Link Routines To Combo Box Selectedindex

Jun 11, 2009

I'm trying to have it so that when the user selects an item from the combo box, it will display the right nodes for that selection in the treeview control. For example: User selects Artist from the combo box and the treeview displays the letter of the artist. The user selects a letter and it will display all artist with last names beginning with that letter. Unfortunately when I select a selectedindex, the treeview doesn't display anyting, it's blank. What am I doing wrong? Here's the code I'm using for artists:


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Combo Box - Disable SelectedIndex Changed Event During Form Load

Apr 26, 2010

I have a combo box on a form. I have a SelectedIndexChanged event, that displays a message box when the combo box has another item from it selected. This works fine. However when the form is loaded, I initially want to set the current drop down box item from the database, then AFTER I have set the current value, I want this event to work. Problem is from the get go when the form loads it asks me the question as its being changed from 'no data' to then be populated with a bunch of data and an item selected.


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Setting SelectedIndex On A Combo After Adding A Row To Datatable Not Working Correct?

Dec 17, 2009

adding to the binding source then setting the combobox to selectedIndex of newly added row is not working.the new row is in there but it does not set the selectedIndex to the specified index. but if I run the code a second time it selects it.what can i do to make sure the combo uses the specified index?

Dim drv As DataRowView = CType(Dispatch.M8CustomersBindingSource.AddNew(), DataRowView)
drv("custID") = "999999"
drv("CustomerName") = "Select Customer"


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Use A Combo Box To Link Pages Together?

Jan 18, 2012

I'm in the middle of coding a very very basic application for my coursework and I need to use a drop down box. VB isn't my favorite subject, but I do the best with what I know (which isn't a lot, hence why I need help :P). I'm currently trying to use a combo box to link pages together. I'm using if statements like this;


The program runs fine, but when I try to press the button to go to the page I've selected, I get the yellow box around my code and it says 'Conversion from string "Bronze" to type 'Boolean' is not valid.'

I really don't have a clue what that means. To me, what I've written as code should work. I have an 'enter' button to which this code is attached to, so when the combo box says 'bronze' and you press the button, it should close this page and take me to the bronze page. But it won't work and it's stressing me out now.

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Can Sub Routines Be Placed Into Classes For Later Use

Feb 6, 2011

I have a slew of sub routines that I need to use in my software because each website that I will be accessing don't all use the same methods.....go that...go that...etc etc

So I've divided them into sub routines and call them when I need them but the coding is getting so long that it's becoming confusing to keep up with each sub.

Is it possible to place the sub routines into an independent file like a class and then call them from the file when I need them so I can free up some space to code?

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Routines With The Same Name But Different Arguments

Oct 15, 2010

I am listing the following three subrointines....

Private Sub OutPut(ByVal Offset As Long, ByRef path As String) 'Orig
If Not cbFiles.Checked Then
item1 = New ListViewItem(Offset)


They have the same name but a) different types of aguments or different numbers of arguments. This is legal in VB.

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Detrmine The Time Taken For Various Routines?

May 3, 2010

VB 2010 express Win XP pro I'm tryimg to detrmine the time taken for various routines, and not having much luck.From what I can gather, it seems that short times and very long times are a problem, as is my understanding of what I have read. cpu speed shown is correct.I checked a few routines, very short routines return 0, to be expected, ?resolution.Longish times (about 33 seconds with a stopwatch), report to be 177 seconds.


View 9 Replies - Moving Common Routines To The App_Code Class?

Jan 22, 2010

I have some common code that I would like to share between pages and I have been messing around with App_Code classes which is great but I would also like to use code that affects drop down lists example:

Sub Set_FirmType(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal E As EventArgs)
subcategories.Visible = "false"
supplycategories.Visible = "false"


Is their a way to put this in my App_Code class?

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C# - Way To Implement Caliburn-like Co-routines In Since There's No Yield Keyword?

Mar 26, 2010

Note that I'm aware of other yield in questions here on SO. I'm playing around with Caliburn lately. Bunch of great stuff there, including co-routines implementation.

Most of the work I'm doing is C# based, but now I'm also creating an architecture guideline for a VB.NET only shop, based on Rob's small MVVM framework.Everything looks very well except using co-routines from VB. Since VB 10 is used, we can try something like Bill McCarthy's suggestion:


It definitely isn't as elegant as C# version, but it looks to be doable. We'll see if there are any problems with this. If anyone has better idea, I'm all ears.

