Login Form - Checking Entered Username And Password

Jun 9, 2011

I had created login form in vb.net. There are two fields username & password. I want to check username & password enter in the login form, from the first.mdf (database file). If it is correct then message is displayed. I had written code for this but I got error in the code.

The code of login form is below:
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Imports System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Public Class Login
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
[Code] .....

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Create A Login For My Windows - Clicking Button Irrespective Of What Is Entered In Username And Password Textboxes

Aug 27, 2009

I hv to create a login for my windows appn(this is the first tym i am creating a login in visual studio) i am unable to figure out exactly what should i do

I tried the following:

Public Function User_Login(ByVal unam As String, ByVal pwd As String) As Boolean
ada = New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from UserProfile where UName='" + unam + "' and


Now i called this function on the button click of my login form and passed the values of username and password textboxes as parameters to it. But the problem arising is that it is logging in by simply clicking the button irrespective of what is entered in the username and password textboxes.

I think this is because ds.Tables.Count is never 0(whether the username and password match or not) Use code tags when posting your code. Code tags are used like so =>

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Client-Server Login - Application That Will First Show Login Form (with Textbox For Username And Password)

Jul 31, 2010

I try to make one application that will first show login form (with textbox for username and password) and when I press login client application send request to server side application that make SQL query (local) and return some values and that values will be listed in main form. I try something with TCP chat source codes but I don't manage what I want.

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Login Form - Verify Username And Password

Feb 26, 2009

I have to do for my project I am working on is to verify my user name and password on my loginform with the user name and password in my customerc.xml file. So I want to have the user type in his username in usernametextbox.text and password in passwordtextbox.text then have the program search through the xml file for a match loginID (username) and password. If no match is found show error message and if a match is found then frmCustomermaintenance.show

Heres an example of the xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
[Code] .....

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Login Form With Username, Password And Accesslevel

Mar 18, 2009

I am trying to modify the code from this thread to suit my need, but I encountered a [code]

View 7 Replies

Use A Forums Username And Password On A Login Form In VB

Dec 2, 2011

I was wondering if it was possible to use a forums username and password on a login form in visual basic. If so what would I use and where could I find some more detailed information on it?

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Login Form With Three Fields - Username - Password & Usertype

Sep 26, 2010

i am new to this as i am learning. i have been assigned this project with vb express 2010 with access 2007 database (.accdb) my database has a table named users which contains username, password & usertype fields. the usertype contains either "admin" or "limited user". now i want to design a login form that has username, password fields as well as a field for usertype (this field obviously would be readonly),

View 5 Replies

VS 2010 Remember Username & Password On Login Form?

Oct 27, 2009

Im trying to add a function to my code that will remember my username and password. heres what ive done so far but it doesnt seem to work. [code]

View 29 Replies

"update Login SET Password=@password,username=@username Where Username=@user"?

Jun 21, 2010

send a solution for this "update login SET password=@password,username=@username where username=@user"

while executing i got the error"syntax error in update statement "

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VS 2008 Make Username And Password Form To Login Into Form2?

Jul 16, 2009

how make username and password form to login into form2

View 11 Replies

VS 2010 Login Form - Check If The Username And The Password Is In The Database

Apr 6, 2011

guys can you give me a simple login form that check if the username and the password is in the database.. im using a ms access database..

View 4 Replies

Setup A Login Form Which Draws The Username/password From An Online Database?

Jun 15, 2011

I'm trying to set up a login form which draws the username/password from an online database but keep getting the same error(shown in attachment).

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class LoginForm1


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Create A Login To Program Which Uses The Same Username And Password As Windows Login?

Apr 20, 2012

basically i want to create a login to my program which uses the same username and password as windows login.I already know how to retrieve username and auto place it in the username box using

TextBox1.Text = Environment.UserName.ToString

i wondered is there an easy way to only allow access if the password matches up to their logon? i dont know about setting up databases but i dont think this option would work because each member of staff can personally choose their password.

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VS 2005 - Login Failed - Input Valid Username And Password In Form Textbox To Input Strings In Php

Sep 25, 2010

I have a problem with the code, I have input the valid username and password in the form textbox to input the strings in php, but it keep displaying the messagebox that says login failed.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
MessageBox.Show("Please enter your username")
ElseIf Textbox2.Text = Nothing Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter your password")


I don't really know why it keep displaying the messagebox that says it failed when I have input the valid strings in the first place.

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Get The Login Username And Password Right?

Nov 5, 2010

i am trying to do a for loop to give the user 3 trys to get the login username and password right. the username is User and the Password is VB. the code i got so far is a if function Private Sub btnLogin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogin.Click


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Login And Record Username And Password

Nov 18, 2009

Is about login and record username and password.When i tried to debug the below code, error msg read "file not found". Basically, i am trying to create a test.mdb file into the windowslogin directory if there is none. Then user could either key in their old/new username or password where the data would be read / retrieve from the test.mdb. Somehow, there is error. [code]

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Login On Vb;username Password At Ms Access?

