Parse Text Into Tokens And Identify Token Functions?
May 18, 2011
Ok. So I have a form, a textbox, and a RichTextBox. In the RTB, there is justsomemiscellaneoustext. In the textbox, it says "Save "Test"". When I press Button1, I want my program to parse the text in the textbox, find "Save", and realize that means to save the text in the RTB to a txt file with the name "Test" (the text next to 'save' in quotes).
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Feb 1, 2009
Is there a "best practices" way to parse a rich-text string (which contains the content of a several page document) so that I can identify the "start of a sentence"?The task at hand is this: basically, after making replacements in the text (substituting "markers" with actual data values), I then need to go back and see if any of the replacement data occurred at the start of a sentence, ensure that the first letter of that replacement is capitalized.
I can certainly find occurrences of sentences within paragraphs (i.e. a period followed by one or more spaces), but it is identifying the sentences at the start of paragraphs that would be the main challenge.In looking at the rich-text string in Notepad, I see that a paragraphs start with "par", but there are many variations, depending on other formatting, etc.
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May 6, 2009
I have a large string in which I need to replace specific strings with other values. For example, within this string I might see the following characters: [[sub id=5]]. I am trying to replace those substrings with values, pulled from a table and based on the id. What would be the simplest way to accomplish this. My first thought was to loop through and examine each character and note their positions when they match the pattern. I would then have to identify the id. That would be fairly complicated, however, and there must be a better way.
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Jun 1, 2010
I am writing a app in .NET which will generate random text based on some input. So if I have text like "I love your {lovely|nice|great} dress" I want to choose randomly from lovely/nice/great and use that in text.
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Mar 10, 2011
First, the overall objective is to find the best point within a multipoint filled 'star', at which to start drawing text. That is, depending upon the size of the star and the number of points, there is a larger or smaller area within the points that is filled with colour. So a 5 point star has a relatively small area that is filled, in which to draw text. A 40 point star of the same radius has a much larger area filled. If I can determine the size of this area as a rectangle, then I can measure the string and draw within it using the best fit font and starting position. The code below is an attempt to answer the question but I am stuck trying to find the text area rectangle within the filled portion of the star. Some of the code exists purely to explore the means to determine how to identify this rectangle (and is probably the totally wrong direction).
The second part of the problem is in exploring the options, I tried to draw a vector to different points on the circumference of the star. This is the code highlighted. The lines drawn do not seem to be the correct length nor the correct angle but I cannot see why.[code]...
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Jun 22, 2010
I would like to use nested tokens, a similar question was asked in this thread [URL While this did address how to do it with a single instance, I was wondering how to do it with multiple instances in a string. ie.
input to textbox1
"I {love|like} {blue|red|orange|pink} its my {favorite|worst} color "
Press a button and would output a random word in the brackets to textbox2/msgbox similar to. "I like red its my favorite color" or "I love pink its my worst color"
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Dec 10, 2009
Using Excel Automation classes I am seeking to save an Excel file as a delimited text file. The examples given in the MSDN library refer to versions older than Express 2008 with (apparently) different syntax options for FileFormat.Based on the snippet shown, I get a COM exception error (800A03EC). Other variations produce the same error.
Am I improperly applying the Automation features?
Imports System.IO
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
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Dec 6, 2010
What I am trying to do is have a class where the functions of the same name are both instance functions and shared functions.
Public Shared Function Get...(byval xx as xx)
Public Function Get...
The Public Function uses a Property xx created in the constructor, whereas the Shared Function has the parameters (byval xx as xx).
