Lambda Not Working On Array

Jun 17, 2011

I have the following array
Dim items() = {
New CheckedListBoxItem("NYC", False),
New CheckedListBoxItem("CHI", False),
New CheckedListBoxItem("PHL", False),
New CheckedListBoxItem("SFO", False),

I am trying to query against it like this
Dim item As CheckedListBoxItem = items.ToList().Where(Function(x) x.Value = "PHL")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

I am getting the error
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: source

I also tried
Dim item As CheckedListBoxItem = items.FirstOrDefault(Function(x) x.Value.ToString() = "PHL")
I just need to query against the list to get an item and change it's checkedstate from false to true.

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Lambda Expression Not Working?

Jun 12, 2012

If been try to convert some code I have from to C# but I just cannot get it working!first is the vb code I'm only interested in the line that has the Lambda Expression for the C#[code]......

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Delegate Not Working Instead Of Lambda Expression

May 14, 2010

I am having a generic ListOf-collection holding the self-created User-object, I can filter for users by using lambda-expression like this:
Dim reviewers As List(Of User) = users.Where(Function(u) u.DvRoleID = 2).ToList

Instead of using the lambda expression I can also write the function and call it as argument like this:
Public Function GetReviewer1(ByVal u As User) As Boolean
If u.DvRoleID = 2 Then
Return True
[Code] .....

Now the question: why can't I create a delegate having the same signature as the GetReviewer1 function and use the delegate as argument inside the where-clause like this:
Delegate Function Criteria(ByVal u As User) As Boolean
Public Function GetReviewer1(ByVal u As User) As Boolean
If u.DvRoleID = 2 Then
[Code] .....
The compiler does not accept the crit delegate as argument.

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Lambda - Find Item In Array Of Objects .NET?

Dec 19, 2010

I'm making a function that searchs an array of Customers and returns a Customer object by a given ID.
I'm trying to do so with Lambda Expressions,and this is what I have so far:

Public Shared Function FindCustomer(ByVal ID As Integer) As cCustomer

Dim customer as New cCustomer = _ _
Array.Find(arrCustomers, Function(c as cCustomer) c.ID = ID)
Return customer
End Function


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Lambda Coding - Basic Code Of Lambda With Explanation

Jun 21, 2011

Im hearing about this, can someone explain it to me or please show some basic code of Lambda with explanation.

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Can A LINQ Or A LAMBDA Expression Be Used To Count The 1's In A Binary String Or Char Array

Sep 15, 2010

Can a LINQ or a LAMBDA expression be used to count the 1's in a binary string ?For example, if I convert a number to its BINARY using.>>

Dim binaryString As String = Convert.ToString( numberVariable, 2 )

1) Without using a loop such as a FOR NEXT loop, can I count the number of 1's in the STRING using LINQ or a LAMBDA expression?

2) Can I get the indexes of where the 1's are at in a collection such as a LIST using LINQ or a LAMBDA expression?I know the syntax of some LINQ expressions, however, I don't know which method may be suitable.

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Lambda Tutorial And Solving A Lambda-Function

Dec 14, 2009

Is it possible to shorten the following function to a lambda expression?Or (to do the trick by myself) what is the best and most understandable for beginners tutorial for lambda in[code]

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Add (sum) Elements In An Array Not Working?

Sep 11, 2009

I am trying to create a array and then add elements to it based on some conditions and then add the elements in the array and display it...

but i am getting a larger number that expected..

this is my code

Dim IBNRTotal as decimal
dim element as integer
dim totals(6) as decimal -- create a array3


i know the amt value correct cause in return amt.. i am seeing the right value but somehow when it goes to the array and when i add the whole thing it doesnt seems right...

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DataGridView Not Working With An Array?

Mar 9, 2009

I have the following code, what it should do it write 98 columns down and 15 columns across.but what it seems to be doing to just writing into the 1st column over and over again.

Dim TBF_IST_Min As DataTable = TBF_Dataset.Tables.Add("TBF Minutes")
' Add columns to the TBF_IST_Min table.
TBF_IST_Min.Columns.Add("0-2", GetType(Integer))
TBF_IST_Min.Columns.Add("2-3", GetType(Integer))


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Declare A Array Within Structure And It Is Not Working

Nov 15, 2011

I am trying to declare a array within a structure, and it is not working. [code] So I want each league to have a single name and id and 20 players.Is there a way other than writing out dim player1, player2 etc.

