List Of Local Variables?

Feb 7, 2010

I am a Visual Basic 2008 user (under Visual Studio 2008) and I have numerous local variables in my project. How can I list them to a file or to a printer?

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List Of Local Variables

Feb 6, 2010

I am using a lot of variables in my code and like to have them listed or printed. How can I do that?

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Disposal Of Local Variables

Feb 3, 2010

When you declare a local variable (inside a method), is it automatically disposed when the method ends? Or should I still use variable.Dispose() ?

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Reflection On Local Variables?

Feb 13, 2009

Is it possible to get the name of a local variable from a reference to the variable? For example, I can get the names and values of a calling function's parameters like this:

Dim frame As New StackFrame(1)
Dim pInfos() As ParameterInfo = frame.GetMethod().GetParameters()

Is there some way to get the same information for a calling function's local variables? This is kind of what I have in mind:

Sub SomeSub()
Dim count As Integer = 10
Dim average As Single = 45.67


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Local Variables Are Automatically Shared

Mar 13, 2012

I was reviewing the MSDN documentation on VB.Net's little-used Static keyword for local variables. My question is not about how Static works (I personally plan to avoid using it as it seems like it could cause grief to future programmers who don't notice the side-effects.) My question is about this statement in the docs:[code]So can anyone interpret the above statement for me in a way that makes sense? Or is this a bug in the documentation? It's been there since the VS 2005 version of the docs and is still present in the Visual Studio 11 version.

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Private Fields Or Local Variables?

Apr 18, 2012

I am wondering if you have a class and in the class you have a function which executes a sqlcommand. Which would u use ? the local variable declaration or the private member command variable.Assuming that the class has a private field called m_Cmd as OracleCommand..i am using oracle db so i use oraclecommand , if sql server then it should be sqlCommand.[code]

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Serialize All The Available Local Variables And Save Them?

May 13, 2010

when an exception occures, I want to save the data available on the stack and log it. how can I serialize all the available local variables and save them?

View 1 Replies - Server.Transfer Losing Local Variables?

Oct 26, 2011

For my application, I have a page that redirects to another page (within the same application) via Server.Transfer. I need to do this because the original page has an object that I need to access by using the Page.PreviousPage property.

Once my "destination" page has been fully loaded, a local deep clone that I made of the source page's object is suddenly released from memory once I perform a postback? Is this by design--something to do with the Server.Transfer?

Public Structure myCustomObject
Implements ICloneable
Dim someField as String = "default value" ' Default value


At this point, EVERYTHING works as it should. Stuff got cloned over correctly and all is well.(Let's say this is on a button click event) Debug.Write(newObj.someField) ' Output: "default value"<- This is NOT "changed value from source page" for some reason when it was working literally a few lines ago! My guess is that the Server.Transfer stops any association with the source page after the new page loads.

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Creating Temp Local Variables - Bad Practice?

Jan 12, 2012

When I want to maintain code readability and keep things neat. I would create temp variables . Below is one of my functions that uses it. Is it a bad practice? I would create temp variables cost more memory ?

Private sub test(byref transac as transaction , byref txntime as string )
Dim cmd as OracleCommand = nothing
Dim Adapter As OracleDataAdapter = nothing
Dim SQLStr As New StringBuilder
[Code] .....

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Server.Transfer Losing Local Variables?

May 24, 2010

I have a page that redirects to another page (within the same application) via Server.Transfer. I need to do this because the original page has an object that I need to access by using the Page.PreviousPage property

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Create Local Copy Of A List To Be Able To Change Elements Only In New List?

Oct 26, 2011

This is probably a really basic question - but I have a list of items (custom objects) being passed from one winform (.net 3.5) to another. I want to create a local list to store changes that only get persisted if the user clicks save. Currently if the user clicks cancel - the changes are still applied in the first form because I assume the objects are reference type.I have the save working as it calls a service layer to do the save and then refreshes the other form - but not the cancel.

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Private Shared Variables Vs Local / Namespace Performance

Jun 8, 2009

I came across a number of new Private Shared variables (of type Hashtables(Of String), initialized in the declaration) added to a partial class for a very large (DataContext-derived) class. This seems sensible to me in one sense because they never change, and making these shared variables ensures that they won't get re-initialized every time a function is called. However, these variables are only used within the scope of one function in the class, and I fear the private namespace of this DataContext-derived class is getting rather polluted, and having these sorts of things exposed at such a high level might be confusing to others reading the code in the future.

