Set Anonymous Type For IEnumberable?

Dec 1, 2010

I need to Convert a Ienumerable to a dataset. For this i need to write a common fnction to convert any IEnumberable type to Dataset. For this I need to set anonymous type.[code]...

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.net - Linq, VB - Anonymous Type Cannot Be Converted To Anonymous Type?

Jul 9, 2009

I'm a Linq noobie, maybe someone can point me in the right direction. What's wrong here? These anonymous types seem to have the same signatures.


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Value Of Type <anonymous Type> Cannot Be Converted To <anonymous Type>

Sep 24, 2011

I am sure i am doing something terribly wrong, but i should better ask the experts.

At the third line i get the error Value of type <anonymous type> cannot be converted to <anonymous type>

Dim Query = (From c In Db.web Select New With {.AA = c.AA}).ToList
Dim v = New With {.Amount = 108}

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Convert Anonymous Type To Strong Type For Grouping Query?

Aug 30, 2010

I've pieced together some information from other posts but I'm stuck. The first part works fine. Basically I query the database using LINQ and then I loop through the results generating a report.


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.net - Get Properties From Anonymous Type?

Feb 12, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to get at an anonymous typed object's properties, when that anonymous type isn't created in the current function.

Specifically, I am binding an ASP.NET ListView to LINQ resultset, then trying to process each item in the ItemDataBound event.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Class MyPageClass


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Linq Using Anonymous Type

Nov 12, 2009

Why did the anonymous type property "Points" still have the value "0"? [code]

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Serialize Anonymous Type To Xml

Oct 7, 2010

In MVC I can do something like the following to serialise an object with an anonymous type to JSON.[code]I'd like to do exactly the same but output xml. I haven't been able to find an equivalent method. Would someone please point me in the right direction?

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.net LINQ Xml Query - Anonymous Type?

Oct 22, 2009

I'm out of my depth populating a windows form from an XML linq query (see code further down in post). The listbox is populated as intended, when a value is selected (row) I would like to populate the remaining form controls. The linq query I believe has created a new datatype "Anonymous Types". The query is only local to the load form subroutine but I'm not sure how to make it global.

When I define the query simply as an object the code in the selectedValueChanged event can't execute due to late databinding. how I can initially load the listbox from linq xml query and then populate the other controls when the value changes? Am I right in thinking even though the listbox is multi-columns (property) you can ONLY ever reference a row and NOT a column? I'm new to LINQ and Anonymous Types and the more I read the more confused I seem to get. On a less important note the order by is not functioning as intended (no errors) but data is always retrieved in xml file order and not by the node <text>. Also looked at using <text>.first to order the results without success.


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Creating A List Of Anonymous Type In VB?

Jun 23, 2009

I'd like to create a list of an anonymous type, for example:

Dim dsResource = New With {.Name = dsResourcesEnd(index).Last_Name & ", " & dsResourcesEnd(index).First_Name _
, .StartDate = dsResourcesStart(index).Day _
, .EndDate = dsResourcesEnd(index).Day}

I have created that anonymous type. Now I'd like to add it to a list of that type. How do I declare a list of that type?

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Iterate Over A Collection Of Anonymous Type In .NET

Jun 22, 2011

I'm OK with both C# and VB.NET..I have a function GetListOfBook, that returns LINQ to SQL result that has a collection of objects like the following:[code]

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C# - Pass An Anonymous Type As A Parameter To A Function?

Aug 1, 2011

After reading this post i realized that i cannot pass an anonymous type as a parameter to a function. So what other options do i have?

Perhaps, passing a Query.ToList as parameter would help, or am i re-inventing the wheel?

Update: I have the following query, which i would like to pass to a function:

Sub Test
Dim Query = (From c In DB Select New With { .ElementName = c.Name })


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Failure To Infer Type From Anonymous Method?

Jan 24, 2011

(using VB 08!) In order to avoid "magic strings", I have used this handy method (not my own!) many times to get a property's name as a string:

Function GetPropertyName(Of T, R)(ByVal expression As
Linq.Expressions.Expression(Of Func(Of T, R))) As


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Group By Over Anonymous Type With Linq To Object?

Feb 25, 2010

I'm trying to write a linq to object query in, here is the c# version of what I'm trying to achieve (I'm running this in linqpad):

void Main()
var items = GetArray(


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LINQ - Order By Anonymous Type (Value Element)

Jan 5, 2012

I am using linq to fill a gridview with the information from an xml from code behind. I would like to order my Grid according to one of my elements in the xml ("value element").

gvResourceEditor.DataSource = (From resElem In resourceElements.Elements("data") _
Select New With { _
.Key = resElem.Attribute("name").Value, _
.Value = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(resElem.Element("value").Value), _
.Comment = If(resElem.Element("comment") IsNot Nothing, HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(resElem.Element("comment").Value), String.Empty) _

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Which As Clause To Use With Anonymous Type With Option Strict On

Aug 10, 2010

Consider the requirement to always declare Option Strict On. We'll always need to declare variables with the As keyword. What would be the type of an anonymous type?Example : Dim product As ... = New With { Key .Name = "paperclips", .Price = 1.29 }

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.net - Anonymous Type, Cast As AsQueryable From An If Statement And Then Queried?

