Multimonitro - Unable To Change Position If Theme Changed?

May 17, 2011

1.Multiple monitors are connection to one computer and they are extended.

2.My window spans to two monitors (Any window like notepad or settings wizard).

3.We change Visual Style From ON to OFF ( i.e. Changed theme from basic and high contrast to Aero or vice versa)

4.The window which was present on two gets shifted to either primary or secondary monitor.

5.This behavior is ok with normal application but I am developing such application which fails if window moves away.

6.I have added handler to check if user changes theme or visual style using :

AddHandler SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged, AddressOf UserPreferenceChangedHandler And in UserPreferenceChangedHandler I have checked if UserPreferenceCategory.VisualStyle changed and if it is changed then I have reset the window position back to old values before theme changed , but still it not reverting back to old position.

7.One strange behavior I observed is, it works if I set break point and step through code , but if I remove it then it's not working.

a. Added handler to catch user preferences changed event.

Private Sub RecordingWindow_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
AddHandler SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged, AddressOf UserPreferenceChangedHandler
End Sub

b. Copied old position

Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As System.Windows.Forms.Message)
If m.Msg = WM_MOVING Then
' Console.WriteLine("Window is moving")


d . This is additional code which i tried instead of WndProc

Private Sub RecordingWindow_LocationChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.LocationChanged
_windowLocBeforThemeChanged = Me.Location
End Sub

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GUI Change - Some Labels - Changed Position

Apr 16, 2011

After packaging my created program.... and install it.... if i install it in my system its ok... but if i install it to other system... some labels... changed position....

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Change The Windows 7 Theme?

Jun 4, 2011

Is there a way to see if the user is using Windows 7.If yes, can we change their theme when the Form loads, and change it back when it closes?

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Change WindowXP Theme?

Apr 10, 2010

I have tried the following code but has no effect:

Imports system.Runtime.InteropServices

<DllImport("UxTheme.DLL", BestFitMapping:=False, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Winapi, CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint:="#65")> _


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Dotnetbar Colorpickerdropdown - Theme Change ?

Feb 18, 2011

I am using visual basic 2008 and third party controls "Dotnetbar" in my project. I am trying to use colorpickerdropdown as theme change I mean when I choose any color from the colorpickerdropdown my form backcolor will be changed as well as the whole project.

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Change VB Express 2010 Gray Theme?

Apr 26, 2010

I was looking all over but didn't find how to change VB 2010 Express default gray theme,

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Interface And Graphics :: Change The Theme Of The Form?

Jun 22, 2010

know that there is library which can change the theme of the form but i do not

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VS 2008 Use A Theme For Program, Regardless Of Global Theme?

Dec 12, 2009

I have a theme called 'Zune' on my computer, and like the way it looks.Is there a way too, make the program use the 'Zune' theme..even if the computer itself is using the default xxxx theme?I can simulate it by doing the graphics, but to make the program border less, then to do the move code when they click on the image box...etc... makes it for tedious work.

If I could somehow make the program use the theme..

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Tabpages Position Changed By Itself

Dec 14, 2011

I have added 1 tabcontrol to a form, then I added 8 tabpages to the tabcontrol. I set "Multiline" = True, so that all the 9 tabpages will be distributed evenly in 2 row. The problem I'm facing now is the position of the tabpages will be changed automatically when i clicked the tabpages. I know someone also face this problem before in other forum I searched through Google, however there's no answer posted. Is there anyone know the codes that associated to the position of tabpages so that I can write code to fix the position?

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Change Buttonstyles/form Style To Classic Theme?

Oct 9, 2009

Ok i am making a game in visual basic where its 1998 and you have windows 95 and you find time travel software and travel to different time periods with different operating far i have coded windows 95 and partly windows 98 into the game and have a good time travel sequence... (this will be a completely free game in the future)

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Change Button Styles/form Style To Classic Theme?

Apr 11, 2010

Ok i am making a game in visual basic where its 1998 and you have windows 95 and you find time travel software and travel to different time periods with different operating far i have coded windows 95 and partly windows 98 into the game and have a good time travel sequence... (this will be a completely free game in the future)

Theres just one major problem i have. Whatever operating system you are using for your current computer (windows 7 in my case) the buttons and tabs and everything else (apart from the windows border... or whatever you all it which i made myself) everything has the modern buttons on it.Hes an in game screen shot :As you can see it looks totally horrible... even the start menu has the windows 7 blue glow effect...I recently found another application (universe Sandbox) and it has the classic buttons even though i am using windows can i actually make my buttons classic? (without making picture boxes of each button)

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VS 2008 - BindingSource Position Changed Event

May 5, 2009

I datagridview and I populate it using a bindingsource. I have the following code in the bindingsources PositionChanged event and it works as I want it to except when I filter the bindingsource.

Private Sub ProductBindingSource_PositionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ProductBindingSource.PositionChanged
If (Me.ProductBindingSource.Current IsNot Nothing) Then
Dim dr As DataRow = CType(Me.ProductBindingSource.Current, DataRowView).Row
Dim ProductId As Long = CLng(dr.Item(2).ToString)
Dim ResultId As Integer = CInt(dr.Item(0).ToString)
GetReport2(ProductId, ResultId)
End If
End Sub

The scenario is when I click on a row in my datagridview the bindingsources positionchanged event fires and I load a crystal report. Problem is when I filter the bindingsource, even though the first item in the grid is now different the incorrect report is displayed because the bindingsources position hasn't changed.

