Loading A File From Memory As A New Process?

Mar 1, 2012

how load a string containing the source for a .exe strait into a process without accessing the hard drive.

Currently my code goes something like this...

Imports System.IO
Dim file As String
file = file_source


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Loading A File Into Memory Stream Buffer And Creating New File With Same Content And With Different Filename?

May 31, 2011

I don't know whether it is simple or not because i am new to programming. my requirement is : In my vb.net winform application, the filenames of the files present in "D:Project" willbe displayed in DataGridView1 control. Now I want to load these files one after another into memory stream buffer and add the headers("ID","Name","Class") to the content in the file. Then I want to save these files in "C:" with "_de" as suufix to the filename i.e.,sample_de.csv.

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Loading An Image From A Jpeg That Exists In Memory (but Not On Disk) Using Direct Memory Access

Nov 5, 2009

In VB 2005, I am calling a C++ DLL function that returns the address in memory and size in bytes of a jpeg image. How can I load that jpeg image directly from memory into a picture box in my VB form? I cannot afford to save it to disk first.

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Dumping Process Memory To File

Sep 8, 2009

I need to create a way to dump the memory of a process to a file. And I don't mean a crash dump, I mean dumping the memory. In C++ you can use the function MiniDumpWriteDump.

Here is my code so far:
Public Declare Function MiniDumpWriteDump Lib "dbghelp.dll" (ByVal hProcess _
As IntPtr, ByVal ProcessId As Int32, ByVal hFile As IntPtr, ByVal DumpType _
As mydumptypes, ByVal ExceptionParam As IntPtr, ByVal UserStreamParam As _
IntPtr, ByVal CallackParam As IntPtr) As Boolean
Enum mydumptypes
[Code] .....

A file is created, however when I looked inside the file with a hex editor, it was complete garbage. For a test, I opened notepad, typed in "Hello!", and dumped the notepad process. I could not find any strings in it, let alone the "Hello!" string.

mydumptypes.normal =
MiniDumpWithDataSegs= 0x00000001,
in c++. It wasn't what I wanted. Anyways, I fixed it.

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Loading Data Into Memory

Oct 2, 2009

I have a small VB program written using VB Express 2008Part of it uses an Access database this all works fine using the custom classes.I want to extend it to use some parameterised settings which I have stored in a table in the same Access database .I want to load these parameters from the table at program startup, then use them later in the code as needed.In SQL I want to execute :-select parameter, parameter_value from system_ parametersthen store this in an array which I want to index on the parameter column/elementAny suggestions on how I can load this data into the array ?

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Loading SWF From Memory Stream?

Dec 5, 2006

I'm using the ShockwaveFlash ActiveX control in a VB.NET Windows Forms application and i'm wondering.Is it possible to load an SWF file into the ShockwaveFlash ActiveX object from a memory stream rather then from a file name?

I've noticed that the ActiveX object has such properties as "InlineData" and "MovieData", possibly these could be used.

I've also noticed someone has used Windows Messaging to send a pointer to a stream to the ActiveX control, has anyone seen this done?

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Out Of Memory Exception While Loading Images?

Jan 31, 2011

I am using the following piece of code to load images as thumbnails to a FlowLayoutPanel control. Unfortunately i get an OutOfMemory exception.As you already guess the memory leak is found at line

Pedit.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(fs)

So how could i optimize the following code?

Private Sub LoadImagesCommon(ByVal FlowPanel As FlowLayoutPanel, ByVal fi As FileInfo)
Pedit = New DevExpress.XtraEditors.PictureEdit
Pedit.Width = txtIconsWidth.EditValue


Update: The problem occurs while loading a number of images (3264x2448px at 300dpi - each image is about 3Mb's)

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VS 2008 Loading Executable Into Memory?

Dec 18, 2009

Alright, for a school project i'm making a filecrypter, and i need to load the executable directly into the memory.

For those that don't know it yet, a crypter consists of a crypter, and a seperate "stub"

the crypter crypts the file, and the stub is binded to the file, and upon execution, the stub is executed, and in turn executes the file it's bound to.

I have a RunPE sub, and on itself it works fine

Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Imports System.Reflection
Public Class Form1


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Loading HTML Content Into A WebBrowser Control From Memory?

Oct 4, 2005

WebBrowser Example.zip IntroductionBecause the WebBrowser control that we use in .NET is a COM control, not all of its uses are straightforward and some of them (even those which seem like they should be easy) require that we dip into our Interop toolbox in order to properly implement them.

