Pattern Finding In Files Using Byte Arrays And Multiparted Patterns To Search ?

Nov 28, 2011

As a continuation of my other thread, "Finding A Pattern without a string Array (http:[url]....)", I would like to continue asking questions about enhancing a scanner with a few things:

1. Here is my code for finding signatures in a file:

'First the Signature Class:
Interface Signature
End Interface[code]......

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Finding A Byte Pattern

Aug 1, 2010

I want my app to look for a byte pattern in a process and return the first memory address of that byte pattern. I know I should use ReadProcessMemory and a loop, but I don't really know how to create a function for that,

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GetFiles - Any Way To Specify Multiple Search Patterns

Jan 14, 2005

When you do GetFiles() you can specify a search pattern such as *.txt. How can I specify multiple patterns. For example, in windows search you do *.jpg;*.bmp;*.gif. I tried that but no luck and the msdn not work. Is this possible?

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Combine Byte Arrays, Read Specific Sections, And Then Cut Byte Array At Specified Point?

Apr 6, 2011

Objective: Combine byte arrays, read specific sections, and then cut byte array at specified point.

Private Sub DataArrival(ByRef aBot As xyzSocket, ByRef theData As Byte())
Dim RDLength As Int32
If aBot.ReceivedData Is Nothing Then[code]....

I'm not sure if I have this right to begin with because I can't test it without having it completed.

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Most Efficient Way To Merge 2 Byte Arrays Into 1 Byte Array?

Sep 20, 2011

I have 2 byte arrays. I want to merge these two byte array into 1 byte array.Usually, I just create a new byte array with length = byte array #1 + byte array #2. Then copy byte array #1 and #2 to the new byte I have more efficient way to merge 2 byte array using VB.NET and .Net 4?

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C# - Finding A Repeating Pattern In A Given String?

Jan 4, 2012

I have a networkstream (using C#/VB.NET). while on reading values coming like this:

&% 68 kg K A&% 23 kg K A&% 174 kg K A &% 68 kg
&% 34 kg K A&% 2334 kg K A&% 68 kg K A &% 68 kg K A
&% 2348 kg K A&% 78 kg K A&% 28 kg K A&% 68 kg

The numerical(weight) value will be continuously varying.

Every time i am reading the starting of the stream differs. But the pattern remains the same. How to split that into '&% 78 kg K A' which represents one set.

How to extract the weight value from this stream using Regex or any other methods?

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Finding Pattern Without String Array?

Nov 14, 2011

Im trying to make an on access file scanner, YES I know that C++ is better, but this is a concept of thought, trying to challenge myself to see if its possible in vb.

Anyways, I have a list of Hex definitions, my question is, how can I index this list so I can access the definitions faster. A definition looks like this:


The part after the equals sign is the HEX signature, while the first part is the name of the definition.

Basically what I am trying to do is index them somehow where I can scan faster, as I have over 60,000 definitions and I have to split each individual one in order to get the signature name. It takes about 45 seconds or so to scan a 500KB file. I need it to be WAY faster.

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RegEx - Finding Pattern In String

Jul 22, 2009

I'm trying to find a pattern in a string, I guess is very easy but I'm terrible in regular expressions. I have a big text and I need to find all the next type of pattern:
That can be also something like this: {a|b|c|s|f|f|ft|r} or any number of items inside but at least 2 items so the pipe symbol is another key. Is this an easy regular expression? I'm using 2005.

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Pattern - Lot Of Picture Boxes And If Statements - How To Use Arrays

Jan 17, 2012

I have found a major bug with this game Ive been working on for some time. The best way to make this game would of likely been by using an array. Problem is I dont know how to use arrays that well and I don't understand them. So I used a lot of picture boxes and If statements.

So here is the problem. When you click on the box its suppose to check to see if its a bomb or block. If its a block it busts the block, if its a bomb it will explode. Now here is the problem. Each block is not holding its own value or "block type" which determines if its a bomb or block. So when you click on a block and lets say it says its a bomb, the next block you click rather if its a bomb or not will explode. So its not checking the block value you click. instead its just grabing the last value generated. I will only show you short blocks of code because the code was written in a pattern form and it just repeats its self. If you post a reponse, remember im still newb and try to post samples/solutions using code ive given.

'Random Block Generator
Public Sub RandomBlockType()
Randomblock = New Random
SelectBlock = Randomblock.Next(1, 5)


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Modify SQL Search To Use Pattern?

Feb 9, 2011

It is for 2008 with access database.At the moment it matches based on paramValue, and needs an exact match.How can I change it to look for a pattern instead?? For example I want anything that contains the text "Fizz" and then "Bom".[code]...

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Resharper Search With Pattern?

