Public Shared Variable Ref?

Jun 29, 2011

I have an arraylist in a user form (Mainform) that I would like to be able to share among multiple forms and edit the contents. Using the Public Shared method I have been able to view and even edit the arraylist, but it does not seem to be changing it back on the main form. I can give more detail if needed.

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ADVERTISEMENT - Public Shared Variable Shared Between Users?

Mar 30, 2012

I've taken over the maintenance of the website (ASP.NET VB) and on one particular page I noticed the below code

Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Public Shared UserNumber As String
Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Init


My question is whether the variable UserNumber can be accessed or changed by any other user than the current one?

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Accessing A Public Shared Variable From A Different Class?

Jan 10, 2012

I currently have two forms, and I need to share the value of a variable in one of them.

I declared the variable to be 'Public Shared', and assigned a value to it. However,

when I inspect the value it appears as 'Nothing'. Here is the snippet:

Public Class A
Public Shared sVar As String = Nothing
Private Sub A_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Release Public Shared Variable After Form Close?

Mar 4, 2010

shared variables of particular form in 2005

View 1 Replies - Access A Module Or A Public Class With Public Shared Members From Inline Vb Code <% .. %>?

Feb 10, 2011

I can access a module from code behind but not from the aspx page in inline VB code <% ... %>.

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.net - Why Can't Call Private Shared Methods From A Public Shared Method

Aug 25, 2011

I have a class like this:


It works, when I make getBar methods public, but I don't want to expose these unneccessarily. Why I can't call private shared methods from a public one in the same class is over my head. I'm using .net framework 4.0 in a web application.

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Declare A Public Variable And A Public Sub In An Aspx Webpage?

Aug 26, 2010

How do declare a public variable .aspx web page that can be used in all the pages within my web application?

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Public Shared Function Continued?

Aug 6, 2009

I made the changes from this:


to this:(the 'End Function' says "Function 'GetFolderPath' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result is used."


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Public Shared MyVariable As String?

Jun 21, 2011

Say I have an ASP solution with a Globals.vb file. Inside that file, I have this: Public Shared MyVariable As String Now say I publish this solution and make it available to Bob and Cindy.If Cindy sets (through the interface) MyVariable to 5, would Bob be able to read it? I hope not, I'm hoping this variable would be user-specific.

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Accessing Public Shared Function From Another Form

Mar 1, 2011


i have a function that i have in my data access class now i want to access it then declare and assign parameters and then insert data into database.

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Accessing Variables From A Public Shared Subroutine?

Feb 15, 2009

I have created a public shared subroutine in a class file in 2 ( web site app_folder.The subroutine retrives some values from a sql database via an sql query and assigns the datareader field values to several variables The problem is I can't seem to assign the variables from the subroutine to the variables and textbox controls in the page I am calling the subroutine from. The textbox text value just appear blank.By the way, if I response.write the variables in the subroutine they appear populated by the sql data reader.

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Public Shared SqlConnection - Used In Multiple Functions

Jan 29, 2010

I have an web app. It has a shared class, and I want to have the connection string the same through out the site. My string is in my web config, but I don't want to type this all over the place:

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Difference Between A Private, Public, Shared Functions/Sub/Variables?

Jul 22, 2009

give me a good resource that explains the difference between a Private, Public, Shared Functions/Sub/Variables? I normally use Public for Subs/Functions inside of Modules I call from other parts of the program. But I'd like to get more of an understanding of how and when to use them. I want as little as impact to a system that is running my programs as possible, so i guess the key here is I'm trying to just get more proficient in my coding.

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Override A Public Shared Method In Derived Class?

Oct 8, 2010

Can we override a Public Shared method in derived class? If not why?

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Passing Parameters By Reference Into Public Shared Methods

Oct 21, 2009

I have a List(Of AddlInfo) with AddlInfo being an object. I'm trying to pass addlInfoList by reference into a function of another class:


This works if I'm not passing the reference into another class, but when I try to do this, I get the following error: Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Sort' can be called with these arguments:


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Too Many Arguments For Public Shared Create Auto-CompleteItem?

Mar 1, 2012

I didn't write the function for the AutoCompleteExtender so I am not quite sure how to change it without screwing it up, so I figured I would ask here. Recently, it was requested that the AutoComplete show a product name & the date of launch of that specific product. I do not know how to add the date to the AutoComplete.

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Create A "shared" Variable That Is Shared With All Instances Of A Class?

Jan 14, 2011

I seem to be drawing a blank. I'd like to create a "shared" variable that is shared with all instances of a class but not classes that inherit from it. For example.Class A: Shared list As New List(Of String): list.Add("A")

Class B Inherits A: list.Add("B")Class C Inherits B: list.Add("C")The end result I'd like is that any instance of A has just A in the list. Any instance of B has A and B in the list. Any instance of C has A, B, and C in the list. I can accomplish it by creating Instance variables, but I have to construct the list for each instance of a class. I'd like to construct it once for a specific point in the Hierarchy and then share it accross other instances of that class.

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[2005] SyncLock And Multithreading - Public Class Utilities With A Many Shared Functions

Feb 11, 2009

I am trying to get a handle on SyncLock and multithreading, but I am having some trouble wrapping my head around exactly how it should be implemented. I have a Public Class Utilities with a many Shared Functions. I want to make sure that each function can only be executed when there are no other concurrent calls to the same function. So If I have 2 functions, A and B in a Public Class Utilities, what is the syntax so that a function "locks" while it is being executed, preventing any subsequent calls until the "locking" thread has completed?


