Release Handle On .txt After Creating?

Jun 19, 2009

I want to create a .txt and then run a batch file which runs a .pyc which uses this file as a parameter. When I do this, I get a message that says the python program was unable to access the file. However, if I break after creating the .txt, then manually open, save, and close it (note: open close only doesn't work), and then continue running my code, it works fine. I think that my program still has control of the text file when the python program tries to access it, however I don't know how to release control.

'array input is system.arraylist of all words that I want to have in the grammar
Dim fso As FileSystemObject
fso = CType(CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"), FileSystemObject)


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How To Handle Creating Directories

Sep 21, 2009

I'm creating that sets up project directories based on a template and also allows users to select folders from the template to add to a selected path (their project dir). I've got everything figured out as to creating the directory initially except for 1 thing that ties into another (stick with me here). I'd like to create the directories based on a text file or some sort of config file. Essentially, I would have a text file that contains lines like:



etc. Then when I create the directories, I can create them based on these lines. I think I can figure that part out myself. Where I'm stuck is on comparing the selected dir to the template dir. Right now I have a treeview control with checkboxes that is populated based on a path that the user selects from the folderbrowserdialog. What I need to do is compare the selected directory with the directories in the text file and if the directories exist (match) then they are checked. If they don't exist in the selected directory then they are unchecked.

If a user wants to add a directory from the template, they check the box for the dir they want and uncheck the boxes for the ones they dont. Then hit apply and the app will either create or delete the checked/unchecked dirs. What's the best way to handle the template dir? Should I do the text file thing or should I simply have the directory structure setup somewhere where the app can copy the dirs from the template to the selected directory? Or should I use an ini file? I want to make the app flexible so that down the road, if they change the template layout, or where the template lives, the app can be told that. So I need to add a way for the users for example to choose the template directory (but not everytime!) or specify the path that the template dir txt file lives.

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Creating A Virtual File Handle

Apr 30, 2011

I've been trying to find a Windows API function I can use to generate a virtual file handle in Windows. I'm working with VPC/xVM and I want to create a virtual machine that actually points to my physical hard drive - the methods provided with VPC and xVM for this really suck (I've never been able to get it to work with either virtualization product).


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Error Creating Window Handle

May 21, 2010

There are three forms on this application and they are a MDI Frame(frmMain) and two child forms (frmSearchEmp, frmEmpDetail).

What I am trying to do is opening a "frmEmpDetail" by executing "CallEmpDetail()" on "frmSearchEmp".[code]....

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Error Creating Windows Handle ?

Aug 23, 2009

In and made a proj. in vb2005. but when i try to load a particular form(opens up in a mdi container like all others in the project) , an error-error creating windows handle pops up, the line is frmadmn(the form).show

What shall i do? i read a lil on the net about too many handles, user objects etc. but the stats of my proj. at the time of error are-handles-350,threads-17,user objects-235 gdi objects - 159. have these anything to do with the prob.. then what should i do..? i read about the dispose command also about how to use it ? what to dispose...?

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Error While Creating Windows Handle

Aug 27, 2010

I get this error as below when I open my "frmAddPrivate" more than 5 times. How I can overcome it?

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Error Creating Window Handle In A Thread?

Sep 14, 2011

I've a little program that has got tabControl with 2 tabs - "results" and "log". My idea was that when an error occurs the tab will switch automatically on tbLog to show what the problem was. Most arguably the problem is in threading. This is the code that..I use:

Dim thread As New Thread(AddressOf ExecuteQuery)

ExecuteQuery executes the query and I'm making an error deliberately to see if I'll be automatically switched to the log tab which is in Try-EndTry procedure:

tbGrid.SelectedTab = tbGrid.TabPages(1)

The program indeed switches to tabLog (which is number 1) but I don't see any controls on it (txtLog), then when I'm trying to switch tabs a couple of times I get "Error creating window handle in a thread". I read other forum threads about it where people as how many controls do they have in their programs but my program does not exceed 70 controls on a form.

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Error Creating Window Handle - Datagridview

Sep 3, 2009

I am using a Thread object to perform a function. This function performs a task and displays its progress in the gridview (like adding rows changing text etc )

The reason I am using a thread for this function is that there is a cancel button on the form. While the task is in progress, user can click on cancel to abort it.

