Open Excel File In Program?
Apr 24, 2007
I have an excel file,having lot or micros, connecting to database, doing some complex calculation..inshot that excel file is itself an application.
Now I want to open that excel in form, on button click. I prefer to open that excel in form itself having all the excel tool bar etc, If that is not possible then opening in separate window using excel will also solve my purpose (coz when we open in excel it self we will get all the toolbar option etc automatically)
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May 4, 2012
I have a vb program that reads data from an excel sheet and displays it in a datagridview. The problem with this program is that it is able to read the data and display it only when the excel file is opened but when the excel file is not opened, it gives an error report that[code]...
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May 8, 2012
I have this issue that occurs with me and driving me crazy i have a report that contains thousands of records and i need to export it to excel , but the excel normal extension .xls
is showing missing records at the end of the file , so i save my file as an .xlsx extension it saves correctly but when i open the file it generates an error
"Excel cannot open the file '<var>filename</var>.xlsx' because the file format for the file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file."but when i test the file i drag it and open it in an empty notepad all the records shows up correctly
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Feb 11, 2009
I would like to open the excel file after create the excel file. The creating file function is done, but the system unable to open the excel file. My coding as below:
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim misValue As Object = System.Reflection.Missing.Value
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Jul 13, 2010
I have an application the contains several excel files bundled with it. I'm not opening the files and processing them within my application. These files contain a data-connection to reload all of the pivot-tables within each excel file. I have a 'link' on my form, that when clicked, it determines which file to open and calls a sub using filename and executing Process.Start(filename) for any excel file I want to open. I have no problems opening any one of the files and then exiting excel.
The problem is when I 'close' a file, but don't exit Excel; then try to open another file(clicking link on form)... it creates a new instance of Excel.
I know from experimenting that the fileopendialog form will 'reuse' an existing Excel instance, IF it does not already have a file open.
How can I do the same thing without using the fileopendialog?
I don't want the end-user to have access to the folders where these files live. That's why I have multiple 'links' on my form, one for each xls that already exists. I just want them to be able to click on a link and the xls file opens AND if they choose to merely 'close' a file and not exit... Don't create a new instance of Excel, but re-use the existing one.
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Mar 10, 2009
I took oledbconnection with excel file, after disposing this connection i m still unable to open that excel manually,It shows some access error.
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May 22, 2012
I need to open an excel file from and then search it for specific data. I then need to take those data and insert them into text boxes on a form that i have created. This is all controlled by a button click. I already have some code that will open a file dialog box and let me navigate to the correct file, but I am having trouble with the search portion. I have tried the Find function but I am not sure of the proper syntax. I am using Visual Studio 2008 and Excel 2003.
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Nov 26, 2010
I have written an access application for project management and am trying to convert it to VB so i can make an exe. what i need to do is open an excel file because my gnatt chart creator is an excel document.When i run my debugger it says it doesn;t know what the open command is..I think i need to include a reference but do not know which one and there are lots to choose from. i have included the excel reference so the compiler knows what an Excel.Application is and what Application.Workbooks is. but when i try and go beyond work book i get no options like open or save or saveas or worksheets.[code]
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Nov 4, 2009
i want to open an excel file inside my folder which is dynamic meaning it can be in drive c: or d: as long as it is inside a specific folder grace
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Aug 10, 2010
I want to open a excel file, and then close my projekt:
so when the projekt is close the excel is open with a file.
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Jan 24, 2011
how open excel's file from vb
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Mar 29, 2012
The following gives me an error when I try to open an Excel file if the value of lblFileName is different than the file on disk by differences of upper or lowercase letters.
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Jan 25, 2011
how can I assign value to wb witout open the file (I want another function to give wb value without open the file)
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Jun 2, 2011
Im struggling on how to open an excel workbook without one of two problems.
1. After the first workbook is opened and I close the workbook, if another is opened the worksheet area is "transparent", as in, you can see the desktop or any open app behind excel.