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Cannot Seem To Find A Caret Position Changed Event On The Normal Richtextbox Control?

Oct 19, 2009

even Word Pad, when you scroll your Caret (the I-beam for browsing through text) through the text, in the font combobox, the font of the text you are browsing through will be displayed, and when you scroll your caret through a different font, the font will be changed. If you're confused, look at attatched picture.

I cannot seem to find a caret position changed event on the normal richtextbox control - and if anyone can show me a custom component with this it would help me a huge amount.So my basic question is how can i replicate the formentioned function in my own VB.NET program.No code is necessary just constructive suggestions, or links to other projects would be welcome. You don't need to quote the forum rules

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Change A Value Of 1 Combo All Other Combos Change Automatically / Show Same Value As One That Was Changed

Aug 15, 2011

I have 10 Comboboxes in a form. All these combo boxes have databound items which come from the same column in a table in the database (access 07) (Am designing a billing software, and these comboboxes show the items (10 lines of them).All these combos reside in one Groupbox.Now for the strange (scary/funny) part, whenever I change a value of 1 combo, all the other combos change automatically and show the same value as the one that was changed. (strange!).

View 6 Replies

Unable To Position Form To Center

Mar 3, 2011

I have a form called Form1. Its set to startup-Position = Center but when executed it opens up somewhere else (At a random position evrytime).I am working under Windows XP SP3 , using IDE Visual Studio - 2010. Please provide a workaround to this problem. url...

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VS 2010 : Change Express 2010 Gray Theme?

Apr 14, 2010

I was looking all over but didn't find how to change VB 2010 Express default gray theme?

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Change Bgcolor Of Changed Text Box?

Sep 2, 2009

I have a data entry form with many text boxes/combo boxes/controls. I want to change their bgcolor everytime the user makes a change so they are aware of what changes they have made before commiting.

My plan is to store the original value in the tag and comapre in the validated event.

I don't won't to write the same code everytime I need a control to behave that way. I've never written a customcontrol before.

how to achieve this by probably subclassing the control and reuse the code regardless of the type of control it is?

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Don't Understand Parameters That Can Be Change And That Cannot Be Changed

Aug 5, 2011

"write sub prototype for a procedure whcih is named my data and has first parameter as a string which can be changed and second parameter of an integer which cannot be change"

View 3 Replies

IDE - Change Case When Declaration Changed

Jun 17, 2010

Is there a way to set the IDE to automatically update all usage of a variable when the case is changed in the declaration? I know ... if I typed it correctly in the first place it wouldn't matter! And I do know how to use search/replace, I'm just lazy.

View 4 Replies - Why Does SelectedIndex Not Change, Remains As -1 Even If Changed On The Website

Jun 15, 2012

Code for button:

Protected Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Dim li1 As ListItem
Dim addList As New List(Of ListItem)


Updates are happening on the load of a dropdownbox This has something to do with autopostbacks and the page load I think, can someone please help When I click the add button even if I have selected an item in the listbox, it will always return an error message. I don't think the listbox changedselected item is firing.

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Changed Columns In Access Db Now How To Change The Datasource

May 25, 2010

I have made several changes to the columns in an Access db, such as additional columns, column type changes, etc. how do I now incorporate those changes into my datasource? Do I need to delete the datasource and create it from scratch?

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Change Of Code If Database Is Changed (form Access To SQL Server)

Nov 10, 2010

I am trying to migrate from Access Database to SQL server database. Do I need to make changes (for saving, reading, deleting etc. data) to my code as well?

I understand I need to change connection but what about code?

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Sorting - Change Rank Property Of MyClass By Last Changed Item In OXT

Feb 22, 2011

dim oXT As New Generic.SortedDictionary(Of String, MyClass)


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Change The Position To The Last Record?

Jul 6, 2009

when i insert data in to datagrid the position always in first column of first record.

how i can change the position to the last record(last row).

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Cannot Change Position Of Controls On Form

Sep 6, 2010

I am using VB2008 Express. After making changes to the position of controls on the form, the controls position reverts to the original position when the program is rebuilt and run. At first, there is no problem, but after 30 minutes working with the program, the problem begins. I am careful to keep all the files together. I am using XP Professional and .net 3.5

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Change Mouse Position Programmatically?

Sep 3, 2010

I was wondering if there was some function in VB.Net that could change the mouse's position to a certain point, I found this code:

Declare Function SetCursorPos& Lib "user32" (ByVal p As Point)
dim p as point
p.x = 100


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Change The Mouse Position On The Screen

Sep 22, 2009

A simple example is: lets say that im trying to make a program that allows you to move the mouse only with the arrows (left/right/up/down) how can i change the position of the mouse on the screen programmatically? If i wanted when you press a button the mouse to change position to X=0,Y=0 of the hole screen/desktop not the window of the form how can i do it? [Code]

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Change The Position Of The Start Button?

Jun 21, 2010

i have a program that change the look of the taskbar. But i have a problem, i want to set the start button position to the middle of the taskbar but can't find any code to do this. I know that its possible because there are some programs that do this.

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Change The Position Of Where Msgboxs Open At?

Jan 25, 2010

Is it possible to change the position of where msgboxs open at? Can i make them center? or random?

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How To Change Position Of Object In Run Mode

May 26, 2011

I don't know how change position of object in run mode in 2005.

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