Private Sub BtnStart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnStart.Click m_Thread = New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf myfunction) m_Thread.Start() End Sub

The function works fine and thread is completed. But calling any method of datagridview after thread is completed ( outside the worker thread ) generates an error- "Error creating window handle".

That's probably because i am not using the invoke method of datagridview for calling its methods or readingwriting properties Do i have to create separate delegates for all the methods properties used in the function ( worker thread)

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Handle The Errors Inside .dll Files When Creating Them In .Net?

Jan 9, 2012

I know this idea of - if message boxes are used to display error messages inside a .dll and when the .dll is installed in a different computer (possibly a server machine), errors occurring inside that .dll will be shown in the server and not to the user. Since practically there will not be a person near the server to click 'OK' to the error message every time it occurs it will stuck the programs using the .dll.

So how to write exception handling to a .dll project?

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MDI Application MDI Child Forms Close() Error Creating Window Handle?

Jul 14, 2012

I'm in the process of converting a VB6.0 application to VB.Net (2008 Express). I have a MDI parent form, I'll call mdiBackground, and 4 MDI child forms, frmStatus, frmShow, frmQwerty, and frmSentence.The layout is as follows:mdibackground - has the menus at top and is a container for the child forms.frmSentence - appears at the top frmShow & frmQwerty - appear at the left and when one is closed the other one is in the same position.frmStatus - appears at the right, it has buttons which control when frmShow and frmQwerty are to appear I have a couple of regular forms that act as dialog forms. The Me.Close() works fine on these.


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"Error Creating Window Handle" Only Occuring On A Couple Of Machines

Jan 10, 2012

We have a VB 2008 Windows application that is deployed on several hundred computers. For some strange reason only 2 computers out of the hundreds are experiencing the "Error creating Window handle" error. It is happening more consistantly on one machine than the other. Any idea what might be causing annoying error on such a limited basis? (It's a Windows XP machine that it is happening on. That's all the info I know regarding the machine currently.)

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"error Creating Window Handle"?

Aug 4, 2010

unhandled exception has occurred in your application. if you click continue, the application will ignorethis error and attempt continue. If you click quit, the application will close immediately"error creating window handle"What is this and how do I get rid of it?

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Joystick Handle - Use Only The Handle Of The Component?

Mar 23, 2009

I wrote an application to handle a joystick with directinput. It works fine if it uses the handle of the main window but it doesnt happen the same if the handle is the one of the component that contains the joystick's operation.

I mean:

main form handle: 15

component handle (which is inside the window and the joystick needs the focus of this component to work): 25

It always work if the handle i initilizate the device is the main form (15).How can i use only the handle of the component?

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'Release' My First Application?

Jun 18, 2010

What is the 'proper way' of giving my application to people?

Ideally I just want to zip up the minimal amount of files and for people to put this in a folder of their choice and just run it.

I've noticed from playing with a "Publish" I end up with a "setup.exe" and also a "Application Files" folder.

Within that folder are the necessary files (a DLL and a .EXE) to run my application. Can I just supply those two files out to people?

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How To Release File Use

Mar 27, 2012

I'm trying to save rtf files in this manner to bin (rtb9 is the rtf control and there is button when clicked opens it):

Private Sub tempSave()
f My.Settings.rtbx = "rtb01" Then


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Oracle 10g To 11g Release 2

Apr 21, 2010

Currently we are using the Microsoft data access library Writen with a Oracle data provider for the framework 1.1. My customer has mandated that we upgrade from Oracle 10G to 11G release 2. 11G requires the .net framework 2.0 Is there a way to use the new Oracle data provider 11g release 2 with the older frame work. I have looked at/attempted changing the policy for oracle in the Windows assembly but my understanding is because its a third party DLL, I cannot.

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Release All The Memory?

Oct 1, 2010

in main form, when a button is clicked, it opens a new form which has a webbrowser. users can use it to browser some sites. if the user closed this form, it goes back to the main form. and they can click button to open the browser form again.

I noticed that one thing. if the browser form is opened, it uses much memory (which is normal because of the site it browses). however, after the browser form is closed, the memory is not released.

In the browser form, when it is closing, the webbrowser is disposed and dereferenced. and no other part uses much memory in the form. GC is called too. what else should I do to release all memory the browser form uses?

now, it is like once the browser form is opened once, the memory usage never goes down even the form is closed.

