Printing In VB 2010

Apr 2, 2012

Why did MS remove the easy way to print in VB2010. As a programmer, developing programs that used to print directly to the printer in VB 6, I find the new "funtionality" of printing with VB 2010 is a PITA. I used to be able to define my printout and code the information and then print the variables where I need to on the page.

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VS 2010 Printing A New Line While Printing?

Jun 11, 2011

I am setting up printing (to a printer or file) in my application, and it doesn't seem to print out any new lines that I specify. Here's some of my printing

' Loop through all of the text in the array
For i = 0 To 9
If i Mod 2 = 0 Then


When I print the output to a PDF file using PDFCreator, it stacks all of the letters onto each other rather than creating new lines at the places I've specified. I've also tried using vbNewLine instead of vbCrLf, but I haven't had any luck. I searched the web for this but couldn't find anything about it.

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Printing Pdf Documents From 2010 App?

Jan 26, 2012

print pdf documents from a vb 2010 app. I have tried 2 techniques that work, but both have some minor issues that I'd like to address. The 1st technique uses command line arguments as follows:

Dim starterStr As String = "/h /t " & Chr(34) & pdfFileName & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & printerName & Chr(34)
Dim starter As New ProcessStartInfo("AcroRd32.exe", starterStr)
Dim print As New Process()
With print


The 2nd technique is more aesthetically pleasing to me, but has the same annoying problem of leaving the Acrobat process running after execution. It also doesn't allow me to set the output printer destination (the above code sends the output to the default printer).

1. how to close the Acrobat process

2. how to set an output printer destination using StartInfo arguments

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VB 2010 Printing PDF Files?

Feb 18, 2012

i am trying to print a pdf file.. i have acrobat reader in my pc and i have managed to open the pdf file inside the form i created in VB. When i issue the print command, the print dialog box of acrobat appears.If i input 1-4 in page range of dialog box, it doesn't print pages 1-4. I thnk the information i input at the print dialog box is not forwarded to the printer.

I am doing this because im making a project which can print documents as well as accepting payment thru the coin slot.

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VS 2010 .NET Error While Printing?

Jan 15, 2012

I've got problems while printing a document.I've got a program that have a small form with options for printing two diferent pages.Here's the There is a Button for printing named Imprimir and two checkboxes for selecting what king of display I want to send to printer.At first time, there are no problems, the printer prints what I want, the form closes and it seems all is allright. The problem is when I try to print again, even the same layout, I call the print form again and I get the error in the picture...Why the same routine executes without problem at first instance and gives this error at second instant?

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VS 2010 Printing An IE Window?

Sep 17, 2011

I have been researching for 2 weeks on how to do this, but no luck. My code opens an IE window and enters information in a website which causes a popup window to open. I need to save/print this popup window as a pdf and be able to code the filepath. I really need it to print silently without user input because of the volume I need. I assure you this is not for anything malicious, I am actually using it to make sure the firm I work for does not open a suit on any person in active military.

I use the following code to select the popup window as it is the 2nd open window


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VS 2010 Printing On A3 Paper?

Feb 8, 2012

Attached is an excel file which I want you to have a look at. Usually the staff fills in this form manually in 2 copies everyday and this is becoming very tedious. So what I was thinking is to design a form with labels (which represent the columns on the excel sheet) and text boxes. Let's say for each 5 records they capture, they can take out a printout on A3 paper like the same format in the excel sheet. I know we can do that directly on the excel sheet but the thing is all the data captured will be used in another application I have developed.

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VS 2010 Printing RichTextBox?

Jun 26, 2010

I am following this threadbut when I print the page is blank. Even though there is text in the RTB. What am I missing

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VS 2010 The Tab Order And Printing?

Feb 10, 2011

On my project after i run it, wen i press tab it should go in order but its moving all over the place. how do i do it so that wen i press tab it goes in the order that i want. example( like from the top to the bottom) do i change it from the gui? also i want to get the button for my printing to work. whats the code that i type in to get the printing button to work

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Stop Printing And Paper Feeding In The Middle Of Printing In Dot Matrix Printer?

Jul 1, 2010

I need stop printing and paper feeding in the middle of printing in dot matrix printer.(Like a POS Printer - When wrote 'End Doc' on POS printer can stop paper feeding)

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.net - Printing In Visual Studio 2010?

