Reorder Entity Properties?

Apr 21, 2011

I have an Entity (Extensions) with a number of properties (e.g. id, extension, prefix) and a few navigation properties (phones_departments, phones_buildings) - they show up in the order they display in the EDMX...but what if I want them to display in a different order

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.net - Entity Framework - Update Only Certain Properties On A Detached Entity

Jul 22, 2009

I want to update an entity without loading the entity from the database first. I've accomplished this but only by knowing all of the entities properties and then using the "attachto" method. My issues is i don't want my app to need to remember all of the properties. Example:


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.net - Update Non-scalar Entity Properties In EF 4.0?

Apr 27, 2010

At first I was using this as an extension method to update my detached entities...

Public Sub AttachUpdated(ByVal obj As ObjectContext, ByVal objectDetached As EntityObject)
If objectDetached.EntityState = EntityState.Detached Then
Dim original As Object = Nothing


Everything has been working great until I had to update non-scalar properties. Correct me if I am wrong but that is because "ApplyCurrentValues" only supports scalars. To get around this I was just saving the FK_ID field instead of the entity object relation. Now I am faced with a many to many relationship so its not that simple. I would like to do something like this...

Dim Resource = RelatedResource.GetByID(item.Value)

But when I call SaveChanges the added Resources aren't saved. I started to play around with self-tracking entities but it seems they cannot be serialized to ViewState and this is a requirement for to either save my many to many relationships or serialize self-tracking entities?

View 1 Replies Mvc - Dynamic Object Properties In A MVC Helper On Entity Framework Object

Jul 20, 2009

I want to build a MVC helper function for which I pass a Entity Framework object and have it build a select. Generally speaking I tried something like this:

Public Function RenderSelect(ByVal helper As HtmlHelper, ByVal sSelectName As String, ByVal aItmes As Array, Optional ByVal sTitleKeyName As String = "name", Optional ByVal sValueKeyName As String = "id") As String
' open select


However, it isn't working. It would be great to have a way to do this and pass the current entity object.

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Dynamic Object Properties In A MVC Helper On A Entity Framework Object?

Oct 26, 2010

Dynamic Object Properties in a MVC Helper on a Entity Framework object

View 1 Replies - Linq Group By An Entity And Then Order By The Grouped (nullable) Entity

Jul 27, 2011

I am trying to build a survey engine from an existing database design which is like this.


The line Order By Key.RecordOrder throws a null reference exception and I can understand why. Can someone advise on how to resolve this by just modifying this one query? I am fairly new to LINQ and the necessity to write this project


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.NET Sample Entity Framework 4.2 Code First Entity Splitting?

Dec 14, 2011

Entity Splitting: one class, two or more tables.Here is how it is done in C#, but I need to get it working in more thing: the class name and table columns do not match, so I have to be able to map that out, too.I have to get this to work this way because the place I'm working at right now is a only shop and the database schema is fubar, but they have so much (millions) of lines of code done directly against the database in both asp classic,, AND webforms that changing the schema right now is not realistically possible.

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.Map(m =>


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.net - Reorder Tabs In TabControl Without Flickering

Dec 17, 2010

There are multiple examples of modified TabControls on the Internet which allow the user to reorder the tabs using drag and drop. However, all seem to use the following technique:

Determine which tab is being dragged
Determine the index to which the tab is being dragged
Empty the tab page collection and add in the new order

The last step, hoewever, causes the control to flicker alot. Besides this, when there are a lot of tab pages on the tab control, it is rather slow.

Is it possible to swap items (i.e. swap indexes) in a TabPageCollection, without the TabControl flickering?

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DataGridView Drag To Reorder Rows?

Oct 9, 2008

I have looked this up and haven't found a satisfactory answer yet. I want to be able to drag my rows to reorder them, so the user holds down mouse on row header, moves mouse and releases and if released on DataGridView then the row is moved to its new position. I know this is not a simple option to turn on and it might involve a fair bit of coding but I am fairly desperate for it, so I would love to know the simplest way you know of doing this.

P.S.I would try coding my dgv to do this myself but I don't know how to make it that when I hold my mouse down on the rowheader and move it the row gets dragged. (would be nice to have a line that indicates where the row will go if released like on column dragging but certainly not a necessity).

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Net Reorder DataGridView Columns At Runtime?

Jan 7, 2010

Is there a simple way to re-ordering the columns of a DataGridView that are bound to a DataSet at runtime?

I can do it simply via the DataGridView "Edit Columns" dialog at design time but have to remember to do this every time make changes to the form (remove or add the DataGridView to the form).

