MessageBox With Markup In Forms?

May 3, 2012

I want to show a MessageBox in a VB.NET application that has special markup for its text. More specifically, I want to display an unordered list. I tried doing it by wrapping the text in HTML tags (which Java Swing supports for example, if I'm not mistaken) and working with <ul> and <li>. This did how to do it without creating a completely custom messagebox class?

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Forms :: RichTextBox Markup Formatting?

Jul 29, 2009

I am trying to bind a RichTextBox to data from an XML file where text within a paragraph may be tagged with formatting tags. As an example the text may look like this:"The size of the area is 5000 m<superscript>2</superscript>".Text may also contain other formatting tags such as <bold> or <italic>:"The quick brown fox <bold>jumps</bold> over the <italic>lazy</italic> dog".

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Two Forms And Messagebox?

Mar 1, 2011

I have a Main and a Secondary form. I want that the secondary form appear if the no button in the messagebox is pressed (but the main main don't). Only if I press the yes button or when closing the secondary form the Main must appear. How can I do that?

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Forms :: Question MessageBox Always On Top?

Aug 23, 2011

I have an application that has a timer within the main form. Every 5 minutes it checks the database for notifications and if any are due it displays the details in a messagebox. If the main form is the active form, it works fine (message displayed). Even if I create another form and display that modally, the message is still displayed. If I minimize this second form, the message is displayed.

However, if I am writing an email when the timer is called, the message box isn't displayed on top.Is there any way to make sure the MessageBox.ShowDialog method always displays the dialog as topmost?I have tried using a new form instead of MessageBox.Show, setting the TopMost property to true, but that didn't work, either.

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Forms :: Copy Text From MessageBox?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a DataGridView and when user clicks on a row, a messagebox pops up with some value. I would like to copy some portion of this text from the messagebox. Is there a way to do it?

Private Sub DataGridView1_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellContentClick


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Forms :: Error: 'show' Is Not A Member Of 'MessageBox'

Feb 28, 2011

I teach VB in college, using the Express edition. I was doing an exercise with my class today using the MessageBox.Show() method in a Windows Forms application. But when I tried entering it in the edit window, it gave me the following error message: 'show' is not a member of 'MessageBox' and it did not show up in the Intellisense box. Most of my students' computers did work with that method, but one or two of them didn't. Meanwhile, I had to revert to the MsgBox() function to get through the exercise.


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Forms :: Exit Application After Messagebox.ok Click

Mar 31, 2011

I have a form which checks on load if an host (ip) is available. If not it shows a messagebox and exits the application.

Here is when the problem occurs.

Now the messagebox shows just a short time, then the app exits automatically. But what I would like is, after a user hits the OK button the app exits.

Here is the code I use:

Private Sub SplashScreen1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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Forms :: FormClosing Messagebox Keeps Popup And Won't Exit The Application

Aug 5, 2011

on the form event: FormClosing I have this code that saves a treeview to xml, when it is saved it displays a message, but when I click the messagebox OK button, the messagebox keeps popping up and won't close that form.Here is the code I use:

Private Sub AddressBook_FormClosing(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing
'Build our List of custom objects from our TreeView's Nodes


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Bring A Form Infront Of The Messagebox (or Switch Betwen Different Forms)?

Dec 12, 2009

When a messagebox pops up, how can I bring a form infront of the messagebox (or switch betwen different forms) and then bring the messagebox back again again if I want to click OK button to proceed with the remaining code?

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MessageBox In Visual Basic Express 2010 Open Form3 From MessageBox?

Mar 28, 2011

From my login form, and when a correct Username and Password has been succesfull and I get a messageBox saying "welcome to your System" (Picture Below) and when I press the OK button in that MessageBox, I want to open I add code to the Underlined code (below Picture), or Do I write a completley different code after the messageBox code.


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Enums Via Markup In .NET?

Oct 4, 2011

I have an enum and a usercontrol, both in the same assembly (a plain .NET 4 web site). In the Constants class:public Enum CrudOperations Add Edit Delete. This controls the columns in a GridView on a UserControl via a property on the UserControl


In C#, I've specified the columns to show with markup as Mode="Edit,Delete", but in VB.NET, this does nothing. The only way I can get anything to show is with the codebehind, but if on the containing page I use userGrid.Mode = CrudOperations.Edit And CrudOperations.Delete, I get all the columns (there's also a delete column), but userGrid.Mode = CrudOperations.Edit Or CrudOperations.Delete shows nothing.

