Remove Lines Not Containing Specific Text From A TextBox
Jul 4, 2010I'm making a button to delete lines not containing specific text.
For example, if the text is "test". I want to remove all lines not containing "test" in it.
I'm making a button to delete lines not containing specific text.
For example, if the text is "test". I want to remove all lines not containing "test" in it.
I want to remove the lines that contain specific text. (Whole Line)
So textbox1.text will become and remove whole line that contains the word "daniweb"
Was just in need of a way to make a code write to different lines of a text box.[code]...
View 4 Repliesim trying to find a specific text in a textbox and remove it . i don't figure a way to do it .
If richtextbox1.text.contains(listbox1.selecteditem) then
' there i dont know how delete the text !!
end if
Here's my problem i am trying to extract data from a forum
Now what i want is to remove a specific word from only a specific line
So here's a example
[quote=randombla13] I am the king of the world bla bla
[quote]This line should not be removed[quote]
Now as you can see these are the codes you may have seen in many forums
Now want i want .Net to do is filter the the content in a textbox
And remove only the lines marked with red "[quote=randombla13]" from the first line
And the Extra "[quote]" from the end line
As you can see in the example the content has two "Quotes" so i jest want to remove only one from the first line and last line of the content
And note "[quote=randombla13]" the length after the = is Unknown it maybe of 6 characters or less or more
Question is:
How can I remove lines from textbox which starts with "<"?
I have an SQL database, and 50 text files, and Visual Basic 2010 Premimum,I need to find a specific line of text in the text files and then take the next 37 lines of text and save them in my database. I need advice as to point me in the right direction
View 2 RepliesAssuming I have a Form and a Textbox
and a short text like this :
QuoteJohn B Smith
12345 Mesa, AZ 99999-8888
(123) 456-7890
Age: 65+
What I want is when I copy the text into clipboard and paste it to the TextBox, the Textbox only displays the third line (the phone number). It should look like this :
I am working on a utility to reformat a text file. Working on language to remove duplicate record entries. However there are desirable ("keeper") duplicates and then those I want to remove. I handled the problem by temporarily assigning a unique number to each @D line, then stripping them off after I've removed duplicates. So far so good, except in removing unwanted duplicates I have an extra of the "keeper" duplicates left that doesn't get removed. See below. I am wondering if there is a way to search for a line in a textbox starting with a certain character, but is also proceeded by 2 blank lines and followed by 1 blank line. CODE IM USING TO REMOVE DUPS yet keep formatting with blank line separators, etc.:
What I am trying to do is remove lines of a multiline TextBox based on certain criteria, such as the number of characters or words. For example, if I paste a list of phrases into the TextBox, I want to remove all phrases that contain more than 25 characters. Once the phrases are removed, I then want to remove the empty lines that are left behind, but I have commented out the ".Replace(vbCrLf & vbCrLf, vbCrLf)" for the sake of making the results easier to follow (see screenshot from Excel below, which includes a blank cell wherever a phrase has been removed).
Here is my
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim lines() As String = TextBox1.Text.Split(vbCrLf)
Why is it not "blanking" the entire line in ALL cases where the line contains more than 25 characters?
I have lines like this in my text file
10.0 28 Black (2 01.00 15.0) [1 06.81 58.3] 114111 -81725 191654 -41066
10.0 28 Black (2 01.00 15.0) [1 06.81 58.3] 114111 -81725 191654 -41066
11.0 28 Black (2 06.00 01.0) [T375 ] 135111 -46725 188611 35775
I want to remove all the line which contain [Txxxxx..] and place it in another file. i want to be do like cut and past. Is that possible. Can we remove lines in text files?
I am trying to automate the removal of lines in a text box with no characters or numbers. I have the following code, but it is not working.
Private Sub RemoveBlankToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RemoveBlankToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim tmp() As String = RTB_01.Text.Split(CChar(vbNewLine))
I need to go line by line through a text file as well as a listbox and remove lines over x amount of characters as well as adding the number of skipped lines to a label. I am trying to use a listbox in this example but it is not working correctly. What I am I doing wrong? First it will only remove an item when it is highlighted (focused) how can I make it so that is not required?[code]...
View 7 Repliesremove blank lines from listbox?And remove specified text from listbox (text line that i can specify in form code(But if i specify to remove line something like [URL] it will remove the line [URL] but doesn't remove line [URL].
My code for adding items to listbox is:
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim PageElements As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("img")
For Each CurElement As HtmlElement In PageElements
Having trouble removing Duplicate lines in a text file. (Exact Duplicate lines).
If I have a text file called animals.txt, how can I use the StreamWriter to loop through a text file, and erase and duplicate lines?
