Listview1 To Listview2 After Some Operations?

Jan 6, 2012

Ime1 = ListView1.SelectedItems(0).Text
If MkCal1 < 0 Then


The problem is when I click the next time to button, listview2 add only first rows from listview1

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Moving MP3 File From Listview1 To Listview2

Jan 25, 2009

Basically what I want is when a person clicks on an Item that ends in "Mp3" in Listview1 to then Create that same File on Listview2 So far It will create the File, not show its name. and it gives the directory, but not all the way.

Heres the Code for Moving the file to listview2.
If ListView1.FocusedItem.Name.EndsWith(".mp3") Then
ListView2.Items.Add(ListView1.FocusedItem.Name.ToString, 4)
'Add SubItem Information.
Dim li As New ListViewItem
li.ImageIndex = 4
[Code] .....

I wont get anything to pop out on Listview2, even if I click anything on listview1. I have to group (left click and hold, and go over multiple items.) And if I am lucky I will get some stuff on Listview2. I got 1 item to move to listview2 but it has no name (it does not appear). Now if we move the scroll bar to the right, we will see another error, (next picture). The Directory Does not end with the Music's Name.mp3. And It does not even end in the same directory as the textbox on the bottom right corner?

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Comparing The Listview1 Items With Listview2 Items?

Aug 23, 2011

I have program that scan the file in a folder, and when user click button its will Folder Browser dialog 1 will appear, and when user hit ok, Folder Browser dialog 2 will appear after that the program will show the file in selected path of folder browser dialog 1 in listview 1 and ile in selected path of folder browser dialog 2 in listview 2, I already handle this but I want program to compare items in listview1 with listview2 and show missing item in listbox1. for example: I have the listview1 contains 2 items that is "Snow" And "Storm" and listview2 contain 1 item that is Snow, I want when user hit button, the listbox1 will add the item that listview2 not have in listview1, so listbox add the Storm...

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VS 2010 Can't Populate Listview2 A Second Time

Aug 5, 2011

Trying to build a file compare utility to compare two files and visually show the differences in the rows. I have a form with two panels and a listview in each one and a vertical scrollbar in between that will control both listviews.First listview1 inside panel1 will load during form load depending on what is selected on my mainform grid. 2nd Listview2 inside panel2 will load from btn1, this only works once.The compare is done with btn2 and it works okay also.The problem I have is after I have both files loaded up in the form, and I do the compare, everythign works fine but I can't figure out why I can't seem to re-use btn1 to open up another file.It seems to go through during debugging but the listview2 will be blank. Only does this after it was first used.[code]

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2 Listviews & 4 Textboxes Giving Error When Double Clicking On Textbox2 Replacing Data Back-listview2

Jan 16, 2012

I have an ArgumentException was unhandled message: Cannot add or insert the item '1' in more than one place. You must first remove it from its current location or close it. Parameter name item. Note: Have 2 listboxes 4 textboxes double click listbox2 and it fills in the four texboxes (now it needs to put it back into listbox2 in the same place it came from but crashes. I marked the area and underlined where the error message was coming up. So double click a selection in listview2 (fills 4 textboxes) then double click textbox2 (should return text data back to listview2 in same spot) but crashes. See code below.


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Listview1 Colums And Items

Aug 17, 2009

ive had to start a new thread since intentions has changed since the original one, and things got confussing..I have a listview called listview1 listview1 has 4 colums already added, wich i added via properties[code]But what i need to do is to go through every item in listbox2, find the username and add it to the username colum (1)

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Accessing Listview1 In Form1 From Form2?

May 22, 2009

I need to have access to the Listview1 in form1 from form2, something like this:


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How To Listview1.items.addrange(arraylist1)

May 2, 2011

i was trying to paint a row of a listbox item but ppl said that listview item is much better than a listbox and has the ability to paint items, what i couldnt get it to work however is to add an arraylist to the listview what ive tried was the following:

datasplit.AddRange(progressload.Split(New Char() {"'"c}))
Dim items As New List(Of ListViewItem)


Is there any easy way to add an arraylist to listview?i forget, is there a possibility to make listview order items like a listbox? i dont want from left to right then down then left to right then down... etc I want them to be top down and keep like that no matter the dimensions of the listview.

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Move Item From Listview1 To Other Listview?

