Searching And Deleting Files (using Wildcards)

Jun 29, 2009

how to even start a code project of this sort but here it goes... I have an external Hard Drive with some music. My itunes makes duplicates of all my songs so this is what i have.

Dance 1.mp3
Dance 2.mp3
Dance 3.mp3
Party 1.mp3

What I want to do is have the program search the files and delete all files that have a duplicate with a number behind it... Now I would use windows search but some of the songs are like 1001.mp3 or 1001 1.mp3... I want it to look like this when i get done (from the above):


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Copy Files Using Wildcards

Jul 24, 2010

i want to copy all the files in a directory with an extension e.g .exe or maybe all them files *.*I searched on google and found this on MSDN But it doesn't work when i type *. or *.* or *.exe into the textbox and there is files in that folder.[code]

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VS 2010 Using Wildcards To Copy Files?

Jul 13, 2010

Ok i want to copy all the files in a directory with an extension e.g .exe or maybe all them files *.* how do i do this?I searched on google and found this on MSDN But it doesn't work when i type *. or *.* or *.exe into the textbox and there is files in that folder

VB.NET For Each foundFile As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(Application.StartupPath,Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, TextBox8.Text)My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(foundFile, IO.Path.Combine(FullPath, foundFile))Next

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Searching A Text File Then Deleting That Specific Line?

Mar 15, 2012

I know how to search a text file for a specific line, but what I don't know is then how to delete that line?My text file is set up as such:

021,Donovan,56 Eynesford Crescent,Bexley,SE5 1TR,09/08/1967,13 March 2012,Bronze
062,Fredrikson,6 Freil Road,Gravesend,GR9 TRB,12/06/1995,13 March 2012,Silver

So I know how to search for the 3 character integer at the beginning of each line, but how do I then delete this line?

I'm currently using this code

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form6
Private Sub SearchBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SearchBtn.Click


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C# - Deleting Files In A Directory?

Feb 12, 2011

I have seen questions like What is the best way to empty a directory?

But i need to know,

what is the fastest way of deleting all the files found within the directory, except any .zip files found.

Smells like linq here... or what?

UPDATE: By saying fastest way, i mean the Fastest execution time.

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Deleting ALL Files Within A Folder

Jul 3, 2010

vb 2008 on Vista: I have a folder called "Documents", and another called "PastDocuments". When the user deletes a client, I copy the contents of Documents into the Past Documents folder. Next, I need to delete the Documents folder, but there are existing files within that folder, so it won't let me delete it. What is the easiest way to delete ALL files within that folder?

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Deleting Files But Not Subdirectories

Nov 26, 2009

I have some code that launches a .bat file. The error comes from within the .bat file, navigating to the specified directory."F/Program Files/ Tversity/Media Server/data/ if i run cmd, then manually navigate to F/program files, i cannot navigate into any other directory within program files. Wierd..if there is an easier option to just use without launching a .bat that might help please let me know. i know i am not showing any code, but it just launches a .bat file. i know the forum rules, but i am hoping that someone might know why i can't navigate to my program files. it is not permissions, i am an admin on the local machine no domain.

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Deleting Files In A ListBox

Mar 11, 2010

So I have a program that allows the user to load up some images, which appear in a ListBox. You can click the imported images and they load into a PictureBox. [code]The path is not of a legal form.You can load up the code and see for yourself. Now I need to be able to delete these images from the ListBox. The exception occurs because the image is now null, and can't load.

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Deleting Records From Files?

Mar 13, 2012

Just wondering how to delete a selected record from a .dat file

I am new to programming so go easy

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Messagebox In Deleting ,tmp Files?

Jun 27, 2011

I'm working on this program to delete .tmp files that are older then 5 days. The only problem that im running into is if there are no files older than 5 days to display a messagebox "There are no .tmp files older than 5 days".

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Progress Bar And Deleting Files ?

Jul 10, 2009

I have a problem with a progress bar, i want to delete a folder with this sub:

Dim di As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(path)

I would like to see a progress bar. I saw some examples with copy but doesn't work with this sub.

