Reading Excel With ADOBD Recordsets

Mar 5, 2009

I am trying to read an Excel workbook with VB 2008. I am fairly successful but I need to make the code more flexible. Currently I use.[code]There are a variable (unknown) number of sheets within a workbook, all with the same format, and their names are given in "SHEET NAMES". What I need to do is now loop through these remaining sheets and transfer the data. I can do this into individual "cells" arrays but I would like them in one 3-dimensional array, something like sheets(sheet-number,columns,rows)I am new to VB and I'm not too sure about variant type, but any suggestions would be most welcome.

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Reading Excel Files In Leaves Excel Process Hanging?

Oct 23, 2009

The following code works fine but seems to leave instances of excel.exe running in the background. How do I go about closing out this sub properly?

Private Sub ReadExcel(ByVal childform As Fone_Builder_Delux.frmData, ByVal FileName As String)
' In progress
childform.sampleloaded = False


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Errors In DAO Recordsets?

Apr 3, 2012

i just started programming using DAO recordsets and almost everything works great, most of what I did is database stuff.including movefirst and other stuff like that. But when my boss came and deleted everything in the database and clicked on movefirst i got an error that says no current record. is there any way for me to trap that error

Dim AccessEngine As New DBEngine
Dim db As Database = AccessEngine.OpenDatabase(DatabasePath)
Dim dbs As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Dao.Recordset = db.OpenRecordset("myTable",


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Navigating Through The Recordsets?

Aug 23, 2010

I am using Windows Forms on VB 2008 Exp. combining with Access 2007 as backend.I have designed a form to use ADODB connection with recordsets to retrieve and display data on label controls on the form.On the Form I have buttons like (First, Previous, Next, Last).... I want to use these buttons to navigate the rows of the recordset.However, I have problem in the codes - when I click the PREVIOUS button, it will tell me that either EOF is true. But if I click the NEXT button, it moves to the next record once.... Clicking on NEXT again, does not move to the next record..

See my code below:

Imports ADODB
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server
Imports System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection
Imports System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection


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Using Recordsets Like Forms?

Aug 6, 2009

How can i refer to an access recordset in when i just type the name of the dataset/recordset i am given an error that i need to declare it.Do these not work like forms or classes or modules?

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IDE :: Recordsets Not Recognized When Use #if Directive?

Jun 2, 2009

i suppose this is an IDE related question; (correct me to another forum if not)

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VS 2008 Access Database And Recordsets.

May 27, 2010

I have just moved over from VB6 to VB2008 Express and I cannot get a simple recordset to work.All I want to do is create a very simple recordset form a single table in an access 2007 database file.In VB6 I just dropped a data object on a form, told it the database name and the table name and the job was done.I have been trying bits of code and the wizard for 10 hours I cannot get a simple recodset to work can some one give me some basic pointers please.If I try using the wizards I get some bizarre error message about ConectionString.[code]

View 4 Replies - Adding New Record To A VFP Data Table With ADO Recordsets?

Jun 16, 2010

I am trying to add a new record to a Visual FoxPro data table using an ADO dataset with no luck. The code runs fine with no exceptions but when I check the dbf after the fact there is no new record. The mDataPath variable shown in the code snippet is the path to the .dbc file for the entire database. A note about the For loop at the bottom; I am adding the body of incoming emails to this MEMO field so thought I needed to break the addition of this string into 256 character Chunks.

cnn1.Open("Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};" & _
"SourceType=DBC;" & _
"SourceDB=" & mDataPath & ";Exclusive=No")


View 1 Replies - Special Character With Recordsets Read From MySQL

Nov 10, 2010

I have recordsets in my MySQL database like this (in german): Karrieren im Porträt: Interview mit Thorsten Franck - „Ich liebe Produkte" Now when I get the data with the MySQL connector reader and write it into an xml file I get just this: Karrieren im Porträt: Interview mit Thorsten Franck Ich liebe Produkte As you (hopefully) can see, the minus (it's one of those long ones) and the upper and lower quote signs are not shown. The table is defined as UTF-8, the output of the xml file also.

