Passing A File From WCF To WCF

May 9, 2011

I have a pdf on one server I need to pass on another server. Both have WCF's published to them.On the 'serving' server, I have the following code (thanks antisanity!):[code]But I have no idea how to actually write the file on my 'receiving' server. I've been playing with System.IO,[code]

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Passing File To ComboBox?

Sep 1, 2009

I am new to VB environment. I am using Visual Studio 2005.In certain code, I need to add 4000 elements to the ComboBox list.

Using the command
seems ridiculous.

I am thinking of creating EXCEL File, in which I will put all the names in 1 column and call that excel File, when "dropdown" of combo box is clicked. how this will happen?? code related to this? or if this issue has already been discussed then plz give me the link for the same If this is not good idea like putting 4000 elements, then can there be any other solution?

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Passing Parameters To BAT File

Dec 3, 2009

[code]This works fine and passes 8 parameters into the sysimp.bat file. The problem is if I try to pass in a value that has a space between the text then it will treat it as two parameters rater than one.So if P1 value is for example "Hello World" then when passed into the bat file it will assign "Hello" to P1 & "World" to P2. Is there a way to wrap the text in the parameters or should this be done in the .bat file?

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Passing Structure To Dll File?

Sep 30, 2011

I have the following .dll file created and added as a reference in my calling project; however, being new to vb .net I seem to be having difficulty calling the dll that I created.I want to pass a string to the below function, break that string out into two strings and then return the structure.

Namespace Item_Breakout
Public Class Item_Run_Breakout
Public Structure vbItem_Code[code].....

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Passing Stuff To And From PHP File

Feb 11, 2009

I saw this thread and think that this is something I could use [URL]. I'd like to be able to pass stuff to and from a PHP file.

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Passing Arguments Into An Exe File For Processing?

Aug 21, 2009

I want to pass text into an exe file which is named say.exe. It can convert to phonemes using the command line -lp. after the say.exe..

I need to allow user input text and then convert the text and save it in a text file which would be created as it converts...

find below the code for initiating a process below...

' passing the text saved in the file into the application
Dim ProcessInfo As New ProcessStartInfo("C:Program FilesDECtalkUSsay.exe", UserInput)


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Passing Variables From One Method To Another For Log File?

May 15, 2012

I deleting the files of certain age in a directory and also need to write a log file. So my question is how can we pass a variable from one method to another?
Example : Dotnet.Explorer

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VS 2008 Passing Parameter To A JAR File?

Aug 29, 2011

In my VB.NET project I wanted to run a JAR file in a separate thread. Now the question : Is it possible to pass parameters to a JAR file during run time from VB.NET??

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Passing Label1.Text To Ascx File?

Mar 4, 2012

How do I reference my Label1 control on my aspx page in my inline Control line?

I am bringing in an ascx file and cant do this simple thing:

<uc1:ContactsListforCompanies ID="ContactsListforCompanies1" runat="server" CompanyID=<%= Label1.text %> />

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Running A Package And Passing On XML Config File As A Parameter

Sep 27, 2011

I have a SSIS package that just makes a folder (Child package) and i have a second package (parent) that calls the first package using a script task and the code is like [code]I want to pass the XML file as a parameter ,what the XML file does is that it has Variable for a folder name, so that if i like to change the folder name (making new folder), I can change it in the XML file and the parent pakage will call the child pakage with the XML file as a parameter.

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VS 2010 Passing Values To A Parameter In A Rdcl File?

Nov 14, 2011

In this report I put an image box named logo the select image Source is set to EXTERNAL and in the use this image I have Parameters!LogoPath.Value.I would like the users to be able to pick their own logo.

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Jquery - Passing Client Data To Server To Create Excel Or CSV File?

Jan 9, 2012

I'm creating a reporting web page as part of a standard VB.NET web application. The page is data driven, with jquery making calls to a web service local to the application to get values of elements that are dynamically created in the DOM. Ultimately these dynamic elements and their values are all wrapped up in a JSON object, so that part of the client side is fine.

Right now, I can pass that JSON object to a method in the web service which creates an SQL Data adapter from the values and queries a database. My ultimate goal is to have this client JSON data be used to query the database and construct an excel file to send back to the user, or failing that a CSV file.

It's my understanding (from working with PDF file generation) that this type of function can only be done on the server side of the web application, not even from the web service (i.e. I can't have the web service return an array of bytes and have JavaScript/jQuery present that as a file).

So, how do I go about this? Now I have my JSON object on the client side, where should I be sending it, how, and how do I go about returning my file?

I've read about either storing the JSON in a hidden field and having the server take the elements value and go from there, or using AJAX to send the JSON to the server just before a postback is made to fire off the server-side function to run the query and return the data.

I just need a little guidance, and a little help understanding where to use the hidden field, or what I am actually doing with the pre-postback AJAX call.

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Passing A Value From Vb To Php?

Apr 30, 2012

I'm trying to pass a value from Vb to PHP. So far I have used public property to pass a string value to one form to another

Public _passedText As String
Public Property PassedText() As String


I would like the same value to be passed to a php file is this possible?Also I'm using WinForms?

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Argument Passing In C# And .NET?

Jan 14, 2012

In VB.NET, can we pass an original object as an argument without instantiating it? For example, I have two forms in my project formA and formB. Now I have this code.


Apart from this, in VB.NET in any class like formA, if I type formA, I can see all the objects and controls present there but not in C#. Again, I have to make a new instance to see all the controls. This becomes a problem if I want to manipulate two running and working instances with each other. So what basic thing am I missing here?(I am an amateur programmer migrating from VB.NET to C#. Things are going nice and clean expect for the ones I've recently figured out.)

