Printing Content Of DGV To Specific Cells In Excel?

Nov 11, 2011

I created this code to export from DGV to Excel and it worked with me. I tried to print the data from DGV to specific cells in worksheet but I don't know.


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Reading Excel Data From Specific Cells?

Sep 30, 2010

G'day all, I've been on google for far too long trying to figure this out, so hopefully somebody can point me in the right direction. I'm trying to write a program that will open an Excel spreadsheet and read data from specific cells while preserving datatypes, so that I can write the data to an XML file. The basic functions I need to perform reduce to:


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Import From Excel To SQL Server AND Auto. Update Specific Cells?

Dec 5, 2010

So, I am already able to successfully import an excel file to sql server through my vb application BUT I want to automatically change a value in a certain column to another. To expand on this, my excel file has a column that lists test titles such as "WCOB 1120 Access Test". I want to have each specific test title changed to a number. So, "WCOB 1120 Access Test" would need to be changed to '1' before it is added into my database.

Public Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim myPath As String = sFilePath & sFileName
Dim ExcelConnection As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='" [code].....

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Writing To Word And Excel 2007 - Transferring Data Into Specific Cells

Aug 23, 2010

I'm developing a program that handles money, and there is a pre-made excel spreadsheet that I am to be transfering data into specific cells. How can I go about telling my program to write specifc data into specific cell numer in excel? Also, how can I get my program to write into specific areas of a MS Word Template (my program will generate letter with the same template just different names/addresses/valus)?

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IDE :: How To Deal With Cells Excel Cells That Update Info Via The Web

Jul 5, 2009

My main goal is to have an excel spreadsheet that automatically plots the overall success of my stock portfolio over time (% change over time). I've been able to incorporate stock data into my spreadsheet by linking it to the web, but the trouble is the spreadsheet will keep no history of what the previous stock values were, so I can't graph how things change over time. This sounds like it might be too complicated to be built in to excel, so I was wondering if anyone knew how to program this in Visual Basic. Maybe something like this.... If refresh then new cell plus new time stamp. Another possibility would be to have a whole bunch of cells that refresh only once but at longer and longer intervals, e.g.,


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Loop Through A Textbox Control Content And Extract Specific Content From It

Jun 20, 2009

loop through a textbox control content and extract specific content from it

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VS 2005 Increasing The Number Of Cells Dynamically While Printing?

Jul 19, 2009

Here is a code to print a dataview grid:

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel


How to increase the number of cells dynamically according to the need?

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Printing The Content Of Datagrid?

Mar 21, 2009

Printing The Content Of Datagrid?

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Printing The Listbox Content?

Feb 26, 2008

I generate random number and it is of four columns in the listbox. I want to print it out. With the following VB.Net code, it prints only the first column, not the other three columns. Can any one help me, so that I may have all these columns printed out.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub


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Printing All Content In A Windows Form

Dec 5, 2010

I have all my project finished and have know idea how to do this. I have to get the program to print the invoice and have all the code done in the form but not the print button. i have the printdialog1 and PrintDocument1 on my form and can't get any further. here is the code i have so far in my invoice form.


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Interface And Graphics :: Printing ALL Content In Large PictureBox Which Has Scrollbars?

Feb 5, 2009

My project needs to print a large PictureBox which during runtime only part of it is shown (as it's too large, width=4000 pixels and height= 2000 pixels) and to see the rest of the picturebox, user needs to scroll through the vertical and horizontal bars. On top of the picturebox, there are many controls which are loaded and positioned by user on run-time. Those include lines, labels, another picturebox
with image and user-defined controls. Now, i need to write a print function which will print that picturebox to not too many pages in A4 size or A3 size. Not too many means less than 5 for both paper size.

1) How can i print the whole picturebox with all its contents and go to next printing page until the whole PictureBox is printed? I tried using the following code but

(i)The image of picturebox inside that picture box and user-defined control are not printed whereas others are printed. Why is that so? How can i print the picturebox including both the "un-printed"?

(ii) Even i can print out the picturebox, only the part where the picturebox is shown is printed. How can i print the whole picturebox including those parts which needs scrolling to reach?

Private Sub CmdPrint_Click()
Dim rv As Long
'Picture1 is the picturebox to be printed.


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DB/Reporting :: Set All Cells In Column To Specific Value?

Aug 4, 2008

I have a DataGridView binded to a DataSet that I created using the Visual Studio Data Source Configuration Wizard. Everything works good except for one problem.I have two columns, Modified_By and Date_Modified that should be inserted or updated as the user and the current date, respectively. So every row in the DataGridView should have the same value for these two columns.So far, I have thought of two ways to get this working, but neither one seems very clean. The first idea is to make a custom Fill method that takes as parameters the user and the current date and then add them as extra columns in the select method. For example

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Set Border Style For Specific Cells?

Mar 27, 2009

I would like to know how to set the specific cell border size to insetdouble.I search some document, there is dataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle, but how to apply to specific cells in data grid view

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Trying To Get Specific Values Of A Rows Or Cells In Datalist

Jan 28, 2012

I have a datalist in vb web form.How can i get the value in a specific rows and cells of a datalist?I could do it for detailsview but how to do it for datalist?Below is my code for detailsview: Dim selectedCommentAns As String = DetailsView.Rows(0).Cells(1).Text.I tried the same way for datalist but it dont have rows and cells to be selected.[code]

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Writing The Specific Content?

