Reading / Parsing And Concatenating Data

Dec 28, 2009

I need to :
Read data from a file. The file contains the location and file name of a file and the name to which I want to save as (about 27,000). Then I need to Open the File with PDF Pro 9 and save as pdf in a specific loaction with the new name. Where to find some samples of reading, parsing and concatenating data and running a program from within a script?

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Reading / Parsing XML File - Get The First Set Of Data (data1 - Wide1) But Not The Second?

Apr 12, 2011

I am using the following code to parse a XML file of mine:


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Getting Extra HEX Bytes When Concatenating Data Files?

Aug 8, 2009

I'm concatenating data files, but the problem is that I'm seeing some extra bytes where the files are joined. The new file has extra bytes. I had thought this was maybe a problem with encoding.Here are the methods that I've tried to use to concatenate the files. The first example I'm getting extra 0xA0 0x00 bytes.

Dim inputfiles() As String = Directory.GetFiles(sourcedir, pattern)
Dim bufSize As Integer = 1024 * 64
Dim buf As Byte() = New Byte(bufSize) {}


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Parsing HTML - Reading A Particular DIV?

May 1, 2011

I need to parse a web page for blocks that contain open trouble tickets. The web page display several unresolved tickets and each one is inside a html divison labeled "issue-status". I've written the following code which does find the blocks, but when I try to parse its children to get its element fields (date opened, person requesting, history...) it instead pulls every element from the web page, not just the children.Is there a way to just parse the sub-fields under a particular DIV?

Dim theElementCollection As HtmlElementCollection
Dim strResult As String = ""


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Parsing - Reading Blocks Of Text From A CSV File - .net?

Oct 21, 2011

I need to parse a CSV file with blocks of text being processed in different ways according to certain rules, e.g.



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Reading / Parsing / Writing A Text File?

Oct 7, 2009

I'm using visual basic 2008 express to do some simple stuff. For this project, Im reading in one large text file.The top of each page has a header section that is always the same, except sometimes a dept# changes, signifying a new set of data.The first line always has the text "RunDate", so when I read that, I know that I'm at the top of the first page.After reading the first line, I'd like to immediately go to the sixth line and grab that dept# and store it.dept = left(trim(myline,7)(Its always 7 characters long) so I know what dept I'm working on.I'll then loop through and write each line to a new text file, until I hit the top of a new page.At that point I need to look at line 6 again. if the dept # is the same, I'll keep writing to the same file.Reading and re-writing from the text files is easy, I just loop through line by line, but I need to be able to jump down to the 6th line, and I don't know how to do that without reading each line to that point"

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Reading And Parsing Large Delimited Text Files?

Nov 23, 2011

I'm busy with an applicaton which reads space delimited log files ranging from 5mb to 1gb+ in size, then stores this information to a MySQL database for later use when printing reports based upon the information contained in the files. The methods I've tried / found work but are very slow.

or is there a better way to handle very large text files?

I've tried using textfieldparser as follows:

Using parser As New TextFieldParser("C:logfiles estfile.txt")
parser.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited
parser.CommentTokens = New String() {"#"}


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Parsing Data In Silverlight - Ensure The Data Is Secure?

Sep 7, 2010

I have a design question about parsing data in Silverlight. I need to allow my users to validate their csv data (they paste ten rows into a textblock), but I am not sure if I should attempt to do it on the client side where I don't have access to the textfileparser class or send the data to a webservice for validation. If I send it to a webservice how do I ensure the data is secure?

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Parsing Data From An URL?

Jun 19, 2010

Okay, if someone gets to my website using something like the following address:'John'?LastName='Smith'

Is there a way that I can pull out the FirstName and LastName and assign to them variables to be used later?

I've looking around but I'm not sure what it's called so I don't know how to search it.

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C# - .Net String Parsing Library Or Regex For Parsing .Net Code Files

Mar 5, 2009

I would like to be able to parse code files, so I can examine the collection of Subs, Functions (and their contents, including comments), private variables, etc. I can be open the actual source code files. So for example, if I have:


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Parsing Office XML Data?

Apr 20, 2009

I have 3 Microsoft Office XML documents that I am needed two fields out of. However, the schema is not traditional XML, but some weird Microsoft stuff.

<Row ss:AutoFitHeight="0" ss:Height="20.0625">
<Cell><Data ss:Type="Number">1111</Data></Cell>
<Cell><Data ss:Type="String">xxxk</Data></Cell>
<Cell><Data ss:Type="String">xxx</Data></Cell>


I only need the two items in bold for each row, but these fields need to stay together and match up.I have the XML loaded as type XmlTextReader, but I'm not sure how to read through it and extract what I am wanting.

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Text Data Parsing Using .net?

