Manually Editing Datagridviewtextboxcell Value

Mar 21, 2011

Currently I am working on VB.Net 3.5 Win Forms. I have few queries about datagridview


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Resource Folder - All Toolbar Icons Gone After Manually Editing File

Dec 9, 2011

I deleted 3 old pictures from my resource folder. When building compiler alerted me to missing resources. Stupidly i manually edited the file and all my Toolbar icons are gone. Interesting enough the menu strip text all vanished and so did my status strip text. I managed to add back the deleted lines but still the same. If i delete the toolstrip all its buttons remain. Manually deleting each control, rewriting we are talking hours and hours of work.

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Overriding DataGridViewTextBoxCell And CellPainting?

Dec 17, 2009

I inherited DataGridViewTextBoxCell because I need to add some custom property to it.

At run-time after creating the DataGridView instance and bind the data I do the following:

For k As Integer = 0 To grid.Columns.Count - 1
grid.Columns(k).AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.ColumnHeader
If k > 0 Then grid.Columns(k).CellTemplate = New CustomCell()


the cell type is never of type CustomCell but it remains DataGridViewTextBoxCell.

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Switch Between DataGridViewTextBoxCell And DataGridViewComboBoxCell?

Nov 18, 2009

I want to have a DataGridView that has two columns.The first column will always be of type DataGridViewComboBoxColumn. Based on the selection in that column, I'd like to be able to change the corresponding cell in the second column to either a DataGridViewComboBoxCell or a DataGridViewTextBoxCell.I'm thinking I just need to make the second column of type DataGridViewColumn, but don't understand the mechanics of how to change the cell type on the fly.I'm working with VB.NET in Visual Studio 2005.

Update: One way around it, I suppose, is to make the second column as a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn, and change the attributes of the cell so that it either behaves like a drop-down list, or as an (editable) drop-down with no elements. The latter looks enough like a text box that I could live with it, and it wouldn't involve changing the type of the cell.

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Error : Conversion From Type 'DataGridViewTextBoxCell' To Type 'String' Is Not Valid

May 2, 2010

I am getting the error "Conversion from type 'DataGridViewTextBoxCell' to type 'String' is not valid." When trying to display a cell from DGV in a listbox.I have my variable for the cell reference as follows:

Dim a As Object
a = DataGridView1(4,1)

To insert it in the listbox as follows:


I tried:


This will not actually display the entry inside the referenced cell, it shows this in my listbox instead:

DataGridView TextBoxCell { ColumnIndex=4, RowIndex=1 }

how I need to convert this to display.

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Import DLL Manually?

Feb 10, 2012

I'm developing an application and I need to know how I can to import a DLL with code and not with "Add reference" because path will be change when I connect to other computer.The library I need to import is ADOX but Maybe it will be used by me with another dlls .

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Add A Value Manually To DataReader ?

Jun 10, 2011

I am copying sample.csv file's content into the new.csv file. But I need to add additional column in new.csv file which holds the default value as "Yes" for each row that exists in old file. Here is the code I have written.

Dim ioFile As New System.IO.StreamReader("C:sample.csv")
Dim ioLine As String
Dim ioLines As String[code].....

The first four columns ID,Name,Number,Amount are present in sample.csv.I am adding additional column Copied which should be "Yes" for each row.

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API For Scheduled Task To RUN Manually?

Mar 1, 2011

TaskScheduler on Windows xp, does anyone know a API used to select a certain task to Run? or do I have to go through that darn COM ITASK interface, I think that might have a method?

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Cannot Link Manually The Database

Jun 4, 2011

i want to start my coding immediately about linking the database in vb...but i dnt knew how...hw i can lnk my database...

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How To Manually Add New Rows To A Datagrid

Dec 23, 2009

How do I manually add new rows to a datagrid?

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Manually Disable All The Items?

Mar 13, 2009

when running a process in a backgroundworker, do i need to manually disable all the items in my form to stop the user from any transactions while the backgroundworker is doing something and then enable them after

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Manually Populating A Datagridview?