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VS 2010 Records Missing While Comparing Two Recordsets?

Mar 16, 2012

I have this piece of code which goal is to compare ALL records from recordset rs1 to ALL records of recordset rs2. Im doing something wrong because, when the code finishes I find that some records that fulfill the matching condition are not being considered as matched.


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Reading Excel With VB?

Mar 27, 2012

I am trying to build an app that can search column A in an excel document (with textbox control). In column B, I have info about the column A items. When a column A item is searched, I would like a textbox (or similar) to display info about it from column B.

I have never done any Excel related programming, so I don't know what to do, or where to start.

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SQL Stored Procedure Doing Actions On Multiple Recordsets And Then Comparing Results?

Mar 23, 2011

My experience with Stored Procedures is limited and I'm hoping this will solve my payroll problems. Further, for what I'm attempting to accomplish a Stored Procedure may not be the best answer.I'm attempting a Payroll function in which the goal of the Stored Procedure is to fetch the data for a given Payroll Period, do math on the first returned employee, output a calculated result, then move to the next. Let me explain a bit more...Based on a Pay Period ID which is given to the Stored Procedure, I would like it to do the following:Select the employee in that period, add a total of his hours worked, then add that employees total commissions, whichever amount is greater - return that value (along with the totals - such as the total hours and total commission) - then move to the next employee until completed.

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Reading Excel Xls File With Ole

Sep 26, 2010

I'm trying to read an Excel xls file into a dataset with OLE. I can do that, but it's loosing data. The sheet is formatted with merged cells on the first 11 rows and after that it's just a table. I need to read this with OLE, because the server on which this web-application is working does not have Excel installed.

If I remove the first 11 rows with excel, then save it and then let my program read it, all is fine, but with those rows, it's ok. The excel sheet has header names in row 12. After the read in to the dataset, some of those cells with the header names are empty. I assume this is caused by the formatting. Is there any other way to open and read an excel file on a server without Excel or expensive dll's? Is it possible to open the xls file with OLE, delete the first 11 rows before using da.fill(dataset,tablename)?

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Reading From Excel Situation

Jan 4, 2011

i have this code that i am using to read from an excel spreadsheet but it i giving me an error saying that i am not not giving the exact name of the table.i have uploaded the excel spreadsheet as well. [code]

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VS 2008 Excel Reading?

Aug 30, 2010

I have a .csv file (created by external program). In my application I want to read the last cell value. External program updates the last cell value every 3 sec.For this I use the below code. But cpu usage increases (because timer event opens&closes new excel sheet every second)I was successfully doing this with vb6 without any problem, but with I'm stuck.


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Reading Excel Without Excel

Nov 21, 2011

I have a VB.NET app which pulls some data out of an Excel file and puts it into XML.Originally, I read from the Excel file using an OleDB connection but then when we deployed the app to the test server, it gave an error saying that some Jet database components needed to be registered on the server to read from Excel and we're not allowed to register those on the server.Then, I rewrote it using the Microsoft.Office.Interop Excel components. Apparently, however, that needs to have Excel registered on the server in order to work and we can't install that either.Is there another way to read data from Excel using VB.NET which doesn't require anything but the .NET Framework on the server the app is running from? It's just a few simple rows of data with no formulas or macros or anything and I just want to grab the data out. It seems to me that this shouldn't be all that complex.

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C# - Getting Error While Reading Cell Value Of Excel

Aug 25, 2011

i am importing data from Excel workbook having around 30 sheets in each book. Application works fine but after uploading few books it gives error continuously Exception from HRESULT: 0x800AC472 i used thread.sleep(1000) for each workbook into folder remove that? if these due to hyperlinks in some sheet, is any way to disable hyperlinks through code in

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OledbConnection Not Reading All Data From Excel?

Jan 24, 2012

I'm developing application in VB.NET 2008.I'm reading data from Excel through OledbConnection. Here data are reading sometimes perfectly but sometimes it is missing to read some data.

Example :In Excel ,I have 79 columns in excel and 4 rows , first 3 rows are headers so after import i'll delete that rows and actual data starts from 4, so here i have only one row.After Reading through oledb, that dataset's datatable has only first 3 rows( first row became header and 2 & 3 row only in datatable, its ignoring 4th row)


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Reading An Excel File Into A Combo Box?

