Registered Hot Key Override Other Application Hot Key?

Dec 7, 2011

I registered the hot key Ctrl + s for my application to show and hide a panel using

[DllImport("user32", SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool RegisterHotKey(IntPtr hwnd, int id, uint fsModifiers, uint vk);

This method is working fine on my application. The problem is when i opened my application and opened a notepad typed something and tried to save the notepad, it is not saving and in the back side of the notepad my application's, the panel is showing and hiding.

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Override Usage Of Registered COM Assembly?

Dec 2, 2010

I have an old VB6 application that I'm moving into VB.Net, I also have a COM assembly that is referenced from the application.I want to be able to run both applications (the old one and the .net one) side by side, the problem is that I made a couple of changes in the signature of the COM assembly for it to work on the .Net application (and these changes aren't compatible with the old app).If I install the old application first, it registers the dll and copies it into System32, when I install the new application it copies the new COM assembly into its application folder (in program files), but when I execute it, it tries to load the old assembly (registered by the old application).

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Override A Lightswitch Application Title?

Apr 20, 2011

I'd like to insert the application version number into my Lightswitch application title bar, but I haven't found anyway to programatically set the application title.

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Implement Registered Program To Accept Registered Key From Keygen?

Dec 8, 2010

I have a application that will prompt the user to enter a serial key in after 30 days...and how do I get the application to know the key is valid?Also i would also like to make a keygen that will work with this program.Where I will enter the company name and generate the key from the Name enter.

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Cannot Publish Application - Class Not Registered

Sep 8, 2010

I have developed an application in VS 2010 and now need to deploy it accross 10-15 PCs. I am publishing to a server where the other PCs will download it from. Only the PC I developed it on successfully installs the application. The others install it but it will not run. As a test, I installed it from the server on to the PC I developed it on, which worked fine. What may be causing it to install but not run on the other PCs? Also, I tried copying the visual studio solution to another PC and installing it locally but when I try to debug on any other machine, I get errors with the auto-generated code that deals with the controls that appear on my form.

The Errors are:
Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))
Cannot get the file path for type library "00460180-9e5e-11d5-b7c8-b8269041dd57" version 1.3. Library not registered. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002801D (TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED))Vb7TestApp
The referenced component 'AxDSOFramer' could not be found.
The referenced component 'DSOFramer' could not be found.
All references from the project on the other machine are present so this is not the issue. The form will also not load in design mode. instead I get the class not registered error.

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WPF Single Instance - Cannot Override The Main Sub In Application.xaml

Mar 29, 2011

Has anyone using VB.NET 2010 been able to create a single instance application? I've followed the MSDN sample but it does not have an Application.xaml file. Converting any C# samples to VB doesn't work as I cannot override the Main sub in Application.xaml (C# calls it App.xaml).

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'Class Not Registered' Error Comes While Debugging Application

Apr 21, 2010

i were working in Windows xp. last week I changed my OS to Windows 7.The project i have done in . While running class not registered error comes. In another computer its works well. Why it comes.

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Provide An Effective Way For Application To Get Registered Automatically?

Apr 30, 2009

I would like to provide an effective way for my VB.NET application to get registered automatically in a company with many computers. So the Enterprise Licence would kick in, but how to manage this?I was thinking each computer would connect to an intranet server where he would get the permission to register...C64

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VS 2010 Override Icon - Executes An External Application - Via Shell()

May 19, 2012

I have a VB application that executes an external application, via Shell().

What I want is to be able to have control over the "shortcut properties", if you will (such as icon & title), resulting in the external app being forced to use that specified icon and title for its spot in the taskbar while it is running.

A normal desktop shortcut does this easily (by editing its properties) but I don't know if it's possible to take advantage of that.

View 14 Replies - It Is An Error To Use A Section Registered As AllowDefinition='MachineToApplication' Beyond Application Level

Dec 14, 2011


I have hosted a website in a server using ASP.Net 2.0, i have a web.config in the root folder and also one in the Admin folder, but the admin folder is not a virtual directory and i dont want to create.