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Jun 11, 2011
Ok so here is the HTML of the page:
<!-- Generated by F12 developer tools. This might not be an accurate representation of the original source file -->
<html lang="en" xml:lang="en" xmlns=""><head>
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="content-type">
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Oct 31, 2010
parsing text that i have loaded in to my textbox Using ofd1 As New OpenFileDialog ofd1.InitialDirectory = "F:"
If ofd1.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then RichTextBox2.Text = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(ofd1.FileName)
End If
End Using
View 5 Replies
Jun 22, 2010
I occasionally have to search a very large text file as a troubleshooting step. The file is continuous text (with spaces between much of the text) but almost everything is date/time stamped. The text is actually messages between two machines so I'd like to insert a line break after every message so that I can follow the protocol exchange. Thre are also a few key words that I'd like to again, separate with a line break.
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Nov 29, 2010
I occasionally have to search a very large text file as a troubleshooting step. The file is continuous text (with spaces between much of the text) but almost everything is date/time stamped. The text is actually messages between two machines so I'd like to insert a line break after every message so that I can follow the protocol exchange. Thre are also a few key words that I'd like to again, separate with a line break
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Aug 19, 2011
We are using the following code to try to parse some text data from the URL below:
Dim strURL As String = "[URL]"
' *** Establish the request
Dim loHttp As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(strURL), HttpWebRequest)
' *** Set properties
loHttp.Timeout = 10000
' 10 secs
loHttp.UserAgent = "Code Sample Web Client"
[Code] .....
The problem is that the response we are getting in code is incomplete when compared with what actually renders in the browser. The html we are getting shows a javascript function in the body of html where what we really want is the result of the function, which includes the data we need to capture. This is confirmed by loading the page in Google Chrome, clicking on the text "100360" and choosing "inspect element" which allows us to see the full page response with the data we need, specifically the following line:
<pre class="pre-longText-wrap">100360</pre>
How to get this "raw" page response? It may be that the script is taking a few seconds to respond and that we are only seeing the initial page response.
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Nov 11, 2009
I am trying to pull out a row of comma seperated fields from a text file. I have a combo box which pulls a product number, and what I want it to do it after you select the item in the combo box it will search through the text file and pull everything in that row?
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Jun 2, 2009
I am using VB.NET 2005 (if that matters).I need to parse a text (log) file in which to process lines like:
Program Up at: Tue Jun 24 11:32:53.656 2008 - TerrificProgram.exe
<some lines here which I ignore>
0.00:24:16 - Emergency Stop!
<more lines to ignore>
Program Down at: Thu May 29 22:22:56.000 2008
where the 0.0:24:16 is the offset in TimeSpan format (d.hh:mm:ss) relative to the 'Program Up at" datetime.The 'Program Up at: <date/time>' line I successfully detect (in another function which works) and as a result a set a Boolean flag that I am in a valid <Up> - <Down> sequence and I also set a Start-up DateTime var to which to add the offsets later.
The task is to convert the TimeSpan at the beginning of the 'Emergency stop' line to a regular DateTime expression and to write the converted line to another log-file.Simple, isn't it?The function I use for the above purpose is:
Private Function IsTimeSpan(ByRef InputLine As String, ByVal ProgStart As Boolean, ByVal DTofProgStart As DateTime, ByRef NewDateTime As DateTime)
Dim iLine As String = InputLine
Dim Index As Integer = iLine.IndexOf(" ")
What I am doing is I pass each line ('InputLine' parameter) from the original log-file to the function together with the 'in <up>-<down>' flag ('ProgStart' parameter'), the start ot program DateTime (in the 'DTofProgStart') and I want the NewDate to hold the real datetime of Emergency event occurence (not its offset).
What happens is that I successfully detect the lines of interest but the NewDateTime is not updated (though 'ts' is in the correct format and the assignment 'NewDateTime = DTofProgStart' correctly assigns the passed value).Another curious thing is that the line
InputLine.Replace(testStr, NewDateTime.ToString("MMM dd HH':'mm':'ss yyyy"))
does not change the original TimeSpan beginning of 'InputLine' with the regular DateTime (though not updated) in 'NewDateTime'.Why?
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Jan 13, 2012
Example Data Link - Sorry, wouldnt format correctly when pasted.