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Call Fortran Routines (LAPACK) From Program?

Jan 27, 2009

I have LaPack numerical package , I want to compile with Visual Fortran (INTEL) using vs2008.I want to use the routines from a VB.NET program.How can I call the routines from VB ?

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Threading - Baton Object That Routines Can Pass Around?

Feb 20, 2011

This will no doubt sound like a pretty dumb question to some, but, despite having written many useful single-thread apps over the years, I don't understand enough about threading yet.

Consider this scenario:

There are four modules, each on its own thread, that can happily run concurrently most of the time. However, each module occasionally causes a few seconds' intensive disk activity (by design) and it would be more efficient (faster, less fragmentation) if only one module at a time wrote to the same physical drive.

It would be useful to have something like a baton that modules within a given scope can pass around, perhaps dependent on their respective priority levels.

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Using PInvoke To Access Some Routines From A Third Party Library?

Sep 9, 2009

I'm using PInvoke to access some routines from a third party library, however i'm getting SEHExceptions when trying to use callbacks defined for one particular method. The callbacks are used to provide feedback from other unmanaged methods within the third party library, passing a string back to the calling application containing a status message.


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Write XML Document To Group Information From Two Different Sub Routines

Jan 19, 2012

I am trying to retrieve all processes running on a machine with the usual information; process id, name and the memory usage. I am trying to export it all under one xml file, however to get all the information I had to use 2 separate methods. To get the process id, name and session id (process owner) I used the following code along with a dictionary and a class, using a .net library called Cassia.

Using server As ITerminalServer = manager.GetRemoteServer("Spartacus")
For Each process As ITerminalServicesProcess In server.GetProcesses()
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(process.ProcessId) Then
dictprocess.Add(process.ProcessId, New Processes(process.ProcessId, process.ProcessName, process.SessionId))
[Code] .....

As you can see the unique id (process id) is the same in each xml. Is there any way I can write the xml so that the information from both methods can be under one tag?

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Forms :: .net Windows App To Perform Routines At Regular Intervals?

Jul 11, 2010

i have a need for my app to perform methods at regular intervals. it needs to check sql tables and react to data found, send email and sms messages. i've tried using a loop but this only allows me to perform 1 check ie checking sql tables. the app needs to execute a method every x minutes. i tried using system threading but i got errors.

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How To Hook Up Keypress Events For Cut / Copy And Paste Routines

Nov 5, 2009

I have a Windows Forms app, with a TabControl. On the first tab (which is a bunch of textboxes), the CTRL-x/c/v keyboard shortcuts for cut/copy/paste work as expected. On the second tab (which is a DataGridView), the keyboard shortcuts don't do anything. How do I hook up these keypress events to my cut/copy/paste routines? I already have great cut/copy/paste routines for my DataGridView--and they work fine when launched from the tooltip buttons or menus. I just need to hook up those subs to the CTRL-x/c/v keypress events.

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VS 2008 - Annotating Functions / Sub Routines / Methods And Properties

Mar 25, 2010

Is there a way to annotate functions, subs, properties, and methods so that tool tips will pop-up in the IDE as they're being defined or selected?

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VS 2010 : Multithreading And Accessing Other Routines/form Properties?

Mar 1, 2011

I'm writing a really simple file updater which downloads files off from a website and saves them. The download routine is working well, except that it freezes the project while attempting to connect to the host. Easily solved with threading except now when I try to access other form items such as text boxes, labels, form caption, it says I am not doing it in a safe manner and prompts an interrupt in debug. I did some reading on it and I'm still not sure what to do, I'm very new to vbnet and it is still a little confusing to me.

Error: Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'Form1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO


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Strings.format Command Fails In DataGridview Handler Routines?

Mar 7, 2011

The VB format(object,formatString) command fails when placed in the handler routines of a DataGridView.In the following procedure the newCellValue returns the Format string value instead of a formatted cell value.This pproblem occurs in both the dgv_CellFormatting and the dgv_CellClick routines.The same commands work properly when placed in a procedure on the form.

Private Sub dgv_CellFormatting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs) Handles dgv.CellFormatting
If e.FormattingApplied = False And Not e.CellStyle.Format = Nothing Then[code]...........

