Random Number Generator For Label

May 29, 2012

I have 3 label and 1 button and need to create random number in each label after the button is pressed, the numbers don't need to be unique but cant have all 3 labels with the same number, I have looked around the web but can't find the code I am looking for.

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Creating A New Random Generator Each Time Should Reduce The Number Of Random Repetitions?

May 26, 2011

I've read numerous posts and threads about random number generation, but I havent' run across this.If I generate a bunch of random numbers, the results are radically different if I create a new Random generator for each number than if I use on Random generator for all the numbers. The results are much more consistent and evenly distributed if I use the same Random generator.I would have thought the opposite,because creating a new Random generator each time should reduce the number of random repetitions, if a different time slice is used to create the random number.[code]......

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Create A Random Number Generator That Iterates Through A Series Of Number Between An Upper And Lower Bound?

Jun 24, 2010

i wanted to create a random number generator that iterates through a series of number between an upper and lower bound. say between 1 and 100. Basically I want the number generator to pick the numbers randomly and then display them until all 100 numbers are picked without any duplicates. so thats easy I can code that. But what I don't know is how to show those numbers in the order they are generated on a windows form. So i have basically a variable that I will let be changed 100 times (or however many times I want, I don't want their to be a size constraint just using 100 as an example) and each time the number is generated I want it displayed on screen (in a list or something not sure what. Hopefully some type of scrollable list) and each successive number also to be displayed in same format beneath it so that I can see the list in its entirety. What type of form control do i use for that? I could do messagebox.show for each iteration but then user is required to hit ok after each iteration and that would obviously be a bad idea if user selected a large number to work through. Anyways, code isn't exactly necessary just point me in the right direction, i.e.what control (if any) to use.how to format the change in data?

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Random Number Generator Generating Same Number Many Times?

Sep 17, 2011

I have this program generating a firstname and lastname from a file. When I run this program I enter information in three textboxes. The first two are the salary low and high(salary1.text, salary2.text) and the last one is the number of "copies"(copies.text) that I want.. When I put a number such as 10 in the text box it outputs some of the same names. The firstname file has around 100 records and the lastname file has about 1000 records Why is it generating the same name The problem is even worse if I do something like 1000 copies.. it outputs the same thing 8 times and then does something different another 8 times

Public Class Form1
Dim sex As String
Function randomfirstname()
Dim infile As IO.StreamReader


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How To Add Random Number Generator To App

Jul 13, 2009

I was wanting to add a random number generator to an app of mine and I have the code that creates it:
Private Function RandomNumber(ByVal min As Integer, ByVal max As Integer) As Integer
Dim random As New Random()
Return random.Next(min, max)
End Function 'RandomNumber

What I can't get to work correctly is the following. I have a textbox for the min and max. The way I have it setup is when it generates it I have a MessageBox show it but it pulls the same number a few times in a row. How do I make it pull a different number each time until all numbers a pulled. I then want to add them to a listbox as each one is generated.

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Random Number Generator Between 1 And 4?

Nov 21, 2010

I need to create a multi dimensional array comprised of random numbers between 1 and 4. The reason why I need a mutidimensional array is because each number needs to be associated with a random letter of F or N. [ F or N are really Indicators or whether I should show the user Feedback on their results in the case of F. Or not show them Feedback in the case of N.] So within this array 2 random numbers will be associated with random F's. And 2 will be associated with random N's. For example the array should look like (1,F 2,F 3,N 4,N) or (3,N 2,F 1,N 4,F). The reason why I need this random array is because during the course of my application being ran 4 times (which represents the numbers) I want to insure that every time N is done 2 times and F is done 2 times. This is all to make sure that each Number 1-4 after 100 times the application is ran has the same amount of F's and N's. I was also wondering if someone knows a way to store how many times the application has been ran in asp.net so that I can recreate another random string after 4 application runs.

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Random Number Generator?

Feb 28, 2010

i already ahve a random number generator. the question is this, how do i go to the next number in the sequence when the random number generator is run.