Apr 16, 2012

I use resharper 6.1.I use VB.Net and I want to search for this. for all the help.ShowHelp things and put those in a wrapper.So I have something like this.

Private Sub BtnHelpClick(sender As System.Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnHelp.Click
Help.ShowHelp(Me, HelpFiles.AuditTables, HelpNavigator.TopicId, AudittablesContext.AuditTables)


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Search String For Pattern?

Jul 6, 2010

Is there a way to search for a string pattern in a string ?

i have 1000 of strings and example of one is - 'won 2 races in town, 1998, and then moved to'i wish to search for the ", ####," as all the strings are in the same format (note that the year is different every time hence why not using the instr)

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Combine 2 Byte Arrays?

Aug 7, 2009

I'm trying to combine 2 byte arrays and then create a new byte array that contains the contents of both but running into a problem. The error says 'Source Array was not long enough.' I'm trying to combine HeaderByteArray and bytBuffer into newByteArray. I don't understand what Source Array is not long enough means and how to correct this.[code]...

View 9 Replies

Compare Two Byte Arrays?

Mar 9, 2009

I am trying to compare two long bytearrays in and have run into a snag. Comparing two 50 meg files takes almost two mins so I'm clearly doing something wrong. I'm on an x64 machine with tons of memory so there are no issues there. Here is the code that I'm using at the moment and would like to change.[code]...

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How To Combine Two Byte Arrays Together

Jun 8, 2011

I think there is function but i cant find it

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Dynamic Array Of Byte Arrays?

Jun 24, 2009

A project requires to allocate a varying number of byte arrays (buffers).

It would be ideal if the following definition would be possible:

Dim ArrayOfBuffers() as buffer(10000) as Byte

The byte arrays must be ordered sequentially because they have to be written to a file by efficient procedures destinationFile.Write(ArrayOfBuffer(3),1000,1000)

The number of buffers will change during program execution sometimes. Therefore it would be nice to be able to do a ReDim on the data structure when needed.

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Encryption - Byte Arrays And Strings?

Oct 6, 2008

I am in need of encrypting a byte array, but my encryption method that I found strictly deals with strings.

Here are the two pieces of code that I am dealing with.:

The byte array (the bytes that need to be sent encrypted)

Dim outStream As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(TextBox2.Text + "$")
serverStream.Write(outStream, 0, outStream.Length)


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Pass A Structure That Contains 2D Arrays As Byte To A C++ Dll

May 16, 2012

am trying to pass a structure that contains 2D arrays as Byte from to a C++ dll. The dll returns the structure with the 1D arrays filled. I am using UnmanagedType.ByValArray to pass the arrays from to C++.

Sample :

----------------------------------------- Structure -------------------------------------------------------
<Serializable(), StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi, Pack:=1)> _


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VS 2008 Byte Arrays - Getting More Values

Jun 11, 2010

I am having some major problems with byte arrays. First off the bigger array I have the more values go missing, I originally wanted to make a huge array and just dump like a 100mb chunk of memory in it but when I did that every byte in the array returned 0. So I experimented a bit and found 4kb to be the biggest chunk size to reliably not return 0.. ok I figured I'll just loop the 4kb and glue them back together later but no such luck, after being combined into the main array the bigger the number gets the more values that should be there just aren't.

Here's a code sample:
Dim retval(4095) As Byte
Dim combval(RLen) As Byte
For i = 0 To RLen - 4095 Step 4096
ReadProcessMemory(ProcAccess, i, retval, 4096, 0)
retval.CopyTo(combval, i)
Next i
WriteLine(ReadMemory(321603964, 1)(0))

So with the last 2 lines if I pull up some smaller number like 8 digits or so it reports back no problem but anything slightly bigger like the number i have written in there right now is just 0. After some additional research I discovered that the reason why 4kb is the max size I can reliably get is coz that's the size memory chunks are made of, "page" as they call it. Why the memory reading drops off at higher addresses alltho I suspect it has something to do with the way memory is structured and I am just not hitting the startpoint of a page anymore due to an offset or something somewhere.

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Datatable Select() - Search For Numeric Pattern

Dec 20, 2011

im having a problem with the Select() method in my datatable. If i want to search in my DataTable for multiple patterns (search function) For string Columns the 'Like' works


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Search For A String Pattern In A Binary File?

Oct 26, 2010

I want to search for a String Pattern in a Binary File (Binary File is not 100% plain text). Here is the pattern:


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Finding Min/max Lengths Of Lines In .txt File Without Arrays?

Mar 27, 2012

I am working on a program that opens a .txt file, finds the length of each line in the file, and then outputs the minimum and maximum lengths. For example, assuming this is the .txt file I am opening:



I would like to return something like this:

Minimum length: 6
Maximum length: 9

I cannot use arrays for this assignment. I figured out how to get the maximum length but cannot figure out how to get the minimum. Am I going about this the right way or is there an easier way to do this? Here is what I have thus far:

Dim FileName As String
Dim FileReader As StreamReader
Dim FileLine As String


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ASP/VB Byte Arrays, Iframes, Parents, Children And Variables?

