Navigate To All Links In MySQL Database?

Dec 1, 2011

I'm making a program where a user has 2 buttons and a textbox, with a hidden webbrowser. I want to make the button 1 add the URL in the textbox to a table in my Database, and Button2 to navigate to all the links in the Database in succession one after another for 10 seconds. I know nothing about how to connect to databases.

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Navigate The WebBrowser In Form 1 By Clicking The Links Inside The Richtext Box In Form 2?

Apr 14, 2009

There's a richtext box in Form 2 and a WebBrowser in Form 1. The richtext box contains several hyperlink. How can I navigate the WebBrowser in Form 1 by clicking the links inside the richtext box in Form 2.

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Read Information From Mysql Server And Write All On Table Name Links To A File?

Aug 5, 2010

How do i read information from a mysql server and write all info on table name links to a file?

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VS 2010 MYSQL - Add Info To Database User Informations Using Mysql Database

May 1, 2011

How connect Vb.Net to MYSQL..? How to add info to database user informations using mysql database. How to call login infos using mysql.

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Store Picture As BLOB In MySQL Database And Retrieve From MySQL Db Directly Into Picturebox ?

Apr 11, 2011

I have determined thanks to the last q & a that there is something wrong with my "save to db" code as well as my "retrieve to picture" code. Even If I manually save the pic in the db it stil wont retreive. This is code i patched together from 3 or 4 examples around the net.

Dim filename As String = txtName.Text + ".jpg"
Dim FileSize As UInt32
Dim ImageStream As System.IO.MemoryStream[code]......

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VB 2008 Extracting Links & Text - Links - Parsing Links & Text

Sep 12, 2009

I'm just curious as to how some software programs that I see out there have the ability to extract links & text from thousands of web pages at an extremely high and fast rate. Has anyone here, ever created a link or text extracting program the has the ability to parse many webpages and return data into a textbox? I know how to extract links via the webbrowser control, but it doesn't seem to parse/extract data at a very high & fast rate like many email, link & text extracting programs that I see out there.


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Make A Login System Mysql Try To Connect To A Mysql Database?

May 3, 2010

I am trying to make a login system mysql try to connect to a mysql database.

Here is my code:

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class LoginForm1
Dim MySqlConnection As MySqlConnection
Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click
MySqlConnection = New MySqlConnection()


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Mysql Database Connect With Mysql-connector-net

Jan 30, 2011

I can have mysql database. but i have not mysql. how to connect this database 2005. but i have mysql-connector-net . I want to mysql-connector-net use to connect this database. database path(C:Documents and SettingsAdminMy DocumentsVB.NETStock delnaSTC.sql)

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Webbrowser1 Navigate To A Parent Url And Webrowser2 Navigate To Child Url?

May 24, 2012

I have a form with two web browsers. I have webbrowser1 navigate to a parent url and webrowser2 navigate to child url.

The page in webbrowser2 loads correctly but when I make a change to an element it doesn't also change the value in webbrowser1 as it should.

Should I be looking at cookies or something else?

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WEBBROWSER LINKS - Store All Links Into A Collection

Sep 11, 2010

my webbrowser navigates to a webpage. I need to store all the links into a collection, I did find the code to do the job (on this forum) and it works, but there is a problem: there are more links on the page than those the code reads, like when i right click on a picture and choose "copy shortcut" I get a link that is not showing when I display the "view source" for the entire page. I can't figure out how to do it.

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WebBrowser Navigate, Wait Few Secs And Navigate Again?

Aug 24, 2008

I want to make something that can on button click navigate to a page, wait the time I specified and navigate to another page..

This does not do what I thought it would do..I think that the problem is that when it sees System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000) everything stops for 5 secs .How can I make it go to and then after 5 seconds, yahoo?

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Forms :: Navigate Database - Next And Previous Record Buttons

Dec 15, 2009

I have following codes on lostfocus of textbox1.text to search values. It works fine but how to navigate database. I mean what codes should I use for Next Record and Previous Record Buttons. My SQL database name is accounts and table name is employees

str = "select * from employees where sno =" & Val(Me.TextBox1.Text)
dt = GetTable(str)
If (dt.Rows.Count >= 1) Then
Me.TextBox2.Text = dt.Rows(0)("name")
Me.TextBox3.Text = dt.Rows(0)("city")
Me.TextBox4.Text = dt.Rows(0)("phone")
[Code] .....on

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Display Record From Database To Controls And Navigate Using Next And Previous Button

Oct 18, 2011

I am designing programe that diplay student record from database to some control like Label and Dropdown control and nagigate the record using Next and previous button I want to view One Record at Once at a page Bellow is my Html Page


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Uploading Data From Access Database Into MySQL Database?

Jun 17, 2009

give me a sample code that works when uploading data from access database into MySQL database...

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Visual Basic 2008 Web Browser Navigate Via Textbox With Multiple Lines - Web Browser Control - Vb 2008 Webbrowser Navigate

Sep 3, 2009

I would like for my program to navigate via textbox1.text with multiple lines and multiple url links inside of it. I know how to make the webbrowser1.navigate via textbox1.text with multiple lines, however I want my webbrowser to navigate to each url every 1-1.5 seconds once button1 is clicked. Yes, my webbrowser1 will navigate to the specified urls via the textbox1.text (multilines) with a button click, but I need the webbrowser1 to navigate in a order sequence from top to bottom of Textbox1.text (multiplelines) every 1 second. Here is the current code that I have to navigate via multilined textbox1.text control in order sequence:


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.net - Mysql Database That Can Be Accessed Over A Vpn?