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Create Random Number Generator?

Jul 28, 2009

I need to create a random number genrator to generate a membership number when i open my sign up form. i need it to be shown in a text box.

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Make A Random Number Generator

Mar 21, 2009

Im trying to make a random number generator just for fun this is what I have so far


It seams right to me but in the line Dim rand as new Random the word random is underlined and it says type expected

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Make A Random Number Generator?

Jan 16, 2010

How to make a random number generator, and I need one for what I am making. I need something that basically says, "make random number between 1 and 4."

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Random Number Generator / Finished?

Feb 25, 2012

I would like to know if what I have here is correct? could it be done better? is there something I could add or take away? or is it finished and does what it does? I'm also posting it so that other beginners can maybe look at it and learn from it, just copy and paste the code in to a new Windows Forms Application, hit F5 and then Space bar.[code]

View 16 Replies

Random Number Generator And For Loop?

Oct 3, 2009

I am doing a Coin Toss program for school and I'm getting my butt kicked by this thing. The following are the instructions exactly as my instructor gave them:Use the random number generator (see the code below) to simulate a coin toss. First ask the user for the number of repetitions. Next, set up a For loop to execute that many times. Each time you enter the loop, call the random number next method. Assume that a random value <= 5 is considered a "Heads"; a value >5 is a "Tails". That is, if the random value is <= 5, add one to an accumulator named intNumHeads. If the random value is >5 add one to an accumulator named intNumTails. When the loop finished, output the number of heads and the number of tails in a text field with appropriate labels.Dim intRandom As New Random()Dim intNumber As IntegerintNumber = intRandom.Next(0, 9) In my application I have the click event of the "Flip Coin" button coded as follows:

Class frmToss
Private Sub btnFlip_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Random Number Generator Game?

Mar 15, 2009

Stuck programming a random number generator game. one is to guess what the random number. I have coded most of it and am pleased, but there are some hitches. a) When running the program if you guess 10 it says," Guess Higher" which is impossible as the num gen stops at 10 (if you guess 9 and the number is lower than 9 it says guess lower . . . which it is supposed to do)

b) When asked to play again if one clicks no it calls you a loser and exits the problem is it does the same if you click yes. How can I get it to simply start over if yes is clicked

c) Does anyone know how to make an image move up or down based on the input? IE if guess needs to be higher the image moves higher? Lower and it moves lower?


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Random Number Generator With Limits?

Apr 1, 2009

how to generate a list of numbers, from 1 to 10 in a random fashion but with no numbers repeating. For example, every time the code is run, it will return an array of numbers, each different, only using numbers from one to ten?

This may sound confusing, so i will try and explain what I am trying to do with it. I have a form that displays 10 questions and each time a user moves to a new question, i want to display a new picture. the pictures will be named "picture1" through "picture10". I want the order that the pictures are displayed to be different every time.

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Random Number Generator Within Sub Routine?

Apr 22, 2010

I want t to equal a new random number everytime but it only gives a random number the first time and then uses that same number everytime.

Private Sub Form9_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
notreduced(Label17, Label14)


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Random Number Generator Without Duplication

Sep 11, 2009

I am new to Visual studio 2008 using the express version. I wish to generate up to 10 000 random numbers without duplicates. Any appropriate container to store and print these numbers.

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Unique Random Number Generator?

Feb 14, 2010

For part of my coursework I need to be able to enter some customer details into a form and then to press a button which give that customer a unique reference number.

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Make A Random Number Generator In Vb 2008?

Nov 21, 2009

How can I make a random number generator in vb 2008? I just want a simple one that displays a random number in a label.

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Start A New Game In A Random Number Generator?

Apr 7, 2011

I'm trying to teach myself how to create a Random Number Generator in Visual Basic 2008 using a menu system and I'm having difficulty with the following:If I type in a number above 100, I don't get a message appearing saying that the number that I typed is too high.I don't know what I need to code to start a new game.How do I get messages to show up when both pressing the "Check Me" button and using the "Give Me the Number" option to say whether the answer is correct or too high or too low.ful to hear them.

