Setting Variables To Use As File Names?

Sep 10, 2009

We have this current VBA program to help us with AutoCAD via the use of a template excel sheet.The setup we have created works well; however occasionally we have two drawings per folder, which often results in, two templates excel sheets of the same name, one overwriting the other. how I can set the active drawing name in a variable that our program uses to check for, then if not present that it creates a copy of out template and then saves it as the active drawings file name which was set as the variable

This would allow our program to locate the associated excel sheet by name then save it by the unique drawing name and prevent existing excel files being overwritten if in the same folder.

Option Explicit
Private Objexcel As Excel.Application
Private ObjWorkbook As Workbook


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Setting Times And Dates For File Names

Feb 16, 2012

Im using VB to set default dates and times for the file names when a form is saved through InfoPath, this is what I have so far:


This works but i need to format it to this:

ddmmyyy and hhmmss

I need zero's before single characters as if its only a single character then it only displays 1 eg if its 9 in the morning it'll display 9 rather than 09 and i need 09.

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VS 2008 Setting A Primary Key And Changing The Names Of Some Fields On Database File?

Aug 5, 2011

Lets say we have an Access file in a well known path (i.e. "C:MyFolderMyFile.mdb"). That file does not have a primary key set on the table we are interested in . Is it possible to set one of the fields as a primary key (for example the "ID" field , which is also an AutoNumber data) ? And one more thing : I'd like to change the name of a field on that table . For example , lets say there is a field called "My Field 1" (note the space characters) and we want it to be renamed as "My_Field_1" . If it's possible , I'd like both these changes to be permanent in the data base file itself , not just in the imported DataSet ,

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Binary File - Setting Width And Height Variables Into Array

Apr 14, 2011

I am working with binary files that have 500 rows and 500 columns (width x height). When I load these files into array I set width and height variables to 500 and I was wondering instead of hard-coding like that how I can code in a way that the program should find the # of rows and # of columns of the file before loading the file into array...

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Multithreading: Reading/setting Variables, And Passing Variables?

Mar 8, 2011

Question 1: What is the difference between "Background Worker" and "Worker Pool" as indicated within the MSDN samples provided.

Question 2: I noticed while using, AddressOf _Function_, variables cannot be passed; what would be an efficient solution to this?

Question 3: While using multithreading is it required to invoke before setting variables, or only form properties?

Question 4: While using System.Net.Sockets is it safe/efficient to use Application.DoEvents while waiting for new data; or would be using a Do While loop be fine without DoEvents since the action would be multithreaded? Note: there can be up to 2000-3000 sockets in use at a time.

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Setting Variables To Store User Setting For Applications

Feb 13, 2012

In our projects we use setting variables to store user setting for the applications. Moreover, with every latest version of the applications, we upgrade these variables to retain user settings.Normally, this works fine, but recently one of my end user reported an error i.e.Configuration System failed to initialize". The error is related to user.config file. Therefore we requested the user to send us his file.After received the folder, we noticed that it contains 3 files (3begfjb.newcfg,3begfjb.tmp and user. config). 3begfjb.tmp is an empty file, while 3begfjb.newcfg and user.config are identical files. We tried to open these files but the data in user.config isn't proper xml rather its unreadable formatted file.Do any you guys had experienced this sort of issue or any ideas how and what may have created these files and corrupted user.config file.

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Set Variable Names With Variables

Apr 29, 2009

I am looping through a collection of items. Within that loop I need to set variables but they need to be a variable. I tried using lists but for some reason they don't get set properly. Heres what I have so far...


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Using Variables In Control Names

Oct 11, 2011

I would like loop through control names at run time. Is it possible to do something like the following:


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Using Variables In Label Names?

Dec 25, 2009

I have a series of labels to modify through a loop. here's an example of the code i need to modify

lbl1.forecolor =

lbl2.forecolor = ...

I need to iterate the lbl number each time through the loop as the color value will change from label to label.Clueless on how to do so with a loop vs the "long" way of doing code for each separate label. I have 169 to modify each time I change input so I'd rather not unless I have to

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Creating Variable Names From Other Variables?

May 20, 2010

how do I DIM a variable's name using previously declared string varialbes? I have been using PERL for processing data stored in text files but I now have a business need to use VB2008. I would like to do something like this:

dim name1 as string = "ABCD"
dim name2 as string = "123"

'here is the part that I don't know how to do - create a 3rd variable name concatenated from name1 and name2:

dim string.concat({name1,name2}), or maybe use a counter in a line like 'dim namex as string' with x being a counter value.

Essentially I want to dim variables using text strings extracted from a file. In PERL I have declared literals and arrays, such as 'my @$name1', which creates an array named with the contents of $name1. In VB2008 I am not sure how to make this work with the DIM statement.

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Grouping String Variables With Their Names?

Dec 13, 2010

I am trying to reduce the amount of code I have and make it more maintainable and flexible. (I.E Do it the right way). I have a bunch of (48) Form controls (text boxes) and when I click next on that form I save all their text values to some 48 global string variables. The names of these variables are the same as the Text Boxes but with "_saved" appended to them.