A perfect example of this is loading HTML content into the WebBrowser from memory, rather than a file or a URL. Anyone who's ever used the WebBrowser control before is familiar with the Navigate2 method, which tells the control to load content from a URL (or path to a file). Loading HTML content from memory, however, is a rather elusive practice because of the many steps involved in making it work.

MSHTML.HTMLDocumentYou might notice that the WebBrowser control exposes a "document" property. The object returned by this property can be coerced to the type of "mshtml.HTMLDocument" (you must add a reference to MSHTML to your project in order to make this work) as follows:

Code:Dim clsDocument As mshtml.HTMLDocument = CType(WebBrowser.Document, mshtml.HTMLDocument)

(NOTE: You will have to add a reference to the COM library MSHTML to your project to make this compile)

Once we create an instance of HTMLDocument, a whole new world opens up to us, providing all sorts of DOM access to the content of any given Web page.

If we were to create our own HTMLDocument object from memory, we could use the "write" method to write HTML content to the document from a string variable, like this:

Code:'initialize the document object within the HTMLDocument class... clsDocument.close() clsDocument.open("about:blank")

'write the HTML to the document using the MSHTML "write" method... Dim clsHTML() As Object = {sHTML} m_clsDocument.write(clsHTML) clsHTML= Nothing

WebBrowser Control ImplementationUsing the HTMLDocument returned by the "document" property of the WebBrowser control, however, is not as straight-forward. Because of the way that this object is created and initialized in memory (by the COM WebBrowser control), the "write" method fails when called as above. In order to write content to the HTMLDocument exposed by the WebBrowser control, we must first marshal the string value to a memory space that is compatible with COM. Once the string is properly marshalled, the COM interface IPersistStreamInit (implemented by the HTMLDocument class) must be used to pass the value into the object.

Interop DeclarationsIn order to pull all of this off, we must declare several Interop pieces, including an enumeration, a function, and two interfaces. The declarations for these pieces are as follows:


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Time The Run Of A Process And The Memory Used?

Dec 10, 2011

I have an .exe console application that when run, will do its thing and then close.

Q1: How can I time that run? (accurate, in milliseconds)

Q2: How can I see how much memory was used? (accurate, in bytes)

If MyPost Is Helpful Then MarkAsHelpful() ElseIf MyPost Is Answer Then MarkAsAnswer()

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Clear The Process Impersonator Out Of The Memory?

Feb 10, 2010

I am having issues with initializing more than one process without having to close the program and re launch to run a second process. I need to clear the process impersonator out of the memory or something in order to start a new one?

Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Security.Principal
Imports System.Security.Permissions


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How To Get Memory Usage Of Process In Windows

Jan 16, 2012

Is there any way I can get the memory usage for all processes currently running on a machine in vb.net?

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Read Another Process's Memory Starting From Mbi?

Aug 22, 2010

I'm trying to read another process's memory starting from mbi.BaseAddress to mbi.RegionSize using the function ReadProcessMemory, however I only succedeed to read 1 address at a time and it takes like forever to finish, the result being stored into a byte() variable, calling the readaddressmemory 1 million times instead of only 1 for example.


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Read/Write Process Memory?

May 15, 2009

Read/Write Process Memory?

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VS 2008 Read Process Memory?

Nov 17, 2010

i have tryed so many times now so is there some one that can Read/ Process Memory in vb.net 08 ?

this is what i got

Dim help2 As Integer
Dim HP_Have As Integer = &H574
Label5.Text = ReadProcessMemory(proc.Handle.ToInt32(), HP_Have, help2, 4, 4)

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Check If New Memory Pages Are Created In A Process?

Mar 15, 2012

Is there a way in vb.net to check whether new memory pages have been created inside a process(such as winlogon, svchost etc) For eg : if i there is a certain value that may change if new memory pages are created inside the process. Then i can compare the previous value and the new value (after pages have been created) and make it sure that new pages have been created inside that process.

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Check If New Memory Threads Have Been Created In A Process?

Mar 15, 2012

Is there a way to check whether new memory threads have been created inside a process in vb.net. By hashing the process and checking before and after the threads are created or something like that.

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VS 2010 Function To Search On A Process Memory

Aug 4, 2010

Read (search a value) in a non specific process memory. Write a value in the address found in the last function requested.

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VS 2010 READ / WHRITE Process Memory

Jun 21, 2010

I need a code that search's in a process memory a custom value. And get the address of that value. Its a simple question but with a hard answer. I've searched in all over the internet, but couldnt find any.

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Loading DLL And Attach To Process For Debugging

Nov 30, 2009

This is all VB2008. I'm working on a plugin for an app which expects it's plugin dlls to be named something other than "dll" (in this case, it wants them named with a ".plugin" extension. I can compile my .net dll just file, copy it and rename it to *.plugin and move it over to the application folder, Run the app and everything works just fine.

