text file (on the client) and transfer it to the server. Currently, the server and client succesfully connect to each other using the Tcplistener/Tcpclient classes. I am now trying to send some data across the network using the networkstream class, which I have implemented.Currently for testing purposes i am sending a char array which contains the characters "hello" which succesfully sends and outputs to console on the server. Although, "hello" is followed by a long list of whitespaces. I have tried converting this to a string array on the server and/or client and using the string.Trim() function (amongst trying many other things over the past couple of hours) although the output remains the same.

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Arrays - Looping Through A Split String / Replacing?

Jun 1, 2012

I'm trying to make a function in VB.net that will loop through an algorithm. I've split the algorithm into an array using the Split command, so I have an array with the values. I then try to loop through them and replace a # with "Number" where necessary, however VB.net throws an error. Algorithms are in the format A B C D E F 1 2 3 #

Function generate(ByVal alg As String)
Dim algSplit As String() = alg.Split(" ")
For Each digit In algSplit


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Combing Two String Arrays In Third Excluding Duplicates

Jan 25, 2010

I have a string array Array1 and a string array A2. I want to combine these in a 3rd array A3 but excluding duplicate values. Can this be done through lambda expressions or only through iterating through the array and checking array.Contains()?

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Game Programming :: Alphanumeric String Arrays

Jul 30, 2009

I have a string array of size 51 CardListIn() representing randomly ordered cards in a deck {1d, 2d, ...14c} e.g. 9d = 9 of diamonds and so on. I then have 52 text boxes for user input. These have been put into an array of text boxes as so:[code...]

I want to search my original string array for any cards the user may input in any of the textboxes and then delete those entries from the string array.So say the user enters "1d" in one of the textboxes, I then want that removed from the string array.

I'm parsing through both the array and the text boxes fine, but for some reason that I cannot fathom, it doesn't find a match. The string array definitely contains "1d" and the textbox definitely contains "1d", but it doesn't register as a match. I've tried using Val() for the string array and the text boxes, but then it removes every entry beginning with a 1, e.g. "1d", "1h", "1c" & "1s".

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VS 2008 String To Array & Searching Arrays?

Dec 17, 2009

I have 2 groups, the information i get comes out as follows.

Dim group1 As String = "3 4 7 8 10"
Dim group2 As String = "0 1 2 5 9"
The placements are predetermined, so when the first perso


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VS 2010 - Use StringCollections Instead Of String Arrays For My.Settings

Jul 29, 2011

To use StringCollections instead of String Arrays for My.Settings. I've opened a file and have this:


But I error on line 2, saying "Object Reference not set in Instance of an Object". So then, I try to use New before I go Into the loop: My.Settings.Trunk = New System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection

But then i get "index outside bounds of array" still on line 2. This is weird to me. Is it because my StringCollection doesn't have an array size? If so how do i declare an array size for this? Or is this just so totally different from String Arrays?

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Redim - Cannot Change On Two Dimensions?

Jan 14, 2006

I have an array that is something like; Product (x,y)

When i try to do;Redim preserve product (a,b)

It gives the error that i can change only the dimension of the right place, but not the left one.

How can redim a 2 dimension array?

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VS 2010 ReDim Gone - Substitute?

Apr 16, 2011

I've been learning how to implement genetic algorithms in vb, and some sample I downloaded basically does the following in a few places:


I gather that this process could be used to define the size of an array that is not known at creation, but becomes known later in the program. VB2010, however, doesn't like this code at all, and tells me ReDim can no longer be used to this end. Why? And is there an easy replacement for this?

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Jagged Array From Datatable?

Jan 7, 2010

I have an requirement where I want to create a jagged array out of datatable and pass the jagged array over WCF.

Dim ObjJaggedArray(15)() As String
For Each row As DataRow In ObjTables.Tables(pKeyName).Rows


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Getting Error When Trying To ReDim Array Structure

Jun 27, 2011

This is my structure...
<Serializable()> _
Public Class AcctRecords
Public Amount() As Long
Public DateC() As String
[Code] .....

This is where I try to create a new instance but I get an error that states:
Overload Resolution Failed Because No Accessible "NEW" accepts this number of ArgumentsPrivate Sub FixMasterArraySize(ByVal Cnt As Integer)
ReDim Preserve Acct.Master(Cnt)
For I As Integer = 0 To Acct.Master.Length - 1
Acct.Master(I).AcctType =
New String
End Sub

If Acct.Master(I).AcctType was a Boolean type there would be no error..

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Move The All "Redim" Statements Outside The Loop?