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Override Date.Now Or Date.Today For Debugging Purposes In An Web Application?

Aug 5, 2011

We have a very massive system where reports are run off dates from specific days through to today's date using various definitions of "GenerateSalesReport(DateStart, Date.Now)". For debugging purposes I want to simulate reports that occurred in the past so I need to change the object "Date.Now" to a specific date from the past on my development environment. Can you override date.Now?

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Installing An Application On A Client Machine "Class Not Registered"

Aug 20, 2009

I am installing an application on a client machine. The application is throwing an exception that I am logging that states "Class Not Registered". This an app written in Visual Studio 2005 using VB.NET. The dll dependencies of my .exe are located in the same folder as the .exe. What class is this talking about and how can I resolve this issue?

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How To Override A Function

Feb 23, 2009

I've created a user control with a toolstrip having 3 buttons AddEditDelete, and implemeted a generic some cases, i want to add this menu to a form but only use the delete of this toolstrip and implement a special AddEdit for that form. so how can i tell the form that when the user clicks on add not to do the default add of the toolstrip user control and do the one on the form, in other words i want to override the Add function of the Add button toolstrip.

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Override Page_load In Vb?

Apr 1, 2009

how to override the page_load or any other base page event every time in an application? I keep finding half examples and answers around the web. I want to fire this method every time a page is loaded.

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Way To Override Old File?

Jan 14, 2011

[code] where mem_stream variable contain the xml file. the problem is that it appends, if the file already exist, to the new one. is there a way to override the old file?

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.net - Override Event On A UserControl?

Mar 24, 2010

I have a WinForms application (OwnerForm) with some UserControl. When textbox of UserControl is changed, I want to filter content of a OwnerForm. But how can I make it? I don't want to specify OwnerForm inside the user control. I know a solution to add manually handlers for MyUserControl.tb.TextChanged to some functions on a owner form, but I think it's bad way. I'll prefer to have overridable functions, but I can't imagine how to do it.

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Can't Override My Web.config MailSettings

Oct 2, 2009

Usually my application sends email with a generic system address. But in some cases I want to instead send as the logged in user.


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How To Override SelectedItem Property

Mar 5, 2009

How to override the SelectedItem property? When you look at the description of the SelectedItem property, the description shows as:"Gets the selected item with the lowest index in the list control". I would like to bypass the "lowest index" portion of the property...I have multiple items in the same list with the same value, but different text. I just want to set the SelectedItem to the actual item I've selected, not one with the same value that appears earlier in the list...

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Override A Textbox' Forecolor?

Jul 28, 2010

I have been experimenting with my windows form application(vb 2008/10) and made sure that the top part(glass part) extended to become a bit larger.

Now 1 problem occurs. Everything, like text, which is black, will become transparent so unreadable. With labels and pictures, I solved the problem, I just write a string( and for labels / titles I use a long method(not important).

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Override An Event In Program?

Nov 26, 2009

I would like to shadow/override an event in VB.NET v2

I need to do it, because I need to implement a interface, let's name it IVisibleChanged, on the custom objects that does not have defined this event, and on the objects that already have defined this event (custom Button, by eg.)[code]...

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Override Form Name Of Masterpage?

Sep 9, 2009

It seems like I can't set the id or name of the form in my masterpage. [it's always "aspnetForm"]

Is there a way to override the uniqueID property of form?

I tried to create a class and inherit from htmlform, but then i can't register it on my mastrepage, [unknown server tag ... ]

im registering it like this

<%@ Register TagPrefix="cf" Namespace="Framework.BaseForm" %>

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Override ShowDesktop Button?

Aug 30, 2006

How do you keep your program showing when someone clicks the "ShowDesktop" button.

I have tried a bunch of properties of the form but cannot find one that overrides the button.

Some of the ones I tried: Resize, LostFocus, Paint, ResizeBegin,ResizeEnd, ClientSizeChanged.