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Release Com Object?

May 18, 2011

i am developing digital album software. using Photoshop.i have an doubt...

Private Appref as Photoshop.Application
Private Sub DocInfo()


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.net - Release DC Before Or After Graphics.Dispose?

Jun 1, 2012

On the back of a Windows Form, I get a window DC, create a Graphics object with Graphics.FromHdc, and then dispose the Graphics object before releasing the DC.

Private Declare Function GetWindowDC Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As IntPtr) As IntPtr
Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal hdc As IntPtr) As Integer
Dim hdc As IntPtr = GetWindowDC(Me.Handle)


Why did they do it this way?Should the DC be released before or after Graphics.Dispose?It is possible that the wrong order can cause resource leaks or memory corruption?

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3rd Party DLL Does Not Work In Release

Jul 9, 2010

I have a 3rd party DLL which converts my file(ex: text file) their intermediate format.

this function convert the file to their intermediate format and stores the result in targetdirectory.

Dim result As Result = test.Convert(file, targetdirectory)
If Not result = result.Success Then
MsgBox("Convertion failed")


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App Runs In IDE But Error From Release Exe

Oct 11, 2010

This is just a test app I'm using as a training tool.It connects to a MS Access 2007 db.It gives me no error when I run it from the IDE but when I run the exe from the in elease it gives me this error,Failed to enable constraints.One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.I've found the relation thats causing this but, the data in the tables seems to be fine.No missing Primary keys, no duplicate primary keys, there no extra foreign keys.

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C# - How To Release The Occupied Memory

Mar 4, 2011

I have a main window in my project, and numerous other child widows inside the main.I have noticed that. When I open the main window occupies 1500K of memory, when open one child window then adds in occupied memory 6000K.When I open the second window doing the same. When I close the two child windows the occupied memory is not released.So What I want is to release the occupied memory when ever I close child windows.How I can do that? with some code example in if it is possible.This problem often sawing in the computers on the Local NET not in my computer (developer computer which has the SQL server on it).

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Can't Delete My Release File?

Mar 31, 2009

I made a .exe file of my project (in vb2008 express ed.) and it was all working and then I copied the release file out of my project and an error came up (something about UNC share) and i realized the path was wrong, so when I tried to delete the Release file (currently on my desktop) a pop up message says you need to be administrator to delete this file so I press continue (as I am the administrator) and another message comes up saying "You need permission to do this" "Try Again?", when I click "Try Again" the same message comes up. I know this isn't directly involved with VB, which leads me to my second issue:

How can I create a file that is external from VB yet it still works? In my code there is a path that connects it to SQL is it perhaps something to do with that?

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Catch Exception Only In Release?

May 28, 2010

I have one global generic exception handler(catch ex as Exception) for all unhandled exceptions from application.But in debug mode(app runs from VS) I don`t want that exceptions go to this global handler.Better for me is when VS stops app on place when exception occurs.

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Change Subtitle Of Exe Release?

Apr 7, 2011

When you build the .exe file there is a grey title underneath it that's says windowsapplication1 (something like that).

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Change The Subtitle Of The .exe Release?

Sep 9, 2009

when you build the .exe file there is a grey title underneath it that's sayswindowsapplication1 (something like that). How can you change

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Get DEBUG Or RELEASE At Runtime In VB?

Oct 28, 2009

How can I get in my application at runtime in which mode it has compiled? The compiler is (VS 2005). Something like in C++ #if defined(_DEBUG).

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How To Get Webbrowser To Release File

Dec 1, 2009

I am writing my first program that displays a .pdf file in a webbrowser control. I have setup a routine that moves the file to a different folder. The problem is I get the following error: "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process." Is there a way to release the file from the webbrowser so that I can move the file.

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How To Release An Open File

Apr 16, 2009

I'm opening a file called tempImage.jpg and showing it on a form in a PictureBox. I then click a button called Clear and the file is removed from the PictureBox using PictureBox2.Image = Nothing, however I'm unable to delete the file as it is locked open. How can I release it so I can delete it? I'm using VB.NET and a forms app.

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IDE :: Debug, Bin Release Folders?

Mar 12, 2011

I am confused about the folders that setup creates. What are Debug, Relese and Bin folders and what folder I need to give to my user while distributing the application.

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