For example: If the text files says this...
Compare textboxes and remove duplicate lines/text..
View 3 RepliesHow would you program it in VB 08:
What i have here in my text file is[code]...
I have a text file that I'm reading into a listbox. I want to skip a line if it's blank. The following code works if I leave out the check for the line being blank. It puts the file in the listbox with no errors. However, when I include the If statement that checks for the line being blank, I get an ArgumentNullException in the Items.Add line when It gets to the end of the file.
'Read Multiline File
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C: empliz-etsy.txt"
If System.IO.File.Exists(FILE_NAME) = True Then
I have 2 text files that are formatted in standard XML One of them contains some lines that need to be copied to the other. What i am trying to do is search through the first file until i see the string "<Segment" then copy all lines into a rich text box up until the string "<segment/>" I Then want to look through the other file until i find the string "<Jointfree/>" then copy the contents of the rich text box to underneath the Jointfree String I Also need to search the second file until i find the string "<Markers/>" and then paste some text into the line above the markers tag.
View 4 Repliesthis is the code working 100% for (merge , remove duplicate lines and Store ) two text file using Imports System.IO Public Class Form1
I'm trying to remove the first and last lines from a text file. Obviously the last line will be at an undetermined position (i.e. line 50 or 5000). I couldn't figure how to remove the lines, so I wrote code that would rewrite every other line:
View 6 RepliesI know it may be quite easily for you. i have a text which contains 40 lines, I want to remove lines which starts with a constant text. check below data.
When I used (?mn)[+CMGL:].*($) it removes the whole text , when I use (?mn)[+CMGL:].*(
) , it only leaves the first line.
+CMGL: 0,1,,159
+CMGL: 1,1,,159
I have a program that will read a text file and put information from the text file into multiple text boxes. What I am trying to do now is be able to change the values in the textboxes and be able to write the specifc changes back to the text file. One way I though of doing that was using a while loop and copy the lines of the text file to another text file, then when it finds the line that has the specific change from the text box, make the change and continue writing the line until it reaches the end of the file. Then I was going to copy the file and overwrite the original, escientally making the change to the new file. Right now it will make the new file but will just make a blank text file. I think the problem is in the while loop statement but I am not sure. Here is the code below:
Private Sub submitButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles submitButton.Click
Dim trackname As String
I'm trying to create a program that stores a users stats for their character (for something like an RPG). I know how to write more than one line in a text file, but I want to learn how to read and write text on specific lines of my file. I know that you can just read each new line individually in order using a StreamReader, such as
username.text = readLine.ReadLine()
userage.text = readline.ReadLine()
This is good for just displaying the stats and changing them from a constant interface, but I'm afraid that eventually I'll need to read/write specific lines, like reading the fourth line which might specify magic level, or writing a new money amount.
I'm new here and I'm trying to make a little program with Visual Basic (2010 Express Edition).The purpose of this program is:
1) Load the text file lines and split them into a constant and a value
2) Edit the text file lines values
The content of the text file is like this:
This basically split every lines in two parts: the constant ("Name", "Surname", "Age", "Hair") and the values ("Mario", "Rossi", "50", "Black").Now about the second point, I've added a Button1 which should take the Textbox1/2.Text and the Combobox1 selected item and replace the values(aka separator(1)) in the text file. The problem is I don't have any idea at the moment how to do it. What method should I use?
Im trying to change specific lines of text in a listview at certain times of the day. Heres what im using atm , but im not sure how to change the text in the listview.
If Now.Month = 2 And Now.Day > 6 Then
ListView1.Items(0) = ("My text here !!")
End If
I am trying to read from a file that was created with a stream writer the names line from the text file that contains data for name, phone number, pager number, cell number, voice mail, and email.What I need to do is read and load the names from the file into a list box, and then from the list box be able to choose each name and have the information (phone, pager, cell, etc.) show up in text boxes that goes with the specific name.
View 4 Repliesif a message received at once is bigger then 1 line then it just puts them together in a textbox.all lines end with > and start with a time like can i still make newlines so that instead of..[code]
View 4 RepliesIs it Possible for me to read text from textbox control and write it to .txt file at specific location.
for an instance.... say below with quote is my Text in .txt file:
and with programming code I want to change some text in the same sentance become....(see below)
so you can see the word BROWN change to GREY and word DOG change to CAT
here is the code i am using to read from a rich textbox:
Dim mydir =
IO.Path.GetFileName(mydir + "
ecord" + tb_name.Text + ".txt" )
Dim linebuffer() As String = IO.file.ReadAllLines(mydir + "
ecord" + tb_name.Text + ".txt")
casefiles.rb_casefile.Text = linebuffer(0).Trim(""""c)