View 3 Replies - Passing Value Doesn't Appear?

Jun 21, 2012

the code on select.aspx.vb are

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Web.Configuration


I am trying when select Listbox with ID="lstAuthor" the label box will pass the value but it failed to show.

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Passing 2D Array To C Dll ?

Aug 3, 2009

I am trying to pass a 2D array into a dll I wrote in C. When I run the program, it crashes at the first line (in the dll) that I try to read the array. It gives an error that it is trying to read protected memory. I'm guessing this means the array was not correctly passed to the dll, so the program is trying to read a memory location that doesn't exist. Is the problem somewhere in my VB code? If not, it must be in my C code, right?

Here is my VB code:

Declaration of the function in the dll:


Private Declare Function image_processing Lib "image_processingDLL.dll" _
(ByRef image_array As Long, ByVal dpi As Long, _
ByVal xDim As Long, ByVal yDim As Long) As result
Calling the function:


Call image_processing(hImgArray(0, 0), hImage.HorizontalResolution, _
hFilmPictureBox.Width, hFilmPictureBox.Height)

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Passing A Parameter Containing '&'

Feb 16, 2012

I am calling a crystal xi report from a windows form and passing 2 date parameters and a customer name. In some cases this customer name contains '&' eg Brown & Williams

In these cases my report fails and errors. if the name doesn't contain '&' it works. How can I pass the parameter with a & in it ?

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Passing A Process To A Sub

Mar 23, 2010

I'm writing a program to control another program using redirected input and output. This is a simple sample of what i want to do that works. But since I'll then be adding other commands and waiting for other responses like username: then password: then. I'd like to put the "wait for" and "send" sections in sub routines. My problem is somehow I'd have to pass a reference to the process or at least sIn, sOut and sLog to those routines and I don't know how. Do I dim the process as global or???


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Passing A Recordset From VB6 To .Net?

Jul 21, 2009

VB6 code:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim ccw As New ReceiveRecordsetFromVB6_VBNET.Class1
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
rs.CursorType = adOpenStatic
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient


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Passing A Value As A Column Name?

Apr 13, 2009

The users will in put a persons age in a text box (which is actually a colum header), and a score (which represents a colum called score),After inputting this user will need to the the overall norm score which is based by the person's age.I do not want to pull all 45 columns in the query I only want to pull in two colums

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Passing A Value To A Function?

Mar 22, 2011

I have a question concerning some homework. Here is my answer:

Dim intResult As Integer
intResult= Square(4)
lblResult.Text = CStr(intResult)

Now, if I understand functions correctly, this statement should pass the value 4 to:

Function Square( ByVal intValue As Integer ) As Integer
Return intValue^2
End Function

...and assign it's return value to "intResult".

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Passing Array To DLL

Sep 25, 2008

I am using Visual Basic .NET 2005 and I need to call a DLL made in VB6. Couple of days ago i wrote a test dll in VB6 and called it from VB.NET. I passed an array and another variable. And the dll got it and displayed the values in the array. (I didnt save that code)Now when I am writing it again I am getting an error "Specified array was not of the expected type." [code]If I do not pass array then it accepts but otherwise it does not. The array here is CD().

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Passing Data Into Vb?

Oct 17, 2005

I`m trying to code something to populate an outlook message with data from another application but i'm having problems passing the data into something which could be executed.I'm basically using the script Sub SendMailOutlook(ByVal Recipient , ByVal Subject, ByVal TextBody , ByVal From )

Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem


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Passing Events To Another Sub?

Apr 8, 2009

I'm wondering if is it possible that the events for a certain object will be executed by another events under a different object?For example.I have a button named Button1, and I have a ListView named lstView. What I want is that when I click on Button1, the events that will be executed will be the one under lstView.

Here are my codes:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
lstView_KeyPress(Button1, e) 'This is the part where I don't know what to do.
End Sub


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Passing Lists From WCF To WCF In VB?

May 13, 2011

I'm trying to populate one list from another. I would think this code should work, but at the end of the day I get a list of identical items.

Public Sub WriteDatFile(ByRef lstReasons As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of LetterReason))
Dim tmplstReason As New TCPService.LetterReason


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Passing Parameters?

Jan 17, 2010

I'm trying to learn VB and don't understand what is wrong with this code?

Private Sub ScoreRange(strStart as String, strStop As String)
Dim MyCell As Range
For Each MyCell In Range(strStart & ":" & strStop).Cells


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Passing The Value Of A Variable

Dec 14, 2011

I am using a function that is provided by the maker of an IO device that I'm using and the call for this device turns on and off the 16 ports on the IO device by sending the value true or false to the board. The call is as follows:


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Passing To Different Subprograms?

Jan 7, 2011

I would like to label my parameters that I am passing to different subprograms like I can in Ada to make my source more readable.


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Passing Variable From ASP.NET To ASP?

Oct 13, 2009

here's the snippet of my code that im trying to solve since last week...

icePayment.aspx If (Left(Request.Form("return_url"), 7) <> "http://") Then
errorInput = errorInput & "Invalid return URL path! <BR>" errorExist = True


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Passing Variables From Sub To Sub

Mar 30, 2010

I have my own little tutorial about passing variables, and if you'll look at the code below, you'll see how I am passing the variable from one sub to the secondsub. Here's my question, how can I pass a value back from the 2nd sub to the 1st? So if I want to sum intA plus intB, and want to return that value to the first sub, how do I do that? [code]

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