Would there be negative performance impact to making these local variables within the function where they are used, or is there some better way to handle this? Basically we are using these 3 hashtables to determine whether anything within particular subsets of properties changed (using GetModifiedMembers and then using the Overlaps function of the hashset to see if any of the modified members correspond to members we care about).

Edit: I caved and took the time to write my own test program, which confirmed that there is a cost to using local variables (which I assume applies generally to all cases -- I doubt there's any case where a shared variable would be slower unless using the shared variable requires some additional logic to do so properly): [Code]

So in this particular case, using the local variable costs about 200%. But in most cases (including my own), the time is probably negligible compared to the overall task. So I guess the question now becomes, how do people generally feel about improving code maintainability at the cost of negligible but known performance impacts?

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Reading SQL Select Values Back Into Local Variables?

Apr 20, 2010

I as part of the support VB code for a larger ASP project, I need to read back the existing data from an Access database, to see if user has changed a value.

I'm reading the existing data back into a DataView using the following function:

Public Shared Function GetPolicyStatus(ByVal intPolicyID As Integer) As DataView
Dim strConString As String
Dim conMyData As OleDbConnection


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Use Of Static Local Variables In Lazy Loading Property

Sep 19, 2011

I just recently learned about the uses of static local variables in VB.NET and wondered about it's potential use in lazy loading properties.

Consider the following example code.

Public Class Foo
Implements IFoo
End Class


As far as i can see, this has a few advantages over the usual implementation, primary your inability to access the variable outside of the property, as well as not having to use an additional variable.

My question to you is: Which of those is the "right" way to do it? I know that static variables have additional overhead, but is it bad enough to create, in my personal opinion, unclearer code that can be misused easier? How much performance do you lose compared to the "traditional" method? How does it matter for small classes compared to huge factories?

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How To Get Data From Crystal Report Viewer Fields To Local Variables

Jan 23, 2010

I need to get data from reports fields to open others windows forms or other reports, How I can get the values of reports fields to pass to local C# o variables? After many time ... With this upgrade making click on any Textobject on the Report the ClickPage event fire and in that sub is possible to get the Textobject data. You have to upgrade to Crystal Report 2008 SP 3.6, Link below [URL]

Private Sub crViewer_ClickPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.PageMouseEventArgs) Handles crViewer.ClickPage
If Not IsNothing(e.ObjectInfo.Text) Then
Me.CallBackForm(e.ObjectInfo.Name.ToUpper.Trim, e.ObjectInfo.Text)
End If
End Sub

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Local Variables In Shared Method Work Like Static Variable In C?

Aug 23, 2011

Will the list in this shared method keep its state throughout the life of the method? Or will a new list be created every time this method is called?


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Programatically Get Hold Of The Autos/local Variables That Is Shown When Debugging?

Mar 9, 2010

Im trying to build an error-logger that loggs running values that is active in the function that caused the error. (just for fun so its not a critical problem)When going in break-mode and looking at the locals-tab and autos-tab you can see all active variables (name, type and value), it would be useful to get hold of that for logging purposes when an error occur and on some other occasions.For my example, I just want to find all local variables that are of type string and integer and store the name and value of them.

View 1 Replies - Local Static Variables In Timer.Tick Event (Stopping A Timer)

Jul 9, 2009

I have a timer on a page in ASP.NET.

After a certain period of time elapses, I want to disable the timer.

I want to put a static variable in the timers tick event that will track how many seconds have elapsed.

My question is, will this work?

If user X and Y are viewing the page will they both have separate local static variables?

What is the best method of shutting down an ASP.NET timer after a certain elapsed time?

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Get A List Of Local SQL Server 2005?

May 5, 2010

How can i retrieve a list of local sql server 2005 instances on a machine with sql servers 2000, 2005 & 2008 installed?

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List Local NT Groups Windows XP And 7?

Oct 19, 2009

I'm looking for the code to list all users in the Administrators group on a local machine. I had something like that for VB script and I converted it to work under .NET but it's slow and not the thing I want.

Dim o_adsi_group As Object
o_adsi_group = GetObject("WinNT://" & System.Net.Dns.GetHostName & "/Administrators,group")


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List Of Directories On Local Machine?

Oct 14, 2011

IIS7 running on Windows Server 2008 R2. Development environment is VWDE 2010.

I'm setting up a simple "machine status" page to monitor a server. I want to display the Drives on the machine, including mapped network drives and show their free space, etc.

I'm using System.IO.DriveInfo.GetDrives() to return a collection of DriveInfo objects. I then itterate that collection to display the relevant information.