Dec 01, 2011
06:00:00 AM
Dec 01, 2011
Output something like
12/1/2011 6:00:00 AM 12/1/2011 7:05:00 AM 65 65 2.11
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Sep 23, 2009
how to parse text and was wondering the best way to do it.[code]I'll need to parse the data after the asterisks and to the last line of text so, I should be getting this:[code]What would be the best way to parse data like this? Would I have to use RegEx? Or could I read the text file line by line and then split the text?
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Apr 21, 2009
How do you parse text in VB.NET 2008? I used to use VB6 a long time ago and am totally lost.
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Sep 17, 2009
How am i going to make a token with this string"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" that its output would be:
The token is equal to the number of words. For every word entered, to identify it as a word is a space, which means that the space serves as a counter for the token and the words entered are printed in that kind of output.
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Jul 5, 2009
I have to parse through a text file that is growing and currently is about 30MB, but it takes a long time for the stream reader to load it before It can loop through the lines. Is there a faster method other than the streamreader?
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Jan 20, 2011
I'm running into a problem whenever I try to parse a text file by each line. I know I could use stream reader to read line by line but it is a lot easier to simply use split() and I would also like to know the reason why split() doesn't work.
For example, I created a file "test.txt" and filled it with the following text.
then put the following code in the load event of the form (a button click would work the same).
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Apr 12, 2012
I'm trying to use VB.NET to parse a very large plain text file (2 GB). It is a database and has a field delimiter of SOH and a record delimiter of STX. I want to separate the fields and records of the file.
I would normally read each line of a text file and then use the split function to separate out the fields. I can't use this approach as there isn't always a delimiter on every line.
Is there any way to read a file until STX is found (rather than one line at a time)?
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Sep 11, 2011
I am a completeBrenner of using the below code for download stock price from yahoo finance
but it is difficult to add stock symbol always in code,so I want to use a text file and add stock symbol, A Program will read the text file and [code]...
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Jun 13, 2010
What would I need to add to my if statement to grab the inner text of that span id and place it into a Label?
Dim WhatsMyIP As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("span")
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Apr 20, 2012
I am teaching myself VB.Net and have setup a little App that reads what someone past in a text box for the IN Statment. ie Select from Tabel where Tabel in TextBoxPast.Text. my question is the user will copy and past a vertical column of date from excel inst my textbox an I need a way to parse horizontal row adding a Parentheses ( quotation mark ' first line of my pasted text and quotaion mark ' comma, quotiona mark etc.
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Jun 26, 2011
my database is access, i try to Configure dataset as below i get some Error, it say Error in where clause near .unable to parse query text.
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Oct 28, 2009
I'm trying to find a good way to parse through text and only get certain matches, like say someone puts the text "My name is Bob" in a textbox, then it puts the text "<Tag>My name is Bob</Tag>" in another textbox, and my problem is, if that person were to put..."My name is </Tag> Bob" in the textbox, when the RegEx match is found, you would only get "My name is" as a match. So how can I make sure that the text input no matter what it is will not interfere with the <Tag></Tag> when using the RegEx:
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Jan 8, 2010
I need to function in my program that when I click a button, it checks the text of textbox1 for links (only the text that starts with [URL]
so if I enter this:
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May 21, 2012
I am using The Facebook-C#-Sdk v5.0.3 to create a non-canvas webforms app in and i am having trouble exchanging the returned facebook code for the access_token. Does anyone have an example (C# or that I can look at
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May 4, 2011
Forgive me if this has already been covered in a previous post. I am considering using for a project but need to know before I dive in if it can perform this particular functionality. The application I wish to develop would need to be able to create html and email templates using variable tokens - what I mean is that users would need to be able to insert into their html or email template previously assigned variables that would send dynamically generated text from the database - so, for example, they could write in their template {title}, or {firstname} {lastname} which would then be replaced by the data from the db.
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