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VS 2005 Deleting Some Csv Files

Jun 4, 2009

I'm experiencing a wierd problem deleting some .csv files. Any .csv files named 1.csv, 2.csv, or 3.csv will not delete using delete() method of namespace. if i do any number greater than 3 it works. For example, 4.csv, 5.csv, etc. works fine. 1.xls, 2.xls also is ok. The error it is throwing in my log is 'access to the file is denied.' Nothing is using the file. I even copied a new file into the directory and it does not work. I even created a 1.csv in a totally different directory with no luck. What is going on with this? Has anyone ever experienced this?

View 9 Replies - Searching Particular Files In The Folder?

Jan 13, 2012

I can search all the images with .jpg extension and pass it to the fancybox gallery , The issue is i just want the images of particular productid for instance if a product has 5 images , and they are saved as (productid_imagenumber.jpg) , therefore a product with productid 99 will be saved as 99_1.jpg , 99_2.jpg similarly 99_5.jpg,I can pass the productID but i cant find a away just to get the images of that productID , instead of getting all the images which is done by the function below:

Dim directory As DirectoryInfo = New System.IO.DirectoryInfo("C:Images")
Dim allImages() = directory.GetFiles("*.jpg", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
Dim strContent As String = ""
For Each image As FileInfo In allImages


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Index Searching For Files?

Jun 24, 2009

I want to create Desktop Search Engine using While searching on internet someone suggested that I should use B+Tree indexing for quick results. But I don't know how to implement B+Tree indexing for searching file.

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Searching For Files In A Directory?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm creating an app that has check boxes that will define a search. The files all reside in one folder. I've looked at some tutorials that use and I can get this to work. But what I think i want to use is: io.path.getfilename because I don't need the path (though I'm about ready to make an exception).

When should I use io.path.getfilename and can I use that method to do a search? I can't figure that out. I would think it would react as does but I am incorrect.....

Here is the code. Its short becasue I'm just figuring things out first:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim afiles() As String


The commented out line is what I can't get to work and I'm thinking that is what I need to work.

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Searching For Files In Folder

Nov 29, 2011

im using the following lines to search for zip files in a folder i need to update this to allow searching for .zip, .txt, .evt and .rar files now


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VB: Searching For Text Within All PDF Files And Returning Results Of PDF Files Where Text Are Found On

Jun 20, 2011

On a image file (PDF), the OCR has recognised the picture and text. However on Visual Basics, how do you search for a text on this image file? The primary goal is to allow a text search (i.e POxxxxx) on all the image files (PDFs). The returns of the search will be the assciated image files where the text (i.e POxxxxx) is found on.

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Deleting A File Or Files Using A Listbox?

Jan 19, 2010

I have been working on software that finds a specific backup file type and lists it in a list box. Then the user selects the files he/she wants to delete. Then clicks the delete button to remove the files.I have everything finished and working excpet for deleting the actual file. I figured out the code to delete the actual list item... but I cannot figure out how to get the selected file to be deleted within its directory as well... been at it for 4 hours now.

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Deleting Files From A Letterbox In VB2008?

Aug 27, 2009

I have a serious problem,so i tought i can ask here.I'm only a BEGINER!So,i looked on youtube,to make an anti-virus in Visual Basic(i then heard about VB2008:D).I maked a scan button,and putted some strings that will scan some computer's folders and show de detected viruses on a letterbox.Now,i wonder if someone nows a way(code or not) to add a button that will delete all the files detected that are shown on that letterbox.I want not to delet them manualy,i want my small anti-virus to that that.IS THERE A WAY?

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Deleting Files In Directory With Extension GIF?

Feb 14, 2010

I have VB 2008. How can I delete ALL files in a directory with the extension ".gif" ?

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Deleting Files With Dynamic Names?