Jun 10, 2009

Historically I used Tek-Tips for stuff like this but I can no longer access my account there and they do not respond to form based mail. Maybe they got tired of the questions too :-)

I am not a student. I manage a 'large' network. Every now and then I need to roll up something for a specific task. Most of the stuff I write only sees my desktop so neatness and originality are not an issue.My current 'project' is throttling back a few of my users disk storage. I am not allowed to implement Quota's (Server 2003 infrastructure) so I thought the next best thing would be a duplicate file report. I purchased Folder Sized 4 which is a beautiful product (I have used it since it's humble beginnings as Bullet Proof Folders). The end users claim that the filename and date checks are not enough to prove a duplicate. Enter my idea.

I have cobbled together a MD5 hash generator from a function found out on the web. Now I want to send the results to a datagridview instead of my current disk files.I has thought that I could access the rows & columns like dgv.row(x).column(x) = "strFile", dgv.row(x).column(y) = "strMD5"Nope, hunting through the available properties did not point me to any likely candidates.

Again, if this is not the place for questions of this nature please let me know. I am not a programmer, nor am I in training to be one. I just toss little things like this together when needed. Importing a CSV file into Excell is working, but it seems rather lame to be taking so many steps.

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Which Resources Must Disposed Manually?

Apr 20, 2012

"Sometimes your code requires an unmanaged resource, such as a file handle, a COM wrapper, or a SQL connection. A Using block guarantees the disposal of one or more such resources when your code is finished with them. This makes them available for other code to use. Managed resources are disposed of by the .NET Framework garbage collector (GC) without any extra coding on your part. You do not need a Using block for managed resources."

So, which unmanaged resources must disposed manually and which disposed automatically of by the .NET Framework?

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DataGridView : Adding Rows Manually?

Sep 17, 2007

I'm adding rows to a DataGridView via the following function, passing in one or more DataTables.The DataGrid is not aware what column(s) are coming back, but appears to build the column names okay.It's when it adds the individual cells (highlighted) that I get the following message:

ArgumentOutOfRangeException was unhandledSpecified argument was out of the range of valid values.Parameter name: rowIndex

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DataGridView Adding Rows Manually?

Sep 11, 2011

I'm adding rows to a DataGridView via the following function, passing in one or more DataTables.The DataGrid is not aware what column(s) are coming back, but appears to build the column names okay.

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Datagridview With Manually Added Comboboxcolumn?

Jan 14, 2011

i am using a Datagridview on my form. It get's it's datasource from a dataset: grd.datasource=set_temp After that I add ComboboxColumns manually. At the end I loop columns and set values into that cells from the comboboxcolumns. Works perfect so far. Now I click on a header and the sorting is changed, and then the cells from the comboboxcolumns all lose their values, they are all empty.

Why and what do I do to avoid that? Or must i refill those manual Values after sorting?

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Datatype In Manually Added Column?

Nov 30, 2010

Dim pctofpax As New DataColumn
pctofpax = New DataColumn("PCTPAX1", GetType(Decimal))
pctofpax.Expression = "[ASOFPAX] / [YEPAX]"


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Generating Documentation Like MSDN But Manually?

Jun 7, 2010

there are tools (SandCastle?) that can generate an MSDN-like documentation (HTML files) from your source code by using the XML comments above members. I am looking to generate a similar documentation (bunch of HTML files that one can link through), except not from XML comments but completely manually.It is for a custom scripting language, I have to document the available functions, and it would be great if I could do that in this common documentation style. Since there are no XML comments to generate the documentation from (the documentation is for the scripting language itself, not for my source code of the scripting language?

What I'm looking for in detail is a way to generate these documentation files by simply supplying this information for each function:

- Namespace (just the name and maybe a description)
- Function name + description + return type
- List of arguments and their types

from this I would to generate a document where one can first view all the Namespaces, click one (they are supposed to be links) and view all the functions in that namespace. Then you can click on a function name and view its description and list of arguments for that function.In other words: just like these automatic tools do, except now I want to supply this information manually.

While writing this I thought of one way that I might be able to do it: just create namespaces and functions in actual VB code (corresponding to the scripting language functions) and generate the documentation from that, but

1) That seems a little contrived especially if a better tool is available,

2) I would be in trouble with the types of functions and arguments, since they would have to be .NET types and not the types that my scripting language supports.

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Is There A Way To Edit Columns And Rows Manually

Feb 25, 2011

I am using Datagridview to show some table data from database. It is working but its appearance is not what i am looking for. Is there a way to edit columns and rows manually ?