Apr 27, 2009

Text Data To Table


OutPUt Like This If no data after = then null otherwise data You can Have a look in Below for the above text

Words = null
NameType = C
OrganizationName = adfaf
LastName = null
FirstName = null
LastName = null


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Parsing Data From A Loop To A SQL Record?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm using Visual Studio 2008 and am creating a Visual Basic application. This is connnected to a SQL server database - standard settings.

I have created a nested loop and want to write the value of a variable into a record in the database table. Typically I have seen that textboxes, etc are connected to the database. How do I update the details for one record as part of the VB function?

Details are (excuse the pseudocode):
For loop (y axis)
For loop (x axis)
Within these storing values x,y,R,G,B,Y,U,V,mask as integer


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Parsing Data From HTML Page

Sep 17, 2011

I have saved some HTML pages from the i want to parse some specific data. I mean I want to retrieve some specific part from the HTMl page using VB/C# code. How do I go about it? I am using this code to read the html file..All i want to do now is to save the specifications to the DATABASE.

1. How do i select the specifications and display them in a ListBox??

2.How do i save it to the DATABASE??

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Parsing Data From Text File?

May 17, 2012

I was wondering if anyone knew of a good tutorial for parsing data from a text file and then populating the data into multiple text boxes. I have a text file with information pertaining to my form. The text file consists of key identifiers for each piece of information needed and I was wondering how to programmatically fill in my form by parsing that data.

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VS 2008 Parsing String To Data Row?

Jul 27, 2011

I am reading from an IO.port and returning the data to a string. I need to parse this to data rows that each represent a data record which I will add to a datagridview.

The data basically looks like this. I have inserted <SOH>,<US>, etc. for readability.


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.net - Concatenating A Variable Onto A Path(string)?

Mar 25, 2012

I am concatenating a variable onto a path(string), i'm using a message box to display this for testing purposes, I can see that the variable is starting on a new line, which in turn when i try to open the file it doesn't recognize that the file exist...

Dim Path As String = "C:UsersstefanDesktopUni WorkYear 4ProjectsProject SelectionProjectProjectinDebug"
Shapetext = clickedShapes.Item(nextShape).Text.ToString.Substring(0, clickedShapes.Item(nextShape).Text.IndexOf(" "))
MsgBox(Path + Shapetext + ".txt")

View 2 Replies - Concatenating String In LINQ-to-Entities?

Apr 7, 2011

This code works if I take out


Thus the remaining code looks like:


Maybe LINQ-to-Entities just doesn't support concatenating more than two strings at a time?

Protected Sub btnFilter_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnFilter.Click
Dim dbContext As Campus6Entities = New Campus6Entities


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Use 'Tab Stops' When Concatenating (say) A Label Text?

Aug 14, 2011

Is it possible to use 'Tab Stops' when you're concatenating (say) a Label text? I know it can be done for a PrintLine statement but I'm, trying without success, to put tabs after the colons in this code. ( "...... :" & vbTab ...)

Label1.Text = "Width margins:" & a.ToString & " Pixels." & vbCrLf
Label1.Text += "Height margins:" & b.ToString & " Pixels" & vbCrLf
Label1.Text += "Top margin:" & c.ToString & " Pixels" & vbCrLf
Label1.Text += "Bottom margin:" & d.ToString & " Pixels" & vbCrLf

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VS 2008 - Concatenating Text In Textbox?

Feb 14, 2011

I have a textbox "myTextbox" and a listbox "myList" which shows a list of strings e.g "AAA", "BBB", "CCCC".When the user clicks on an item from the listbox the text must be appended to the end of whatever is in myTextbox with a space preceeding it. e.g " AAA".The user must never be allowed to delete the added text.The user must be allowed to manually enter text in the textbox but it must always be in front of the added text. They must never be allowed to type over the added text or after the added text.I have been trying to get my head around this for a day now and cannot figure it out.

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Parsing String Each Iteration, Or Parsing Once And Storing?

Mar 16, 2011

I'm creating a winforms application that will take in user given strings, parse them, and print out labels with variable information. The given string will be used in all the labels, but the variable part of the string will change with each label.

My question is: is it better to parse the strings one time, then store those values in arrays, or to parse the string each time a label is printed? Which will perform better? Which is better practice? What is the proper way to test something like this?

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Communications :: Parsing Data From Binary Socket

Sep 7, 2008

I am using VB.NET and I am designing a generic network architecture in which data can be transmitted in various ways. I am wanting to strip down things as much as possible, and I do not want to transmit in plain text. My question today is regarding ideas and example code (if applicable) as far as parsing binary data that is sent over the wire in VB.NET.I want each packet to have a very generic architecture such as <packet type> <address> <payload> or whatnot. I understand that I can use certain bytes as delimiters for these packet fields. I don't necessarily want to serialize everything being that for security reasons, the same library has to be used to deserialize the data.

a) Put my protocol into binary data where each field is delimited using a certain byte

b) Parse that data from binary at the other end.

