LINQ-to-XML Selection Based On Node Values?

Mar 8, 2010

Given the following XML, I would like to return all eventtitles where the eventtype id = 23. My current query only looks at the first eventtype, so returns the wrong result.

<eventtitle>Garrison Keillor</eventtitle>

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DB/Reporting :: Show Values From Data-set To Text Box Based On Selection From Combobox List

Mar 18, 2008

How Do I show the values from the dataset to the text box based on the selection from the combobox list i already populated the combobox my code is. [code]

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Xml Select Node Based On Innertext Of Previous Node?

Nov 1, 2011

My XML comes in like this:

<Document type="ContentPage">
<Field name="FaqCategory" type="dropdown" title="Select Category:" index="FaqCategory"


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Sql Server - Linq - Limit List To 1 Row Per Unique Values Based On Value (minimum) Of Single Field

May 3, 2012

I have a stored procedure (I cannot edit) that I am calling via linq.

The stored procedure returns values (more complex but important data below):

Customer Stock Item Date Price Priority Qty
CUST1 TAP 01-04-2012 £30 30 1 - 30
CUST1 TAP 05-04-2012 £33 30 1 - 30
CUST1 TAP 01-04-2012 £29 20 31 - 99
CUST1 TAP 01-04-2012 £28 10 1 - 30

I am trying to limit this list to rows which have unique Dates and unique quantities in LINQ. I want to remove items with the HIGHER priority leaving rows with unique dates and qty's.

I have tried several group by's using Max and order by's but have not been able to get a result.

Is there any way to do this via linq?


Managed to convert brad-rem's answer into

Syntax below if anyone needs it:

returnlist = (From p In returnlist
Order By p.Qty Ascending, p.Priority
Group By AllGrp = p.Date, p.Qty Into g = Group
Select g.First).ToList

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Search Xml Using Linq - Get All The Node Values Of <customers></customers>

Apr 22, 2010


how to do this. kindly show me some sample code for this

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Make A Tree-viewer Change Its Node Selection With A Web-browser?

Aug 8, 2011

I m making a "offline viewer" which uses saved webpages. I'm using a web browser and a tree-viewer. Is there a way to make the selected node in the tree viewer change if you click on a link in the web page (i.e if you select a link about The Gimp on tutorial 176, the selected node will change to The Gimp tree node)

I know about the code for changing the tree node selection, however what I'm having trouble with the web-browser side of it.

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Create Treeview Node Based On Url Structure .net

Oct 28, 2011

am trying to pupulate a treeview nodes base on directory structure like this


The above code works for add base/parent node say i have a urllike this [URL] in this case, it should create a child node dir2 in parent node dir1 am getting confused add child nodes to the existing nodes

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Calculating Based On The Selection?

Mar 4, 2012

I have a listbox with two values, Current account and Deposit account.The current account has an interest rate of 7% and the deposit account 3%.I have 4 other textboxes. The boxes on the right is where the user inputs and the left side holds the value.

Account Type [ ] Listbox >>[Current account]
Deposit account
Investment Amount [ ] [ ]
Interest over a year [ ]

What I want for the Investment Amount is that if the user selects Current account, the amount invested will be automatically calculated with the 7% interest and the same for the deposit, calculation with 3% interest.And the Interest over a year textbox to show how much the interest will be over that year at the rate (whether its 7 or 3%)

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Linq To XML - Can't Remove Node

Sep 5, 2011

I have the following list


I am trying to remove the Car node with ID = 1000, but i can't get it right Here is my Code, note that the debugger never hits e.Remove:


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LINQ To XML When A Node Does Not Exist

Jun 28, 2009

I was writing a generic class to read RSS feed from various source and to consolidate in one collection of object in

Basically the function - using LINQ to XML - is working properly, but I have a problem when the RSS feed I am trying to read does not contain one of the node (as you know, many of them are optional). I would the returned value to be an empty string or nothing, but instead I get a runtime error back. I searched the web for the same problem and I found this post [URL] that apparently explain a workaround, but it does not work with my code.

I am also surprised by the little resources I am finding about this issue, so I am now wondering if I am even putting the question in the right terms...