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Override Webpage Styles?

Jan 10, 2011

So, to set the body style for a webpage, I can just sayWebBrowser1.Document.Body.Style = stylexBut let's say I set "stylex" equal to "background-color:red;". That will set the background color red but ONLY to websites that do not have a background color already set.ike Google's isn't set so it'd work, but other websites it is set and it won't let me change the background color. So how could I override their style with mine?

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Shadow/override An Event?

Nov 25, 2009

I would like to shadow/override an event in VB.NET. I do it only because I have to implement in this object an interface, that contains the same event like the base object itself, and I need to keep this base event as is it without modification nor supplementary event additions.How can I do it?

Public Shadows Event VisibleChanged As EventHandler Implements IVisibleChanged
So, I would like to implement a interface that contains VisibleChanged event, but to keep functional the myBase VisibleChanged event too.


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Inherit And Then Override A Resource Or Contents Of It In .NET?

May 21, 2012

I have a project, let's call it "BASE", that has a bunch of .CSV files as Resources. The project makes references to My.Resources.XXXXXXX in different methods where XXXXXXX is the CSV filename. I am working on a class that derives from "BASE" and I would like to change some of the .CSV files and replace the ones that are in the "BASE" project with mine. I would like the methods in the base project to use my CSV files when it calls My. Resources. XXXXXX instead of the files that are in "BASE"'s Resources. Any tips on how to do it? (any .NET language is welcome)

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.net - Override A Class/add Properties To A ListviewItem?

Jan 12, 2010

I have a listview but I would like to add 3 properties (for example one of them is "image") to the listviewitems in it. I was fine with making a custom class with the 3 properties and just inheriting ListViewItem but now I need to use MultiSelect, so it means doing things like(in For Each loops):

ListView1.SelectedItems.Item(i).Image don't work because it returns a ListViewItem not my CustomClass. I could always do : Ctype(ListView1.selectedItems(i), MyCustomClass).Image

But using that over and over again seems like a waste/wrong way to do it?

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.net - Override Variables Declared In A Class?

Dec 16, 2010

I'm trying to create a generic Controller Class for generic events. But these these events still need to access their class variable. So my idea is to create the Base Controller Class with a ModelBaseclass variable as _ClassVar, which is inherited by all of the other class Controller classes will derive from. But I want the derived controller classes to override the _ClassVar with whichever one they need.

I want to do this, so the ControllerBaseClass can have all the generic functions that all the Derived Classes would use.

Model :

Public Class ModelBaseClass
Public Overridable Function Foo() As String
Return "Name"


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Always Override Function With Different Returning Type?

Nov 8, 2011

I've got this MustInherit class called ViewerElement, from which derive classes like ViewerLine, ViewerImage, etc.Then, in the main program I have a collection of different elements (Images, Lines, etc.). What I want to do is something like the following:


I'm getting desperate to implement this Clone method without getting errors. How should this be de done?

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C# - Override With Alternate Windows Credentials?

Nov 8, 2010

I want a supervisor override capability for my application.I want to provide a username login prompt (including domain). If the user is in the approved list and the password correct, show advanced controls.What .NET code / functions allow this?

NOTE: answers preferred. C# also accepted.

EDIT: the logged in user is not the user authorizing the override.

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C# - Override/Handle Own Type Conversions In .Net

Apr 20, 2011

Is there a way to define an implicit conversion operator in VB.NET?

I can't remember ever seeing or hearing of anyone do this; but now I'm in a situation where I think it would be incredibly useful to define my own custom 'type conversion' for my class.

As an example - let's say I have my own class, 'AwesomeDataManager'. It does not inherit from DataTable, but it holds data in a similar fashion to a DataTable. I would to be able to say, 'myDataTable = CType(MyAwesomeDataManager, DataTable)' and have it execute some code inside my class that would return a populated DataTable.

Granted, I could do something like 'MyAwesomeDataManager.GetDataTable' but for the sake of integrating with an existing code base, I'd like to avoid it.

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