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Using A Random Number Generator For The X And Y Points Of A Picturebox?

Jan 18, 2009

I did a simple screen saver just using a random number generator for the x and y points of a picturebox and it's ok but I thought I may try to snazz things upwith the image floating on the screen?

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Random Number Generator - Simulating Rolling Of Two Dices

Sep 11, 2011

I have a certain problem with 2 number generators that I have. My problem is that I want them to act individually. To where they seperatly come up with a random number. Mine is from 1-6 for 2 random number to simulate the rolling of two 6 sided dice. The problem that I have is that when I run the program they always generate the same number no matter what that number is. When I step through it step by step while the program is running in the debug screen they come up with a different number. This is in visual basic 2010 express edition.

sender As
[Code] .....

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Random Number Generator :: Index Was Outside The Bounds Of The Array

Oct 20, 2009

I cant seem to see what is wrong with this arrary size. It works if i set the random number to 10

pretty sure it's to do with this line For i = 0 To intResult but i cant for the life of me figure it out.

Dim intResult As Integer
'// Initializes the random-number generator, otherwise each time you run your
'// program, the sequence of numbers will be the same


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Random Number Generator Generates Same Numbers 19 Times Out Of 20 ?

Apr 1, 2010

I am trying to write a random number function that can just be called from my main module to generate different random numbers. I have tried this several different ways and I am having odd results. Approximately 19 times out of 20 the numbers come back exactly the same, but approximately 1 in 20 they come back as two different numbers. Im using Visual Basic Studio 2008. Here is the code I have so far, or rather, the current version of my many tests I have been running to try and figure it out. Sometimes it takes many runs of the program before the two seperate numbers apear.I've been researching it and have come up with nothing so far.I know I could put them in the module section as two different randoms and it works, but I get extra points if i use a couple classes in my program.This is the main module.

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim randomNumOne As New RandNum[code]...........

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VS 2008 - Random Number Generator (Overflow Error)

Jul 4, 2009

I've ran into an overflow error when using a private sub and a random number generator...

Private Sub computerpicker()
Dim RandomNumGen As New System.Random
Dim rnum = (RandomNumGen.Next(3))
If rnum = 0 Then
rnum = (RandomNumGen.Next(3))
Call computerpicker()
[Code] .....
Even if bt1=0 and bt2=0 i still get an overflow error...

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VS 2008 Random Number Generator - Show In Msgbox

Dec 4, 2011

i follow this script Quote:


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VS 2008 Random Number Generator - Store Generated Numbers?

Nov 23, 2010

Right so my generator is working, but I now want to take the numbers that it generates and add them to a list of generated numbers. So you can monitor what numbers have been generated. then ideally a way to exclude these numbers from being generated again.


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Start A New Game Within Menu In Random Number Generator Created In Program?

Apr 11, 2011

I'm trying to teach myself how to create a Random Number Generator in Visual Basic 2008 using a menu system and I'm having difficulty with the following:

If I type in a number above 100, I don't get a message appearing saying that the number that I typed is too high.I don't know what I need to code to start a new game.How do I get messages to show up when both pressing the "Check Me" button and using the "Give Me the Number" option to say whether the answer is correct or too high or too low.[code]...

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Create A Random Number Generator (dice Roller) That Will Dump Its Results Into An Open Chat Window?

May 17, 2009

I am trying to create a Random Number Generator (dice roller) that will dump its results into an open chat window. I was lead towards using DDE but have never used it before. Is this the best method? if not, What is?

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Use A Random Number To Select A Label

May 23, 2011

I have 25 labels (Label1 - Label25). How can i randomly make the background of 1 label blue?I can set a random number in a variable, but I can't find out what to do next. It has to be something like this:[code]

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Assign Random Number To Label Or A Text Box

Dec 16, 2009

i know how to generate the number but how i randomize the number generated to be assigned to label 1 ,2 or 3 randomly. [Code]

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