SQL Connection To Access - 2007 Versus 2003?

Dec 17, 2009

My application currently works with Access 2003 using the following approach...

strMSAccess_Connection_SQL = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strDatabaseFilePath
MSAccess_Connection = New OleDbConnection(strMSAccess_Connection_SQL)

When I load it onto a WinVista machine running Office 2007, I get the following error the microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0 provider is not registered I was doing a little research and I guess 2007 changed a few things? Introduced something called ACE? I tried using "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0", etc but I get a similar error to the above...

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SQL Connection To Access - 2007 Vs 2003?

Aug 15, 2011

My application currently works with Access 2003 using the following approach...

strMSAccess_Connection_SQL = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strDatabaseFilePath
MSAccess_Connection = New OleDbConnection(strMSAccess_Connection_SQL)


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Integrate Access 2003 With Access 2007 Without Having To Make Changes In Either?

Jan 27, 2010

I have multiple copies of Access dbs running varous projects on diverse workstation all over the country. Some new additions to the team have only Access 2007. Is there a way that I can use both versions without having to re-do any VBA, macros, scripts, etc.?

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Can't Write In Access 2003 / 2007 DB In VB 2005

Jun 29, 2009

I'm developing a app in VB 2005 to connect to a Access 2003/2007 DB, I manage to connect to it but I can't write to it, do I have to enable something to make it work?

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Running Access 2007 Exe File In 2003?

Jul 29, 2009

When trying to run the exe file error codes appear and back end data is missing. I loaded the 2007 runtime application.

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DB/Reporting :: Conversion Issue Access 2003 To 2007

Oct 26, 2009

I converted one of my databases from 2003 to 2007 and am getting the following error 13 type mismatch with 2007 (did not happen with 2003 version) with the following code:

Thanks for your help!

HTML Code:
Private Sub PageFooterSection_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)

Dim strMessage As String

Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset

Set db = CurrentDb
[B]Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("TblFooter")[/B] ERROR HIGHLIGHTS THIS LINE

'--- Grab Recordset Values.
strMessage = rs!PageFooter

'--- Place text onto the form Labels.
test.Caption = strMessage

Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

End Sub

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Visual Studio 2010 Windows Application And Interaction With MS Access 2007 / 2003

Jun 13, 2011

If I create a windows app which I link to an MS Access databse file that already exists..will I need to have MS Office installed on every computer at which I want to use the app? If not then how do I go about making a standalone windows app that will store information in a database of some form or another ?

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C# - Microsoft Access 2007 Connection?

Jul 4, 2009

I wrote a program that connected to a Microsoft Access 2000/2003 mdb file and accesses the data. It works fine, but I'm wondering if there is a way to connect to Access 2007? If I change my connection string, will my program work with access 2007 or is it more complicated then that? And if it will work, can someone provide an example of an Access 2007 database?

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Connection To Access 2007 From 2008

Jul 30, 2009

I have used vb before and connected to access databases, using the code:

-dim con as adodb.connection
-dim rst as adodb.recordset

I am trying to do the same in vb 2008 and it doesnt recognise the adodb.connection or recordset. I have had a look to see if there is anything that i need to do, but i cant see.

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Vb 2008 Access 2007 Connection?

Feb 19, 2009

i am a student. and am studying computers. i have done almost every task in vb 2008 but am seriously unable to execute a query from visual basic. i want to execute a query such as editing, adding new rows, uploading data in visual basic from the database by cliking a command button. this button shall update database with data in the text boxes. i have tried my level best.

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Error When MS Access 2003 Database Is Opened From A Remote Connection

Apr 6, 2009

I have an MS Access 2003 database built that resides on a shared network path at the company I work for.The database works perfectly for users connected directly to the company network.However, when a user tries to open the database while connected remotely to the company network (they can still access the shared path), they receive the following error:The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time.At the time that they tried it, they were the only person accessing the database.They tried a local copy as well as a copy on the network shared drive.[code]

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Dao Connection To Access 2007 Database With Attachment Field

Oct 6, 2011

I am working on an asp.net project in VS2010 using vb.NET (not VBA) designing an interface to allow a user to upload a file to an access 2007 table attachment field. My understanding is that in order to interface with a table with an attachment field you
must use DAO to connect to the database so that you can expose the attachment field properties. When I try to open the DAO recordset I am getting "COM exception was unhandled by user code" with a message stating "Too few parameters. Expected 3". The error code is -2146825227 and the stacktrace message is "at dao.Database.OpenRecordset(String Name, Object Type, Object Options, Object LockEdit)"


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.net 2003 Versus Mysql?

Jun 21, 2010

i am not able to use connection string?

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Get The Office 2003 And 2007 Add-ins In It?

Jan 23, 2010

this is my vs:but i want to get the office 2003 and 2007 add-ins in it.i am using the professional edition of vs do i need to install some components?

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Change Office 2007 UI To Look Like 2003?

Aug 2, 2009

I Am about to buy a new office, and I must decide between 2007 and 2003.

I'd like to buy 2007 (same price where I live) but I cannot stand the UI.

Is there a way to make it look like 2003 (for me Word/Excel is enough) ?


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MIgration From Office 2003 To 2007?

Feb 16, 2012

I have a application VB.net which is working fine for office 2003.But one of the user has installed office 2007.I dont have the knowledge of BindingRedirect .

Old references

Interop.Access version 11.0

VBE.Interop version 11.0[code]....

View 12 Replies

Open Excel 2003 Or 2007 From VBS?