For any given operation instead of having a separate line for each control it's nice to just use a loop. I can easily write some code to operate on each Control (set visibility, enabled etc) by using Me.Controls and a For Each Loop. I can even make collections of fractional groups of the 48 controls. For example, If"sometext") collection.add or perform some other operation only on that subgroup etc.

I'd like to do something similar with my Saved Public String Variables. For example I would like to do the following loop somehow but don't know how to group Variables together and keep their name in a way where I can define that array or collection on 1 line or just a couple lines.

' But this next line only groups the values
Group_of_string_Variables = {Var1, Var2, Var3, Var4}
For Each Name_of_String_Variable In Group_of_string_variables


But I can not access the name of a variable or find a way to easily group in key/value 48 different ones without needing much more than 50 lines of code to make either a 2-dim array, a collection, or a hash.

I'm sure someone will tell me I should be doing it a completely different way. That would be ok as long as I don't have to change too much of my other code. I thought of making an object of some kind instead of a variable so I could access 2 object properties- name and value then I could group those objects in a collection as I have done before. But that seems like it would be many more lines of code and I'm not sure it would work.

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Using Variables Inside Object Names?

Oct 6, 2008

This is my first post here at Xtreme VB Talk. I just started programming 2 semesters ago. I am currently working on a program but I am having a little trouble with the length. I am trying to take the integer entered in a text box and using it inside the name of another object.


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VS 2008 Using Variables In Object Names?

Jun 18, 2009

project i'm working on for school. Need to make a grade calculator thing but I'm trying to make my code more efficient.

This is what I have at the moment:
txtID.Text = ListBox1.SelectedIndex
txtFname.Text = namesarr(ListBox1.SelectedIndex, 0)


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Setting Names To Rows In DataGridView Control?

Oct 12, 2011

VB.Net's DataGridView supports naming columns, but I was wondering if it could somehow do the same for rows, so that we could use something like this:

With DataGridView1
.Rows(0).Name = "Setting1"


Do you confirm that it's not possible and we must use numeric indexes to refer to row numbers?

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Reload Form Again To Read New Texts Names And Mainmenu Items Names From Resx File?

Nov 9, 2005

I made project using VB.Net 2005 with multi languages, the first form is MDIParent form with MainMenu and toolbars also there is some changes in properties as righttoleft and text of forms.In my Mainmenu (Menustrip) there is opetion to change the UI Culture and I have already done but I need to change all texts in the form as mainmenu items anf form properties.My quetion is: how can I reload my form again to read the new texts names and mainmenu items names from resx file?

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Setting Variables In A Module?

Mar 7, 2011

I declare a variable as FRIEND in a Module. Then I instantiate that variable in a Sub in the Module. After the Sub runs, when I try to access that Variable, it is always NULL (Nothing).

Module MODULE_Main
Friend MyClass1 As Class1
Friend Sub Main()


How do I get MyClass1 to persist, meaning how do I get access to that variable outside of the Sub that instantiates it?

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Setting Private Variables From Datetimepicker?

Apr 3, 2010

I thought I had this figured out because it presented no errors, but when i tried to run it, I got this exception error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I am trying to set two private variables:

Private mdatStart As DateTime
Private mdatEnd As DateTime

I need to set these dates from a datetimepicker (dtpPickup, dtpReturn), but I don't now how to set it. I have tried using:

Private mdatStart As DateTime = New Date(dtpPickup.Value.Year, dtpPickup.Value.Month, dtpPickup.Value.Day)
'Private mdatEnd As DateTime = New DateTime(dtpReturn.Value.Year,


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Quick Technique Of Setting / Saving Variables

Dec 26, 2011

I know this is a VB.Net messageboard, but it can work with in all languages. Is there a quick way to complete a line (sample code):
//Setting variables set 1
a = e;
b = f;
c = g;
d = h;

//Saving changes set 2
e = a;
f = b;
g = c;
h = d;
without having to type everything out...A technique using EXCEL or Notepad....Find and Replace. This would save a lot of time coding and becomes pain in the butt when you working with many variables.

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Use Variables For Setting 'From' Property In Net.Mail.MailMessage?

Oct 6, 2010

.From = New MailAddress("", "Big Mike")This does not;

Dim AddressFrom As String = ""
Dim FromDisplayName As String = "Big Mike"
.From = New MailAddress(AddressFrom , FromDisplayName)

I receive the error; The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.I would REALLY like to use variables here so that I can read these two pieces of data from My.Settings. I've been searching for the answer for hours and I'm stumped.

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Setting Global Variables Within Web Project On Login And Set Expiry Time

Dec 1, 2011

I'm developing a revised version of a system I have been using for years, but with all the advantages of .NET features that were not around when I first made this. It's proving a steep learning curve! So, when a user logs in through my Login.aspx page which simply compares username/password to Database record, the system creates a session variable containing the user's Username and various other things. There are two type of variable which will be common to all elements of this system
User Specific data, Username, Permissions, etc

Setting variables, drawn from a database of pre-set facilities which are setup within the system, some will determine which facilities work, how they work, and some will be dependent upon the User's permission. Obviously, I could set everything within the Session data, but that'd be inefficient wouldn't it? If I were to set these globally available variables in my App_Code, how would I go about setting this up so that, for example, those variables which require a database call, are set for the duration of the Logged-In session and do not require constant Database lookups? Further to that, those variables which are dependent on the session state, would need clearing on each LogOut. I am using VB.NET.