Nov 2, 2011

I have this if statement, which returns the result as a AsQueryable to an anonymous type:

If (signature = "") Then
testResults = (From TRTable In context.TestResults
Where ((TRTable.Art_no = currentProduct) And (TRTable.Server_time > startDate) And (TRTable.Server_time < endDate))


I can't seem to figure out why it isn't working, it was working without the if statement, but I need that functionality.

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.net - Pass An Expression To Act On A Single Field In An Anonymous Type In LINQ?

Mar 27, 2012

I have the following Data Transfer Objects defined:

Public Class MemberWithAddressesDTO
Public Property Member_PK As Integer
Public Property Firstname As String
Public Property DefaultAddress As AddressDTO
Public Property Addresses As IQueryable(Of AddressDTO)
End Class


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Only Access Properties Of An Anonymous Type When I Add ToList To End Of My Linq Query

Dec 16, 2011

I'm learning LINQ and VB and just spent an hour trying to access the fields of an anonymous type defined in a linq query. The key (I learned) is to convert the query to a list before you try to iterate through it with a for loop. How to access property of anonymous type in C#?

This does not work: edit (this compiles, but intellisense does not recognize the type)[code]...

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ASP.NET MVC - Linq Query With Count Returns Anonymous Type - How To Display In View

Sep 29, 2011

So I'm writing a query as follows:

Dim assSummary = From a In db.Assignments
Join ur In db.UserRegions
On a.Origin.ID Equals ur.Region.ID


In the controller I can return the data easily as follows:

For Each c In assSummary
MsgBox(c.Description & " " & c.AssCount)

If I pass the object through to the view using Viewdata("assSummary") = assSummary, how do I display the data? Every method I've tried results in messages about 'VB$AnonymousType_7(Of Integer,String) and I don't know how to retrieve the data from the anonymous type.

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VS 2008 Declare A List(of T) (or List(of <anonymous Type>))?

Jan 7, 2010

Ok i'm trying to declare a global list of type T (or is it <anonymous type>) i declare it in a module with something like Friend query As New List(of {whatever type i try}) the app takes some xml and parses it into a list but i need this list available to other classes and methods within the app, everything i have tried fails resulting in an error like Value of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of <anonymous type>)' cannot be converted to 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of {whatever type i try})'.

What would be the correct way to declare a list of this type? is there another way i could do this?

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Return An (Anonymous Type With A Function) From A Function?

Mar 3, 2011

Just so it's known, this question is mostly academic, even though I tried to use the concept in a real-world solution. I realize the example is contrived, but I believe the concept is valid.I want to write some fluent code like this:


I realize that I can't force an anonymous type into a specific type (like implementing an interface or some other class), and I don't want the overhead of defining a specific class just to match my desired fluent name with the actual method name. So I was able to make the code work like this:

copy(my_first_file).to.Invoke(my_second_file)So there is no IntelliSense or type awareness there, and I have to include the Invoke in order to have the method run. How can I get more type safety and exclude the Invoke method, under these constraints: Anonymous Type returned from Method No additional classes or interfaces Preferably, I do not want to pass in another parameter to the copy() method that tells what type to return, unless copy becomes a generic method (but I think that means defining another class/interface, which I don't want to do)

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.net - Anonymous Functions In C#?

Mar 13, 2011

The following syntax is valid VB.NET code

Dim myCollection As New List(Of Stock)
myCollection.Add(New Stock(Guid.NewGuid, "Item1"))
myCollection.Add(New Stock(Guid.NewGuid, "Item2"))


How can I accomplish the same thing in C#? I have tried...

myCollection.FindAll(bool delegate(Stock stock) {
if (blah blah) {

But it appears I have somehow structured it incorrectly as I get the following error. "Error 1 Invalid expression term 'bool'"

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Anonymous Delegate From C#

Jun 28, 2010

I have below code in C#:


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Anonymous Delegate Translation From C#?

Dec 23, 2008

I have a problem in translating a piece of C# code

( bool ConfigureDelayedProcessing(DependencyObject depObj, ICommandSink sink) { bool isDelayed = false;


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Anonymous Methods In .NET - Foreach?

May 16, 2011

I try to replace the classic For Each with the LINQ ForEach method in VB.NET

Dim singles As New List(Of Single)(someSingleList)
Dim integers As New List(Of Integer)
For Each singleValue In singles


How should I correctly do it (using anonymous methods = without declare a new function)?

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C# - Anonymous Class Initialization In .Net?

May 11, 2009

i want to create an anonymous class in exactly like this:


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C# - Are Anonymous Types Slower

Dec 30, 2010

Are anonymous types slower than declarative types?

For example, does

Dim score as Double = CalculateScore()

run slower than

Dim score = CalculateScore()

Why use explicit typing if it's no slower?

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Convert Anonymous Method To .NET?

Mar 20, 2012

I have the following in C#: public static void StartAnimation(UIElement animatableElement, DependencyProperty dependencyProperty, double toValue, double animationDurationSeconds, EventHandler completedEvent)


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Convert C# Anonymous To Program?

Mar 26, 2011

Convert this below code to I have no idea to convert from anonymous method to I'm currently using VS2010.[code]...

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GetCustomAttributes On An Anonymous Delegate?

Dec 14, 2010

I am struggling to retrieve custom attributes from a method. As you can see, the method ProcessXML has a custom attribute. The method itself gets passed into an anonymous delegate and then, in that context, I'm looking to get its custom attributes, but I'm not sure quite how to do it.

Here's my code

Public Sub UpdateXML()
Dim errors = New Errors
Dim xml = <testxml>


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