Dec 7, 2009

I am having problems reading the contents of an excel file into a combo box I am using the following code but the only thing that is populating the combo box is "System.__ComObject"

XLbook = GetObject(pthSup & "offices.xls")
XLsheet = XLbook.Sheets("Offices")
Dim i As Integer


I am relatively new Visual Basic and programming in general and I am trying to update a program I wrote for AutoCAD in VBA to the .NET frame work

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Reading And Calculating An EXCEL Sheet?

Sep 14, 2009

I have a little problem and i don't know e an excel sheet with with over 4000 rows and i need to go through that sheet and look at the length of each 1 cell and get the amount of characters in there and put that into another cell like below

New cell10


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Reading Data From Excel Into VB 2008?

Mar 10, 2008

I'm a new VB programmer, although I have a decent background in java.Anyways, I'm learning VB and I'm trying to read data from an Excel file using VB 2008 and can't figure out how to accomplish this. I can't seem to get any data from the Excel spreadsheet to display in a simple Windows form. Also, there's a decent amount of data in the spreadsheet so I was wondering if it makes sense to just read data as needed from the excel spreadsheet or if there was some type of data structure that I could import the entire Excel spreadsheet into and do my analysis from there.

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Reading Data From Txt Transfer To Excel

Nov 10, 2011

I have a question about reading data from txt file and importing(transfer) to the existing excel file.for example I have "test.text" which includes some numbers listed below.[code]I want to put each number to separate excel cells by using

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Reading Excel Data By Column?

Oct 5, 2011

I have never read from an excel file in VB.NET before so sorry if anything is off.I am downloading an .csv file from a vendors ftp service that has 8 columns ( style # - mfr.item # - description - metal type - availability - center weight - total weight - retail value )I am trying to retrieve all data in the rows bellow style # and retail valuethere are roughly 4,649 rowsI am not sure how to do this.

I load the excel file using the
Dim eApp As excel.Application
Dim eBook As excel.Workbook


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Reading Records In Excel File With .net?

Aug 15, 2011

just as I would read an SQL file in order with code such as:DCReader02 = DCCommand02.ExecuteReader()While DCReader02.Read() End While I am looking for the equivalent code to read each line of an Excel file until end of file. The Excel file was opened with

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application / Workbook / Worksheet coding.

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Reading Values From An Excel File?

Jan 22, 2010

I want to get a value from 12 excel sheet. is there any way that i get the values without opening the excel sheet? I am using if there is a way to read values without opening the excel file.

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VS 2008 Reading Excel Data Using ADO.Net

Mar 4, 2010

I just tried to read data from an excel sheet. I just found some code on net. But it is not working for me. I'm unable to debug, since i don't know how to make use of the ADO.Net [Code]

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.net - NULL Values Reading From Excel File?

Mar 4, 2010

i am not getting the integer values in dataset while reading from an excel files the field which is integer will be showing as NULL.

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Create Thread For Reading Data From Excel

Jan 8, 2010

I want to create thread for reading data from Excel. I found this link.url...I download the sample project and tried to run the project.First I build the project using visual studio 2005 and add reference the NetFX20Wrapper.dll..When I run the project, I got error "ActiveX Component cannot create obect" in the Line "Set background = New NetFX20Wrapper.BackgroundWorkerWrapper"

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Excel Reading - How To Ignore Hidden Columns

Aug 12, 2009

I am reading XLS files, via JET provider, using the following
Dim conString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;data source=" + fileName + ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1;"""
cn = New OleDbConnection(conString)
da = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [" & sheetname & "]", cn)

The problem I am facing now is that some of these excel files have hidden columns: These columns are meant to be ignored. However, the code above fills my datatable with ALL columns (hidden and nothidden). Is there any "Extended Property" that I could add to the connection string, to ignore hidden columns?

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Exception While Reading Excel Sheet Drop Down Value?

Dec 2, 2009

Exception While Reading Excel Sheet Drop Down Value...

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