Nov 28, 2010

Public Sub CheckUnPw()
For Each prox As ListViewItem In ListView2.Items
For Each port As ListViewItem In ListView3.Items
For Each un As ListViewItem In ListView4.Items


This is my thread, everything works fine. But i have a big list of proxy severs. ListView2 contains the proxy servers and ListView3 contains the ports. When a server response with nothing the proxy + port is removed from the list. But i want that if a proxy is valid that it's moved to LisView6 & 7.Now i've marked the placed where the problem occurs.

The error: Cannot add or insert the item '' in more than one place. You must first remove it from its current location or clone it.Parameter name: item Removing from ListView2 & 3 goes fine but adding the same to ListView 6 & 7 goes wrong.

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Put Selected Items From DataGridView1 To ListView1?

Jan 10, 2012

How put selected items from DataGridView1 to ListView1

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Copy Listview1 Checked Items Into A Textbox?

Nov 6, 2011

I can copy checked items from Me.Checkedlistbox into a text box with the following

Dim selectedItems(lstMonths.CheckedItems.Count - 1) As String
lstMonths.CheckedItems.CopyTo(selectedItems, 0)
lblSelections.Text = String.Join(";", selectedItems).ToString

But i tried to do the follwoing code in Listview but it copies only one selection at a time

For Each item As ListViewItem In ListView1.CheckedItems
lblSelections.Text = item.Text.ToString & ";"

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Get An Image To Imagelist1 When Listview1 Item Is Selected?

Jan 18, 2012

Error: The path is not of a legal form. (Message box shows empty path/message).[code]...

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VS 2008 - Select Random String In Listview1

Mar 20, 2009

I've tried to do this


but it wont select. Btw, yes the list is full of strings lol.

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VS 2008 Asign All Listview1's Values To An Array?

Sep 8, 2009

Let's say I have array dim a() as string and a list that contains vb forums now I wanna asign those values to a(), e.g. a(0) gives vb and a(1) gives forums.

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Press Delete Key, "ListView1.keypress"?

Jul 13, 2011

When I press delete key, "ListView1.keypress" event not happen; bot for other keys like "Enter" or "A" it happen

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.net - Add ProgressBar While Making Operations?

Feb 10, 2012

my update script in VB.NET, i'm making some stuff, and I want, while all funcs are executed, a progressbar to be displayed? How to do that? Here is my execution sub:


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Add Operations From A Listbox Into A Timetable

Dec 19, 2011

I'm new in but I'm trying to make application (planning-game). The game is about showing students the planning 'complexity' of a operation room in a hospital. I created a listbox which randomly shows 5 operations. But now I would like a function which makes it possible to add a selected operation to a timetable. The timetable has blocks of 30 mins (example 08:00 - 08:30, 08:30 - 09:00 etc..). This because 1 type operation takes 1 hours and 1 takes 1:30 hours. Now I have given the operations a value by using a label. [code]

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Improving The Assigning Operations Of .NET?

Dec 10, 2009

I have an idea about improving the assigning operations of VB.NET (maybe other .NET languages too.) It is similar with "With ... End With" block:


So we don't type "Some Text" every time. Do you think does this idea work? Maybe in the future we can see something like that?

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Make The Operations Run On Another Thread?

Sep 13, 2009

I have an application in which I am running a separate thread.

Dim thread As New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf Main)

However, the thread makes reference to an textbox named Output, and it generates this error upon execution:

System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled
Message="Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'Output' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on."

(message shortened for space)

How can I make the operations run on another thread, but still use the Output object? I cannot call a subroutine to do that for me, as it generates the exact same error.

The method called is AppendText, by the way.

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Operations On The Second Child Node?

May 23, 2010

I have 2 child nodes under a particular node. I want to do operations on the second child node. The code goes like:

Dim pChain As XmlNodeList = pChainDoc.ChildNodes
Dim processName As String = ""
For Each pNode As XmlNode In pChain
processName = pNode.SelectSingleNode("//Name").InnerText


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Used Them In VB6 For Database Operations MsAccess?

Dec 22, 2011

The following commands I used them in VB6 for database operations MsAccess which are, kindly DataBaseDataSet corresponding commands in VB10?

- Data1.Recordset.FindFirst query
- Data1.Recordset.NoMatch
- Data1.Recordset.MoveLast
- Data1.Recordset.AddNew
- Data1.Recordset.Edit
- Data1.Recordset.Delete
- Data1.Recordset.Fields("nome campo") = dato
- Data1.Recordset.Update

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Using System.IO Namespace For FTP Operations?

