Populating ListBox From TXT File

Apr 20, 2011

I am trying to populate a listbox using 65000 words in a text file for a hangman game, I have looked everywhere for information but cant seem to figure it out. I am using visual Basic 2010, I read something about IO.streamreader but could not figure it out. I created a txt file in my.resources with all the words i want to use to populate the listbox. I also saved a notepad version of the list in my debug folder for my project.

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Listbox Items Colour - Two Types Of Items Populating In A Listbox (checked Listbox)

Apr 28, 2009

I am using VB.NET (version 2008). I have two types of items populating in a listbox (checked listbox). For example: lets say one is type "A" and other is "Type B". Their names maybe same so if the user sees those items in listbox then he won;t be able to determine their type until he click on them and checks out its properties. I wanted that I add each item to listbox and colour them so that blue for example means type "A" is there and red means the other. So this way I will be able to know at a glance that how many item of what type is present. I guess it may not be possible to do that in a standard checkedlistbox. I am also using component factory's krypton controls which enhance the gui of an application. But I dunno if I can progress using that.

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Populating An Array From A Listbox?

Dec 1, 2010

I have to convert what i put into an input box, and somehow convert that into an array.

My project is to put in some random numbers from an inputbox into a listbox, then somehow converting those numbers into an array and find the median of those numbers. I'm able to do the math, and I'm sure its probably 2 or 3 lines of code

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Populating A Listbox Collection Thru An Inputbox

Feb 9, 2009

I am creating a glossary of words used in a study course. I would like to populate listbox with words entered into an imputbox.

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Populating Listbox With Values From SQL Table?

May 23, 2010

I am working on Visual Studio 2005, VB.At the back end,there is a table called "Marks" which has a column called "Subject". This column contains duplicate values.when the form loads,I want to display all the distinct values from the "Subject" column in the listbox.

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VB2010 Populating Listbox With Conditions?

Apr 16, 2012

I want to be able to populate LB3 with data from LB2 that does not exist in LB1. i.e. Fred is in LB2 but not in LB1 so on button click, Fred will appear in LB3. Here's what I have so far:Private Sub Button6_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click


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Populating A ListBox With Selected Files In A Directory?

Feb 20, 2011

The idea is to click Button1, for it to open a browser window, then select 1 or more files from a directory and add them to ListBox1.Currently I'm using a very basic method that adds all files from a directory to my ListBox

Dim files() As String = IO.Directory.GetFiles("C:Users")
For Each file As String In files


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Populating A Listbox With Totals From Previous Forms Within A Project & Adding Sales Tax?

Apr 12, 2009

is there any way to populate a listbox with totals data from previous pages? I'm working on a project for a class where the final form needs to have all the totals from the previous 3 pages (each page has one total each), in some capacity (so I do not necessarily need to use a listbox if there is an easier way to do this).One thing about the previous 3 forms, two are set up in radiobuttons and one is set up w/a checkbox format (but I will likely change the radiobuttons over to checkboxes as a later revision).I just can't figure out how to populate the listbox with info from a previous form, I keep thinking load events, but that doesn't take into account which options might be taken from previous forms.once the totals from the previous forms have been added to the final form I will need to add a 7% sales tax. I assume that something such an if then statement will take care of that though.Just wanted to run that everyone here at the forum just in case there is a better way to do that.

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Populating Datagridview From A .txt File?

Aug 3, 2010

I am trying to populate a datagridview from a .txt file but I dont know how I can do this.Text file will include data copied and pasted from excel. So the text separator will be tab.

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VS 2008 Populating Table From Csv File?

Apr 26, 2012

I am trying to populate an Access table with data from a csv file. Here is my code

Dim objAdapter As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim objCmdSelect As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [reporting.csv]", csvConn)


The csv has 58 rows of data. The Access table I get is 58 rows of the same data as the first row of the csv. Am I not using parameters correctly?

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File I/O And Registry :: Streamreader Populating Textboxes?

May 2, 2009

Have a main form with textboxes on it. When the user clicks a hyperlink on that main form it pops up a new form that they drag and drop files to either a listbox or textboxes, that part works fine. All the seperate form is doing is simply grabbing the filename to bring back to the mainform. That is working correctly. What it is then supposed back on the main form is read the files, again the reading part is working fine, based on the read it's supposed to populate the textboxes on the main form. When I have the listbox that the user drops the file into on the main form rather than a seperate form it works fine, form size limitaton and aestetics are why I'm using a seperate form. When I debug it it's working fine, I can't figure out where it's dropping the info because line by line it does everything right and it shows the values in debug correctly, however when the main form regains focus the values do not appear as they would if I loaded the file directly into that main form.