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Reorder Tags In MarketDataRequest Message?

Sep 12, 2011

I'm trying to subscribe to a price stream, using the following code:

Using l_msg As New QuickFix42.MarketDataRequest(New MDReqID(Date.Now.Ticks.ToString), New SubscriptionRequestType(SubscriptionRequestType.SNAPSHOT_PLUS_UPDATES), New MarketDepth(1))
l_msg.setField(New MDUpdateType(1))


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Event Generated By ToolStrip Items Reorder?

Mar 19, 2011

I've got a ToolStrip control which I allow the user to re-order the items(alt-dragging items). Is there a way to get the event notification for this action?

View 6 Replies - Using ExecuteQuery() With Entity Framework, Entity Class

Jan 16, 2011

I am trying to jump from ASP Classic to I have followed tutorials to get Entity Framework and LINQ to connect to my test database, but I am having difficulties figuring out ExecuteQuery(). I believe the problem is that I need an "entity class" for my database, but I can't figure out how to do it. Here is my simple code:

Dim db as New TestModel.TestEntity
Dim results AS IEnumerable(OF ???) = db.ExecuteQuery(Of ???)("Select * from Table1")

From the microsoft example site, they use an entity class called Customers, but I don't understand what that means.

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C# - Inherited Entity Item Not Recognized As Entity?

Feb 11, 2011

I am trying to create a generic typed class, but am running into a problem. Here is my basic class definition:

public class QueueObject<T> where T : System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.Entity
public string LoadingMessage { get; set; }
public System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.EntityQuery<T> Query { get; set; }

I am trying to add instances of this class to a queue

private Queue<QueueObject<Entity>> _queue;
this._queue.Enqueue(new QueueObject<MyEntity> {Query = MyContext.GetMyEntitiesQuery(), LoadingMessage = "Loading some stuff"});

This doesn't work. I get an error saying that QueueObject cannont be converted to QueueObject. I don't understand because MyEntity inherits from Entity.

Public Class QueueObject(Of T As System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.Entity)
Public Property LoadingMessage As String
Public Property Query As System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.EntityQuery(Of T)
End Class


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C# - Are Microsoft Entity Framework And ADO.NET Entity Framework (.edmx) The Same

May 13, 2010

c# - Are Microsoft Entity Framework and ADO.NET Entity Framework (.edmx) the same?

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Reorder A List Of String Into A New List?

Mar 29, 2012

I want to reorder a list of strings into a different list of strings. I am creating multiple loops to do this, however i was wondering if there was a better way to do this.

Dim values As New List(Of String)
For Each val As String In vals
If val.Contains("10") And val.Contains("Year 1") Then


There are going to be quite a lot of these loops to do what I want can anyone offer any help or a better way to go about doing this? Note that I want the values list to return 10,10,10,20,20,20 so that lines that have 10 should be added first and lines with 20 then afterwards.

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Make Custom Properties In Properties Window To Refresh Upon Change Via Code?

Apr 26, 2012

[code]I want to make the Properties Window to update the properties for X and Y at each MouseMove, so they become immediately visible for the user.

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User Control Properties - Finalize My Design Time Properties Grid

Apr 27, 2011

I'm making a control and I am trying to finalize my design time properties grid. I have several List(of Class) items as public properties and when I click on the design time menu (while testing the control) there is the word "Collection" and a button with an ellipsis (...) that brings up a neat pop up with the buttons Add/remove and all of the public properties of the collection's class on the right hand side. Basically for a non-collection instance of a class (with public properties) I'd like a similar button to show up. I know I could put all of the properties in the main control class and group them, but I like the pop up box feature. Anyway to duplicate this? (think font grid item etc.)

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VS 2010 Express - PictureBox Design Properties Box Shows Properties That Cannot Be Accessed?

Mar 5, 2012

In the form design I set up a TableLayoutPanel, 20x20 cells and in cell (1,1) a PictureBox (called Target) containing the image of a small target. The properties box for Target shows some very promising properties, Column and Row - and if you overwrite the values in the properties box, the PictureBox obligingly shifts to the corresponding cell position in th design. However in VB it is not possible to refer to Me.Target.Row or .Column - neither appears during coding in the menu of properties, and deliberately coding either of them produces an error like

Error 1 'row' is not a member of 'System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox'.

1. Why does the properties box show properties that cannot be altered programmatically?

2. How can my program move Target around in the TableLayoutPanel?

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Expose A UserControl's Properties To Properties Window In Designer?

