Office Automation :: How To Open File In Non Associated Application

Mar 24, 2009

I would like to open a file in an application using 2008. I am unsure which namespace to use. I do not want to assume it is the current associated application. I believe there should be a way to...
Dim app as something
Open a file in that app

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Office Automation - Auto Email After File Open

Mar 10, 2009

The below code works fine to export data from a datagrid to excel spreadsheet. Is it possible to incorporate an auto email (outlook) so that I can automatically send the spreadsheet to my manager lets say his email is What I want to do is when the spreadsheet is opened an auto email is sent with the spreadsheet attached to my line manager.

Private Sub ExporttoExcel()
'verifying the datagridview having data or not
If ((DgvQuarCommit.Columns.Count = 0) Or(DgvQuarCommit.Rows.Count = 0)) Then
Exit Sub
[Code] .....

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Office Automation :: Check If Workbook Is Open?

Jul 26, 2010

how I might check to see if a specific Excel Workbook (call it Test.xlsx) is open?I have a routine that calls a subroutine. Sometimes at the time of the call Test.xlsx is open, sometimes not. So when the subroutine runs, I need it to check first to see if Test.xlsx is open. If it isn't then the subroutine should open it and perform the subroutine's purpose operations. If it is open, it should not try to "re-open" it or worse open a copy of it; it should simply perform the subroutine's purpose operations.

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Office Automation :: Open A Excel From VB2008

Apr 20, 2010

I am trying to open a existing excel file from VB 2008

I am doing next:

Dim ObjExcel As EXCEL.Application
ObjExcel = CreateObject ("Excel.Application")
objexcel.Workbooks.Open Path

I get and error saying that is old format or invalid type library

how to open an existing excel file from VB 2008.

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Office Automation :: How To Reference Open Workbook [VS 2008]

Aug 11, 2010

Edit by Moderator: [URL]...I know this thread is extremely old but it applies to my situation.Using Visual Studio 2008, VB, I get an error in this code:

Dim strWorkbkName As String
Dim strWorkshtName As String
Dim XlApp As Object
Set XlApp = GetObject(, "Excel.application")


not reply to threads which have been inactive for more than one month and please start your own threads to ask your own questions. Since you question is about VB.Net, I have moved your thread from the Office VBA forum to the .Net Office Automation forum.

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Office Automation :: Open And Move Around An Excel From VB 2008?

Apr 20, 2010

I'm trying to open an excel file and then move around a little bit in the excel from VB 2008 and I having some problems. I'm trying next:

dim objExcel as excel.application
objExce = new excel.application


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Office Automation :: Open Powerpoint And Get Notice When It Gets Closed?

Oct 7, 2010

I have been searching and trying for quite some time now but did not yet find the right way to solve my problem.Here is what I want to do:- open powerpoint with a file (an disable the UI of my app while it is opened)- make some changes to this file- save it with a new name- get notice when Powerpoint is closed (either by my app once the automatic changes are done or if the user quits Powerpoint)- enable UI once Powerpoint is closedThe notice is my problem. Is there an easy way (other than timers that check the process list) to get notice of when my started Powerpoint-Process is closed/quit?

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Office Automation :: Open CSV And Count Columns And Rows Imported?

Aug 29, 2010

In the previous reply, you showed how to open a CSV in Excel. How does one determine the number of rows and columns that were imported?

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Office Automation :: Open Excel Doc From Webpage And Return Cell Value To DB

Jan 8, 2009

I would like from a certain url, to launch an excel file, have the user fill some cells and then return the value to a database by aspx perhaps.

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Office Automation :: Program That At One Point Will Open Word And Export Some Info

May 28, 2010

I have a program that at one point will open word and export some info. That works perfect, however I have just noticed each day I have a number of winwords open (can only see them in task manager so they are hidden). It appears that everytime I start the program it opens a hidden winword session. It has nothing to do with the code I have on the form, it opens before any code I have written is executed.

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Office Automation :: .net 2010 Application Does Not Run On All Computers

Jan 4, 2012

I have an VB.NET 2010 application using framework 4 that has issues with reading and writing to cells using command similar to 'RequiredSoftwareVersion = EmployeesSheet.Cells(37, 4).value'. The big thing is I can open/close the workbook, select which worksheet in the workbook. On some computers it works fine, on others I get a pop-up that asks if you want details, continune, quit. All the computers have Office 2007 installed.