Aug 19, 2010

I have a few syncing routines that I'd like to use for FTP uploads. However they all use the functions in the IO namespace, and I was wondering whether I could use it to access distant files stored on an FTP server.

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VS 2005 : Creating A Dll For XML Operations?

Aug 19, 2010

I want to create a dll in VB.NET. The functionality of the dll is that it should include all the xml operations. Any application that uses this dll will just pass the node that has to be selected. The dll will accept the node name and search for the node in the xml file and return the details of the node. For example:if the xml file is like

<Node21 Attribute1 = "Value1" Attribute2 = "Value2" />
<Node22 Attribute1 = "Value11" Attribute2 = "Value22" />


If the application which uses the dll calls a function named readNode(Node3) which is defined in the dll, then the dll should be able to retrieve all the details of Node3 including subnodes and theire attribute values and return it to the calling application. All the XML operations are to be done in the dll. The calling application will just call the method in the dll by passing the node name and it should be able to get all the node or attribute values.

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VS 2008 Bit Conversion Operations

Apr 1, 2011

In my API class I encountered a lot of times I had to Get/Set low/high order <something> of <something>. For example, get the low order integer from a long. I made a few functions for this: [code] Before I start using these functions permanently, I come to ask if it contains any bugs, especially because of the Unsigned/Signed issue.

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Add Calculator Operations To A List View?

Jul 22, 2011

I have a basic calculator that Multiplies A and B to give a result of C.I want to be able to once multiplication occurs then to add the data to 3 column listview where in Colum 0 the value of A will be entered, Column 1 the Value of B and Column 2 C.For every operation done then to follow on the next row and so on until Memory Result button is pressed, which would mean the end of transfering the data.

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C# - Bitwise Operations In Visual Basic .NET?

Jul 19, 2010

I'm re-writing some old application in VB.NET to C# and ASP.NET 3.5. Everything is going OK but I have this problem - and, as the database will not be changed, I must find a solution to it.The old app saves the list o desired days (from Sunday to Saturday) in a byte. This is the way it do it:

If chkDaily.Checked Then
daysBitmask = 127 ' This is for a full week


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C# - MessageBox-confirmation For Critical Operations?

Jul 22, 2010

In my projects (WPF) I use System.Windows.MessageBox to show the user a confirmation dialog for operations that are critical, such as a delete-operation.

My problem is that if I specify as button value MessageBoxButton.YesNo, the user cannot use the escape-key to cancel the operation. IMO this is one of the most annoying things, a program can do, showing a dialog without the possibility to cancel/close the dialog through the escape-key.

Other possibilities are MessageBoxButton.YesNoCancel, but IMO this is confusing because it shows three buttons for only two operations . Or one can use MessageBox.OKCancel, but this is IMO not clear enough. In my dialogs I want to ask the user if her really wants to execute the operation. And for this, a simple ok is not appropriate. A yes (I want) is much better than an ok (go on).

How do you handle this? Is it a non-topic or do you think as I do and have an own MessageBox-implementation or do you know a possibility to extend the System.Windows.MessageBox-class?

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Compiling Adds Cast Operations?

Jun 10, 2011

On compiling a visual basic assembly, int32 variables are cast as int64 for calls to adodb methods that require int32. This results in a method not found exceptions at run time. The unnecessary cast operation can be seen when using reflector to inspect the site of the method call and is not present in the source code.To further muddy the waters when the code is compiled on my 64bit windows 7 machine all is well, but on a 64bit windows 2008 r2 the unnecessary cast is added.

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Cross Threading Operations In VB 2008?

Oct 27, 2010

I'm using Visual Basic 2010I've created a ListBox and a BackgroundWorker using designerI want to change the location of listbox using backgroundworker but I get the error as follows:"InvalidOperationException was Handled by user code:"Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'ListBox1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on

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Currency Symbol And Arithmetic Operations

Jul 15, 2009

Whats the best way to include the Currency Symbol, without affecting arithmetic operations for example. Lets say I have a Listview which has one column named "Cost" where ill be a Currency Value which needs to carry the symbol for example "BsF. 22,34" or "$. 22,34". Lets say I need to apply aritmetics with those values after whats the best way to store em or at least ignore the symbol when using arithmetic on them?

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