Mar 11, 2012

Each time it runs, a program of mine creates an Excel document and names it using the current date ("Alerts from 29062011.xlsx" for example). The program gets run once a day,every day.The users have requested that I have the program delete the previous days Excel file each time it runs so that they don't take up space. I'm unsure how to do this though since, for example, if it is run on the first day of the month it would have to know

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Deleting Files With Kill Dates

Nov 30, 2010

My naming convention for certain files is ------------kill 28 nov 2010.ext Is there a way I can throw an if statement and a few variables together to check each file in a folder and if = variable then delete file? I want to make a program i can schedule to run daily w/task scheduler, I haven't used VB in awhile but just found the disks from school so i figured this was the easiest way to go about it.

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Deleting Multiple Files In A Directory?

Oct 9, 2009

I am trying to delete multiple files in a certain directory. I need to delete *.o, *.r, *.w, *.rs, *.op, *.os. My coding does not seem to be working.

My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory = "c:RELAP5MOD4Demo"

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RE Permission Error For Deleting Files

Sep 21, 2009

I am concatinating a couple of text files and then deleting the individual files. (Not the output file)

The only problem is that I am getting a permission error "Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A0046 (CTL_E_PERMISSIONDENIED)" when I try to delete the files.

I can delete the files using the code below if I do not concatinate the files but as soon as I do I cannot delete them.

To concatinate:
Public Sub MeltText()
Dim SW As New IO.StreamWriter(OutPutFile)
Dim Files As String() = IO.Directory.GetFiles(StartDirectory, "*.txt")
Dim File As String

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VS 2005 Deleting Files From A Folder?

Apr 1, 2009

I have created a project where I can attach files and I am displaying the name of the file, example:


I have the names being displayed on a listbox, so far everything is working just the way I expected to work.When a file is selected from my opendialogbox, the file gets saved into a folder under my local disk, so far so good.The problem that I am having is deleting the file from the folder.I have added a delete button and I would like to when I click or highlight one of the file names to go into where the file was saved previously and deleted This is the code that I have for the delete funtion:

[CODE Dim sFileName As String = "C:program filesSupport DeskAttachments" & ListBox1.Text

The problem is that if I add the code to the clcik event under the listbox, it works great, but if I add the code to the click event under my delete button, it doesn't work, what I found is that under the path, if I am under the click event from the listbox when it gets to the lisxtbox.text it displays the file name, which is what I whant, but when i tried the code under the click event under my delete button the listbox.text is blank.

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VS 2010 Deleting Large Files?

Jul 6, 2010

I have a series of large files (4GB) that when I delete takes a very long time. This only occurs on a USB drive that I have attached to my PC. If I do the same thing on the internal drive the files delete quickly. It is as if the files are being overwritten before being deleted. I am looking for some guidance or other approaches.

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Searching A Dir For Special Files And List Them?

May 8, 2009

I want a form to search a directory (which i specify in the code) and then list all files with a file exstension that is .amxx .And that's not all, it should list them in a checked listbox.And of course a little + is that it only list the name of the file, not the hole directory + filename. But that feuture i don't really need, just for good looking.I looked into the problem and i tried something with DirectorySearcher but with no success.


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Searching Files In Hard Disk

Sep 15, 2010

I am using the following code to search files in the hard drive but when it reaches system folder or System Volume Information, it gives error. How can I avoid searching the system folder?

Search Files in hard disk
Imports System.IO
Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object, ByVal e
As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
[Code] .....

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Searching For Particular Text In Contents Of All Files?

Jun 20, 2012

I need to scan all files on our solution (aspx, js, ascx, etc). Our solution contains 22 projects all in all. What I need to accomplish is to search for all files which contains "img=" in its content (not filename containing "img") I don't want to do this manually of course (opening and checking files one by one). How I can do this faster.

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Searching Hard Disk For Files

May 5, 2011

I am going to develop a antivirus software and i want to scan the files.. so i want to get the files one by one into a Label I Already use this code to get add the files to a listbox But It did not Help For me... Because it is adding Whole Files to a List Box at Ones..


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