Parametrized Table Name In SQL Query

Sep 9, 2011

I'm using Vb2005 to hit a SQL server. i have a pretty complicated query that hits identically structured databases on the server. I was looking into parameterizing the FROM clause but cant seem to do it.[code]Depending on the users needs I will hit the 'DriverDb' or the 'MaintDb' or 'DispDb' databases. the SQL string is actually much more complicated than that with references to the db in about 5 places so wanted to simplify it so that i could just replace with a parameter.

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Parametrized Insert Query Not Working?

Nov 3, 2011

I am trying to run what I thought was a rather simple parameterized insert query, but am running into all sorts of problems. SQL EXPRESS 08R2,

Here is the VB code that builds the parameters...
UPDATED Variable names:

itemDataSource1.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MyConnectionString").ToString()
itemDataSource1.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure
itemDataSource1.InsertParameters.Add("@short_Text", short_Text)


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External Database Path As Parameter For Parametrized Query To Access

Jun 10, 2011

I'm writing small VB.Net app which should build reports based on data gathered from some external MDB-files (Access 2007).

It was planned that this app will use parametrized SQL queries to collect data from DBs.

One of the parameters for these queries is path to the external MDB-file.

Here goes sample code:

Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:TempTemp.mdb;")


Looks simple but doesn't works. After launch my app throws following exception - System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Disk or network error.

Have spent a whole day to make it work with no success. What have I done wrong?

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Sql - External Database Path As Parameter For Parametrized Query To Access

Jun 10, 2011

I'm writing small VB.Net app which should build reports based on data gathered from some external MDB-files (Access 2007). It was planned that this app will use parametrized SQL queries to collect data. One of the parameters for these queries is path to the external MDB-file.

Here goes sample code:

Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _
& "Data Source=C:TempTemp.mdb;")


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Sql - Unable To Escape Apostrophe/special Characters In Parametrized Query

Nov 30, 2011

The data was being read from a Gridview which had the html encoding. The solution was the following...

Dim Sht_Text As String = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(row.Cells.Item(0).Text)

I am trying to prevent from having to escape apostrophes and other special characters in my string variables by using a parameterized query with an OleDbConnection. I have all of the parameters in the same order, the insert is working, it just does not maintain the characters. I keep getting those pesky html codes. I am trying to insert into an Access db from a web pages. As I mentioned, its working, just not the special characters.

Here's the code:

Dim pConn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection pConn = New OleDbConnection(cb.ConnectionString)
Dim SqlString As String = "INSERT INTO Strings (Mlt_String_ID, Lng_ID, Strg_Name, Sht_Text, Lng_Text, Alt_Text) Values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"


jp and en records already existed, the insert of fr record pushes the html codes for the small circle which represents the degree symbol. Happens for all other special characters as well.

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Correct SQL Query: Error "Microsoft Jet Database Engine Cannot Find The Input Table Or Query 'IF'?

Aug 27, 2010

The database:
"ID (Primary key)" | "Title"
0 | "title1"


OK, before adding values to database, we should check if a row exists with this values :)TO do this, creating a Stored Procedure is a best way to deal with the database fastly.So... The problem now is, at the runtime, Miss OleDB throw this error:Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'IF

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Correct This SQL Query: Error "Microsoft Jet Database Engine Cannot Find The Input Table Or Query 'IF'?

May 29, 2009

i should say hi experts :D . Help me with this pretty code :)

The database:
"ID (Primary key)" | "Title"
0 | "title1"


OK, before adding values to database, we should check if a row exists with this values :)TO do this, creating a Stored Procedure is a best way to deal with the database fastly.So... The problem now is, at the runtime, Miss OleDB throw this error:Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'IF

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SQL Server Query Combination - Get Rows From A Table Based On The Value Of A Field In Another Table

Feb 23, 2011

I have a query that I have to run that requires me to get rows from a table based on the value of a field in another table (which I have gotten earlier). I currently have it done like this (simplified).


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MySQL SQL Command To Query From One Table With Three Same Columns To Another Table?

Jun 13, 2012

My problem is with the tickets table, I have listed the user that created the ticket, the tech who will solve the ticket and a user that over sees the ticket. All three users reference the users table. So how do I can I query the tickets table and get all three users that reference the same table storing the users?

