Nested Properties - Get An Error 7th Line Where It Says "Return Me", Cannot Cast FilteringDGV To MyProperties?

Jan 8, 2010

How can i do a thing like: Myobject.Properties.Property?

Good Example: The datagridview has the 'Databindings' with an arrow, along with many other properties, How would I do something like that? This is the code I have:

Interface MyProperties
ReadOnly Property [Property]() As String
End Interface[code]....

I get an error 7th Line where it says "Return me", cannot cast FilteringDGV to MyProperties.

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Nested Multi-line Lambda Function As Parameter For LINQ Select Is Causing An Error

Jun 29, 2010

I'm trying to use a nested multi-line lambda Function in VB.NET and am getting an error. Here's what my code looks like:

cartItems = cartItems.Select(Function(ci) New With {.CartItem = ci, .Discount = discountItems.FirstOrDefault(Function(di) di.SKU = ci.SKU)})
If k.Discount Is Not Nothing Then


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Loop And Enumerate Properties Of Nested Classes In Nested Classes?

Sep 24, 2010

so far i got

For Each item As Reflection.FieldInfo In GetType(NameSpace.ClassWithNestedClasses).GetFields
rtfAppend(item.Name & ":" & Tab & item.GetValue(Me))
For Each item As Reflection.PropertyInfo In GetType(NameSpace.ClassWithNestedClasses).GetProperties()


which gets me the simple string vars and properties of my top class, but how can i apply this to loop through all sub classes and get there vars and props?

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Nested Class Access Methods For Properties In .NET

Jan 20, 2011

I am trying to figure out the best approach for setting and getting properties in a nested class I am creating. I have a class, Car which has a nested class ControlPanel and want to make the properties of the Control Panel only accessible to the Car and Control Panel class.


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Class Definition To Return Nested JSON Structure Without WCF?

Dec 10, 2011

I'm trying to return code like this (can be found here):

{"hotspots": [{
"id": "test_1",
"anchor": { "geolocation": { "lat": 52.3729, "lon": 4.93 } },


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LINQ Return Single Type Of Object Invalid Cast

Jun 29, 2010

Ok, just needing a 2nd set of eyes looking at this to make sure the error isn't something else other than my LINQ code here. Here's the function class itself:

Public Function GetJacketByPolicyID(ByVal jacketID As Int32) As tblPolicy
Dim db As New DEVDataContext()
Dim j As tblPolicy = db.tblPolicies.Single(Function(p) p.policyNumber = jacketID)
Return j
End Function

and here is the code which calls this class function in the web control form itself:

Dim p As tblPolicy
Dim j As New Jackets()
p = j.GetJacketByPolicyID(3000050)

For some reason it's flagging the 2nd line in the GetJacketByPolicyID function saying the specified cast is not valid. So I'm guessing it's something I'm doing wrong. I'm sure the tblPolicy/tblPolicies class works right since I can create a new instance of a tblPolicy and set a few variables by hand and return it, so that's not it. I've also checked the datarow I'm fetching and there's no null values in the record, so that shouldn't be it either.

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Use LINQ To Filter Collection Of Nested Classes To Yield Dictionary Of Unique Properties Of Those Classes?

Jan 23, 2012

I have two classes, one nested in the other. [code]Neither "Name" or "ID" are unique between operations and records.I wish to construct a dictionary using LINQ = Dictionary(Of String, Of List(Of Integer), whereby the keys are uniqe examples of Names in my collection and the values are the collective set of distinct IDs that are associated with those names.

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Why Properties Initialize And Return More Than One Value

May 14, 2010

Have a look at this code:
Public Class PropertiesTest
Dim num1 As Integer
Dim num2 As Integer
Public Property Assign() As Integer
[Code] .....
Here Assign property is initializing and returning more than one values, but without any use? Since, when I create object of this class , it is returning only one value. So what is the use of allowing such type of initialization and return statement?

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VS 2010 - Properties To Return Either Integer Or Byte Array

Feb 24, 2011

I am creating a class that will represent a file and I am going to have lots of properties. Now I want the properties to return either a integer or a byte array. Is this possible or do I need to create 2 different properties one for the integer and one for the byte array? When I try I get. 'Public Property something As Integer' and 'Public Property something As Byte()' cannot overload each other because they differ only by return types.

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Subclass Is Cast As Its Superclass Is There A Way To Use The Overloaded Properties Of The Subclass?

Sep 13, 2010

Sorry if the title isn't very clear. This is a VB.NET (2010) question I have a superclass called "Device" which has a number of subclasses that inherit it. Some of those subclasses also have subclasses. In particular, I have a class called "TwinCatIntegerDevice" which inherits "TwinCatDevice" which inherits "Device."The relevant parts of Device look like this:


View 1 Replies - XmlArrayItem Deserialization Error With Nested Items?

Oct 27, 2009

I am having problems deserializing the response message I receive from the proxy class I created through WSDL.exe. I believe the problem lies in the fact that I am using XmlArrayItem, which has nested items within.Instead of getting:

<results xmlns="">

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Compile Error While Adding Items To Nested Dictionary

Mar 15, 2010

I am trying to created nested dictionary variable like the below, But I get compile error stating that it needs "}" at line where I am adding items (line #2) to my nested dictionary. What Am I missing here?


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'specified Cast Is Not Valid' Error

Jun 21, 2010

I'm trying to make simple payroll system using 2003 and Access 2007. When I press 'delete' button in this application, having a "Specified cast is not valid" error.

Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "select*from EMT where Empno='" & mskEmpno.ClipText & "'"
comEMT.CommandText = strSQL


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Error: "Specified Cast Is Not Valid

Aug 20, 2011

When I attempt to use label1.ForeColor="#FFFF00" I get an error: "Specified cast is not valid."