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XML To Variables - Setting Label To Equal Text Inside Tags

Jul 29, 2009

I have an xml document on the internet right. Lets say it contains:
What I want to do, is when the user clicks a button in my vb form it looks for the "tag" tag and finds the text inside the tags which is goose. Then it sets a label to equal goose, or whats in those tags.

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Forms :: Cross-thread Operation - Setting Up A Simple Application That Has 2 Variables?

Nov 18, 2011

I'm setting up a simple app that has 2 variables, one from a combobox and one from a textbox.Putting all my code directly in the button1_click sub works just fine, however, I wanted to add a marquee progress bar so I tried to implement a backgroundworker.


and call it with Me.Invoke(New SetComboBoxTextDelegate(AddressOf SetComboBoxText), ComboBox1.Text)but it still throws the Cross-thread operation invalid error.

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Error: "Upgrade Failed: Exception Occurred: Can't Use Character Device Names In File Names"

May 25, 2006

I am experiencing a problem when trying to convert a rather large VB6 application into a .Net 2005 application. Everytime I try to convert the project I get the following error: "Upgrade Failed: Exception occurred: Can't use character device names in file names"The weird thing is i have tried to convert the project using .Net 2003 and I do not get the error, it does convert.

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File I/O And Registry :: File System Object Does Not Allow Spaces In File Names

Feb 3, 2010

I am working on a VB Console Application that takes an Autocad drawing type DWG and converts it to a PDF using a shell command that calls a third party application. In this case, acmecadconverter.exe from Then the PDF that is created needs a unique watermark, so I call a second application for that called pdftk.exe from

Everything works as intended, except when I try file names that contain spaces. The file system object does not tolerate spaces in the drawing file name. For instance, the following command gives me a

My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile("Test Flowchart1.dwg", "Test~Flowchart1.dwg")

It's the same problem for all of my File System commands. Either file not found or invalid arguments.

The complete script I'm using is here:

Sub Main()
Dim arrArgs() As String = Command.Split(","), _
i As Integer, folderPath As String, myPart As String, _


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Display File Names Without File Path / Directoy?

Nov 17, 2009

I've got a setup where a ComboBox displays all files in a certain directory, but it shows each files path/directory, and it also shows the files format next to the file name (i.e. "filename.txt").

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File I/O And Registry :: Remove Spaces In File Names?

Mar 16, 2009

i need to be able to check files in a folder to check if any has spaces in there names and then remove the spaces.

So, Aero Vista.jpg will become AeroVista.jpg

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File System Object Does Not Allow Spaces In File Names?

Feb 4, 2010

I am working on a VB Console Application that takes an Autocad drawing type DWG and converts it to a PDF using a shell command that calls a third party application. In this case, acmecadconverter.exe from [URL]. Then the PDF that is created needs a unique watermark, so I call a second application for that called pdftk.exe from [URL]

Everything works as intended, except when I try file names that contain spaces. The file system object does not tolerate spaces in the drawing file name. For instance, the following command gives me a

My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile("Test Flowchart1.dwg", "Test~Flowchart1.dwg")

It's the same problem for all of my File System commands. Either file not found or invalid arguments.

The complete script I'm using is here:

Sub Main()
Dim arrArgs() As String = Command.Split(","), _
i As Integer, folderPath As String, myPart As String, _


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Writing Array Of File Names To Text File

Mar 11, 2010

I am attempting to gather a group of file names from a directory. I am able to do this. I tested the code by having the list populate into a listbox and all desired items were added to the list.

Here is my code:
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo(strPath)
Dim dir1 As IO.FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*.txt")
Dim dFiles As IO.FileInfo

However, a listbox is not my desired output. I am attempting to write these file names to a text file for purposes of then parsing the information to a datatable to compare with another datatable. How to get my filenames written to a textfile.

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Set The Column Names To The Same Values As Table Names Yet The Data Is Not Showing In Form Load?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a DataGridView which populates from an SQL query just fine in default mode

using these table names
[firstName] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
[lastName] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,


I have edited the column headers and set the column names to the same values as my table names yet the data is not showing in form load I have set datagridview.AutoGenerateColumns = False I know the data is there if I delete datagridview.AutoGenerateColumns = False then the data is shown with the default headings?

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File I/O - Getting Name Of Last File Of A Set Of Files With Similar Set Of Names

Feb 24, 2009

How do I get the name of the last file of a set of files with similar set of names? I have sets of files with the similar names beginning with the same characters such as: D1A2-1.jpg, D1A2-2.jpg, D1A2-3.jpg, and D1A2-4.jpg. The set keeps changing (by adding new files of the same set up to it). I want to get the name of the current last file, for example in the set above it should be D1A2-4.jpg. How can I do this in VB2005?

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