Public Class Utilities

Public Shared Function A (ByRef i As Integer) As Integer


I know I need to wrap the statements of execution in a SyncLock block, but I am unsure of the scope of the parameter used with it private to the function, class, etc? Can the same object be used to lock both functions if they are independent?

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VB - How To Use Dll - Project Class Library, Named It MyFirstDll And Made A Public Shared Sub HelloDll

Apr 21, 2012

I am just testing how to use dll and after googling a lot, I made it work partially...Created new project Class Library, named it myFirstDll and made a Public Shared Sub helloDll to do something. Now since this is my first time, the dll is simply showing the input in a msgbox:

Public Shared Sub helloDll(ByVal msg As String)

If msg <> "" Then
MsgBox(msg, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "WE HAVE SOME MSG")
MsgBox(msg, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "NO MSG")
End If

End Sub

After building the dll-file, I started a new project using normal windows forms, named it "useMyDll", I clicked Project -> Add Reference, and added my dll. The program file that I made needed a textbox and a button for using the dll:

Private Sub useDllButton1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles useDllButton1.Click
Dim msg As String = Nothing
msg = TextBox1.Text
myFirstDll.myFirstDLL.helloDll(msg) 'this will be in msgbox in dll-file
End Sub

And when running this I could write something in the textbox and a msgbox with that input would pop up. Really happy with that. My first attempt to make a dll and use it was very successful. Then I thought, what about running the dll from rundll32.exe? It would be handy to make a dll that could be run without my exe. After googling a long time, I tried to add a new button:

Private Sub useDllButton2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles useDllButton2.Click
'Now let us see if we can open it using rundll32.exe ?
Dim msg As String = Nothing
msg = TextBox1.Text


Now the first button still works just fine, but the second button gives some error (translated to english would be) like "missing entry: helloDll" I also tried to open with command prompt, same result.

After googling again I read one place that you can't run a visual basic dll with rundll32.exe, so is this true? Or is there some way of doing it? I read one place that it works if you make the dll be "COM-Visible", but I don't really understand how to or what it means. I tried to open properties, clicked Assembly Information, and "Make assembly COM-Visible", but this doesn't change anything. Then I read somewhere that it has to be in a module to work. Could it be that I need to rewrite some codes and it would work, or would I have to start learning c++ in order to accomplish this?

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What Is Different Between Global Variable And Public Variable

Jul 15, 2010

What is Different between global variable and public variable?

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Use Of Shared Variable In .net?

Mar 5, 2009

What is the use of shared variable in

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Difference Between Public Sub And Private Sub And Private Function And Public Function And Sub And Shared Function?

May 31, 2011

explain me the difference between them? I'm new to visual basic, and I need to know the very basic things in Visual Basic allowing me to become a professional User

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Argument Not Specified For Parameter 'test' Of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'?

Sep 25, 2010

I don't understand the error, Argument not specified for parameter 'test' of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'.

Partial Public Class Form1
Shared Sub ReceiveCallback(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
Form1.Invoke(TestThis, New Object(){"test"}) 'error


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C# - Shared / Static Variable Should Be Nothing?

Jan 6, 2011

I have the following code:
Public Class TestClass
Public Sub Main()
If theGlobal IsNot Nothing Then Throw New Exception("What gives!")
End Sub
Private Shared theGlobal As Object = Nothing
[Code] .....
Why is theGlobal object NOT Nothing?

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How To Dispose Shared Variable

Apr 12, 2011

How to dispose the shared variable in am using shared object of Asterisk.NET Manager Variable, i assigned it in form load and i dispose it in main form closing, My problem is after closing the application, application.exe keeps live in task manager, if i not initializing the shared object in form load there is no problem,[code]

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.net - Using A Class Like A Public Variable In

Apr 13, 2009

I'm getting an error in .net when trying to declare a Public class on my code behind page.

Partial Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Public someVariable as integer
Public someClass as className

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load [...]

The error I'm getting is BC30508: 'someClass' cannot expose type 'className' in namespace '<Default>' through class '_Default'.The goal here is accessing the class properties in script blocks on the aspx page like this <%=someClass.classProperty%>

I'm not sure if I'm trying the right methods (I've tried several ways of declaring the public class) or if it can even be done..

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HOW To Declare A Public Variable

Apr 23, 2012

Later on i have a form where a cost for a class is calculated by timing the duration of a class by the costperhour textbox which is in a different form.

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How To Reset Public Variable

Oct 28, 2009

I have few public Arrays variables, I need to reset them since I will be using them few times with different values.

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Using Properties (rather Than A Public Variable)

Jan 19, 2010

Is there any point in using a property (rather than a public variable) if it just says:


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.net - ASP.NET Shared Variable For An Error Handler

May 28, 2012

I am planning to use a shared variable to implement a logging facility. Have a look at the code below:

Imports System.IO
Public Class TestClass
Public Shared objError As New StreamWriter("C:Test.txt")
End Class


I think I have found my answer here: [URL] "A static variable continues to exist and retains its most recent value. The next time your code calls the procedure, the variable is not reinitialized, and it still holds the latest value that you assigned to it. A static variable continues to exist for the lifetime of the class or module that it is defined in."

I am not convinced that this is the best way to create a logging facility.

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