Jun 21, 2011

I have an aspx page which houses an iframe. When a button is clicked, a WCF is called to produce a PDF which is read into a byte array. I was storing the byte array in a Globals.vb file like this:

Public Shared PDF_Data as Byte()

The global was loaded from the parent aspx page like this:

PDF_Data = MyWCF.Create_PDF_File(SomeVariable)

After that, the iFrame's src was set to a blank aspx page, which had the following code in the page_load event:

'Write the PDF binary data to the screen (viewer)
Response.Buffer = True
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"

However, realizing that this application will have several users who will get different PDF documents, I have learned that this is not the way to go. My shared variable would be accessible to all users, a big no-no.However, I am stumped as to how I'm going to store the byte array and make it available to a child aspx page from it's parent.

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Two Byte Arrays - One Is Temp Buffer And Other Append Bytes Together

Feb 10, 2011

The relevant code below is not achieving what I hoped it would. I intend for
1. SerialPortBufferTemp to be used as the container for each Serial Port Read.
2. _buffer should contain the resultant array from two separate Reads, the second appended directly after the first.

(E.g. 60 bytes read on the 2nd Read will be appended to the 168 bytes received on the first Read (228 total resultant byte length))
The problem with my code below is that _buffer has increase in size from 300 bytes to 600 bytes, skipped bytes 168 to 300 (leaving them all zeros) and added the remaining 60 bytes from the second read beginning at _buffer[300].

private List<byte> _buffer = new List<byte>();
byte[] SerialPortBufferTemp = new byte[300];
serialPort1.Read(SerialPortBufferTemp, 0, iBytesRead);
if (iValidRecordCtr == 0) {
[Code] .....

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Construct Byte Arrays That Will Be Guaranteed To Come Out Of Encryption At A Pre-determined Size?

Mar 31, 2011

Working with System.Cryptography, I'm noticing that data arrays up to a certain size will either conform to the size of the Initialization Vector (IV) or the size of the Key provided. So with a 48-byte Key and a 32-byte IV, up to around 42 bytes of data will encrypt to 32 bytes and 44+ will encrypt to 48 bytes of data. I've tested this with a variety of data arrays, and it seems to always come out the same... but I have a concern that higher byte values in the original array may result in longer encrypted arrays.

how or whether I can construct byte arrays that will be guaranteed to come out of Encryption at a pre-determined size?

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Open A File In A Hex Editor And Know That Each 2 Digits Is A Byte - Stored In Arrays ?

Dec 31, 2009

I can open a file in a hex editor and know that each 2 digits is a byte, they are 8 digits in binary correct?
How are they stored in arrays in VB.NET?

So if I have:

Dim xx() as byte =

What would I put after the equals? The hex digits from the hex editor? (This is just a program I'm not going to save, basically I don't want to open files to get etc. I want to put in the bytes in the code.)

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Search For A Hex Byte In A File?

Aug 17, 2009

I had made an app that opens a file and changes a hex byte then when I click another button it saves it.I am now thinking of making an app that will change some hex bytes to something else, but the catch is that not every file will have some of the hex bytes that others will. Like I want it to search for 71, 13, 31, and 11, and change them to 15, but not all files will have say a 71 or some might not have a 13 or a 31...Also, if there was a couple of bytes in a row that I needed to change, say F132, would I be able to search for all of that at once, and then change it to something like F133?

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Sequential Search In Arrays?

Nov 14, 2010

I am making an application that requires a sequential search to search the arrays. The search searches the user's input in the array,and if found, then it's valid, else it's invalid. I have initialized the array and done the sequential search, but apparently even the wrong input is coming out to be valid.

'initialize an array
Dim intChargeAccounts() As Integer = {5658845, 4520125, 7895122, 8777541, 8451277, 1302850, 8080152, 4562555, 5552012,
5050552, 7825877, 1250255, 1005231, 6545231, 3852085, 7576651, 7881200, 4581002}


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Rename Files In A Folder Who's Name Matches A Regex Pattern?

Aug 22, 2010

Rename files in a folder who's name matches a regex pattern ?[code]...

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VS 2005 - Copy Files With Specific Pattern To Directory

May 5, 2009

For Each foundFile As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles("C:Documents and Settings oeDesktopMy Music2", _
FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, "*.mp3")
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(foundFile, "C:Documents and Settings oeMy DocumentsMy Music" & foundFile)

Error message is on the third line:
The given files path's format is not supported.
I have tried all variations to this without any luck.

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