SQLDependency_OnChange Doesn't Fire Up

Jul 8, 2011

I have a problem with SQLDependency I have took an example from msdn and changed it a little to my purpose but somehow it seems the event never fires up. What I did until now is

1. changed the database owner

2. enabled broker

3. also my query is fine i'm including the shema name.

Here's my code


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Asp.net - SelectedIndexChanged Event Doesn't Fire?

Nov 2, 2010

I have added the AutoPostBack = "true" attribute to the drop down list. It doesn't work.

<asp:DropDownList CssClass="dropDownList" ID="ddlBusinessUnit"
AutoPostBack="true" runat="server" Width="250px"


How can I ensure that the event method is called?

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Why Doesn't GridView SelectedIndexChanged Event Fire

Dec 2, 2011

I have a GridView which you can click on a row and it should call the SelectedIndexChanged method (which updates another part of the page based on which row was selected). I have done something similar to this before and it worked, but I can't seem to get the SelectedIndexChanged part to be called for some reason.The page is held in a master page which has a form runat="server" tag, and an <asp:ScriptManager> tagI am using e.Row. Attributes.Add("onclick", ClientScript.GetPostBackClientHyperlink(Me.gridMessages, "Select$" & e.Row.RowIndex)) to allow the SelectedIndexChanged to fire by clicking anywhere on the row.To check that the code does work apart from that, I added a CommandField with a SelectButton and that successfully fires, but i would prefer to find a solution without having to use that.[code]

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VS 2008 BackgroundWorker ReportProgress Doesn't Fire ProgressChanged

Oct 13, 2009


Occurs when ReportProgress is called.

but in my code ProgressChanged event doesn't fire after this line bgwBckp.ReportProgress(1)


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Combo Box On A Tab Control SelectedIndexChanged Event Doesn't Fire Until Tab Is Selected?

Jan 24, 2012

I am using VS2008, vb.net, Windows forms project.I have a combo box control on a tab control.The selected value of the combo box is bound to a binding source.The data source of the binding source is a typed dataset.I set the datasource of the binding source when a record is chosen in a data grid control.Since the combo box is bound to the binding source, this should set the selected value of the combo box, and fire the initial SelectedIndexChanged event.Therefore, I remove the SelectedIndexChanged event handler for the combo box before I set the datasource of the binding source, and add the handler again after the datasource is set.

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Asp.net - Hidden/Shown AsyncFileUpload Control Doesn't Fire Server-Side UploadedComplete Event

May 26, 2010

I recently came across the AsyncFileUpload control in the latest (3.0.40412) release of the ASP.Net Ajax Control Toolkit. There appears to be an issue when using it in a hidden control that is later revealed, such as a <div> tag with visible=false.


Page code -

<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="act" %>


I have a breakpoint on the UploadedComplete event but it never fires. However, if you take the AsyncFileUpload control out of the <div>, making it visible at initial page render, the control works as expected.

So, is this a bug within the AsynchUploadControl, or am I not grasping a fundamental concept (which happens regularly)?

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Tooltip On Windows 7 Doesn't Work VB2010 - Thecolor Doesn't Change ?

Jun 12, 2011

I am trying to change the background color of a tooltip

I am using tooltip.backgroundcolor = color.colr

No errors but thecolor doesn't change

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Smtp Has Suddenly Stopped Working - Doesn't Send Anything And Doesn't Generate Any Exception Message

Oct 13, 2010

I use Visual Studio 2003, VB.net, NetFramework 1.4 and Windows XP I have been using the following Code Snippet for a number of years in both Web Services and Windows Applications. However suddenly around the 29th September 2010 it has stopped sending E-Mails from both Web Services and Windows Applications. The same problem has happened not only to my own Network but on two other Networks, one using XP as its Server and the other using Server 2003. All 3 of these are using different ISPs.


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Fire An Event Every Second?

