Pass Values From A Form To Sql Server Stored Procedure?

Jan 12, 2011

I have an application that I'm building which pulls dates from a database. The start value is stored as payPeriodStart date and I add 7 days to get the end date. What I need to know is, is it possible to store those values and pass them to a Stored Procedure? Currently my stored procedures have "static" dates in them ie[code]...

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Pass Values From A Stored Procedure To Datagridview?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a form that I'm running a stored procedure in and I'd like to pass the results to a datagridview and then offer the user the ability to export those results to a flat text file.

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Pass Datatable As A Parameter To A SQL Server Stored Procedure

Jul 29, 2011

how to Pass datatable as a parameter to a SQL Server stored procedure

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Web Service To Deserilize JSON Http Request - Pass To Stored Procedure To Retrieve Data From SQL Server

Aug 23, 2011

I have a task to create a web service to receive client-side app's http request(with rpc={json data} in the end), deserilize it and put he parameter in stored Procedure in order to retrive data from sql server. the procedure query and client-side's app are already there and the return data to client-side app is JSON too

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Sql Server - Selecting A Approximate Values By Using Stored Procedure

Feb 23, 2010

Using SQL Server 2005 and VB.Net..[code]When I try to run the above query it was showing error.How to execute a stored procedure with conditions?

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While Developing Search Form, What Pass To Stored Procedure As Parameters

Aug 12, 2010

I am developing a complicated search form, and I would like to know best method of passing search criteria to stored procedures.Possible options that I know are, 1) Create sql statements in Visual Basic and send statements to SP as strings to execute2) Pass search fields to stored procedure and build command in SP (Stored procedure) in database?

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Call A Stored Procedure From Sql Server Which Work With A Stored Procedure

Sep 11, 2009

The store procedure which give me the information I need is:



When I try to add it to my report it gives an error, is it because of the temp table and how should I go about it?

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How To Pass Parameters To Stored Procedure

Jun 26, 2011

This code calls a store procedure that takes input parameters. With this code I'm confused as to how the parameters are passed to the stored procedure. The parameters are first stored into 2 string variables (strCategoryName & strOrderYear). They are then copied/moved to an sql parameter prm.value. But the stored is stored in an sqlcommand (cmd ). I can't understand how the stored procedures knows what the parameter values are.

Private Sub btnWithParameters2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnWithParameters2.Click
Dim cnn As SqlClient.SqlConnection = _
New SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=SKYROCKET;" & _
"Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=SSPI")
[Code] ......

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Pass Parameter To Stored Procedure Through .net?

Jun 22, 2010

this is my coding when i run this coding for display the content in textboxes from the database by click event in datagrid. "Procedure or Function 'sp_developer_display' expects parameter '@developerid', which was not supplied."this error will display my sp in sql express is ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp_developer_display(


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Pass Parameters To A Stored Procedure In SQL?

Jul 2, 2011

Im trying to pass parameters to a stored procedure in SQL but for some reason its storing the parameter(s) in the columns....

My code

Public Function AddRec(ByVal textbox1 As String, ByVal textbox2 As String, ByVal textbox3 As String, ByRef Creation As Date)
'Adding a new Record to SQL
Dim Conn As New SqlConnection


the addwithvalue all the textbox`s have a value in which i would expect but for some reason when i go to db in SQL it actually shows the @Username,@Account,@Password,@DatCreated not the values im passing in please see the attached image.

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IDE :: Pass Parameters To Stored Procedure Through ObjectDataSource?

Jun 7, 2007

I am building a three tierd app, and therefore have all my data access methods in a class by itself.This class only calls stored procedures, basically, I need to pass in the following:

1) stored procedure name as string

2) parameters as IDataParameter() -- an array of parameters

3) other fields ( not important to this discussion)

If I use a GridView on my web form and choose an ObjectDataSourceObjectDataSource, and then choose my business object and method, since the method is a call to a stored procedure with a parameter array, I don't know how to pass it values in the IDataParameter format.The Method Signature listed on the wizard is "RunSP(String spname, IDataParameter[] params), returns SqlDataReader" which basically is calling a method called RunSP with two parameters, of which the second parameter is a parameter array for a stored proc.