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Office Automation :: Opening A New Excel Application?

Jul 30, 2009

I know how to program this task easily using, only because i had to do a similar task a few seasons ago. However, when I confronted this task last week my previous solution did not work.Here is my code.Code:'using VS 2005 so i added the COM reference: Microsoft Excel 10.0 Object LibraryDim xlApp As Excel.ApplicationDim xlWorkBook As New Excel. the .Net Office Automation forum

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Office Automation :: Excel Automation - Cannot Use Office PIAs

Feb 14, 2009

It appears that when one creates an instance of Excel, using CreateObject, (Late binding), the suggested Excel closing function (with GC.collect etc) does not work. I have tried several suggestions, and the only one that works is process.kill method. Do you see any problem in using this? BTW: the reason we are using late binding is that we cannot use Office PIAs....not sure which version of Office would be installed on the client site. We work with O2003, but the client might still be at 2000 or 2002.

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Office Automation :: Outlook - Application Running Multiple Threads

Apr 15, 2009

I have an application, running multiple threads, and in many of these threads, Outlook is being called, some mails read, attachments downloaded, and then the outlook instance closed. But it is possible that there are a number of threads trying to do the same thing at the same time. There is of course a lock at the beginning and end of the process, so that no two threads try to access the outlook application at the same time.

"Sometimes" i get an error message : Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {0006F03A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 80010108

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Office Automation :: Closing/Quitting Excel From Visual Studio Application

Jul 13, 2010

I am using visual studio to create an application that opens an excel file and then for each entry in the first column the entry in the second column is stored in an array. Then excel opens two other workbooks and for each entry in the first column it searches for a match in these other two workbooks and stores the corresponding value in an array.

Anyway, the problem is closing excel afterwards. I have used the thread: [URL] to work through the basics of cleaning up. I used the cleanup code provided and added the WithEvents caveat. I do not have strict option on.

I believe the problem is the fact that I have three workbooks open.

This is my cleanup code: (wrkbk, wrkbk2, wrkbk3 are the workbooks; datasheet, datasheet2, datasheet 3 are the worksheets; excel is the application)



I got the impression that order was important in the cleanup procedure so I have tried some variations of moving the workbooks and worksheets around.

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Office Automation :: Add File To Msi Setup?

Feb 21, 2011

I want my Visual Basic.NET program to have a file in the startup path when installed.So I want the file to be in my msi Setup file.How can I add this file respectively where can I say that this file should be added to the setup file?I hope I posted this in the right section of this forum.

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Office Automation :: Excel Import CSV File

Oct 19, 2009

How do I import data in Excel from a CSV file using C#? Actually, what I want to achieve is similar to what we do in Excel, you go to the Data tab and then select From Text option and then use the Text to columns option and select CSV and it does the magic, and all that stuff. I want to automate it.


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Office Automation :: Preventing From Using A File Being Modified

Nov 3, 2011

I am writing a program to automatically recognize new data log files in a specific folder and proceed to process them in a routine I scripted. I have the program working fine for when I manually place files in there, but I know there will be an issue when my data logger is working because it will create files and then write to them for approximately 12 hours.[code]Which works fine, but how can I modify that or what should I use to force the program to wait until the file is done being modified? Say force it to wait at least 1 minute after the last modification?

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Office Automation :: Fill An Excel File With Some Data?

Dec 13, 2011

In my app I need to fill an excel file with some data. On change of customer the data needs to be on another worksheet, sheet renamed and so on.

The workbook now has 19 sheets (wSheet.Add(,,16), the first worksheet gets renamed to custno. and the sheets gets filled.

But whatever I try, I can't get onto the other worksheets.

All I Googled seem to raise errors; following code is part of a nested 'If'

Dim excel As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim wBook As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
Dim wSheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet
If w < 1 Then


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Office Automation :: PrintPreview Excel File From .net 2008?

Feb 12, 2009

The program creates the report in excel just fine and it creates the borders and headers. I want to know how can I printpreview an excel file from You can refer a tutorial or explanation or sample of how can I do this.

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VS 2008 Write Excel File Without Office Automation?

Aug 9, 2010

I have a VB app that exports some data to dbf tabes.I have empty dbf files,I write data and then save them,all works fine,but now I need to export to a .xls file(I have a structure just like dbf),I need to write data to the file without having Excel installed.