But I can't debug the dll in VS. VS doesn't know that I copied it so it can't load that DLL and attach to it's process for debugging. I've searched for ways to change the default extension of files that VS builds, but so far haven't turned up anything. Even just a way to attach to the process once it's renamed to *.plugin.

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Possible To View Every Process That Is Accessing Memory As Well As Windows Services

Jan 12, 2010

Is it possible to view every process that is accessing memory as well as windows services as well as how much thier accessing I want to make a program that can kill and block things accessing memory to block malicious programs to be able to delete the ie spyware that can't be fixed cause it adds it's self and locks it's self. From programs like spybot I can view the processes bit that's just wat windows registeres I need to look at eat is accessing memory.

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Read/Write Process Memory Address Values?

May 30, 2010

Ive basically got 2 problems I need to solve.1) I am trying to determine if a certain process is running on the user's machine at the same time as my program.2) I am also then,if the process is running, trying to edit a specific memory addresses value. I have already found the memory addresses for the program, but how do I tell VB.Net to basically read the current value stored in that memory address, and then write a new value to that address

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VS 2008 Get Current Process' Memory Address & Length?

Jun 7, 2010

Is there a way to get my own process' memory range? For example, I want to read all memory of my own process:


But I always get an AccessViolationException, because, of course, I'm using IntPtr.Zero instread of my own address and 1000 instead of my own memory size. Is there a way to get these?

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VS 2008 Read Process Memory From An Open Program?

Dec 27, 2009

I want to be able to read and write the process memory of Firefox for a game on facebook(It's kind of like cheating only you can't cheat, nothing stays permanent.) this is just for fun. The game is called happy fish aquarium and you raise fish in the game and it's just really addicting. I found a program that reads process memory and lets me change certain values in happy fish aquarium so I can make my fish tank look different or whatever. But if I reload the page it will of course go back to the original state because the fish tank's memory is held online. The point is, I just want to make a program that can read the process memory from Firefox from a certain range and bytes. like 4 bytes and a range of 00400000 to 7FFFFFFF. Does anyone know how I can achieve this? Please note, this is not for cheating purposes in any way whatsoever, it's simply for visual fun(visual meaning only I can see it). What I want to do is the same as using the add-on firebug in firefox to change the html on a webpage.

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VS 2008 To Check If New Memory Pages Are Created In A Process?

Mar 15, 2012

Is there a way in vb.net to check whether new memory pages have been created inside a process(such as winlogon, svchost etc)

For eg : if i there is a certain value that may change if new memory pages are created inside the process. Then i can compare the previous value and the new value (after pages have been created) and make it sure that new pages have been created inside that process.

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Show Animated Gif During Busy Process Or Loading?

Feb 10, 2009

Im trying to show animated gif during busy process or loading. but it isn;t working rite. the gif stops to animate when loading instead and animates only when no loading is n progress. what i have done is to show formB from the formA. i load the gif into the picbox in formA and crete a new thread which will be opening another formB.

dim loadThread As Threading.Thread
loadThread = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf loadingForm)

but the gif doesn;t move at all unless another form is displayed.

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TabControl - Progress Bar For Webpage Loading Process

Mar 7, 2009

I need progress bar, I want it to load when i am loading a webpage (I am making a browser). I am using TabControl.

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Gathering Physical Memory Usage Of A Started Process Tree

Mar 21, 2012

first of all, I'm not 100% sure this is the right forum to post this, as there seems ot be tones and tones of forum branches here, so if I'm not in the right location, i'm creating an IDE for a proamming language and I need a way to monitor the physical memmory usage of a process tree. I'm not talking about the WorkngSet64 of a process, but the WorkingSet64 of the process and any child process started by it.


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Unable To Diligently Close The Excel Process Running In Memory

Apr 21, 2010

I have developed a VB.Net code for retrieving data from excel file .I load this data in one form and update it back in excel after making necessary modifications in data. This complete flow works fine but most of the times I have observed that even if I close the form; the already loaded excel process does not get closed properly. I tried all possible ways to close it but could not be able to resolve the issue.

Find below code which I am using for connecting to excel and let me know if any other approach I may need to follow to resolve this issue. Note: I do not want to kill the excel process as it will kill other instances of the excel


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Write / Edit Process Memory In (Visual Studio 2010)

Jan 7, 2012

I am trying to edit the process memory of a game (Age Of Empires II: The Conquerers). I can edit the memory manually on TSearch and it works just fine. I want to this with VB.NET but have had no luck. Note: I am not doing this to cheat, I am just using this as a learning experience for changing process memory.


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