Table1: Tickets
1) Ticketnumber
2) EnteredBy User 100
3) Issue


What I can do now is something like this:

Select Ticketnumber, EnteredBy, Issue, UserName FROM Tickets INNER JOIN Users
ON Tickets.EnteredBy = Users.UserID

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How To Get Name Of Table-to-be-made By A Table Make Query

Sep 17, 2010

I am trying to automate an access table make query through works fine the first time, but the second time it fails because the table already exists.Of course i can delete the table through code by it's name, but i want to let my .net-application find out wich table must be deleted. Or maybe there is a solution that doesn't fail with the error "table exists" without first deleting it.[code]

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.net - Get The First Two Variables Parametrized

Feb 6, 2012

This is the updated code:

sql = "INSERT INTO Strings (String_Name, Long_Text, Short_Text, Alternate_Text, Multi_String_ID, Lang_ID) VALUES (?,?, ?,?,?,?)"
Dim command = New OleDbCommand(sql, pConn)
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@webStringName", "String_Name")


I am trying to create and INSERT statement with and OLE adapter. I had it working without paramtersm but now I am trying to add parms and am having issues with the syntax.Here is the code so far...

command = New OleDbCommand(sql, pConn)
sql = "INSERT INTO Strings (String_Name, Long_Text, Short_Text) VALUES (?,?, """ & ptsShortText & """)"
command.Parameters.Add("@webStringName", OleDbType.VarChar, 250, "String_Name")
command.Parameters.Add("@webLang_String", OleDbType.VarChar, 250, "Long_Text")


Was just trying to get the first two variables parametrized.

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Parametrized Queries With ADO.NET

May 18, 2012

I've been going through a lot of forums and see a lot of mention of ADO.NET and how it's better to use. I guess because it's newer and being maintained with current times?I've done google searches for this, but every time I see different programming languages other than VB.NET implementing param queries with, or it brings me to results that have oledb commands again.Is there a good ADO.NET for VB.NET tutorial with parametrized queries?

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Database Table Attributes - Query A List Of Table Names In The Database Ordered By Date Created

Jan 22, 2011

[Code] my issue is that now i need two cases, first i need a query that will return the date created and modified of the table and i also need to know if its possible to query a list of table names in the database ordered by date created but that have a certain thing in their names. for example the database contains the following tables: [Code] and what i need the query to return is the tables that contain "Data", settings and employees are for the other functions of the program. so the query should return the 4 data tables in order of date created. but i have no idea how to go about doing that in the query, does anyone know how this is done?

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Query A Table Using A Data In Another Table In Ms Sql

Jun 10, 2011

I really need your help. I want to query in a table in MS SQL using a data in another table.This is the query I've constructed : "SELECT TABLE1.FIELD1,TABLE1.FIELD2 FROM TABLE1, TABLE2.[code]

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Filter Parent / Child Table In Linq Query Based On Entities In Child Table?

Jul 9, 2010

I have a table (Projects) which is linked to projectVersions on projectID..projectVersions contains several columns on which I'd like to filter a returned project (and associated projectVersions) list. For example there is a "capacity" column and a "country" column. I am doing a filtered list of projects on one page and I'd like to include all projects where any one of the associated projectVersions has a capacity of 750ml and a country of "France" for example.It may be that a particular parameter is not set and so I pass a zero to indicate not to filter on that.I guess this needs some kind of subquery as when I try and do something like this: [code] it doesn't work as the "xxx" bit, being one-to-many, expects me to specify an item to get at the entities within and yet I want to query where ANY of the associated versions match one of the criteria.

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Insert A Null Value In A Parametrized SQL Statement?

May 28, 2009

Now that I've switched over to parameterized queries, everything is great except along with handling all the special characters that would otherwise disrupt an all text SQL stament, it's handling the word NULL. My code basically does this for every variable used in the entire SQL statement:

If strCallName = "" Then
strCallName = "NULL"
End If


and that worked great for my old all text ones because leaving the word NULL out of single quotes would tell it yeah, that's actually null and pass it a true null value. Now with parameterized ones, it's literally passing it the word NULL I tried just leaving the string empty but then when I try to execute the command, it says that the parameter cannot be a zero length string. So how do you give a null value to a a parameterized query and make it actually send that to the database in the statement? Would strCallName = vbNull work or would it still say it's a zero length string?