Aug 19, 2009

Is there a way to expose a UserControl's properties to the Properties Window in the Designer?

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Set The Transparent Property Via Label Properties Properties Not Via Code?

Jan 16, 2009

I'm working on a Hazardous Materials label printing program. One of the options is to do an "NFPA" label. Since there are 4 values required with 4 or 6 options, the ratings are entered via radio buttons in a group box. That's working okay. I display values in the NFPA diamond as they're entered: left quadrant blue, top quadrant red, left yellow, bottom red. I'm having trouble with the label in which the rating will be displayed on top of a jpg diamond for the white. In this quadrant the text can be up to 4 characters. I can accept the text going into an adjacent block a little, but the corners of the label overlap into another quadrant/color. I reduced the font size which solved the overlap problem but the font is then too small and looks terrible. I tried to make the background of the label transparent to let the color come through correctly but that's not a valid value for label.background. I'm figuring that the transparent background is the best solution. What can I use that will accept a transparent background so the color shows through?

I'm trying to set the transparent property via label properties properties, not via code. Here's the code if it makes any difference:

Public Class NFPA
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub


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Change All Properties Of A Form To Properties Of Other But Don't Change Important Properties?

Feb 26, 2011

How to change all properties of a form to properties of other but don't change important properties like Owner,Handle, OwnedForms, Parent,HasChildren,Controls and ... .I have a child form that i want it to provide controls of Form.The background form provides Aero frame and child form is a transparent form in it.I want it because I want to draw buttons with system style in Aero in Windows Forms.This is my own code but it does not work good (ForeForm is child form):

For Each Propertry In ForeForm.GetType.GetProperties()
Select Case Propertry.Name
Case "AeroBackgroundEnabled", "FormBorderStyle", "TransparencyKey", "Parent", "Owner", "ShowInTaskbar", "Handle", "HasChildren", "OwnedFo[code].....

Additionaly:I wrote a great Aero Form.I don't publish current version (1.2) that supports Aero Blur,RealTime Aero Color change,extend Basic theme?

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Adding "Properties" Dialogs - Pre-built Dialog Or Control For Displaying Properties At Runtime?

Nov 6, 2008

I have my own class of graphic objects, and now I'd like to allow a user to right-click on one of those within the application and see a properties window. Is there a pre-built dialog or control for displaying properties at runtime? I'd like to have something just like the IDE properties window button for my application.

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PictureBox Properties In PRintDocument Did Not Contain The Properties Set?

Mar 27, 2012

Public Class LOA
Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.PrintPage


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Get Custom Properties For A Custom Control Into The Visual Studio Properties List?

Nov 25, 2009

What I've done is create a User Control Library (Project) and I've added a single User Control to that project. The control contains a single FlowLayoutPanel, and I created a Property on the control itself to pass the FlowDirection from the Control to its FlowLayoutPanel child.

Build, reference, component appears in the Toolbox and everything works fine, but the property on the control does not appear in the Properties window when I go to edit it at design time.

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Cannot Add An Entity That Already Exists?

Mar 9, 2010

in my database there are 3 tables



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Entity Framework - C# Or .Net?

Feb 18, 2010

My company is tossing around the idea of using the Entity Framework when it comes out with .NET 4. We are currently a VB.NET shop, but have some interest in switching to C#.Is there any major arguments for or against such a move?Does EF with C# hold any advantages in performance, coding ease, etc over VB.NET?

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InsertOnSubmit = Cannot Add An Entity With A Key That Is Already In Use

May 13, 2009

I am trying to insert a record into a table using Linq but get the dreaded Cannot add an entity with a key that is already in use error 'If the same data exists for the same patient in a record less that 21 days old then drop it


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Add A Many-To-Many Relation In Entity Framework?

Apr 17, 2009

I am a newbie. I have been able to Add new entities where there is a One-To-Many Relation. I am having a problem (don't Know how to do it) adding a new Entity when the relation is using Many-To-Many. In my EDM I have:


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ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools?

Apr 16, 2011

I downloaded the VB 2010 Express software, the total files that we included in the download was 15, but it only loaded up 12 of these files. The following downloads did not get loaded as follows:MS Visual Studio 2010 ADO.NET Entity Framework Tools

MS HelpViewe 1.0 x64

I tried reinstalling the downloads that did not using the VB Express 2010 setup, but they do no appear on the list of downloads, only the SP1 for MS SQL Server 2008 Express Server (x64).Do I require the downloads that did not load.

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