Return Enum String By Byte / Integer

Oct 6, 2011

I have worked with enums for some time, but i ran in to a little problem.. So i have the Enum:


for example: Dim the_text_value As String = MyStuff(some_func()) ' this returns not "1", but "omg_this_is_one" how can i do this ?

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Create A Enum Or Enum Type Functionality Witch Return String (enum Returns Int) In .net

Dec 30, 2009

I have a URL lets say . some time i need to send HTTP and some time i need to send it to HTTPS for that i created a enum:

Private _protocol As Protocol

Enum Protocol


Now when i get value back from protocoltype it returns me integer value as enum do so tell me how to get string from enum or other substitute.

Dim targetUri As String = setting.protocolType & "://"

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VS 2010 - Properties To Return Either Integer Or Byte Array

Feb 24, 2011

I am creating a class that will represent a file and I am going to have lots of properties. Now I want the properties to return either a integer or a byte array. Is this possible or do I need to create 2 different properties one for the integer and one for the byte array? When I try I get. 'Public Property something As Integer' and 'Public Property something As Byte()' cannot overload each other because they differ only by return types.

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An Integer String In An Enum?

Oct 8, 2010

I know this is a proper enum:

Private Enum Months
End Enum

However, I want to have an enum where the string will solely be integers.


Private Enum ColumnCounts
01 = 5
02 = 4
03 = 40[code].....

Essentially, I didn't want to put the f in there, just wanted to do 01. The way this will be called is:

Select Case (nRecordType)
Case "01"
Case "02"[code].....

Because I'm not making an instance of it and not calling a constructor, there's no way to autopopulate a Dictionary.And I don't want to convert to integer so I'm not going to do an array. That is just in case eventually the value gets above 99 and the next value would be A0.I'm trying to think of easy future changes to this and backwards compatability.If you need more explanations, let me know.

Edit 2:This is what I've done now and I think it should work:

Public Class Part
Private Shared columnCounts As Dictionary(Of String, Integer) = New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)
Public Shared Function ValidateColumns(ByRef lstFiels As List(Of String)) As Boolean[code]....

I can't verify that it's going to do what I want to, but it doesn't give me an error when I build it so I'm crossing my fingers.

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Convert Integer To Value From Enum?

Feb 4, 2011

I have add some items into an combbox, the items represent the values from ContentAlignment Enum, (the values of the combobox are not same as the values of the Enum)

Upon selection of a value from the combobox, i want to set the TextAlignment of the Button

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.net - Simple Iteration Through An Integer-type Enum?

Apr 30, 2009

I have the following Enum:

Public Enum myEnum As Integer
first = &H1
second = &H2


Obviously I can code around this issue, but I can see a scenario where that workaround could be easily missed in maintenance programming, and I'm hoping someone can recommend a simple solution that won't break if, for example, the values in the enum have to change at a later date.

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Add High Order Byte To Low Order Byte To Create One Integer Value?

Mar 1, 2010

if a byte value can go up to 255 and two bytes are used to determine the length of packet payload data, how would I convert the two bytes to create one integer value?

State.buffer[13] = 5 and State.buffer[14] = 67
Dim PacketLengthHigh As Integer = state.buffer(13)
Dim PacketLengthLow As Integer = state.buffer(14)


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ASCII To Byte Integer

Sep 7, 2011

I am receiving ASCII data over my serial port. "51 48 46 48 48 49" for example, this represents my temperature of 30.001 degree. Now I would like to convert this ASCII numbers nad combine to readable temperature and store my data into an excel table. [Code]

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Can Convert An Integer To A Byte

Aug 12, 2009

Can any one tell me how I can convert an integer to a byte. I have a five digit interger and would like to have it as two bytes.

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Creating A Hex Byte From An Integer?

Feb 25, 2009

I am simply trying to get the hexadecimal value of an integer (below 255) and then place this value into a byte. I have been using the hex command, but it converts the value to a string hex value. Its been driving me mad for days now as I just cant seem to sort it!

The code is as follows:
tempIntToCompare = CInt(tempValue)
tempIntToCompare = tempIntToCompare - LowTemp


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Integer To Byte Array?

Mar 31, 2010

I want a number like 1000 (hex 3E8) to be 232, 3.