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VS 02/03 - Populating Current Date In Output File Name

Dec 4, 2009

I have an output file that I need to pull the current date in as a 'default' for the user. I know I can set the text over in the Properties Window, but how do I include a variable that changes based on the system date? For example, if I created the file today it would be:
I know how to format dates, I'm just not sure how or where to enter the code. Should I double click the SaveFileDialog and code it there? If so, how do I specify that I want the FileName = SystemDate? I'm not sure how to specify that I want to change the FileName property.

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VS 2008 Populating Combo Box With Excel File?

May 22, 2009

Im trying to populate a combo box with a column in an excel file.Im not even sure where to start. I searched around but couldn't find the info I needed or samples to learn from.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to where I may accomplish this?

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VS 2010 - Populating ComboBox With Lines From Sequential File

Aug 20, 2011

I'm working on a new version of something I had created years ago in VB6. What I was doing then is populating a combobox with lines from a sequential file ("title","URL") like this:
Open "data.dat" For Input As #1
Do While Not (EOF(1))
Input #1, NameInput, URLInput
cmbEntry.AddItem NameInput

And then checking against it on a button click to load the URL associated with the selected name:
Open "data.dat" For Input As #2
Do While (cmbEntry.Text <> NameInput) And (Not (EOF(2)))
Input #2, NameInput, URLInput
[Code] .....

What I'm trying to do in Visual Basic 2010 is the same process, though I'll be including a third field ("category","title","URL") to determine which one of four different comboboxes I add the entry to. I know I need to use streamreader, but I'm not finding much in the way of documentation or examples on how to do what I'm trying to do, which is:
- Populate one of four comboboxes with the second value in each line of an external text file, based on the first value in that line
- Set a string to the third value in a line of an external text file, based on the second value of that line
How to read these values from the file.

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Is There A Visual Studio Add-in For Populating Resource Files From Strings In A Code File

Mar 12, 2011

I'm maintaining a WinForms application which was not written using any development patters conducive to localizing the classes in the project which were not directly associated with forms, or the code-behind partials of the forms.Thus, there is MessageBox() code with English text in it in almost every code file. I'd like to find a tool which will "scrape" those strings from the code, insert the strings in a resource file, and substitute a call to the resource with the substituted string in a comment.

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Reading Text File Into Listbox - Each Line Of The Textfile Is Placed On The Listbox?

Feb 12, 2012

I am starting to learn reading and writing to textfiles. One quick problem. My code here

'Read is the variable that will read the kp.txt file"
Dim read As IO.StreamReader
read = IO.File.OpenText("C:2/kp.txt"[code].....

however when it is read into the listbox those 3 words appear on one line in listbox
How can i make it so that each line of the textfile is placed in each line on the listbox?

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Import Text File To Listbox - Export Items In Listbox As Text File?

Jun 28, 2009

1.In my program I have 2 textboxes.In first textbox user need to put some number.Let's say he put number 10, then in other textbox program need to write numbers from 1 - 10, like this:

If he put 20 in first textbox, in second textbox it should be:


2.I need to do this...Import text file to listbox.Export items in listbox as text file.

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ListBox & StreamWriter & StreamReader - Reads All Line Of The File And It Add An Item In ListBox For Line?

Aug 25, 2006

I have a "Form" with:

1- List Box

1- TextBox

3- Button

1- OpenFileDialog

1- SaveFileDialog

I want that clicking the btn1 it shows the OpenFileDialog and read file that it has got this structure: SKI10 1 71 0 0 18 101 19 0 29 101 30 0 40 101 41 0 50 101 51 0 62 101 63 0 81 101 82 0 95 101 2 0 0 95 165 3 0 1072 01 4 2 1 93 15

I want that it reads all Line of the File and it add an Item in ListBox for line.For example the first Item of the ListBox in this case is


And the 2th Item is in this case.

0 1 7

I want using the StreamReader classes.And i want that when i click an Item of the ListBox it shows the Text in the TextBox and I can edit the Line and that clicking antoher button the Item will come updated with new Text of the TextBox.I have also another button for saving the Mod.I can use the AppendText and it create a new file writing ListBox1.Items line for line.

If SaveFileDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then Dim file_esistenteD As StreamWriter[code].....

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File I/O And Registry :: Using The SaveFileDialog To Save Listbox Info Into A Text File?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm using the SaveFileDialog to save listbox info into a text file. The files save fine, but when you go to save the file, if you hit the cancel button, it will overwrite the previous file you saved, because it's name was the same and it seems to save the previous file as the new name for your next file. Is there any way to catch if the user clicks cancel, and then exiting the sub if they did?