2. Closing excel and opening another workbook after X times (4+?) via the app I use causes the computer to reboot.
I am stuck thinking it is the method used to open excel within the app.The code below has two methods, both produce the same affect. One method is blocked (makes it easy to test either one).[code]I have two buttons that open workbooks, both have identical code less the workbook requirements.Is there a better or best method to use for opening excel workbooks from
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Aug 24, 2011
I've been trying for a while to declare or to open a excel sheet in I already read excel file in and other links but it doesn't work. I added Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library. I included:
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Jun 4, 2010
On my computer I've 2005. and also office 2007. I try to open an excel file like that
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
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Feb 16, 2009
I am working on a program that must get data from excel workbooks. I open the excel workbook, copy a chart image tp the clipboard, then copy the contents of the clipboard to a PictureBox.Image. The problem I am having is the files contain links to other workbooks so when I open them I get a message box asking if I want to update the links. Since this is ment to run automaticaly at certain times I will not be there to click on Yes or No.I also have a similar problem when I try to close the workbook. I get the messagebox for saving changes to the file.Here is the code I am using:
Dim objXLS As Object = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Dim FileName, Sheet As String
Dim data As IDataObject
objXLS.ActiveWorkbook.Close()'This is where I get the file save changes message boxI am using Visual Studio 2008 Pro and excel 2003My operating system is XP?
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Nov 26, 2011
I'm using 2008 I want to use this code to open Excel file from the same folder where the program(exe) will be.
Dim exl As New Excel.Application
as when did in Process.Start("Name.xlsx")
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Apr 20, 2010
I have a database file that excel reads just fine but i can't figure out what type of file it is. So i figure the easiest thing to do is open the file in via an excel object, then execute the save as i have seen 1000 examples but even after i think i add a reference vb still has no idea what "excel." is.[code]
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Jun 6, 2011
I want to rewad values from an Excel file that is always open and updating. I was using standard code to open up Excel and read from it, which worked fine, but that opens a new instance of the sheet. I need to read from a sheet that's already open.
I'm using xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("c:\example.xls") which opens a new instanc of example.xls.
If example.xls is already open, is there a way of reading from it?
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Mar 6, 2010
When importing data from excel to desktop application, Im having "file is open" error. Excel file is at the remote pc. Excel file must open and I have to reach anytime. How can I handle this problem?
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Mar 31, 2010
I have a excel file place on server. I am using a application which written by VB.NET to open file in read only mode. User 1 open file in read only mode. How can user 2 detect that file is open or not status?
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Aug 19, 2010
I have a program that filters data and then outputs it to a tabg delimited file. I then use Excel Interop to open this file in Excel because directly outputting to a worksheet takes too long. So currently I am using this code:
Dim WB As Workbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(AD.DF.DatafileInfo.WriteToFileLocation)
ExcelApp.Visible = True
The first line takes the filtered data and outputs to a tab delimited file. The second opens that same file in a new workbook in Excel. And obviously the third makes Excel visible. Here is my problem though: right now when this code is run there are two open workbooks. I already have an active workbook and I would just like to open this file to that workbook.
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Oct 12, 2011
I am looking for a way to open and populate a new sheet while population the sheet from a file.xml. Any ideas?
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Jan 2, 2010
Currently i working on a project which needs an excel file to be opened at the rum time in 2008.i tried to call the same using richtextbox, it shows the file but the content is not readable.
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Sep 7, 2010
how i can open execl File using macros For every one hour . The exel file is located on my "D:Test.xls"
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Oct 13, 2011
I want to open a excel template with a browse button, the file needs to open and must be directly saved by the user. after the file is saved the file location needs to be displayed in a textbox.With this i can open excel itself, but i don't know how to open the template and save the document
Dim Xl As Excel.Application
Dim Filepath As String
Dim Workbook As Excel.Workbook
The file opens and i get a save as dialog, but when i want to save the document it doesn;t save at all, However it won't give me a error.
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Jun 26, 2011
i want to create system that can search and open 1 excel file from multiple excel file.Since there are too many excel file, i create a database(using excel) which list all the excel file and sorting it by project name in which i want to retrieve the excel file through project name. this is the example database that i had create:
ProjectName ExcelFile
PA201 d:Project.xlsx
i just want to design 1 user interface,type the project name in the textbox then click command button to open the excel file but i don't know the coding.
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Mar 17, 2009
How to use a vba userform to input a number to the excel file and get another number from that excel file back to the userform?!! (such as input value to A1 and collect C1 back to userform). Beside is that possible to open another excel file via ComboBox and input the number (C1) to that particular excel file...
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Jun 12, 2011
I cannot figure out the declarations to write to an excel file that is already open.
I open the excel file and make it visible with this:
Private Sub Button1_Click
Dim objExcel As New Excel.Application
Dim objWB As Excel.Workbook
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