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Convert Byte Array Into A String Like So Dim Byt As Byte()?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a byte array that I convert into a string like so Dim byt As Byte() = New Byte(255) {} s = New String(Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(byte))My question is when I look at the string in a debuger its clearly a normal string but when I compare it to what I know its supposed to be it doesnt equal. So i did a quick check and for some reason its return a string thats the length of 256 characters. So i did a s.trim and it still is 256 characters long.

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Basics Conversion From A Byte To An Integer

May 2, 2011

I'm trying to make to do a widening conversion from a byte to an integer. form has a text box for both Input, and Output, plus a conversion button. [Code] I'm trying to use a catch block, but I'm not certain how it works exactly, and also tried to use an If statement to avert the issue, but that didn't work either. When ever user inputs a number greater than what can be held within the Byte data type the program crashes from the run time error. [Code] and an error message pops up in the compiler saying overflow exception was unhandled.

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Byte Array To Integer With Bitconverter?

Dec 27, 2011

I am new to vb net so please cut me some slack if this is a stupid question, I have always used vb6 before, but finding that its less and less supported so trying to learn by myself. Also I am doing this for a hobby not a profession.I am writing an Console application to read a file sequentially 1 byte at a time into a 1 byte buffer. It then copies that byte into a 4 byte lookup buffer, that moves, ie as the file pointer moves forward by one byte the 4 byte lookup buffer copies the last 3 bytes into the first 3 bytes to accept the byte at the file pointer into the 4th byte of the lookup buffer. I am doing 1 byte at a time because the data I am looking for is not at pre-determind offsets and filesizes may not be a multiple of 4.


Help please its driving me mad It appears as if the byte is not being transferred to the lookup buffer so that it would always be 0, either that or I am not converting it to an integer properly

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Convert An Integer Into A Byte Array?

Jun 15, 2010

I am reading/writing a fixed length header into a stream and I need to do the following in VB:

1. Convert a 2 byte integer (int16) into a byte array

2. Read 2 bytes of a byte array into an integer variable

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Convert Byte Array To 16 Bit Integer?

Aug 8, 2009

I have a very simple question about converting a byte array into 16bit integers. I am connected to a device through a serial port. It sent me six bytes which represent three Int16 integers. For example, the byte array is called newRecievedData(5) and has a length of 6.

The manual that came with the device claims that the int Format is 8 bit MSB|8 bit LSB. Does that mean the following?

newRecievedData(0) contains 8 high bits of the first Int16
newRecievedData(1) contains 8 low bits of the first Int16
newRecievedData(2) contains 8 high bits of the second Int16


but VB.NET Express 2008 gives me the error that Error 1 Value of type '1-dimensional array of Byte' cannot be converted to 'Short'.

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DB/Reporting :: How To Extract An 8 Byte Integer From CSV To Dataset

Aug 25, 2009

K, I'm not sure which forum this question goes in, so I am putting it here.Here's my problem.I have a customer file [CSV] I am importing to SQL. I am using JET to read it into a dataset. I am using a schema.ini file to define columns, because I have one column with up to 1000 characters in it... so I have to define it as a Memo field so it won't truncate at 255 characters.

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.net - Value Of Type '1-dimensional Array Of Byte' Cannot Be Converted To Integer

Jun 5, 2012

I have used the following code to read a memory address from a pointer and offset previously however, Now I've come to use it again and can't figure out how I got it working last time, I'm receiving the error "value of type '1-dimensional array of Byte' cannot be converted to integer" highlighting the BytesAtAddress variable in the ReadProcessMemory calls.

Public Shared Function ReadPointerFromMemory(ByVal BaseAddress As Integer, ByVal PointerOffset As Integer, ByVal BytesToRead As Integer, ByVal pHandle As IntPtr) As Integer
Dim BytesAtAddress As Byte() = New Byte(BytesToRead - 1) {}


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C# - How To Properly Read 16 Byte Unsigned Integer With BinaryReader

Jun 9, 2010

I need to parse a binary stream in .NET to convert a 16 byte unsigned integer. I would like to use the BinaryReader.ReadUIntXX() functions but there isn't a BinaryReader.ReadUInt128() function available. I assume I will have to roll my own function using the ReadByte function and build an array but I don't know if this is the most efficient method?