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Listbox - Select The File To Play But It Displays The File Path?

May 8, 2010

I made a media player that has a list box to select the file to play but it displays the file path but I want the filename and length.The code is:

Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender
As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)[code].....

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VS 2008 Loading Listbox Items From .txt File And Code From .txt File?

Feb 24, 2010

Ok here we go again, im a complete beginner to coding and have started with visual studio 2008 using the .net/vb libraries, as my first project i went with an emulation application, and it went great:So now i think its time to move onto a little more advanced tech's, so i added in a combo box and i want to change how my code works, and this is where my troubles are.To start of with the combo box, i have it added to my winform and have 3 items on it 'Action' 'RPG' and 'Sim' and i have made 3 .txt files in the projects root folder with the same names. What i want to have happen is when the user selects for instance 'RPG' from the combo box the items displayed in the listbox change to the contents of the rpg.txt file. After searching around for a few hours and no luck i tried this

Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
If (ComboBox1.SelectedItem = "RPG") Then


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ListBox PreferredHeight - Make ListBox Calculate Correct Integral Height Before ListBox Is Made Visible

Nov 19, 2009

If I set a ListBox.Height = ListBox.PreferredHeight when the control is hidden and IntegralHeight = True, then set it visible:

a) Actual Height reduces by typically 3-5 pixels after redraw (but not 1 pixel per item).

b) PreferredHeight does not not appear to give the correct integral of item heights.

Is there a way to make ListBox calculate the correct integral Height before the ListBox is made visible, so it can be correctly pre-positioned from bottom edge?

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

ListBox1.Visible = False
ListBox1.IntegralHeight = True


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File Access - Read A Sequential File Into A Listbox

Jul 6, 2009

I am stuck on an easy problem I'm sure, but for the life of me i cannot figure it out. I need to read a sequential file into a listbox. I can read the file into the textbox but i want to format the data in the listbox. for example i want to PadLeft(10), delete the excess commas, and give a heading for each column. here is the code i have and attached is the text file.

Imports System.IO

Public Class Form1

Private Sub exitButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles exitButton.Click


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Load Text File Of Mp3 File Paths To Listbox?

Mar 7, 2011

I am trying to load a text file into a list box in order to be able to play the files see code below I have an error on this line Which states Error 1 Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of String'.

Dim Open As New OpenFileDialog
Dim myStreamReader As System.IO.StreamReader
Open.Filter = "Text [*.txt*]|*.txt|All Files [*.*]|*.*"


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Compile A Single ListBox On Form1 To ListBox On Form2 Then ListBox On Form3?

Feb 17, 2011

This code bellow to compile a single listBox on form1 to listBox on form2 then listBox on form3.

I want to modified this code to compile 169 of ListBoxs on form1 to 169 listboxs on form2

and 169 listBoxs on form3.Try this code,not need the new coding.

Original code from JoOl and modified by John Anthony oliver


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VS 2008 ListBox Opening Links From ListBox Returning Max List In Listbox?

Feb 13, 2010

1 when my listbox returns resaults it only brings back 10 how do I set it to return lets say 500

and question 2 is when I click on my links in listbox it's not opening webpage as I would expect it...

This is my code


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Highlight File In Listbox After File Is Saved

Apr 24, 2009

i have this app. with a listbox , a save button, and 2 textboxes the listbox loads all the files in a folder that i save directly from my save button it automatically loads up the files when i click on a listing in the listbox, text1 is the file name, text2 the content.i want to be able to have the listbox highlight the new saved file name in the listbox once i save the file in order to show that the file was created and such.

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Convert A Pipe Delimited File Into A Tab Delimited File And Show Results In Listbox VBA?

May 7, 2011

So i'm new to working with vba in access and i'm having trouble getting this code to work. What it is suppose to do is take a selected text file and read the original file into a list box. Then there is a second button that when pressed will convert the text file from a pipe delimited file into a tab delimited file and then show the changed file into a new listbox.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Function GetFilenameFromPath(ByVal strPath As String) As String


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Listbox Reading INI File

Jun 21, 2010

Well i got my codes so Checkbox and Textbox to read ini but i cant find how to make ListBox read ini like each line in the ini is 1 item on the listbox.

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.net - Load From File Into Listbox?

Jun 8, 2011

in my program i am trying to make it so that when you press a button it opens a "choose file" popup(where the user can choose a text file) then after the user chooses it the program will automatically load each line of the textfile into a listbox.But i have been researching it and the only thing i have been able to find is a file>open thing. So how cold i make it open a "open" dialogue on the press of a button and since i haven't been able to find anything on the open dialogue i haven't looked for anything on the loading each line of it into a listbox?

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