Ripping Open A File And Encrypting Its Guts?

Mar 4, 2010

I am working on a program that uses AES encryption to encrypt a file. I fully understand AES encryption (after lots of research) and I am able to encrypt a big long string of binary numbers. How do you turn a file into a string of zeros and ones. Actually, a file will probably be represented using hexadecimal, so......How do you turn a file into a string of hex values? Is this even possible in vb?

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Encrypting And Decryption A File

Sep 20, 2011

I am actually really new to VB and C#. From numerous tutorials that i found online i was able to create a small program that will encrypt a file. However I am having a really hard time decrying it back.[code]All I am trying to do is to create a program that will decrypte these file with an upload button. Our system encrypts the files to prevent operators from changing the results, we need to trend the data. However it will take way to long to use the online tool provided with the software. A desktop tool will save us much more time. The files generated are 70mb and up.

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Encrypting File Using AES 128 And Securestring?

Oct 24, 2009

Im trying to create an encrypted file using a secure string and the AES128bit managed class to encrypt some data to a file.I have read many variations on the forums on how to do this but everyone seems to do it slightly differently. Ive created the below function and just wanted to confirm that this is the correct way to go about it.


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Encrypting Configuration File Using RSAProtectedConfigurationProvider?

Mar 6, 2009

I finally managed to encrypt the user settings in my app.config with the following


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Encrypting/Decrypting From A Text File?

Sep 13, 2011

I have a program and I want to make it so you need a specific key to use it. I want to store keys in a text file and also use encrypt strings from my program to a text file.

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate and programming in Visual Basic

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VS 2010 - Code For Encrypting A File

Feb 26, 2012

Here is my code for encrypting a file:

Public Shared Function AESFileEncrypt(inputFilename As String, outputFilename As String) As Boolean

'Create SymmetricAlgorithm object and specify the Key and IV.
Dim AES As RijndaelManaged = New RijndaelManaged


This happens with large files. I gather that I have to use a fixed size buffer and read the file in small chunks, copying those chunks from the input to the output stream, until I reach the end of the input file.

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MP3 Ripping From Video With Ffmpeg?

Mar 21, 2011

Its been a while since I posted here as i've moved away from VB for the last few months. Anyway, seen as the support is so good here, i'm having with ripping MP3 files out of a MP4 video using ffmpeg.

Here's my code so far, but for some reason it doesn't want to work for me

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim process As New Process


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VS 2010 - FTP Ripping Images Appart

Jan 6, 2011

I am using a FTP code found here on the forums (can't remember where), But i have a problem with it. When some images are uploaded they turn out weird. For example: Here But some other images turn out well.


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VS 2005 - Reading File Into Buffer / Encrypting And Writing Data

Sep 29, 2009

I'm reading a file into a buffer using the Space function. Then I'm using blowfish dll's to encrypt it, and want to write the encrypted data to a txt file. (I realize you can use .NET cryptography classes, but I need to use these old blowfish dll's for this project.) Anyway, when when I encrypt the data in the buffer, I can see all encrypted data, but when I write it out to a file, I get a few lines of encrypted data and the rest of plain text.

' BLOCK_SIZE is a const which = 2048
sBlock = Space(BLOCK_SIZE)
Using sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(FileToEncrypt)
sBlock = sr.ReadToEnd()
End Using[Code] ....

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VS 2008 Encrypting Text In A Text File?

Jul 3, 2009

I recently made a program that will automatically log in a site and start a game. I have it so that you can save the Username and Password to a text file. I need the text file to be encrypted though, and then decrypted when you load it back up.

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Encrypting A Text In .net?

Mar 29, 2010

I am new to .net classes and i would like to know how can i encrypt a text with AES256 algorithm.

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Encrypting Data With RSA In .NET

Apr 8, 2012

I have a DER file with sha1RSA as the Signature Algorithm. I have to encrypt some data using it.Can anyone tell me how do I load the DER file and use the RSA public key in it to encrypt my data in .NET?

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Why Would A .sln File Open As Empty In VB2010Express When It Should Open Referring To Projects Etc

Mar 6, 2012

Why would a .sln solution file open and appear empty in Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express - i.e. no windows showing projects and code files etc.When I inspect the file in a text editor, it contains references to vbproj files (which are present) which indicate that it should not appear as empty.No error messages are reported when the file is opened.

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[2005] Can't Open Excel File By Using XlApp.Workbooks.Open?

Feb 11, 2009

I would like to open the excel file after create the excel file. The creating file function is done, but the system unable to open the excel file. My coding as below:

Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim misValue As Object = System.Reflection.Missing.Value


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Use Open File Dialogs To Open A File To A Text Box?

Nov 18, 2009

how to use open file dialogs to open a file to a text box?

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Can Get Web Browser To Open And Open File That Was Clicked On In Explorer?