Jan 15, 2010

I am using Visual Studio .Net 2008. I am using "Structure" statement for my work. It is working with me perfectly. I am not sure if Understand the structure statement very well because it does give me wrong answer if I change the position of "Redim" of the structure elements. My problem is the structure is using "Redim" in many places which is a dangerous procedure. I do not know how exactly to explain my problem because the structure in my code is used widely and called in many subroutines. I will try to explain with the below simple code:


My question is: How can I move the all "Redim" statements outside the loop so that the Redim happens only ones? What does "TheCollection(Iteration + NumberOfMembers).TheResult" does take? Is it zero or what?I searched the web but I could not find a proper website or article which explains the structure. The only useful link I found is this:[url]

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Redim Boolean Array Vs Enumerate And Set?

Jul 23, 2010

In a case where you would like to reset an array of boolean values what is faster, rediming the array or enumerating and resetting the values? I have run some tests and they seem to suggest that a redim is a lot faster but I am not convinced that it isnt a result of how I'm running the tests.

My tests seem to suggest that redim is nearly twice as fast.So could anyone care to comment on which is faster and why? Also would you expect the same result across different languages?


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Redim Is Only Removing Data Not Nodes

Mar 15, 2009

I have a public string() array defined, and each time a timer_tick event gets triggered, I loop through the array and visit web pages contained in the array.

for i = 0 to UrlList.Count - 1
' Do stuff
While WeBbrowser.ReadyState <> WebBrowserReadyState.Complete
end while
redim urllist(0) ' I have tried w/ & w/out preserve
urllist = nothing

I just want an empty array w/ node count of zero. (Essentially eliminating the entire array) I have another process that fills the array.

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VS 2008 Redim Last Dimension Of Array

May 13, 2010

I have the following array in my project that I'm trying to redim without losing the values.The problem with redim preserve is I can only redim the last dimension of the array. I want to redim the 2nd dimension without losing data. How do I get this to work?[code]

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VS 2010 Array With Redim Preserve?

Apr 4, 2012

[edit]Sorry I left a bad title in this thread - confusing![/edit] Been a long time since I used an array - they are so limiting...But I need to build a simple string array - that I'm passing to a C/C++ function.

Is there any other way to do this other than keep REDIM PRESERVING??


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Cannot Store Strings In Jagged Array?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a text file called COUNTERS_SETTINGS.DAT having the following contents:


I'm Trying to have that entries in a Jagged array of Strings like this

Array Name is : Core (2,1)

(0) (1)
(1) PASSWORD | ADMIN1[code]........

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Declaring Jagged Or Rectangular Array

Sep 21, 2010

I'm working on a reporting section of code for an inventory app I'm making for my office.I call a text file, read every line into an array then populate information pages with what has been pulled from the text file.For reporting, I want to read every text file in the directory, reading each one into a multidimensional array.Thus I can call and report on each item, i.e.ItemArray(i,2) would be all systems with Windows 2008 EE..I have code that lists all files in the desired directory and counts each file, so I eventually get counts of how deep I need the first level of the jagged array to be. but not until after code execution. Basically how can I write each array of data to the jagged array.[code]But I get a null reference exception. "Use the new keyword to create an object instance".

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Dll That Returns A Jagged Array Of Double?

Mar 1, 2010

I currently have a VB.NET dll that returns a jagged array of double. This is the declaration:

Public Function CalcMatching(ByRef dataArray1 As Object,
ByRef dataLen1 As Integer, ByRef dataArray2 As Object,
ByRef dataLen2 As Integer, ByRef matchingType As String) As Double()()

It works well inside VB.NET, but when I insert it into a VBA project, I noticed that after the execution of the funtion, while retrieving the data, the "Type mismatch' excpetion is raised inside VBA.I searched over the internet, but I could not find a delcaration of a jagged array inside VBA. is that possible? If yes, how can I do it?

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Make A Multidimensional Jagged Array?

Mar 26, 2012

I am trying to make a jagged array that has,

3 columns
with 5,4,4 rows respectively
that each have 2 rows

that have a varying number of rows, for example 6,9,5,6,4 I have the first part setup but I don't know how to get to another level of the jagged array.

Dim potentialStructure()() As Short = {New Short() {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, New Short() {0, 1, 2, 3}, New Short() {0, 1, 2, 3}}

And how would I access an element at say, the lowest level?

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Null Value From Database And Jagged Array

Feb 12, 2012

I need to scan database and insert its values into an array. But I'm having some difficulties in handling null values and array.

The database looks like this:
0 1 2 3 4
30 31 32
33 34
36 37 38 39 40
38 39 47 48

I want to make array rr_item which gonna looks like this:

Every code I've tried result in error everytime I tried to insert null value into any kind of c=variable, including array which I want to use. And I'm not quite sure with what I'm doing in jagged array I want to build.
sql_list = "SELECT * FROM retail"
oledbCnn = New OleDbConnection(connetionString)
[Code] .....

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Runtime Dimnsionalize A Jagged Array

Dec 13, 2010

Okay I'm tring to make a fairly simple class


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VS 2005 - Initialize Jagged Array

Oct 2, 2009

how do i declare jagged array? it has 7 elements consisting of 2 to 8 elements consisting of 3 elements.[Code]

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