Jan 16, 2011

Now I'm at the end of the first part of my project and now i need to print a voucher with few pre-printing words and 7 fields that comes from a dataset.I try to use *rdlc file on which i made all the necesary layout very good, and the link was very good as well But print NO I did something in *.xaml file very dificult to put controls and make the links.But lets say i will do it, for the moment i have a picture and a label with few words, and I'm trying to print it with the following lines

Dim myPrintDialog As PrintPreviewDialog = New PrintPreviewDialog
Dim myDocument As New PrintDocument
myPrintDialog.Document = myDocument
myPrintDialog.Document.DocumentName = "OrderVoucher.xaml"

But in the dialog I see only a blank page.Of course I have a mistake in my mentality of building my code but I don't know where is that.I also need to admit that is the first time in my life which I'm trying to print from Visual Studio 2010.Now Please I need the best assistance you can give me.For the moment i want to print in my default Laser printer.But in the final stage i will have to print in an Olivetti PR2 (Bank printer) which will be connected in the com: port.That will be the day if I succeed :)

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Printing Data In Express 2010

Aug 2, 2010

I'm trying to print from VB Express but it seems to be so difficult. I tried the printform component only to see the end result being blurred. I have data in one table (which will be used as the header) and data in another table (the body) which I need to print out. Seeing that the express edition does not have any reporting capabilities, I turned to several other open-source projects providing "free" reporting tools, such as MyNeoReport. MyNeoReport is acclaimed to be so good but the developer lacks a detailed tutorial for it. And the tutorial's I did manage to find are all in C#. Not helping.

How do I go about printing the data? The design is simple. Extract the company information from table A to display as the header, extract the body from table B to display as the results. I also need to calculate the totals of the body and add it to the footer or bottom of the report body. I can't seem to find any relating forums or questions similar to mine on any forum. Currently on the form, I've got a few labels, textboxes and a listview. I know I need to load the filtered data into a data grid at some point.

Is it possible to give me a detailed example of how to do this? I'm really frustrated with this whole printing thing. I don't have the finances to buy these other reporting products and the one's claimed to be free all comes with a price-tag in the small print.

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Printing Source Code In VS 2010 IDE?

Jul 21, 2010

today i have wanted to print some source code from VB 2010 and has been surprised by getting only black & white instead of color ( like in VS 2008 ).If you also like code printing in color then vote here:


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VS 2010 : PDF Printing - Getting Number Of Pages?

Feb 21, 2011

I am working on a printing kiosk and it should handle PDF.When printing PDF I need to get the number of pages the PDF has, so that I can charge the user accordingly.The kiosk will support Word*, PowerPoint*, and Excel* (2010) and I print these files to PDF by Microsoft.Office.Iterop.* namespace.And then print the resulting PDF file to a physical printer. If the file is already a PDF then just print. What would be the best way to get the number of pages the PDF has. Also Printing via code and setting parameters such as paper_size.

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VS 2010 Auto-printing PDF Files

Sep 9, 2010

Is there a way to print PDF files within the .NET framework? I'd like to set up a directory to monitor and when files are copied there, the program prints the PDF file and deletes it. I just don't know how to handle the printing without using Adobe.

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VS 2010 Printing All Labels In Form?

Mar 15, 2011

How can I print all labels in my form and have print preview on it? .

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VS 2010 Printing Database Records In VB?

Dec 16, 2011

I am displaying Access database records on my form and need to be able to printpreview only the first 3 records of the database and have no idea how to code this at all. Also the printpreview is has to be on a separate form than the displayed records.

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VS 2010 Printing The Contents Of A RichTextBox?

Feb 4, 2011

I want to print the contents of my RichTextBox1.Text how can I do this?

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VS 2010 Textbox Highlighted When Printing?

Aug 15, 2011

I am using VB2010, and using the Printform to printing However the result is one of the TextBox will highlighted when do printing, see below pic.

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Printing On DotMatrix Printer (Ascii Printing) - Print Wont Come Right

Dec 6, 2010

I am using VB 2008 & Access Databases for creating WinForm Applications. Also i am using Crystal Reports for Report solution. my question is How do i created reports such a way that they can be printed in faster Ascii Format on any DotMatrix printer. The default true type fonts make printing very slower.