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Does BeginSendTo Prefix A Message With A 4 Byte Integer Of The Size

Dec 16, 2010

I inherited a project that includes a dialog between two applications. One in native C++ the other in VB.NET. The protocol is such that the first 4 bytes (32 bits) of the message encodes the size. However the VB.NET side never sets these first four bytes, however it does use the .net method BeginSendTo, which accepts an argument for size. Does the BeginSendTo method automatically add the size to the beginning of the message in the form of a 4 byte int?

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Keyboard Up / Down Event - Error: KeyCode Is An Integer Not Byte

Jan 30, 2010

Private Declare Sub Keyboard_Event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long) [Code] I know the KeyCode when i call this function. Example 13 is the keycode for "Enter". But it says that theres an error on syntax cause KeyCode is an integer not Byte. What kind of variable does it need there? I mean does it need the keycode (which is a number) or a character e.g. "a"? [Code]

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Value Of Type 'Integer' Cannot Be Converted To '1-dimensional Array Of Byte'._

Oct 8, 2010

At the top of the code that follows is the method in c# into which I'm attempting to pass an integer value. Is there anyway I can change the assignment statement to the byte() PDUToSend to take care of the error I currently receive; Value of type 'Integer' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of Byte'.


View 8 Replies - LINQ - Putting Result In A Dictionary(Of String, Integer), Where The Integer Must Be 0?

Sep 19, 2011

I have a LINQ2Entity problem, I want to get the value, string, from a database, so I select FProducts.Serial_number, and to end the query, I do .ToDictionary. The problem is, it tells me that it doesn't have sufficient parameters, to convert ToDictionary. So I need something like select FProducts.Serial_number, Nothing). ToDictionary. Also FProducts.Serial_number, 0).ToDictionary doesn't work.

Sub GetStatistics(ByVal ProductNumbers As List(Of String), ByRef Passed As Integer, ByRef FailedProducts As List(Of String))
Passed = 0
FailedProducts = Nothing


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VS 2008 : Value Of Type 'Integer' Cannot Be Converted To Ƈ-dimensional Array Of Byte'

Jan 17, 2010

Dim ScoreAddie As IntPtr = &H7FF824
Dim NewScore As Byte() = 999999
Dim p As Process
Dim myHandle As IntPtr


Whats wrong?

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Return Byte Array (start / Length)

Sep 20, 2010

Given a byte array of length 100..I would like to find a function that returns a byte array starting at index 15 and containing the next 20 bytes.

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Cast Integer Values To An Array Of Enum Values?

Jan 2, 2009

cast integer values to an array of enum values?

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Returning Byte Array - Getting The Error On 'Return ImageData'?

May 11, 2011

I have the following function (in a WCF)


Problem is, I'm getting the following error on 'Return ImageData':Value of type '1-dimensional array of Byte' cannot be converted to 'Byte'.I've been playing with it, but can't seem to figure out what I need to do to ImageData.

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String With Multiple Integer Values To Integer?

Apr 5, 2009

I'm trying to set an Integer value from my.settings.The values comes frpm a listbox, and then inserted to settings (set to specialized.StringCollection)The problem is when i'm trying to get the values and apply them to my function.Error code: Conversion from string "65 & 71" to type 'Integer' is not valid.To me it looks right, but maybe i'm missing something.

Code: Dim test2 As Integer Dim test As System.Windows.Forms.Keysm trigglist As New StringBuilderor Each item As String In


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Operator '+' Is Not Defined For Types - Each Indexed byte Position Gets Assigned The Converted Integer Value In The For Loop?

Sep 22, 2010

Operator '+' is not defined for types '1-dimensional array of Byte' and 'Byte'.How would I change the assignment statement in the code below so that each indexed byte position gets assigned the converted integer value in the for loop?

Dim byteArray As Byte()
Property Data_Out() As Integer()

View 4 Replies - Why Does Ms Sql Stored Proc Only Return An Integer

Nov 4, 2010

I am using vs2008 making an app. The following stored procedure resolutely insists on returning an integer. I on the other hand was hoping for, and expecting, a single name to be returned. Can anyone help amend the sp or describe what I need to do to get the result I desire.

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[getusername]
@email varchar ,
@retvalue nvarchar (10)output


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