How can I resolve this?

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How To Return To The Line In Label

Apr 3, 2010

in label, i have the text :ergregregergrgegergregergregregregregrgrgrgegghgand i want :ergregregergrgegergregeregregregregrgrgrgegghg

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DB/Reporting :: Unable To Cast Object Error

Oct 7, 2008

i am trying to create an sql parameter but i am having an error. it gives me an error like this: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Boolean' to type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter'. on all of this line

Dim paramcollection As New List(Of SqlParameter) ' no error on this part but the lines below gives me an error:
paramcollection.Add(New SqlParameter("@CGLCode", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value =


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Error : Invalid Cast Exception Was Unhandled

Aug 15, 2011

I am getting Invalid Cast Exception was unhandled.Conversion from String 'abc' to type 'Double' is not valid in the following line!

((xlBook.Worksheets(2).Cells(iRowIndex, iColumnIndex).Value)) = avFoundKeywordds(iSearchText)

The business intent is that user enters the keyword 'abc' and clicks search button . We have defined different keywords in a xls which has 1600 rows and 16 columns . so when finding abc in any of the cells ,it has to return the value of a column#4 where the name is specified !

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Error : Unable To Cast COM Object Of Type

Jul 22, 2011

I have do the coding to export the data from DataGridView to Excel. But If am running the code am getting the below error.


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Getting Error Unable To Cast Object Of Type?

Aug 15, 2011

I seem to have broken something I get this error Unable to cast object of type System.EventArgs' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs'.

my code:
Private Sub ListControl_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListControl.SelectedIndexChanged


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Unable To Cast Object Of Type Error

Mar 28, 2011

i write this code to work with some radio button and calculate Score for a questionare : Dim SScore AsByte = 0 Dim BTNN AsByte = 0 Dim BTNNS AsString = "" ForEach rBTN AsRadioButtonInMe.Controls If Mid(rBTN.Name, 1, 5) = "RBS01"Then If rBTN.Checked Then SScore = SScore + CType(Mid(rBTN.Name, 7, 1), Byte) EndIf EndIf Next I get this error on line 4 : Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Forms.Button' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton'. i dont know what is it and how can handle it.

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VS 2005 Error Handling Cast Exception?

Jul 24, 2009

I have most of the obvious user error handled with code, limits to mubers on keypress, if statement in case of input blank left blank etc.. I realize though that are infinintepossibliltys the user can perform especially with the programI am trying to create it requires ALOT of user interaction, with users inputting information (numbers in textboxes) and calculations happen on the fly, in other words there is no Calculate button after everything is input

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Carriage Return Line Feed

Mar 13, 2010

[code]The code within the Private Sub replace the spaces within txtCallnumber.Text with carriage return line feed and does what I need it to, but when I place the code into the Private Sub that is above it places the carriage return line feed into the cells in the datagridview: column(CALL NUMBER). The txtCallnumber.Text is bound to the DataGridView column(CALLNUMBER). I do not want the DataGridView column(CALLNUMBER) to have the carriage return line feed

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C# - Accessing Top Master Page Properties In A Nested Master Page Code Behind?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a nested master page that has its own master page. The parent master page has a property defined in its code behind.

Public ReadOnly Property SelectedPage() As String
Return _selectedPage
End Get
End Property

How can I reference the parent master page's property from within either the child master page's code behind Page_Load or aspx template page?

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[2008] Error Validation - Series Of Nested If/then/else Statements To Make Sure A User Enters Information

Feb 15, 2009

I'm using a series of nested if/then/else statements to make sure a user enters information into each text box or chooses a radio button. What would i use to say if no text is entered in textbox1, then ... also what would i use to make a sure the user choose one or the other radio button? for example i also have a combo box, i used "If SubjectComboBox.SelectedIndex <> -1" for the if statement.

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C# - Initialize Object Properties In One Line Of Code

Nov 11, 2009

I'll put some C# code below that should explain what I'm trying to do. I just don't know how to do it in VB. Additionally, for future ref, if you could tell me what this process is called

// Here is a simple class
public class FullName


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Specified Cast Is Not Valid Error On Development But Not On Test Server?

Sep 1, 2010

I have a .Net 2 solution with some asp classic pages.I get a specified cast is not valid error when I access the page on my local. Below is the vb function where I get the Error:

Public Function Retrieve(ByVal vntSeqId As String, ByRef vntPart As String, ByRef vntPartKey As String, ByRef vntEntDate As String _
, ByRef vntStatus As String, ByRef vntOrigGblId As String, ByRef vntOrigNetId As String,


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Return An Errorlevel To Command Line Through Program?

Sep 10, 2007

How can I return an errorlevel to the command line through VB.NET? I have tried:ExitProcess(0)and Environment.exit(0)

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Provide Cast Methods For Cast Operator Overloads In C#?

Jun 3, 2009

I read somewhere that older VB .net (pre VB .NET 2005?) couldn't use overloaded operators in a C# class. Is it true for overloaded cast operators?Either way do you guys think it's a disadvantage for a C# class library not to include them and arithmetic methods as actual methods for other languages, like:



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Carriage Return/Line Feed In The Text Of A Checkbox?

Mar 27, 2007

I'm using VB.Net and I am creating a mobile application. I have a checkbox that the text needs to be on more than one line. I've tried everything including setting the text property on the load screen function and using the vbCrLf and I just see the Line feed square but not multiple lines. I've also tried resizing the box and that didn't work either. how to make the text span multiple lines?

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IDE :: Make ENTER Key Complete Intellisense, But WITHOUT A Line Return

May 16, 2008

Does anyone know how I can setup visual studio to use the enter key to complete intellisense, but without moving the cursor to the next line? I use multiple other IDE's that work in this fashion, and VS is really throwing off my rythym with this.

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