I tried to use "Draft 10 cpi" font which come to available me after i installed a correct driver for my Epson printer. which also helped me overcome this problem. however it wont be the scenario with all my clients i.e. they might have different printers having different Make with different drivers installed. i have tried to open such project on there PC but the printing wont come in Draft instead the fonts get expanded too much & the print wont come right.

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Generating And Printing A Form In 2010 Express

Jul 26, 2011

I am primarily a web developer, mostly working with PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript. I was recently contacted by a local Sheriff's Office (small town word of mouth, nerds are always needed) to digitize a 4 page monstrosity of a form... because nobody could read the handwriting of the deputies.The catch here is that this is a small town department and, while they are fancy enough to carry computers in the field, they are not connected to the Internet. Visual Basic was the first solution that came to mind and I have been scrambling to learn the basics. I am confident in my ability to organize the content of the form and perform any necessary validation but I am unsure where to begin in terms of storing each report locally (database) and printing the end result.

Another matter that makes things complicated is the fact that they want the end result to look exactly the same as the original form, only typed instead of hand written.So, to sum things up, here are the questions I have:there seem to be several options for databases in VB 2010 Express. What is the best option for LOCAL storage of records?It looks as though the best way to format the form the exact way they want it to look with populated data would be to create a form within the application with just this content on it. Is this the best solution or might there be a better way - possibly outputting to another file? And if the data is put on another form, how would I go about printing it?

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VS 2010 Guide In Printing Data In A Datagridview?

Sep 30, 2010

how to print the data in my text box and datagrid.

This is my form: If i click, the Print Button, a receipt will be printed with all the data in the text box and datagrid.

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VS 2010 Printing A Form In Legal Size?

Feb 22, 2012

i am making a Long form and I want it to print in legal size paper. Only thing is I use printform and it does letter size only. Also it cuts off the left over labels i need to print out. I made a Database input form and an output form for printing.

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VS 2010 Printing Accessdb Records To Text File

Apr 5, 2012

I am new at VB and am working on a simple project. I am reading records in from an access db and when the user clicks on the 'create label' button, I need the record displayed to be added to the labels.txt file. When they click on the 'save & close' button, I want the file to be saved (with no dialogue box) and the app to be closed. I am struggling with getting the records into the text file and saving it. [code]

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Printing An External File In Its Own Printing Routine

Apr 19, 2010

I basically have an application that generates reports in a .html file, I use a .html file for the ease of making tables and formatting text.Now I would like to introduce a way of printing the reports from my program. Because I use a .html file, the formatting would not the correct if I was to print it directly from my application (as far as I know). For this reason, I would like to print it just like my web browser would have in order to keep the tabular data intact and the text formatting.

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Schedule Printing And Check First If There Is Pending Job Before Printing?

Nov 2, 2009

I'm creating an application which has an scheduler to print and it checks if there is a pending job on the print queue before it prints the next file. I use a timer which checks if there is any file to be printed on my database. Example, the timer ticks and selected 10 files to be printed, it should print the 10 files 1 at a time, if there's no print queue, that's the only time the next file should print. I think another timer is required which will keeps on checking if print queue is done. How will i do this?

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VS 2010 Reports - Printing - Preview Reports From A Datagrid?

Dec 9, 2010

Basically, I am looking for a method on how to preview reports from a datagrid or it can be from the access database which populates the data to the datagrid (then displays this in the datagridview) in vs 2010.I believe there are two methods using the ReportViewer or using Crystal Reports, but so far, I have no idea how to get them to work. The first idea would be favourable - using the data from a datagridview (which may of already been sorted, filter etc) and be able to produce a report on that.

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How To Implement Dos Printing

Nov 23, 2010

how to implement dos printing from

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IE 8 Breaks VB Printing

Mar 27, 2009

My app uses the following code to print some html as part of a document.

Dim comdoc As mshtml.IHTMLDocument2 = BodyBrowser.Document.DomDocument
Dim r As IHTMLElementRender = comdoc.body
Dim dpix As Integer = e.Graphics.DpiX


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Know When Printer Is Done With Printing?

Jul 18, 2011

I'm using Visual Basic 2006 and i am printing with a third party application call NovaPDF. It works very well.NovaPDF works like any printer and i'm having no problem using it. The thing is that i don't want to queue printing document because i need to rename and change their location. Also NovaPDF append to file. So, what i want to do is : Do some kind of loop that the program will loop in until my printer is done printing everything.[code]....

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