Following you can find the code:

Dim PostsEnum = From BlogPost In XMLSource.Descendants("item")
Order By DateTime.Parse(BlogPost.Element("pubDate").Value) Descending
Select New Post() With {


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.net - Do Node Based Editing Like Posers Shader Nodes

Jul 29, 2009

Is there any libraries for .net that will do node based editing like Posers shader nodes.
I would like to display a class and allow users to create custom formulas by dragging properties from 1 class to to seed the other class or other class properties. Regards See an example here link text

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Have One Combo Box Populate Another Based On Selection?

Jun 22, 2010

I am currently stuck in one part of my application. I have two combo boxes that i am having the users select from. The first combo box is simply bound to a datatable. that is working properly. The second one i need to populate off another datatable after sorting out what the first one is requesting. Basically it's choosing a line number on the first box and then selecting the machine associated with that line number.[code]...

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How To Generate ID Based On Comboboxes Selection

Jun 18, 2012

i am creating a programme for my institute which helps in their administrative process. i am using visual studio(basic) 2010. which is connected with ms access database (abcdata.accdb) the database is having table called session with columns sessionID,sessioncode,sessionname.

* sessionID data = 1,2,3,4
* sessioncode data = 13,14,15,16
* sessionname data = 2013,2014,2015,2016


other then this u can see i want this because i am trying to create a database which must save the students data year wise, so that whenever we need to know a detail any students then we can find with query.

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Replace One Control With Another Based On Selection?

Feb 12, 2012

On my form I have two radio buttons. One for CDs and one for books. If I select CDs I have a group box that changes visible = true and I have txt boxes there I want to input. If I select books I want the groupbox to remain visible = false and in its place a text box to appear. How would I do this? I know I can just overlap the controls but that looks hideous in designer.

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Selection Based On True False Value?

Jul 21, 2011

Here the code to load the records in data grid when form loads

Private Sub BindData()

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C# - How To Search For Node Using LINQ To XML Query

Oct 14, 2009

Below the xml doc
<section name="A">
<subsection name="A">
[Code] .....

Now I want the property1 whose section name="B" and subsection name="B" and innersection name="B" in one single query using linq to xml.

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LINQ To XML Characters - Cannot Match The Name To The Node Name

Jul 17, 2011

im querying the name of a movie in an xml file contained within the node "name" I have no problems getting the node but i cannot match the name to the node name because of character like : -


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Read An XML Node In Namespace Using Linq

Feb 28, 2012

How do I work out what the namespace declaration is for the Extension node?I want to return all of the child nodes under: GPO->User->ExtensionData->Extension..[code]I get the following error: Sequence contains no elements..Also, the XML sample I have provided is only a small snippet, the ExtensionData->Extension nodes can be nested in different areas, so I was hoping to find the way of specifying the full path.

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VS 2010 LINQ XML - Write To Node?

Jul 2, 2010

After being quite sick of the my.settings-file behavior, I started to create an XML-file (with unique values). Now this works great!!! All my settings, connectionstrings, etc are loaded from an external file and won't be overwritten by the app. itself. But I was wondering how do I save a value/setting? Simple example:



read the XML and node:
Dim readXML = Xelement.Load(Application.StartupPath & "XMLFile1.xml") ' check if the node isn't empty (crash) If readXML.Descendants("country2).Nodes.Count > 0 Then Textbox1.Text = readXML.Descendants("country2).Nodes(0).Tostring() Else


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Changing A Label Value Based On Selection In A Listbox?

Dec 11, 2009

Just wondering if someone can at least point out where I'm going wrong here. I've already got the code to populate the listbox by a button click from the user and am just trying to figure out how exactly to alter the text of a label based on what the user selects in the listbox. From what I have the Label will display the case else selection but nothing else despite my best efforts to get it to change. Here is what I've tried. I realize it is very trivial, but I am only a beginner to programming.


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DB/Reporting :: Combobox - Get Data Based On The Selection

Jan 31, 2009

I have VS2005, Microsoft Access 2003

ComboA is binded to the Customerstbl and displays the CustomerNames. ComboB is Binded to the CustomerContactstbl for the selected customer above and displays all Contacts for that customer is a second cbobox.