The issue I'm having is that only local drives appear. (A:, C: and D:) No mapped drives "Network Locations" appear in the collection.

I'm thinking it has to do with the user account that's executing the code (if that makes any sense). So if the code is executing under the user "ASPNET" (or whatever it is) the drives would have to be mapped under that user. As it happens, I have the server set up like a workstation and it logs in automatically under the user with the mapped drives.

What I've done:

- I have set the Web Site's Anonymous Authentication user to that same user

- I have set the Identity of the Application Pool to which my web site is assigned to be that same user.

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SubQuery To A Local List Using ObjectQuery?

Apr 12, 2011

I need to find all records where the status is in the local list of Integer's.
In SQL I would do

Where Status in (select i from my list)

But I can't figure how to make it happen in Linq.

ListData = New IssueTrackerEntities2()
Dim queryString As String = "SELECT VALUE CallList FROM IssueTrackerEntities2.CallList AS CallList"
Dim Status As New List(Of Integer)


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IDE :: List All The Local Variable Used Inside The Current Function Or Sub?

Aug 12, 2010

I have a button inside a one of my forms which contain a lot of coding and normally a lot of variables declaration.

Is there is a option/add-on that I can use/set that enable me to display all the variable used inside the sub or function I am currently working in?

All I can find is add-on to display the Properties/Methods and only Public variables inside the form or inside the class. but I need to list the local variables also.

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List All Processes Running On Local Machine In A Listbox?

Jan 5, 2010

I want to display in a listbox all the running processes on the local machine. Can anyone offer me some code to do this.

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Adding Variables Of Array To List Box?

Sep 2, 2010

Ok so I have an array and wish to add the variables of the array to separate lines of the list box. I came across this which in some ways worked but also didn't. The second thing mentioned on the page was to us:

ListBox1.DataSource = Form2.Title This works the first time you run it but if you try to run it again nothing happens. So using the above or something else how can I get it to update the list box? Another thing I tried was to use the DataSource method but instead to clear the list box first, but that turned up an error

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Adding Variables To List Boxes?

Mar 21, 2012

If I'm trying to output to a listbox, what is the easiest way I can enter a string and then a variable on the same line? I'm trying to use listbox1.Items.Add(...). Obviously outputting a string is no problem and outputting a variable is no problem, but I want to add a string and then a variable after the string. For instance:

name = "Joe Smith"
listbox1.Items.Add("Name: ", name) [or something like this]
[Output] Name: Joe Smith

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Passing String Variables In Array List

Jun 12, 2009

I'm having difficulty passing a variables in a an array list. [Code] I have to pass the paramvals array to the function. The paramvals array contains the string but not the value of variable of that name. For example, parmaval(0) should contain the value of vSequence but it showing me that it contains string "vsequence".

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Writing Variables And List To Text File?

Nov 21, 2011

I've got a few variables and a list of decimals i'm trying to store to a text files. If I run it, and file exists, it errors correctly returns to the form. If it's new, it creates it, but writes nothing to it.

Private Sub SaveExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveExit.Click
If File.Exists(Filename) Then
MsgBox("File Name Currently In Use") ' Check if file name in use


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Sorting List (Of Structure) - Sort Multiple Variables

Feb 17, 2011

I'm using a Listview in VirtualMode, so I can 'add' a lot of files almost instantly. A Listview in VirtualMode does not allow sorting, so I need to sort the data myself. The data is stored as a List of Structure (it's faster to load than a List of ListViewItem). The code below works fine, but I need to sort based on multiple variables in the Structure. Code:

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VS 2008 : Accessing Variables Within A Sub - Updating Process List?

Sep 1, 2009

I have a Public Sub I am using to enumerate running processes and then display them in a ListView.I want to be able to update the list automatically each second. I've thought of doing this in two different ways, but the method that I want to use is checking if the process has exited or not.

When reading up on the Process Properties, I ran into .HasExited and .Refresh.I thought that I could use a timer and have it tick at 1 second intervals. I would then check, each second, if the Process has exited. If it has, remove it from the list.The problem with this, is that I don't want to put the sub in the timer because it would just constantly flicker the control. I need to figure out a way to access the variables inside of the Sub while inside of the Timer's .Tick event.The other issue is being able to add processes that aren't there. Which I can within another sub. I was thinking I could create a sub that grabbed the Processes by ID, compare them to the list, and them add them if they aren't there. If I did this, I could also remove Processes by ID that aren't in the list.

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