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Remove The Vbnewlines From The Array But Its Not Working?

Feb 17, 2011

Dim asd As String() = TextBox3.Text.Split(vbNewLine)
Dim asd1 As String() = TextBox1.Text.Split(vbNewLine)
Dim asd2 As String() = TextBox2.Text.Split(vbNewLine)
Dim count As Integer


i need to remove the vbnewlines from the array but its not working, the array populates by braking multiline textsbox's up from vbnewline but seems to keep the newlines.

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Split Function Not Working On Array

May 19, 2010


I have an array with about 10 items in it. In order to get the desired functionality I need to append some text to each item in the array in order to sort it properly. Once it is sorted I want to remove the text I added and then just display the second half of each item in the array. The sort works great, but the split function is not worrk.


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VS 2008 Byte Array To String And Back - Not Working?

Aug 17, 2010

I have found a lot of examples of this kind of thing on the web but cannot get one that works - basically i am serializing to a byte array and want to store it in a string i have tried all of the System.Text.** (ASCIIEncoding,UTF32Encoding,UTF7Encoding and UTF8Encoding) in the following way:


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Working With Generic List Of String Array Objects

Apr 7, 2010

I'm writing a program that reads a directory of xml files (not well-formed), parses the xml, and dumps the data into an Excel Workbook.The file contents are similar in that they have many common xml nodes/attributes.Some files have additional nodes/attributes.The xml in these files represent configuration settings for a Web Application, one file per user.The expected output is a worksheet with a column for each node/attribute combination and a row of node/attribute values for each user.I'm just about finished with the program, but I've run into a bit of a snag.As the final step in the process, I need to loop through a generic list of array objects (that represent a user row) and send the array elements to Excel.I don't know the correct syntax to get the array objects out of the list and have been unable to find sample code specific to generic lists of array objects.[code]

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C# - Lambda Expression: CS To .Net?

Aug 24, 2011

I am dumb founded at this statement....maybe its just too many hours/days of doing C# to VB.Net conversion but i am drawing a blank on this conversion.

List<string> sColors = new List<string>(this.CustomPaletteValues.Split(','));
try {
List<Color> colors = sColors.ConvertAll<Color>(s => (Color)(new ColorConverter().ConvertFromString(s)));

What i have so far:

Dim colors As List(Of Color) = sColors.ConvertAll(Of Color)(....)

As you can see its the content of the lambda that i am hitting a brick wall with.

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C# - Use Or Not Lambda Expressions?

Nov 11, 2009

I see lambda expressions have become a very useful tool at some points in the language. I've been using them a lot and most of the time they fit really nice and make the code shorter and perhaps clearer.

Now.. I've seen some , I would say excessive use of them. Some people like them so much that try to use them everywhere they can.. Some times the C# code looks like a functional language. Other factors against are the cost using reflection by lambda and that not friendly to debugging.I would like to hear opinions about how good and how code clear it is to use more or less the lambda expressions. (this is not the better example, but let's say it was the trigger)I was writing the following code. The use of the delegate { return null; } helps me avoid having to ask if the event is null or not every time I have to use it.

public delegate ContactCellInfo.Guest AddGuest();
public event AddGuest GuestRequest = delegate { return null;}

Im using resharper and the wise resharper( even it some times literaly eats the memory) made me the following suggestion

public delegate ContactCellInfo.Guest AddGuest();
public event AddGuest GuestRequest = () => null;

At my point of view the code using the delegate looks clearer. I am not against the Lamdba expression just would like to hear some advices on how and when to use them.

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C# Lambda Conversion To VB?

Dec 21, 2009

I have been looking at certain tutorials on sharparchitecture and trying to no avail (the online convertors don't seem to be able to do this):

private Action<AutoMappingExpressions> GetSetup()
return c =>


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Convert C# Lambda To .net?

Jan 2, 2011

converting this to VB.NET

public void GetCustomers(Action<IEnumerable<Customer>> onSuccess, Action<Exception> onFail)
Manager.Customers.ExecuteAsync(op =>


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Convert Lambda From C# To .NET?

Apr 20, 2010

How would I translate this C# lambda expression into VB.NET ?query.ExecuteAsync(op => op.Results.ForEach(Employees.Add));

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Ink;


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Lambda - Using PredicateBuilder With .NET?