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Pass A Null Value For Date To Sql Stored Procedure?

Mar 16, 2009

My application is with vb. In my page I have a textbox for passing date. If I didn't enter date and on clicking submit, I have to pass null value to the stored procedure. I tried following codes such as DBNull.Value and DateTime.MinValue. In that case instead of null ,"#12:00:00#" is passing. I have to pass Null.

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Pass Parameters To SQL Stored Procedure From Application?

Apr 6, 2009

I have created a database with on table that is very similar in setup to ProductCostHistory from the Adventureworks database. Using the adventureworks database as an example, when the procedure is given the parameters of date and productID it will change the EndDate of the currently active cost to the date value and insert a new record with productID as the ProductID and Date as the StartDate, leaving EndDate null for the newly inserted record. I am looking for a way to create a simple form with two textboxes and a button. textbox1 accepts the ProductID parameter and textbox2 accepts the Date value. when the button is pressed, the stored procedure is executed and the table is updated. This seems pretty simple and I am very familiar with tieing stored procedures to a table in a dataset when each prcedure handles only a single simple action (either, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE but not a single procedure that combines UPDATE and INSERT as the procedure described above does). I've done some reading and played with this on myown but can not find the simplest straightforward way of accomplishing this seemingly simple task.

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Pass SQL Stored Procedure Results To Javascript?

Jul 19, 2011

I have an page that contains a javascript function. I am using a code behind to run a stored procedure against the database to pull back address information. Results can be 1 or more rows. I need to pass the results to the javascript for processing. My code is as follows:


Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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Pass Stored Procedure Name Dynamically To Linq-to-SQL?

Jul 11, 2011

How can I pass stored procedure name dynamically to Linq-to-SQL, and get the result into a datatable.

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How To Convert XML File To String And Pass To Stored Procedure

Mar 15, 2010

Trying to convert XML file to string and pass to stored procedure.
Dim fs As FileStream = File.Open(fileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim buffer(fs.Length) As Byte
fs.Read(buffer, 0, fs.Length - 1)
txtRawXML.Text = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer)

When I tried to upload file I got error. The error description is 'A name contained an invalid character.'. Could not find prepared statement with handle 0. Could not find prepared statement with handle 0. sp_xml_removedocument: The value supplied for parameter number 1 is invalid. The statement has been terminated.

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Pass Field In Stored Procedure In List View?

Jun 10, 2011

I want to passing field in database to list view with stored procedure.[code]...

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Pass A NULL In A Parameter To A DateTime Field In A Stored Procedure?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a stored procedure which updates a database using the parameters I supply but I'm having trouble passing a NULL to the stored procedure

The field I need to make NULL is a DateTime field

DB.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", NULL)

This gives me the error 'NULL' is not declared. 'Null' constant is no longer supported; use 'System.DBNull' instead


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Passing Values From A VB App To A Stored Procedure?

Jan 6, 2011

This may not be the place to ask this, if not, you can move this post to the SQL forum but I have an application that I'm building which pulls dates from a database. The start value is stored as payPeriodStart date and I add 7 days to get the end date. What I need to know is, is it possible to store those values and pass them to a Stored Procedure? Currently my stored procedures have "static" dates in them ie:

where dateadd (n, Timestamp, '12/31/1899') - ([LoggedIn]/1000)/60/1440+1 Between '10/3/2010' and '10/10/2010'

and I'd like those values to be

Between payPeriodStartDate and payPeriodEndDate.

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Passing Values To A Stored Procedure

Jan 6, 2011

I have an application that I'm building which pulls dates from a database. The start value is stored as payPeriodStart date and I add 7 days to get the end date. What I need to know is, is it possible to store those values and pass them to a Stored Procedure? Currently my stored procedures have "static" dates in them ie:


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Passing Values To A Stored Procedure?