Sep 9, 2009

i have line like this

46N93 P594 40898, 35899 39MIL;
PHY2_P2_CONFIG0 P2767 34205, 33537 39MIL;
18N879 P141 120461, 49324 39MIL;
PMC3_270_ETH1_D0+ P3021 8061, 44624 50MIL;


but before that i must check the MIL value. If it is 39MIL i should write T5 first followed by the value from all 39MIL than if have 50MIL it should write T10 followed by all the value from 50MIL my output file will be like this

40898 35899
34205 33537
120461 49324


I try this code to split

Dim tfLines() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:file.txt")
Dim sf As New System.IO.StreamWriter(drill, True)
For I As Integer = 0 To tfLines.Length - 1


But i can not get the exect value that i want?

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Left Justify The Standard ErrorProvider Icon In Specific DataGridView Cells?

Jul 23, 2010

We would like to have 2 ErrorProviders for a DataGridView. The standard ErrorProvider and another WarningProvider with a different icon. Also is it possible to Left Justify the standard ErrorProvider icon in specific DataGridView cells?

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Printing Within Specific Columns?

Feb 3, 2012

Basically I can get all the data within the grid present in the "print preview" however they are not within the right columns , and all the data overlaps , making the printout look very messy !

I need to be able to get all the data into their specific columns , e.g all the names under the name column .

This is my code so dar =]

PrintDocument1.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = True
Dim Myfont As New Font("Courier New", 10, FontStyle.Regular)
Dim MyFontSmall As New Font("Courier New", 8, FontStyle.Regular)


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Count The Content Of A Specific Directory?

Sep 6, 2010

how to count the content of a specific directory?And how do you delete an old file (ex. say your old program that create a back-up. But it has already created many back-ups and now it takes to much of the space in your hardisk.)

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Excel Cells May Contain A Number Ex '100'

Jul 29, 2010

I have this code below looping through excel cells and drawing borders... the problem is that these excel cells may contain a number ex. "100", some have text like "hello" and some cells contain a zero the code is supposed to loop through until it finds a BLANK cell with nothing in it.however it stops at the first cell containing a 0. [code]

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Trim Cells In Excel?

Nov 9, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that I need to trim 3 columns. I have scoured the net but can't find anything that I've been able to use to trim each cell in columns A, H and I. I am using Excel 2003 and VS2005.

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VS 2008 Printing With A Specific Format?

Mar 18, 2009

I have 7 TextBox, 1 ListView and 1 MaskedTextBox. What i would like to do is print their content. I would like it to print like this..


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Open TextBox Content In A Specific Program?

Dec 7, 2011

I am wondering how to open a specific program with the textbox contents. Here is my situation: I want the text in the textbox to be saved to a html file and then open that html file in a specific browser.

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Pass Content To Specific Record In XML Using LINQ?

Nov 14, 2009

I am using the following line of LINQ to drill down into an element. Is it possible to expands this code to drill further down so that I can add content to the <population> element in "Test2". I want to be able to do somthing like element.SetValue(1000000). However I need to expand the code below so that I can pass the entire query results into the variable called "element"'

Dim eles = From c In doc.Descendants("File") _
Where c.Attribute("Name").Value = "Test2" _
Select c


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Read Only The Specific Content Of Text File

May 15, 2009

I want to read the text file. But i do not want to read the whole file. i just want to read the content below the specific word. For example:


I want to ask whether the above code is correct and also how should i read only the content below the word "Top".

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Reading Specific Part Of A File Content?

Sep 8, 2011

How to read a string in another string where between Starting Index and first-encountered Ending IndexI have one giant file which contains info for each customers and they seperated the customers info with Starting and Ending Indexes and I need to get a specific customer info to display.

Dim oFile As New FileInfo(sFileName)
Dim sFileContent As String = oFile.OpenText().ReadToEnd()
Dim iStartIndex As Integer = sFileContent.IndexOf(roNotification.StartByte)


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VS 2010 - Count The Content Of A Specific Directory?

Aug 31, 2011

how to count the content of a specific directory?And how do you delete an old file (ex. say your old program that create a back-up. But it has already created many back-ups and now it takes to much of the space in your hardisk.)

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ASP.NET Export To Excel - Lock Cells?

May 4, 2011

I'd like to export a table I have on my webpage to an Excel file and lock some cells in the new file. Here is my current code:

Protected Sub btnExportToExcel_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExportToExcel.Click


This code works in generating the Excel file. I've searched for an was unable to find much for a solution to lock cells in the new file.

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Comparing Cells In Two Excel Spreadsheets?

Jan 24, 2011

I am trying to write code that will compare the information in all row(one column) in the two spreadsheets and if they are not the same update another column on the row with a difference with Updated. but i am getting this error

countExcel = xlsSheet.UsedRange.Count
first_index = 1
last_index = countExcel


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Copy Cells From Excel To Outlook - VB6?

Jun 21, 2011

I'm trying to copy cells from Excel to a new mail message in Outlook. Excel and Outlook both open fine but it doesn't copy.

Im using the following code:

Dim content = xlWorkSheet.Range("A1:C21").Copy()
Dim oApp As Outlook._Application
oApp = New Outlook.Application()


This does not copy the cells. It simply displays an email with a body that says "true".

I am using the excel sheet to do other things which work fine, so the excel code works. Just having trouble copying the cells.

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Disable Excel Format Cells?

Jul 13, 2011

I has some code to export some data into Excel format. I had set one of the column to date format. But I want to avoid user from changing the format because they can easily right click the Excel cells, and choose Format Cells. How can I disable this option in Excel via code so that user will always follow my format?

worksheet.Cells(intCnt, 19).NumberFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy;@"
worksheet.Cells(intCnt, 19).Style.Locked = True

I use the above code to locked it but seems to be not working.

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