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Office Automation :: Automatic Deployment Of Excel Automation Addin?

Jan 25, 2011

I have written an automation addin in Excel with C# (addin.dll). To use the addin, I need to 1. register it using "regasm /codebase c:...addin.dll"2. select in ExcelOptionsAddInsExcel AddinsAutomation the respective addin from the list

I would like to automatize 1) and 2), so that the user just needs to run an exe-file in order to use the addin. 1) should be no problem, but how can one automatize 2)?

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Office Automation :: Excel 2003 Automation With VB 2005 Express?

Apr 20, 2010

Ok basically what I need to do is the following:Read FirstExcelDoc (attached)For every row in that: Retrieve data from sql server db based on info in the Orange columns of FirstExcelDoc Let's say I retrieved data elements A, B, C, D, and E from sql server. Then I need to enter those same data elements A, B, and C in another excel spreadsheet (which has formulas etc) After inputing A, B, and C in that spreadsheet, read a couple of calculated fields and compare those results to data elements D and E retrieved originally from SQL Server DB. Finally, output the results in the Blue columns of the FirstExcelDoc spreadsheet for that row.Loop through and do the same thing for row 2 of the FirstExcelDoc and keep on until you see "END TEST" in the FirstExcelDoc.

I'm looking for a method of doing this efficiently. I have read several articles over the past few days as well as those from Mike R. but just need some direction to get started on this.To start of I'm looking for whether to read the entire FirstExcelDoc spreadsheet or just read the info for first policy number(2nd row) and process it and write out the blue column info for that row and then loop through and come back and read the second policy number (3rd row) etc... Please attach a code snippet for either way of reading the data.

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Office Automation :: Orphan Excel Process Started Via Automation

Jun 17, 2009

I'm using excel via interop in application.Sometimes users kill application that created excel instance and that results in excel instance sitting in memory without any chance of disposing it.First I tried to tackle this using ROT(running object table) looks like not all instances of excel are registered there.Than I tried to somehow mark excel process after it is started via interop.[code]This works as long as excel is visible but in my case excel window is invisible.All I need is to somehow mark process that started via automation with the parent PID, so that later I can kill it if parent does not exist.

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Office Automation :: PPT Automation = Multi-threading And RPC Server Unavailable

Apr 16, 2010

I have successfully automated a PowerPoint Metrics presentation with VB.Net. However, since there were many complicated calculations, it took quite some time to make the 120+ slide presentation - so I recently tried to revamp the application to be multi-threaded.


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Office Automation :: Word2007 Automation Without Word12 Object Library

Jan 21, 2012

I've got VS2008 and Office2010, but I don't have Office2007. Therefore, I have the Word14 Object Library but not the Word12 Object Library. Will the code that I create for Office2010 automation also work where clients only have Office2007 or will they have to upgrade their office suites?

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Office Automation :: Excel Automation - Call Rejected

Dec 17, 2010

I have been pulling my hair out trying to fix this.


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Office Automation :: Excel Automation Causing: Rpc_e_serverfault

Jun 1, 2010

We have a vb program which is run on our server by scheduled task every day. The program opens about 30 excel files, refreshes the data connections, pivot tables and then saves the document in another location.

This may run fine for a couple days but sooner or later the process starts crashing, usually with this error: RPC_E_SERVERFAULT.

My question is, Is it expected that continually opening/closing/refreshing workbooks will inevitably cause the Excel object to crash at some point.

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Office Automation :: Extract Text From WORD Without Openning The File?

Dec 4, 2011

is there a way to extract all the text from a Word Document in VB.NET without actually openning the file? I'm asking since it is a very time and memory consuming operation to open a word document, select all, assign it to a variable and the close the file.I have a routine the opens all emails in a mailbox and analyses the body and subject object for regular expressions. I would like to do the same for the attachment, if it's in Word. if it's not possible to extract without openning the file, can anyone give me the best way to do it so that the routine doesn't destroy my server memorywise?

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Office Automation :: Opening An Excel File Using VB 2010 Express?

Sep 22, 2010

I have created a picturebox in a form that I want to click on and then it would send me to a excel file that I already have created. I don't know if it is even possible. Do I need to use a button instead?, or am I just way off all together.

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