Feb 28, 2009

I am struggling with trying to pass values to a stored procedure, I am creating new records on my table by the values are not passing to the table.Here is my persistance class.

Public Function createDMRIssue(ByVal ItemNumber As String, ByVal IssueStatus As String, _
ByVal ProblemDescription As String, ByVal p_AuditResults As String, _
ByVal DMRDate As String, ByVal p_IssueCategory As String, _
ByVal p_DMRInitiator As String, ByVal p_QtyUnacceptable As Integer, _
ByVal p_ProductType As String, ByVal p_OrderNumberm_dmrissue As String)


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Return Values Of Stored Procedure?

Jun 11, 2011

the stored procedure is within a transaction. I want to get the inserted values after calling the stored procedure. My problem is, I don't know if that is possible because the transaction is not yet commited.

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SQL Server Stored Procedure?

Apr 4, 2012

I am using the following stored procedure to call period numbers to match them to teachers.We are writing an attendance taking application where upon selecting the teacher's name from a dropdown menu, the "period" dropdown menu populates. For some reason we are not getting the period data to populate.

Stored Procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE spGetPeriod @Period varchar(10)
FROM tmTeacher


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Passing Variable Values To A Stored Procedure?

Jan 14, 2011

I am trying to pass some declared variables to a stored procedure. Here is my

Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles startpayrollButton.Click
Dim ssql As String = "select MAX(payrolldate) AS [payrolldate], " & _


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ASP.NET A SQL Server Stored Procedure With Return

Jan 8, 2012

So I want to erase the guid @value from the database and retrieve the return value from my stored procedure [code]object name 'value' not valid..Net SqlClient Data Provider0.

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Calling SQL Server Stored Procedure?

Jun 22, 2011


ALTER Procedure [dbo].[usp_validatecard](
@CLUBCARD1 nvarchar(50),
@STATUS nvarchar(50))[code]....

What I am trying to do is if the clubcard parameter is found and status is active I would like the label to read 'card is good' also if the clubcard parameter is found however is inactive then the label should read 'card is good but not active' last if all those fail just have the label read 'card not in system'As of right now this code does not work I thought I could just call the stored procedure and exec it and it would print the statements depending on what passes however it is erroring out. When I debug it the error I get is under the cmd.parameters.add is

Item In order to evaluate an indexed property, the property must be qualified and the arguments must be explicitly supplied by the user.

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Executing Sql Server Stored Procedure In VB?

Mar 7, 2011

I want to execute a sql server stored procedure in vb using a button. The stored procedure as one variable that is read from a text file.I got it to read the variable from the text file but don't know how to execute the stored procedure.

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Get Value From SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedure

Jun 20, 2010

This is my Stored Procedure Code to get the customer mobile value:[code]I was try to get this value into lblGetCustMobile (Label Control) using this [code]but nothing happened, can any one make this code get the mobile NO. into lblGetCustMobile?

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Sql Server - Return Value From Stored Procedure?

Oct 11, 2010

I am using vs 2008 doing a winforms app in I have a database with a single table, that has two columns, in it and a stored procedure. The stored procedure is supposed to take an input value, match that value against one column in the table and then return the corresponding value from the other column; except it doesnt.It returns 1 or 0

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.getgamenumber(@outputnumber bigint OUTPUT,
@inputnumber bigint)

SELECT @outputnumber = ggnumber[code]......

but I still dont get the value I expect.

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SQL Server Stored Procedure And Execute

Apr 29, 2012

This is a bit old-contents to be discussed but I need someone who can explain me how to create stored procedure in SQL Server for returning a value from procedure, example:[code]Then I need the name of its customer and the address instead.I need to make it as a stored procedure and show me how to execute it on VB.NET. Perhaps we assume that the name will be prompted to LABEL1.TEXT and the address will be prompted to LABEL2.TEXT. I've improved this SQL-Server Stored Procedure Using return but I have nothing to return after I execute it.[code]

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