Dec 1, 2009

I need an event that fires every second, just like the timer1_timer() event of VB6. I'm using VB9/Silverlight, creating a small sidebar gadget.

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Getting ItemContextMenuDisplay To Fire?

Mar 1, 2011

I am trying to add one item to the ItemContextMenuDisplay for Outlook 2007 list. I can not get the event to fire however.m initializing my new class on startup. As far as I know, the only way to trigger that event is to open outlook; I have tried putting a Debug.Print() statement on startup instead, but nothing prints.

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Have To Hit Tab Key Twice To Fire Routine In Dgv

Jun 22, 2010

When entering a value in dgv I want the Tab key to fire a routine. Works out ok only thing is I have to hit the Tab twice before it fires. Don't know why, is there a way to prevent it, so that I have to hit the Tab key only once ?

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Key Down Event Won't Fire

Jan 29, 2009

Key Down event won't fire

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Afterselect Event Does Not Fire?

Nov 17, 2009

I created a control that inherits from treeview. When I add it to my project the afterselect event does not fire.

Public Class TreeViewClaims
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.TreeView
End Class

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Asp.net - Fire A Button From Javascript?

May 27, 2011

I have a menu on my aspx page which looks beautiful. It's exactly what I need (found it here).

Problem that I have is this: I need (somehow) to kick off a button control from the javascript. I realize that in the example, the menu items are simply href links, but I'm wondering how I could possibly do a postback and kick off my Button1_OnClick event.

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Basic SQL Trigger Will Not Fire?

Jan 19, 2012

This is my very first trigger and I'm not sure I have it set up correctly. I have a table called PayTypes. Here is my trigger syntax:


I run this with a breakpoint on the first line, update my VB.NET datagridview (which updates and saves just fine), but the breakpoint never gets hit. Am I going about the setup of the trigger incorrectly?

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Basic SQL Trigger Won't Fire In VB

Feb 15, 2012

This is my very first trigger and I'm not sure I have it set up correctly. I have a table called PayTypes. Here is my trigger syntax: ALTER trigger payTypes_trigger on PayTypes AFTER INSERT, UPDATE, DELETEs PRINT 'AFTER TRIGGER EXECUTED SUCESSFULLY' I run this with a breakpoint on the first line, update my VB.NET datagridview (which updates and saves just fine), but the breakpoint never gets hit. Am I going about the setup of the trigger incorrectly?

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Does Not Fire SelectedNodeChanged Event In ASP.net

May 16, 2010

When i clicked one of the node of treeview, it does not fire SelectedNodeChanged event.

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Fire An Event From A Background?

Aug 29, 2009

How do I fire an event from a background thread I created onto the main thread in a class in vb.net?

I've searched A LOT fot this, but could only find non vb.net examples, mainly C#, and have not been able to translate these.

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Fire Event On The Hour?

Feb 16, 2010

I have a windows service in VB.NET 2008 and want to fire an event every hour on the hour within the service?

I have this working in an application were i assign the current hour to a variable and check each minute if the variable has changed. Is there a cleaner way of achieving this in a service?

I also want the service to read this in form an XML file i have modified from a service control app can i use app.config for this as i've read your not supposed to write to this file?

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Possible To Fire Off Another Button OnClientClickEvent?

May 18, 2009

I have a modal popup that has a targetId to a hidden button. I want the popup to occur when a button in a grid is clicked but that button is programmed behind the code and therefore the targetId would be invalid. So I wanted to attempt to set the gridview's button's onclientclick event to be the onclientclickevent of that hidden button. Is this possible or should I be going about this another way.

Here is how I created the grid button
If Not IsPostBack Then
Dim field As New TemplateField
field.HeaderText = "Sub Departments"
Dim col As DataControlField = field
[Code] .....

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ProcessDialogKey Not Fire Arrow Key?