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Get The PDF Markup Along With The Text?

Mar 15, 2012

I am writing an application that has to read and interpret data stored in some PDF files. The reading part is done but I am only able to get a dump of all the words on a page and not the format of the words. What I mean is that if I have to extract a table, I am getting the numbers in the table but not the markup which defines the table.Further, there is some formatting used which displays a few of these numbers within parentheses (meaning that those numbers are negative) but the parentheses themselves are not part of the text. Hence, I am not able to distinguish between positive and negative numbers present in the PDF table!

How do you get the PDF markup along with the text? Is a PDF similar in structure to an XML with tags used to markup tables etc.? If not, then, is there a resource which describes the salient features of the PDF DOM?I am using VBA and the Acrobat library (AcroExch etc.)

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.net - WPF Markup Extension Not Working?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm trying to create a VB.Net Markup Extension per this blog post but in

<Application x:Class="Application"


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ASP.NET Usercontrol Property Value Does Not Run Markup

Apr 27, 2011

Well i have a usercontrol with a property "ClientScript" and in the aspx file where i use the usercontrol i set the value to [code]the problem here is that the is litterly passed to the property and not parsed first and replaced by the ClientID..I had the same clientscript applied to a buttons OnClientClick and there it worked...Must i apply some sort of attribute to the property to get this working? [code] i know that im saving to a local variable and that it will be cleared on reload and so on but thats not the problem here.

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.net - Markup Page With A Bunch Of Checkboxes?

Jun 18, 2012

In my classic asp app, I have a markup page with a bunch of checkboxes. The checkbox control ID is bscv.Once a user checks a box and clicks submit, the value is processed on the next page called next.asp.Based on the value of the checked box, I display the correct dropdown.I use the following code on next.asp to display the correct dropdown.

If bsvc = "master" Then
' only master was checked
' "If the user checks only master checkbox, ...txtmaster with 2 options... is displayed."
<select id="txtmaster" name="txtmaster">
<option value="">-Select a service-</option>
<option value="1">1</option>


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Using Markup Tags To Become Bold In Preview?

Apr 20, 2011

The way markup works for those that are unfamiliar is similar to html. For example, in HTML, <strong> is bold and </strong> closes the tag. In Markup, [b] is bold and [/b] closes the tag. Similar yet different.My form consists of 1 Richtextbox named RichTextBox1 and WebBrowser named WebBrowser1.In order to use HTML I use the following code:

Private Sub RichTextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles RichTextBox1.TextChanged
WebBrowser1.DocumentText = RichTextBox1.Text
End Sub

View 2 Replies Mvc - Why Does Normal Markup Inside An @Using Html.BeginForm Need An @

Apr 19, 2012

When I make an HTML form for MVC 3/VB with the Razor engine, I would expect to be able to do it like this:

@Using Html.BeginForm("Action", "Controller")
@* Other form code and values *@
End Using

But if I do that I get "BC32035: Attribute specifier is not a complete statement. Use a line continuation to apply the attribute to the following statement." I need to add an @ character before the opening tag to avoid this error.

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HTML Color - Markup Generator / Editor

Apr 21, 2011

With my recent new project with HTML/Markup generator/editor, I have run into a roadblock. Basically here is my code for replacing markup with HTML. The way this works is that the webbrowser has the same text as RTB1. Since the Webbrowser supports HTML, it automatically converts to the style that is specified in RTB1. [Code]

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Include Dynamic Markup In Inline XML Without It Being Encoded?

Aug 13, 2009

I would like to create a HtmlHelper function for a specific kind of dropdown that appears on many pages in my app. I'm basically just trying to add some decoration around the existing DropDownList function, but it's being encoded.[code]....

but I'd rather make use of VB's inline XML. How do I get the results of DropDownList to not be encoded?

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Markup Code Inside Custom Server Control?

Dec 29, 2010

I'm new to custom server controls and I'm hoping to use them to build various 'modules' for different sites I build to cut down on duplicate code.

I'm familiar with custom user controls in which I can create an .ascx & .ascx.vb file which can then be imported into an .aspx page and used freely.

However, with custom server controls I cannot find a way of using markup/html code. Is this possible at all or must all code be created programmatically?