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Linq Join On Parametrized Distinct Key?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm trying to LINQ two tables based on a dynamic key. User can change key via a combo box. Key may be money, string, double, int, etc. Currently I'm getting the data just fine, but without filtering out the doubles. I can filter the double in VB, but it's slooooow. I'd like to do it in the LINQ query right out of the gate.

| AppleIndex | AppleCost | AppleColor | AppleDescription |


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DB/Reporting :: MySQL Parametrized Queries Not Working?

Sep 3, 2009

I got the whole database thing figured out now I've got a problem with these parametrized queries. If I remove them and just explicitly put in the data I'm looking for the datareader works, however doing as I have below returns no results in the datareader.


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VS 2008 Using Parametrized Queries With Multiple SQL Statements

Jun 25, 2009

There is not a database forum, and there is a HUGE difference (unfortunately) between ADO and I have a connection to a MS SQL database, which I understand is capable of handling multiple SQL statements in one Execution, ie

Using cmdExe As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
sSQL = "Delete * from mytable where UniqueID=123;Insert into mytable (UniqueID, Field) values (123, 'something')"
.CommandText = strSingleSQLLine


There are two questions here actually...can I add the parameters before setting the command text, and do I have to add the same parameter over and over again?

View 3 Replies - Getting The Error "Query Input Must Contain At Least One Table Or Query."

Aug 28, 2011

I am using visual studio 2010 to create a form where you can edit,delete, or insert data from an accessdatabase. When I try to run the form in a web browser I get the error "Query input must contain at least one table or query." I believe that the problem lies with my code/syntax but I am unable to determine the cause of the problem.

<asp:AccessDataSource ID="AccessDataSource1" runat="server"
DataFile="~/App_Data/database.accdb" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [database]"
DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [database] WHERE ([EmployeeID] = @EmployeeID)"


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.net Query For Creating Table?

Nov 9, 2010

I have Access as my back end. Student is the database name and its path is c:Projectstudent.mdb And am having few tables in it. When i click a command button in a new table must be created in the path mentioned. And it should have the fields I declare. What s the query I need to use ? Is it possible to do like that ?

View 2 Replies - Run Query With Table Name Parameter?

Jun 7, 2012

Dim tbl as String = Request.QueryString("tb") 'tb value = User
Dim sql As String = "Select * From @table Where @Col = @ColVal"
Dim para As New SqlParameter


what should I do to run the sql with given table name as parameter and avoid the sql injection.

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How To Rename A Table Using Sql Query

Oct 26, 2009

i am trying to rename a table which is in ms Access file and i am sending a sql query through the oledb.command and the syntax i used is Rename 'table_original_name' as 'table_new_name' it show an error that invalid sql server what is the way or synax to rename the table which is in the MS Access File

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Linq To SQL / Query From Table

May 18, 2012

I am starting with Linq to SQL in VB.NET, and trying to figure out how to make a simple query to a database.I want to do it all programaticly.I have made a connection to the database with a connectionstring, and this works fine - I can get a message if the database exists or not.But when I want to query a table, I am missing the part where I connest to the table. I have googled a lot to find an answer for thi, but [code]

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SQL Query Not Filling Table?

Apr 7, 2012

I am trying to run this query to fill a temp table.It worked once, I am not sure why it won't load anymore.. Care to take a look?


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Using LINQ - Query Out Dbf Table?

Sep 2, 2009

I was able to use it for querying out info from an XML file but now i have to use the DBF file from a folder. where i can find out how to query out DBF table using LINQ. I basically need to get data from a column of a DBF table.

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What Table Would Be Returned From Sql Query

May 5, 2010

Im a noob to sql query ,can anybody point to what table would be returned from ths sql Query. [code]

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C# - Query With Insertion Of Values In A Table

Dec 26, 2011

suppose we have three tables in the Database:


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C# - Getting Table Primary Key Columns By Query

Mar 17, 2011


It is returning all the columns by id. I need only the primary key. When I add the following line it is empty: WHERE SIK.indid = 1 Why is that? Is there other ways to do the same thing and working? Since I am in the rush

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Copy Data From Query To Table

Jun 11, 2010

I have a query called qryimportpatients which has fields name, region, DOB and have a table called tblprojectpatients which has the same fields in sql database. On my VB.Net form I have button (Copy Data), which when I click I want to copy all the data from qryimportpatients to tblprojectpatients.

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