I am having a hell of a time with this, When I select a customers name in ComboA, I want ComboB to automattically query the contacts in ComboB based on ComboA's selection. where do I create the query for getting the contacts for that customer?

In the Customer or Contacts tbl?

Is this something that would be better hard coding or is VS2005 that much improved that its ok to use these binding features?

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Forms :: Get Hidden Value / Tax From Combobox Based On Selection

Feb 17, 2010

I have a combobox populated from the DB with:


State is the only value that is shown.I'm trying to get the hidden value, Tax, from the combobox based on the selection but can't figure it out.

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How To Generate Unique ID Based On Combobox Selection

Apr 9, 2009

how to generate unique ID based on combobox selection?

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Populate Combox Based Upon Selection Of Another Combobox?

May 17, 2012

I'm new to programming and I'm using 2010 and I'm stuck with this problem. So here are the details, I have 2 tables in my database, a product table and a category table. In my product table I have product no, product description and category no. In the category table i have category no and category desciption. So this is where Ive been stuck for the entire day, I want my combox(product) to populate based on what is in the combobox(category). For example I have "Chair" in my combobox(category), then what would appear in the combobox(product) would be "sofas", "dining chair" etc.'the part below is where the program will read the category description from my database

Sub fillcomboDesc()
Dim fillcatDesc As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand("Select catDesc from category;", connection)


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Populating Textboxes Based On Combobox Selection?

Jan 8, 2010

I'm trying to populate textboxes on one form based on a selection on a combobox on another form. All data will be pulling from the same SQL table. I've got the combox to work fine to show the correct data in one of the textboxes by using the lines:

Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=F03D3S-DEV01; Initial Catalog=dos_track;" _
& "Integrated Security=True"


,but not sure how to get the other textboxes to fill with the correct data (from the same SQL table row) associated with the combobox selection. I've spent SO MUCH time on this trying to figure it out, but am getting nowhere fast...

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Selecting Data In One DataGridView Based On Selection In Another?

Oct 5, 2009

NB: I'm using Visual Basic.NET?My form has 2 DataGridView controls. One of these is bound to a DataSet, the other isn't visible - at least not until the user selects a uniqueidentifier cell in the 1st grid.When the user makes this selection, the 2nd grid will become visible and display the row from another with the same id as the one selected in the 1st grid.So, basically, I want to dynamically display data in one grid based on user selection in another grid.My code looks like this so far...

Private Sub RulesGrid_CellClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles RulesGrid.CellClick
FlagsGrid.Visible = True


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Sql - Dynamic Dropdown Based On Radio Selection

Nov 2, 2009

We have a GUI that displays a radio selection box (3 options) that are the three sites where our hospitals are. We need to dropdown located on the form to fill with only the locations based on the selected radio option.

Here is the code behind we have so far (sorry, VB)


For the record the Location dropdown is currently databound but its a static SELECT statement which brings us all the locations but we'd prefer it to be cleaner if it only returned the locations based on Site. We are using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition for development.

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Making A Specific Node Expand Based On The Navigate URLs Of Its Children?

Nov 8, 2009

So I have a TreeView and it has about 7 parent nodes that have 3-5 children each. All of these children nodes when click navigate to a URL. What I would like to do is have one parent node auto-expand based on the URL and the other parent nodes to collapse.


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Adding Numbers From A Datagridviw Based On A Combo Box Selection?

Feb 22, 2012

In my below forms, the user select a name from the combo box list and enters an amount for the name selected. The user can enter as many entries. Every time the total button is clicked, I would like the total for each person to be display on the labels.

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Grabbing Rows From A Dataset Based On Combobox Selection?

Jun 3, 2010

I am creating a program that will allow me to manage server EXE's for which I have the method to do so already completed. The problem comes when I want my front end to be able to use a database of different server configs stored in a dataset.

My Database has 4 columns (ServerID | ServerName | ServerPath | ServerMod)

I wish to be able to select the ServerName in a combo box (already done via Datasource/DataMember) and then load the ServerPATH and ServerMOD for that row into two variables.

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