Nov 30, 2011

I want when user press down arrow key then its work like user press tab key i use this code but its not work and system doesn't give any error.

protected override Function ProcessDialogKey(byval keyData as Keys) as boolean
Dim Key as Keys=Keydata and Keys.keycode
key = Keys.Down then
return Mybase.ProcessDialogKey(Keys.Tab) 'Its not working
return Mybase.ProcessDialogKey(keyData)
end subArt Of Living Is Art Of Giving

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SerialPort1.DataReceived Does Not Fire

Sep 10, 2009

I was perhaps too quick to think that VB's built-in event would be be easy to use. As you can see from my previous post I am building a program which sends and receives a few bytes from serial bus. The bus is actually a usb serial adapter, there are no real serial buses in my machine.Anyway that SerialPort1.DataReceived does not fire. It is from visual studio/vb ide so syntax should work? Here is my start up code. There are many comments, because I tried various combinations.

If Not _serialPort.IsOpen Then
If Not arvo = "" Then
_serialPort.DtrEnable = False
_serialPort.Parity = Parity.None


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Use The Fire Fox In A Program Instead Of The Default?

Mar 23, 2010

Im not sure of the dll to use for fire fox instead of using VB's Default web browser or if there is a way to use firefox in vb2008. If there is please let me know. I would rather use the fire fox in a program instead of the default that is internet explorer web browser.

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VS 2005 Have To Fire Event Twice?

Nov 29, 2009

I have this function that totals a series of textboxes everything works fine except the last line, i need to call the function a second time for the correct total of last line,anyone have any ideas what i am doing wrong? I even tried to make the last line its own function and call it seperately but have the same behavior.


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VS 2008 Fire When Initialize?

Jun 6, 2012

After i upgraded my project, i get this :'UPGRADE_WARNING: Event Text1.TextChanged may fire when form is initialized.And when i run project, it fires and do bad stuff, what can i do?

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Why Can't Get .DragDrop Event To Fire

Mar 25, 2010

I am trying to drag and drop items from a listbox into a richtextbox? I can not get the .DragDrop event to fire? I have copied and past the code from [URL]

I can get the .DragEnter event to fire. The mousedown event fires the drag and drop, is there something for mouseup?

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Asp.net - How To Stop Events Fire In Pageload

Apr 11, 2011

I have little problem. I change the textbox value in pageload time. the textbox change event calling automatically. how to stop that?


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Bindingsource ListChanged Event Does Not Fire

Apr 27, 2010

I have the following form1, when called as the startup, everything works fine. Usually after I added a new row, fill in the fields in that row and close the form without leaving that row, both bindingsource listChanged event will fire.

However, when called from the another form. It does not work. bindingsource listChanged event does not fire when I close the form after adding a new record. Likewise dataGridView1_RowValidated event as well.

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Imports System.Data.Common


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Can't Seem To Get Form.GotFocus Event To Fire

Oct 21, 2009

I can't seem to get the Form.GotFocus event to fire.I have two forms - a main window and a debug window.The debug window will always be shown with the main window. But, I don't want the debug window to appear in the task bar - it's unnecessary.While my program is running, when I select another program, my main window and the debug window are placed behind the program that I selected. From the task bar, I can bring my program back to the front by clicking on it in the task bar. The problem is, that now my debug window is behind the other program.I have code that will "DebugWindow.BringToFront", and it works. But I need some way to run do this when the main form gets the focus.I do not wish to make any of my forms Modal. At least not permanently. If the solution is to change the modal property of the form temporarily, then that wouldn't be a problem.

I tried Me.Enter, Me.Activated, Me.Click and a few other events. Me.Click only works when I click within the Form window, not the form's title bar. Me.Activated caused problems - The code ran, but it would always end with the focus on the Debug window. When I tried to click on the main form, the Activated event would fire again, sending the focus back to the debug window.[code]

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Event Won't Fire On Form Exit

Jan 19, 2009

I have a MDIcontainer form witch handles MDIchildren. The problem I'm having is when i open a new Mdi child and close the Main form , The app is supposed to ask if i want to save the current MdiChild. Heres my code


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