Nov 12, 2010

create a vb 2008 code that requires a user to log in. His username and password are stored in an ms access table. Everytime he logs in, that table is searched for the corresponding username and password; if successful, form1 is opened; if not, the program displays a username and password mismatch error message and allows the user up to 3 attempts before it closes the program.

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Auto Login Using Username And Password Labels?

Feb 6, 2010

what I have mainform with two labels Text is User and Pass. I have a button on the main form called Set that opens the login form. There I have two textboxes, UserName and PassWord. and two buttons Save and Load. When you type the user names & password into the textboxes, and click save, if file exists you will be prompted to replace existing file. I also have added code to display the user name and password in the labels on the main form. Once you save the file I can now close the project and reopen the project click the set button to bring up the login form, and click load. Now the file is read and the saved username and password text is displayed in the proper textboxes on the login form.I also added the code to display the textboxes in the labels on the main form. Now I'm trying to use the lable text to fill the username and password textboxes on a login form of a website. I've tinkered with several different codes to do this but everything I have done has failed. I really need help getting started in the right direction. Here is my main form code and the code I'm working with.

Private Sub lblPass_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
Private Sub btnGet_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGet.Click


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Code The Username And Password Login For Database?

Feb 11, 2010

I created a small database application using Microsoft Access, my problem is i dont know how to create a username and password.

here is the code

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Dim MaxRows As Integer
Dim inc As Integer


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Collect Username And Password From Database For Login?

Feb 15, 2012

collect username and password from database for login?

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Create A Login Screen With Username/password?

Aug 15, 2011

I would like to create a login screen with username/password. The login screen should validate username/password before the user is redirected to the next screen.

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Create A Login Username And Password In VB 2008?

Feb 20, 2009

I just want to know how to create a login username and password in VB.net 2008

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VS 2008 Login Username & Password With Access

Oct 23, 2009

I want to be able to have a textbox where user enters their username and password.It then will need to check the database and see if the username and password exist.If so take them to another form.[code]I have started the db connection and checking the database but am struggling with checking if they exist.

View 9 Replies

DB/Reporting :: Authentication - Login Using Your VBulletin Username And Password

Aug 6, 2009

I'm trying to make an authentication before my visual basic 2008 project, a login window. You have to login using your vBulletin username & password. The username and password from my community, which is a vBulletin forum. So, I'd like a form that ask you to login using your username and password from my vBulletin forum, so you'd have to register before...

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Login Page That Will Record Username And Password To TXT File

Sep 30, 2009

How to create a login page using visual basic which will save the information I put into my Username box and my Password box in a separate text file on my computer? I have seen various tutorials on how to make a login page that will ONLY accept the username and password info that you have put in the code, I'm looking for a bit of code that will allow any info entered into these boxes to be saved and stored as a txt file.

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Program Use An Online SQL Database To Check A Username And Password To Login?

Mar 10, 2009

How can I have my program use an online SQL database to check a username and password to login someone to a different part of the program?

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2010 - Chat Program - LogIn - Read File For Username And Password?

Nov 22, 2010

1) I have a chat Program.

2) To access the Chat Program one has to put in ones Username and password in a Login Form.

3) TextBox1 = Username TextBox2 = Password

4) One clicks the "Log In" button.

5) HERE is the problem. I do not know how to check if the specific username and the password are correct. I have a file called "Users.dat". In there every valid Username(marked with a *) and it's Password(marked with a #) is contained e.g.*Username#Password.

I want my "Log In" program to check if the Username matches one of the usernames and if the username is found in the file, if the password provided is the same as the one standing behind the Username in the file.

6) If both the Username and Password are valid, the Chat Programs shows up.

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VS 2008 Website Login - Fill Username / Password And Click On Button

Dec 25, 2009

I'm making a tool to a game and I need to fill in my username and password and then click on a button.

Here is the html
<td><input class="text" type="text" name="e27a7f6" value="" maxlength="15" /> <span class="error"> </span></td>

td><input class="text" type="password" name="e8ca7cd" value="" maxlength="20" /> <span class="error"> </span></td>

Login button:
<input type="image" value="login" name="s1"onclick="xy();" id="btn_login" class="dynamic_img" src="img/x.gif" alt="login knapp"/>

In Vb 6.0 the code was
for the login button

Form2.Wb.Document.All("e27a7f6").SetAttribute("text", User)
I get a "NullReferenceException was unhandled" error.

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Checking AD Password - Create A Password Change Form For My Company's Vendors

Jan 15, 2012

I'm trying to create a password change form for my company's vendors. There are a couple of scenarios I could encounter doing this:

1 - User enters invalid current password
2 - New passwords do not match
3 - User's account is locked
4 - User cannot authenticate because password is expired

It's case 4 that I'm struggling with, because their is no way for me to take the password the user entered and verify it against active directory without getting an error.

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Making A "sign In" Application For Checking Email Address With Username And Password As Input?

Jan 30, 2012

I making an "sign in" application for checking email address with username and password as input.As output it will show me msgbox with content "Your email and password are correct!" or Not.There is a code:

Imports System.Net.Mail
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click[code].....

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