Oct 1, 2009

I have recreated the Predicatebuilder class in a seperate C# project and I'm trying to use it in a VB.NET project but I keep getting the following error: Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Or' accepts this number of arguments.when I use it like so:

Dim predicate = PredicateBuilder.False(Of t_Quote)()
predicate = predicate.Or(Function(q) q.iQuoteType = iQuoteType)

The relivant project is referenced, I'm using the correct imports statement and it all compiles without any errors.


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Lambda Expressions In C# Vs. .net?

Jan 20, 2010

Functionally, is there any difference (apart from syntax onbviously) between lambda expressions in C# and VB.Net?EDIT: following up on CraigTP's answer: any references to the situation in .Net 4?EDIT: I'm asking because I'm used to C#, but for a next project the customer asks VB.Net. We're not a priori against that. We realize that most language constructs are supported in both languages. However, we're particularly fond of the way C# implements lambda expressions. We would like to have an overview of the differences with VB.Net

EDIT: accepted CraigTP's answer for pointing out what I currently consider the most important difference.

So to summarize: VB.Net 9 does not support multiline statements in a lambda expression, and a lambda must always return a value. Both of these issues are addressed in VB.Net 10

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.net - Convert C# Lambda Expression To VB?

Mar 23, 2012

In looking at Fuzzy Date Time Picker Control in C# .NET? Piotr Czaapla's answer to that question is exactly what I need. unfortunately, I'm a VB.NET guy and I'm not that familiar with lambda expresions, so my attempts to convert the code have resulted in hours of misplaced parenthesis and banging my head with a brick.

Any chance some bi-lingual wizard could convert the C# code to for me?


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.Net Lambda Expression With No Intellisense?

Mar 9, 2011

Using lambda's in VB.Net results in no intellisense. Is this a bug with VS2010 or expected? Note that it works fine in C#

Return Array.TrueForAll(chequeColl, Function(x) x.Number <> "N") 'No intellisense Number does not appear
Return Array.TrueForAll(chequeColl, Function(x As MyClass) x.Number <> "N") 'Now casted intellisense appears

UPDATE: Here's an example

Public Class Cheque
Public Property Id As String
Public Property Status As Byte


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C# - .NET Async Lambda-expressions?

Apr 20, 2012

Async Sub like this: Dim f As Func(Of Task) = Async Sub() End Sub Produces compiler error: error BC36670: Nested sub does not have a signature that is compatible with delegate 'System.Func(Of System.Threading.Tasks.Task)'.Equivalent C# code compiles fine:

Func<Task> f = async () => { };Rewriting Async Sub into Async Function make code works.

Why does Async Sub() is not convertible to delegate types with return value of type Task?

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Convert C# Lambda += Expression To VB?

Feb 15, 2011

How should the following C# code be converted to VB.Net? I have tried several code converters and none produce correct results.


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Convert C# Lambda Function To .net?

Oct 6, 2011

I have this function that maps a IDataReader to a class. It is obviously written in C#. My co-worker wants to use the same method in his code, but he is writing in Basically I am having difficulty rewriting this due to the Lambda expressions used in C#. He is running .Net 3.5.


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Converting A C# Lambda Expression?

Dec 15, 2011

I will probably sound like a bad developer here, but I am attempting to convert some code from the following page from C# to VB.NET:The code I am having trouble converting is from Step 4 of "Joining a Multicast Group" on the page, and here is the code with the comment lines removed:

private void Join()
_receiveBuffer = new byte[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];


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Converting Lambda Expressions To .net?

Jul 4, 2010

how to convert this code to, can anybody help?

public static readonly DependencyProperty CommandProperty =


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Extract The Lambda From An Expression?

Aug 9, 2010

I want to implement this function:

Public Function GetFunc(Of TSource, TResult) _
selector As Expression(Of Func(Of TSource, TResult)) _
As Func(Of TSource, TResult)


UPDATE:I have the following issue, it's a part of a function:

Dim obj As Object = value
For Each exp In expressions
If obj Is Nothing Then Return [default]


Exception Details:

ArgumentException:Object of type 'System.Linq.Expressions.Expression`1 [System.Func`3[System.Char,System.Char,System.Char]]'cannot be converted to type 'System.Func`3[System.Char,System.Char,System.Char]'.

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Lambda - Anonymous Delegates In .net (pre Vb9)?

Apr 7, 2009

Is it possible to create anonymous delegates in version 8 or earlier? If so, could someone provide an example of the syntax?

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