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VS 2010 Make The Download Manager Know It Is Link To Downloadable File As Opposed To Something Like Link To Another Webpage?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm using visual basic 2010 express..I'm building my own web browser and want to add a download manager.I have been able to build one that will download a file if I type the file location into a text box.What I'm trying to figure out is how to have the download manager open when I click on a download link on a web page.How to make the download manager know it is a link to a downloadable file as opposed to something like a link to another webpage?

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Call An ASP Link From VB Code-behind Instead Of User Clicking Link?

Feb 8, 2012

I have a link here that works perfect for calling the postback close that I need to happen:

<a href="javascript:parent.__doPostBack('Close','')"><asp:Label ID="Label5" runat="server" Text="Close Me"></asp:Label></a>

However, I would like to be able to call the *javascript:parent.__doPostBack('Close','')* method from the code-behind file rather than the user clicking the link. I.e., when I have completed my tasks in the application code, call parent.doPostBack as my last function call, which closes the window in question.

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Clicking A Link In 1 WebBrowser Causes WebBrowser2 To Navigate To The Link?

Jun 12, 2009

When a button is clicked i am creating HTML that will be displayed in the WebBrowser1 control. With this HTML are several links to other pages. Is it possible that when one of these links is clicked, that WebBrowser2 navigates to the page instead of WebBrowser1?

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HTML In Windows Application - Add A URL Link And An Email Link

Jan 30, 2009

I have a project that I would like to add a URL link and an email link to in the Help/About dialog. How can I do this? Is it possible to add HTML code to a VB project? This is not a Web application.

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VS 2008 Find Clicked Url Link/ Open Link In New Tab?

Sep 4, 2009

Im trying to create a webbrowser in VB 08;

I was wondering how i would create new tab with the Link the clicked.

*EG* They Right-Click Link > Open In New Window/Tab > Makes New Tab In My Program > Navigates To The Linked Clicked.

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Combobox SelectedIndex?

Aug 13, 2010

I have the following code;

txtprojnameupdt.Text = txtProjname.Text
cmbactiveproj.SelectedIndex = cmbactiveproj.FindStringExact(Replace(txtprojnameupdt.Text, "'", "''"))


View 12 Replies - Dropdownlist.SelectedIndex = Value Fail?

Nov 13, 2009

I have a dropdown list that I am binding to a datatable. Here is the code I am using to do it:[code].....

Unfortunately, the line ddlBuildAddr.SelectedIndex = addressId is failing. Looking at this line through the debugger, the SelectedIndex goes to -1, while addressId goes to 2. What gives? Why would the assignment operator flatout not work?

View 6 Replies - Get SelectedValue At SelectedIndex In DropDownList?

Dec 9, 2010

Is this possible? I programatically change the selected index when a certain event is fired using this code:

DropDownList.SelectedIndex = DropDownList.SelectedIndex + 1

Now I want to update a corresponding textbox with the text that is in the new SelectedIndex of the DropDownList via postback.What's the easiest way to do this?I know how I can do this in javascript.... I was just wondering if i could do this in the VB code behind.

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Cannot Get Selectedindex With Listbox In VB 2008

Apr 16, 2010

I click on items in my listbox and then hit a submit button, but when istep through my button_clicked code it doesn't detect any selectedindex. All controls are in the same form and there are no panels. Why can't I detect what items were clicked on in the listbox?

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ComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1 Not Working?

Nov 23, 2010

My understanding is that if you set a ComboBoxes .SelectedIndex to -1, it should unselect any items in the ComboBox and show nothing in the ComboBox text. This is not happening. How can I get that to happen?I have 10 items in the Combobox. Let's say the index is set to number 5 and the text says "MasterCard". Now through code I want to set it to -1 and the text should show nothing. How can I do this?

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DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Setting SelectedIndex?

Jan 21, 2011

I have a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn that I allow the user to add new items to by typing in the ComboBox and hitting the 'Enter' key. That triggers CellValidating and I do the adding there by the following:


All this works well, except that it leaves the DataGridViewComboBoxColumn blank. How can I set the DataGridViewComboBoxColumn to display the e.FormattedValue?

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Get SelectedItem Or SelectedIndex Of ListView

Jan 1, 2012

As you know by question that what i want. i was using listbox. In Listbox we can get selected item by a simple line of code:listbox1. selectedItem. now i am using ListView, how i get the SelectedItem or Selectedindex of ListView.

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