Sep 18, 2009

I have both 2003 and 2007 installed on my machine. I want to create a VB Script to open a few files in 2003 and in 2007 versions. How can i do that?

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Program To Use Excel 2003 Instead Of 2007?

Feb 12, 2012

I have a program that we converted to vs 2010. When then moved it to the users computer and they only have Excel 2003 on their station. How can we tell the excel reference to use 2003 (version 11) instead of 2007 (version 12). The program now is looking for 2007 version 12.

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Exporting From Access 2007 To Excel 2007 And Creating A Pivot Table With Graph Using VB 2008?

Jan 11, 2011

I have built an Access 2007 database with some data stored in it. I have managed to export data using VB2008 from that database to Excel 2007 and have it automatically draw charts based on this data and a query in the Visual Basic Code. One of the results looks like this:

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Write To And Read From Excel 2007/2003

Oct 29, 2010

This code is to write text to excel 2007/2003 and also read from excel file.

Reference also need to be added, but Microsoft Excel 10.0 Object Library is ask, and my machine only got Microsoft Excel 12.0/5.0 Object Library

I not able to make it....

Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Public Class


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Office Automation :: Excel 2007 Automated By .Net 2003?

Feb 12, 2009

I have both Excel 2003 and Excel 2007 installed on my system. When I call oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application"), Excel 2003 is used in the context in my .NET code instead of Excel 2007 (which I need to be used). I have referenced the "Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library" but when the code runs, the 11.0 version is used.

Is it because I am using Visual Studio .Net 2003 that Excel 2007 cannot be correctly referenced or do I need to change a reference or setting?

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Rs.FindFirst Error After Upgrading Database From 2003 To 2007

Nov 12, 2010

After upgrading a db built in Access 2003 to Access 2007, the following code produces an error at FirstFind: Method or data member not found.

Here is the entire sub.

Sub List7_AfterUpdate()
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim Who_Name As String


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Dynamic Menu Creation Not Working After Changing From VB 2003 To VB 2007?

Jul 12, 2009

I have started a new blank project for VB 2007. I have taken the old code (VB 2003) and added it to the project.The line marked below worked on the old VB, now it does not. I get the following error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Troubleshooting tips:

Use the "new" keyword to create an object instance.

Check to determine if the object is null before calling the method.I have tried several forms of using the "New" keyword and still get the error.

Public Sub BuildChooseFileMenuItems()
Dim k As Integer
Dim numChecked As Integer


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Excel 2007 Vs 2003 Differences In TextFrame Characters Behavior?

Apr 4, 2009

The following code works fine in 2003 but generates an error in 2007:

Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("txtTest").TextFrame.Characters.Insert ("ABCDE")
Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("txtTest").TextFrame.Characters(6).Insert (",FGHIJK")


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Office 2007/2003 VSTO Shared Add-In Design Query

Apr 29, 2009

I am designing a shared add-in using VB.Net 2008 and VSTO that has to fire up when any MS Office App is started. It has to work for both 2002, 2003 and 2007 applications. I have managed to put together a working add-in that pops up a test message stating the version of Office and the Application name and tested this across all the apps ok.

The next part of the solution is to code the application specific code that needs to run for document auditing and corporate protective marking as well as, for example; in Excel checking that all the Add-Ins are linked to the Network Add-Ins folder.

My approach from now was going to be to late bind against the application object and set one of my typed (e.g. Excel) application object references which exist in the code to this object.

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OwnerDrawing The Listview ColumnHeaders To 2003/2007 Office Look-and-feel?

Mar 4, 2009

Anyone who could provide me a direction to start with?

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Which Version Of The Primary Iterop Assemblies Add To Prerequisite 2003 Or 2007?

Aug 16, 2010

I am in the right forum. My apologies if this is a stupid question, I am a relitively inexperienced coder.

I have a VB.NET program that writes to Excel 2003. On testing the program works fine as long as I add the PIA's to the target machine prior to use. To avoid this problem when this roles out to clients, I wish to add the PIA's as a prerequisite. I have sorced the redistributable versions for 2003 here:


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Worksheet.Unprotect - Office Interop - Difference Between 2003 And 2007?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a .NET winforms app that automates Excel and checks for a worksheet password. The requirements are to be able to detect

1) that the protection is turned off

2) that the password is removed (protected but there is no password)

3) that the password matches the correct password from a database

To meet the second requirement the program calls the Worksheet.Unprotect command with a null string, capturing the error. If error as expected, the 3rd check is made. If no error, then the Unprotect worked without a password ==> password was removed.

The code sample below has these checks.The application can do this fine with Office 2003. I have since had my dev machine updated to Office 2007 and it no longer works as it did. When I call the Worksheet.Unprotect, Excel prompts for the password!

I need to know how this should be accomplished in the new version of Excel or if there is a way to reference the old PIA. No matter what if I set a reference to Excel 11 it is replaced with the PIA for 12 in the GAC.

'return true if unprotect of worksheet does not generate an error
'all other errors will bubble up
'return false if specific error is "Password is invalid..."


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Connecting VB With Excel 2007 & Access 2007?

Oct 9, 2009

Connecting VB with Excel 2007 & Access 2007?

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VS 2008 Create Excel 2003 Thru 2007 File Without MSOffice Installed?

Mar 14, 2010

I have a windows form and I am attempting to create an excel file from a datatable that has already been created and i'm hitting a snag - the error is: The ':' character, hexadecimal value 0x3A, cannot be included in a name."I have a button to start the Export process, here's the

'here's all my imports for the form
Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging
Imports System.Text


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