This is a list of what i want to do :
1. First of all i want to change column captions. because they are like "Fld_name" etc.
2. There is a column that shows date. I want to write a code for it ( convert date type )
3. I want to add a button at the end of each row and write a code for it ( show detail about that record )

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Manually Create A Form In Code?

Mar 2, 2012

Basically, I'm working on a VB project, one instance of it at home using VB Studio and one at school with SharpDevelop (portable). However, some of the school computers do not have .NET 4 and therefore I can't run SharpDevelop to make the forms, etc. I would like to know how to edit/make a form via code, in Notepad++. An example of this would be setting up a form with controls such as TextBox, Button and perhaps MenuStrip.

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Manually Display System Menu?

Mar 30, 2010

I'm making a form that has a completely owner-draw nonclient area and have to manually hittest to open the system menu.

The code below opens the system menu, but the items don't do anything whn you click them.[code]...

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Manually Download Microsoft Framework 3.5 / 4.0?

Sep 12, 2010

Is it possible to manually download the Microsoft Framework 3.5 or 4.0 ? That would be useful in order to have it during installation of a program . I know that when installing a VB .NET program , it asks to connect and download it , if the PC does not have it already . The problem is that some people have a very slow connection speed or don't even have any connection . Therefore it would be useful to have that installation kit in order to supply it along with program itself .

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Manually Populate The Datagrid In 1.1 Using 2003?

Jan 26, 2010

just would like to ask if it is possible to manually populate the datagrid in 2003 using vb.netwe usually populate the datagrid using this code, in this code what it does is it populate the datagrid base on your query , it's automated you can't edit or evaluate the data inside.

dataGrid.DataSource = ds
What if if I want to edit or evaluate the data inside the DataSet?


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Manually Registering A Windows Service?

Jul 29, 2009

I have created a windows service in Visual Studio. I also have an installer project that I have written. How can I register the Windows service manually when the user installs the application because simply copying the executable onto the target machine is not enough.

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Selecting Entire Row In DataGrid Manually

May 17, 2011

I know that the user can select an entire row if they want to, however if they select just 1 cell, I want the entire row that that cell is in to be selected, so that the user cannot just select 1 cell, they can only select a row, no matter where they click in the table.

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Service Not Staying On Unless Started Manually?

Nov 7, 2011

So I have this Windows service created in VB.Net, and all it does is perform a few calls and sits there.I have it installed on a test machine and when I start it manually, it starts up. When I stop manually, shuts down properly (onStop is called).When I start it, and reboot the machine, the service starts like it should, but when I log in, the service isn't running anymore and the onStop never showed up as being executed.I installed the service with admin privileges, so that shouldn't be an issue.Here is what I have:

Sub New()
' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.

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Updating Database Via Gridview Manually ASP.NET (VB)?

May 14, 2011

Protected Sub GridView1_RowCommand _
(sender As Object, e As GridViewCommandEventArgs) _
Handles GridView1.RowCommand
If e.CommandName.CompareTo("command") = 0 Then
Dim itemID As Integer = Convert.ToInt32( _


Basically, it doesn't work and I don't get it. I've been trying to figure this out for a few days now and I can't see what I've done wrong. As you can see I'm trying to manually update a field in my database with the value of (originalvalue)+1 when the user clicks the buttonfield of the corresponding row.

I guess what I'm asking is if anyone can point out any mistakes, please do, or if there's a better way to do this (without having to go through all the DAL/BLL BS)

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VS 2005 Manually Set Width Of Columns In DGV?

Sep 28, 2010

I need to set some of the columns in a DGV to specific widths. What I am looking for is to line the columns up with the labels above them. I am trying to do it like this(the numbers are just for testing):

Me.DataGridView1.DataSource = dsForm.Tables(0)
' column 6
Me.DataGridView1.Columns(6).Width = 100


what I might have to change in the properties of the DGV for the code to set the widths, I've changed so many that I am not sure what the default settings are any more. Also the look of the form is not open to suggestion as this is what the customer wants.

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VS 2008 Connect Manually .sdf Database?

Jul 7, 2009

I have created a local database (.sdf) and added a few records. What I really would like to do is connect to the database manually and load the records in a listview. Anyone with some tutorials?

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VS 2008 Manually Updating Datagridview?

Apr 23, 2010

I would like to update data from my datagridview to ma database manually.

How should I determine which rows were edited?

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