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Output Data To Text File In Asp. Markup Code?

Sep 27, 2010

I downloaded some sample code which includes a database query within the markup code. It makes a query to the database and displays the results of the web form and I would like to divert the output to a text file and I am not sure how to do this?Can this be done from here or would it just be easier to code it in the source and make a new connection to the database?

Sample code:

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionStringIP %>"
DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [ip-to-country] WHERE [ID] = ?" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [ip-to-country] ([ID], [BeginingIP], [EndingIP], [TwoCountryCode], [ThreeCountryCode], [CountryName]) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"


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Refer To StaticResource In Plain XAML? (without Markup Extension)

Jul 4, 2010

I am setting a validation rule on a series of textboxes. I'd rather not create a new instance of my custom validation rule for each TextBox.[code]

View 1 Replies - Error: EntitySet 'Building' That Was Specified In Page Markup Does Not Exist On The Container

Apr 4, 2011

I've setup an ItemTeplate like so in a GridView:

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Building">


I'm receiving the error:

EntitySet 'Building' that was specified in page markup does not exist on the Container.

There is definitely a Building entity in the pbu_housingEntities?

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Trigger A Rebind Of Gridview From Javascript Or JQuery On Markup Page?

Sep 11, 2009

Is there a way to trigger a GridView rebind from an html markup page using jQuery or jscript?

I have an ActiveX download control which passes all events via jscript.

So, a have a download complete event on the markup page but not the code behind.

Here is the main aspx page:<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="Head" Runat="Server">

<script type="text/javascript" src="aurigmaiuembed.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function FileDownloader_DownloadStep(Step){
//The file list is going to be downloaded - "2 = About to Start"
if (Step == 2){


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Have The Messagebox Come Up Only Once?

Sep 26, 2009

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim num1 As Integer
Dim num2 As Integer
Dim num3 As Integer


If I dont enter any text into any of the first three textboxes; then how do I have the messagebox only come up once? Instead it'll come up three times.

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Web App Messagebox?

Apr 4, 2009

im new here and im learning Visual Basic 2008 :P im geting an Book tomorrow about it ...but anyway ...I wanna no if its posable To ..make an App in VB that when you pen your default web browser ( like Firefox) a messagebox will appear saying "hello"

Well i no how to do the messagebox already i just need to no how to make it so when the app runs waits(sleep) till i open up my internet, to Show the messagebox

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How To Get Data From A MessageBox

Dec 7, 2011

I tried this but it did not work.

Message As


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How To Refer To A MessageBox

Aug 25, 2009

I am amateur far, I can use Visual Basic .Net only. That is all I know!!How can I refer to a MessageBox?or how can I Programatically handle a MessageBox after it is displayed?I need to close a MessageBox after certain time if no response from the user.

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MessageBox Persistence In .net?

May 30, 2011

I'm using MessageBox to give some information to the user, but when such a box pops up, I want it to block access to the main window. So, until the user has clicked "OK", they should not be able to click (or even focus on) the window that's below it.

Does anybody know how to do this? I've noticed that MessageBox has very few functions, so maybe I'll even have to use a different object for this.

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Oddity In A MessageBox?

Jun 1, 2012

I have this

Dim st1 As String = sref.ConfirmLogin() 'A WCF method call.
Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(st1 & Environment.NewLine & "blue", "Result")

What is interesting about this is that there is no new line in the messagebox, and "blue" doesn't show up. If I reverse the order, then all is well. If I turn st1 into some other random string, all is well. However, as long as st1 is a string that comes from the WCF call, everything after st1 in the MessageBox is ignored.So what is coming from the WCF call?

The lines are these:

resp.GetResponseStream.Read(buff, 0, 99)
Return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buff)

resp is a WebResponse object, though that shouldn't matter, as the key is that I take a stream, move it to a buffer, then turn that buffer into a string. What is it about the string that is alterning the way the string is displayed.If I highlight the "st1 & "Blue"" part, and press Shift+F9, it is all there. What I do notice is that there is a significant space beyond the end of st1 and before the Blue. Trim doesn't get rid of this space. My theory is that what is there is a series of Null bytes, and MessageBox is interpreting that as the end of the string and terminating the display at that point, even though it shouldn't really be terminated there. That's especially interesting because I can add in an Environment.NewLine, which would normally add a new line, but even that gets ignored.

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