Aug 7, 2011

I've noticed that when you click on a web page in Windows Explorer, or open a file in general, and the default application to open it is internet explorer, ie opens and opens the file. However, when I tried this on my Web Browser it opened, but ignored the file and went on its usual routine. How can I get my Web Browser to open and open the file that was clicked on in explorer?

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Open And Re-open A .doc File In The Rich Text Box Control?

Apr 28, 2011

I saved a file with the extension .doc. I use the RichText to write and save the text. I did not set any encoding type when I saved it. When I tried to open the file in the Richtextbox again, I got all the formatting characters in the RTF file. How do I correct this? How do I open and re-open a .doc file in the Rich Text box control without the formatting showing up in the box with the document contents?

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Open The Dialgue Box And Click The File And Open In My Pdf Reader

May 11, 2010

im having a slight problem with my open file dialogue box, i need to be able to open the dialgue box, and click the file and open in my pdf reader, or at least load it to my other form ive created. what ive go so far:


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C# - Encrypting A Private Key With BouncyCastle?

May 19, 2012

I'm using the .NET version of BouncyCastle, and I have to save a private RSA key to file, obviously encrypted with a password for security reasons.What I'm trying right now is this:

Dim rand As New SecureRandom
Dim arr As Byte() = New Byte(7) {}


But BouncyCastle is thwrowing a NullReferenceException on the last instruction. Since the method is totally undocumented >:( I wonder if any of you know how to use it correctly...

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C# - How To Stop Encrypting The Querystring

May 11, 2011

I have a requirement where I have to pass some values into the next page via querystring.This querystring is coming from third party and they need to have it on the otherpage for some analysis. I just do a response.redirect and add the querystring that i recieve from them to the other page. My problem is that the .net environment is encoding/encrypting some of the special characters used by them which I dont want as it does not bring back the correct values in the new page.


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Encrypting And Decrypting A Text?

Dec 11, 2009

There are many algorithms for encryption in internet. But i found them more complex. I want simple and powerful algorithm for encryption and decrytion of text.

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Encrypting Strings With SHA1?

Jul 18, 2009

how to encrypting strings with SHA1, but all of the code I have found does not work or it is to complex for my program. I have found a website that has a encrypting demo program. It worked well so I email the programmer and he gave me this code.


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Encrypting Texts With Password?

Feb 26, 2012

I heared about an encrypting function that encrypt the texts with a password I don't know exactly how it

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Encrypting/Decrypting An Image?

Nov 22, 2011

Im a Uni student and im having probs with encrypting an image and also the contents of a folder. I have successfully encrypted and decrypted a text file using the following code below.

If anyone could take a look and advise on how to alter my code to perform the task of selecting an image or folder and encrypting it and decrypting it via a secret key that you input within a textbox,


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Serialization And Encrypting Files?

Jan 15, 2010

what the relation between Serialization and encrypting files, i wanna know that and i wanna a lessons for serialization and i want to ask about this code in VB6 if we can convert it to 2008

Dim a As String * 10
Dim b As String * 10
Dim c As String * 10


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VS 2008 Encrypting .pdf Files

Aug 9, 2009

how I can encrypt .pdf files? I haven't been able to find something that will give me an idea of how to do it.

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.net - Encrypting Multiple Elements Of One Xml Document?

Aug 25, 2010

I managed encrypting an xml document by encrypting an element and then replacing the element with the encrypted data. A shown in the sample code below. Public Shared Sub Encrypt(ByVal textReader As TextReader, ByVal textWriter As TextWriter, ByVal certificateName As String)


View 1 Replies - Encrypting Parameters Of A Querystring Via Javascript

Feb 23, 2012

I want to redirect to some page with querystring,and the querystring value should be in encrypted format and i want to decrypt that in codebehind


function redirect(s, e) { window.location.href = "Default2.aspx?Id=" + encrypt(5)+ "&No=" +encrypt( 5);}

and in codebehind:

Dim id As String = Request.QueryString("Id").ToString()
id = Decode(id)
Dim no As String = Request.QueryString("No").ToString()
no= Decode(no)

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Encrypting Data Using A Binary Formatter

Aug 20, 2009

I am currently using a binary formatter to serialize/deserialize some data objects. Some of the properties in the classes are Strings. When the data is written you can open the file with a text editor and can see the raw String data. Is there any way to encrypt the Strings or the entire object before it is serialized? I have looked at this thread here [URL] but the code is in C# and the free converters I tried for some reason did not like the code. This is the code I am using currently.


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Encrypting Sensitive Info In Program?

Oct 9, 2009

I was wondering, i have smtp mail adress and password (for gmail*) and it is probably very easy to read it when opened with hex editor or decompiled so i want to encode/crypt that info in my program to make it almost (i know it isnt possible to make it fully unreadable) unreadable and/or make my program undecompilable

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