Once again, I don't want to use plaintext since this can cause a bunch of overhead in comparison.

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Parsing An .xml File To Retrieve Movie Data

Jan 22, 2011

im parsing an .xml file to retrieve movie data.[code]i use a contains method in the query but it doesnt like [code] I thought when i use .contains method that it would select the title regardless of the :, but i yeild no results.ive check the .xml file and everything is fine.[code]my code works fine with all other titles that dont contain any special characters.

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Parsing JSON Data Into List Of Objects?

Aug 17, 2011

I'm new at JSON and i am currently struggling with a problem parsing JSON data in a list of objects.The data that i am trying to parse is generated by the facebook graph api, and looks like this :

"100001621071794": {
"id": "100001621071794",
"name": "TEST1",[code].....

I know that this is not an array, because it is missing '[' and ']'. But when i replace the '{' and '}' with '[' and ']' i'm getting an error because of an invlaid matrix.

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Parsing/Converting Raw Data From A Bluetooth HR Monitor

Nov 20, 2010

is it possible to communicate with a bluetooth device? I have a fairly simple heart rate monitor which has a USB stick, which connects wirelessly to the monitor.

It utilizes a serial port (COM3), where I can communicate with it. I've tried all sorts of data formats to parse the incoming bytes, from ASCII to INT32 to string... Nothing.

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Regarding Parsing HTML Table Data To Database?

May 15, 2009

I want to get data of one of active web page open by the user in the internet explorer , since he or she might can open lot of tabs or windows and i want to extract data from the specific page , so i am detecting the title and then running the script for data extraction but unfortunately i am unable to do that , i am able to track the page but there is however some issue that its not reading the data from HTML page ?my question , how i can reading specific tags or data like for table , tr and td first load into some text file and then do some search on it to collect specific data, kindly see my code below i am using for getting data

Imports SystemImports System.Collections.GenericImports System.ComponentModelImports System.DataImports System.DrawingImports System.TextImports System.Windows.FormsImports


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Scientific Data Parsing Using A 3 Dimensional Array

Mar 11, 2010

I have data formatted as an ASCII text file with easting, northing, and depth fields. I've attempted an arrayList with some success, but there has to be a better and more efficient approach.


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Serial Port XML Data Parsing Errors

Jun 9, 2011

I am trying to parse incoming data from a serial port that appears to be XML format but a few problems arise when going from a simulated setup to the real deal. I first made a this program at home using a serial port emulator and com port connector program that reads from a text file and then sends it through the com port, I then read it from the com port it is connected to it. My program is able to parse the incoming XML perfectly fine, I'm using an XML Literals syntax.

The problem I run into is when I setup my program with the device and try and parse the data that is coming out of it. The data I receive sometimes has a few lines of garble before it starts seeing my expected XML. Of course these few lines of garbled text throws me an exception, but even when it appears I'm getting a good clean start of my XML data my program still throws exceptions such as "unexpected end of line 1 line number (different lines)" or "multiple root elements line 1".

Am I going about this the right way? using XML Literals to process my XML string properly or should I use something else that will allow for not well formed XML? or am I just missing something. My device outputs data every 500ms and I can poll my device for stored data. An example of what I am receiving sometimes and what I am expecting is below. "The first few lines of text sometimes appear and sometimes don't" [Code]

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VS 2008 : Parsing And Getting Data From Webbrowser TABLE?

Nov 6, 2009

Is it possible to collect data in this page with table. link here Is t possible to collect and view the data from tables into a ListView control in winForm?Instead of viewing page in webbrowser. i just want to use listview.I found klienma's thread in codebank but i could find a way how to parse table data form the web page.

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VS 2010 Parsing Data From HTML Into VB2010?

Sep 24, 2011

Let me preface this by saying I'm VERY limited in my programming knowledge/experience using any language. I mean I have extremely basic capabilities and don't quite understand this stuff inside and out like most of you do.Anyway, I'm trying to code a fantasy football draft program in VB 2010 that utilizes the MS Internet Transfer Control 6.0. It will retrieve the HTML from a website, say ESPN, and parse the data into player names, rankings, and other stats. Should all be simple strings/sub-strings. It will then populate a DataGridView control so that each row in the DGV has the player's name, ranking, projections for the season, etc. After this has been populated, the program will be designed to allow me to draft players and assign them to the various teams automatically. I am the commissioner and we do an off-line draft, so I will just make picks for everyone and submit them online later.

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