Mar 23, 2010

I have 2 computers. Both with w7 as os. I have installed wampserver on one of them.I have mysql database on wampserver.Then I have made a program to connect to mysql database. I have put the program on both computers.What I want to do is for those two programs to see the same database that is on one computer. For them to be able to add, delete, update that 1 database. How do I do that? How do I network the mysql database? Do I also have to install wampserver on the other computer?What do I do

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.net Datagrid To Mysql Database?

Aug 19, 2010

how can i edit my mysql database using vb.net2008 datagridviewer?i have the code from the reply from other member but mycommand and myadapter is still undifined..

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.NET Login From MySQL Database?

Jan 14, 2010

i am working on an application which uses login form, search and registration in VB.NET but let this topic focus on login first i am using MySQL database via MySQL.NET connector

here is what i have so far Private Sub btnLogIn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogIn.Click


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Add Text To Mysql Database Through Php?

Jun 11, 2012

I am building an app where I need to allow a user to add a large text (a story) to his account in server.This will be done like this:

application developed in for article formatting pass the story to php page using request variables (because direct connection to MySql server can reveal my password in app exe) php file will store data to database.But right now I get: 414 error - url too big.

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Add Values To A MySQL Database?

Sep 20, 2010

I'm trying to add values to a MySQL database. The values that I need to save come from several textboxes. The SQL-query is read from a XML-file.

Query: INSERT INTO myTableName(ID, Groep, Naam, Achternaam, Intern, etc...) VALUES(NULL, NULL, tel_txt_group.Text, tel_txt_name.Text, tel_txt_surname.Text, tel_txt_intern.Text, etc...)

Unknown column 'tel_txt_group.Text.ToString' in 'field list'

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App That Uses Both An SQLite And MySql Database

May 29, 2012

I am writing an app that uses both an SQLite and MySql database. The reason for this before you ask is that it means I can store a local copy of the data onto my user' own machines when they are offline, and then update them to a central server when they are next online.

The problem I have is that when using datasets (on tables created in identical fashion) the itemarray of the mysql database has 9 extra totally blank fields...where as the SQLite itemarray has only the values for the items.

here is a snippet of the code:


ultimately I am getting an index size mismatch error but with both tables having the same number of fields this is confusing.

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Backup MYSQL Database Via .NET?

Jun 21, 2008

I am visual studio 2005(VB.NET) and MYSQL 5.0 as Database. I want to Backup my Database. I am using the following but the result is in 0 KB.Process.Start("C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.0

inmysqldump.exe", "--user=root --password=root --host=3306 --databases MySQL hospitality -r ""C:BackUpDataBase.sql""")

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Can't Connect To Mysql Database

Dec 28, 2011

VB.NET Express 2010.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Connecting To A MySQL Database In VB?

Jun 21, 2010

I think I already know the answer to this, but just to be sure, is there any way to connect to a MySQL database in VB?

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Connecting To A MySQL Database?

Jun 14, 2010

I have a VB.NET application and I need it to be able to display rows from a MySQL database. How would I do this?

Update: Another thing that I could do is have the app get a PHP page from the site that shows the DB, and gets the page every 10 seconds or so.

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Connecting To Mysql Database From .NET?

Sep 19, 2011

I'm having some trouble setting up a working connection to a mysql database from Visual Studio 2010.After downloading and installing the mysql-net connector, I set up a simple testing database in Xampp and experimented around a bit until I managed to read some values from the database and inserting new ones.I'm trying to access another database on a remote server and all I get is an error message: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.Basically, I'm only trying to execute this code:

Dim con As New MySqlConnection("Server=;Uid=root;Pwd=mypwd;Database=mydb;")

(server ip looks a bit different of course)When I access my local database, it looks quite similar:

Dim con As New MySqlConnection("Server=;Uid=root;Pwd=;Database=test;")

Nevertheless, I can access the remote database easily using a simple PHP script... no problems there.

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Connection Of Database(mysql)?

Mar 23, 2012

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim MyConnection As New OdbcConnection("Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1


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Mysql Database Connection .net?

Apr 25, 2011

I'm trying to connect to a database but it doesn't work...

Dim conn As MysqlConnection
conn = New Mysqlconnection()
conn.ConnectionString = "server=http://www.*****.net/phpMyAdmin; user id=*****; password=****; database=login"


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MySql Database Row Read?

Jun 22, 2010

I have memebrship system with mysql database.In the table I have comumns named Username, password, information...I have to found the row with the username who have logged in and put the text from information column in textbox...

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Nothing Happens When Update MySQL Database

Aug 27, 2011

Ok so I have a Mysql dsetup called in-out and I have written a client program to get information from the table in the database, display it in a data grid view, and then allow to user to edit this information and update it on the server. Right now I am hosting the server on my Gateway laptop and also connecting to it from the same laptop therefore I'm using localhost as the server name. My problem is that when I go into the program and change the information and click update, nothing happens... the information stays the same yet there is no sign of an error, syntax failure, or program crash.

I've tried running this on another computer in my house and i get the same results. I can access the information without a hitch but updating it is where I run into trouble. If there was a problem with my code it would have displayed some sort of error or asked me to debug my script, which would have made it a lot easier to solve, therefore i am certain that it has something to do with my database. Before I got to this step, i kept getting an error when retrieving the information that said something like


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