Show A Form From A Webpage?

May 29, 2009

I have a problem I am trying to solve in an elegant manner. I have a .net application that I have created. I am trying to get one of the forms to be shown from a webpage. This sounds strange I'll admit, so here is the backstory

We have some large monitors at work, that show information on them. I have no control over how the information is displayed. Currently they are just using a browser and tabbing in the browser to show each different piece of information on the screen. Most of the info they show is just standard html stuff, text and images.

Now along comes my winforms application. The part of the application I need to show is a graphical display. Everything on this display is drawn using GDI+, if that matters. I need to get this form into a format that I can show. Below is my own solution, but I am pretty sure this is not the best method, but it may be the only method I can use[code]...

I though about doing something with the clients, however the clients are not always up, so I could have periods where the image wouldnt be updated.

I also was thinking about an solution, but that would require me to learn, and I am not quite ready to take that challenge

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Show A Thumbnail Of A Webpage On A VB 2008 Form?

Jun 3, 2009

I need to show a thumbnail of a web page on a VB 2008 form. I have found a number of code snippets that mention something called an IViewObject which can apparently do what I need but the only examples are in C.

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Show Webpage With No URL Bar - Navigation Bar

Jan 26, 2011

I'm working on a web application and want to make it to where when someone puts in a url into the browser or when someone clicks on a shortcut, a new browser window is opened but there is no back or forward, no refresh, no navigation bar, etc. Does anyone know how to do this or if it's even possible? I just want the browser shell essentially.


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Show List Of Urls Instead Of Webpage ?

Aug 25, 2009

Here is the thing at the moment I have a list box and i have a text field I also have a drop down box so u can select which search angine to use

My problem is this when I type in the search Box it opens up my internet explorer and shows me in search there what I typed in my program

Instead I want my program to display list of urls in my list box.. this is what my cod looks like at the moment

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then


when I hit Go it will display list of urls in my list box no info just web url in list format

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How To Show Webpage Current Icon In PictureBox

Mar 23, 2009

How to show the webpage's current Icon (favIcon.ico) in a picture box. Just like the one's in ie and firefox next to the url textbox.

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Make Webbrowser Show Certain Position Of Webpage?

Aug 9, 2011

I have a web browser in and i want to make a chat box but the chat box is private source so i have to actually direct it to the site so what i am asking is how can i lock the web browser to the exact position of the chat box ?

So at the moment it loads the whole page i just want it to load to the position of the chat

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VS 2010 Show Webpage In A Windows Application?

Sep 16, 2010

Is there a .Net control I can use to display a web page from a vb.Net windows forms application?

I am writing an app that will produce a slide show from a specified directory. The idea is it will ideally include Images, Video clips (via Windows Media), URL's (held in a text file), PDF documents and power point presentations.

Images and media clips aren't an issue. At present I am looking at displaying specified web pages. I am aware that I can use


to open a browser window, but I want control of that as after a specified amount of time it needs to close so I can display the next image (media clip, url etc).

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Forms :: Show Specific Parts/lines Of A Webpage?

Jul 14, 2011

I am creating a simple researcher application to access and store data. As of today it workes by entering a number into a text field and hit enter/button. The result then shows up in a non-menu webbrowser window. What i would like it to do was to exclude the web browser window, and instead show in a popup window inside the application. This should be rather easy, here's what i think might be a problem. I want only to show specific lines from the webpage, not the whole page.

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Show Information From A Datagrid Cell To Show Up In A Text Box In Another Form

Jun 8, 2011

how do you show information from a datagrid cell to show up in a text box in another form, this is for a college project.

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Show Script Alertbox On Button Click Event In Webpage If Textbox1.text=""?

Dec 20, 2010

How to show javascript alertbox on button click event in webpage if textbox1.text="" ?

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Url - Open Webpage (or Snapshot Of Webpage) Into Another Webpage

Mar 10, 2010

i have an aspx page with back end. in that page i get names and url's from the database depending on different conditions. My requirement is that when i get the url, the code should then use that url and have that webpage in a small preview form on my existing aspx page. so basically i have a table as follows -


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Communicate .net Form From Webpage?

Apr 24, 2011

I do not know how to communicate form with a webpage, meaning that when I send a data string, then the results shown on the form, so the webpage of the server sends the data string to form

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How To Display Webpage On Form

Jun 11, 2009

I am having a issue when navigating to a URL that requires the user to log-in before proceeding. The system we are logging into takes care of going to the log-in page and then back to the page I specified. But when I navigate (webbrowser.navigate = ...) to the web page it locks up the form until the method is complete. But I want to wait in that method until after the user logs in and then the window is redirected, and I want to make sure they got there. I am going to need to do this multiple times during the program. Is there another method I should use? I would prefer to use the embedded web window in VB2005.

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Connect Form To Webpage (Sockets )?

Jan 16, 2011

I am new to (2010) and am working on a project that has to send information from a client application form to a php-based web page.

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Downloading Files Form A Webpage?

Oct 31, 2010

Here is this code of the webpage:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">


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Form Controls Linked To Webpage?

Jun 7, 2011

One section of my latest project idea involves linking several form controls to the Google map (distance calculating section), which is area I'm not familiar with.

What I would like to achieve is following: (VB2010) I would like to link two combo boxes on my form to Google map (Start Address and End Address)as well as two labels representing distance & ETA time to Google map (Suggested route, option No.1, highlighted section).

As soon as user select values from combo drop downs on my form, code performs search trough Google web page and return values to my labels on a form. At the same time database would be populated with a same search values (Start Address, End Address, Distance in Km and ETA time)

Link to a web page seems to be a very common request within community members but I did not find anything similar to what I would like to do, so it makes me think that my project idea is going to be" hard bone". I do not need Google web page displayed on my form in a split container or in any other way.

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Get Text From Webpage Into TextBox On My Form?

Sep 4, 2010

Im working on an app that will scrape addresses from

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Possible To View Windows Form Through Webpage?

Apr 20, 2010

I have written an application that lets me track work crews as they move from one job site to another. It runs on my local computer as a windows form. The form displays labels with the job site and crew names on them. The application is written using 2003. What I would like to do is see what is displayed on that form from another computer in a different office. Is there a way that I can use a web page to display what is on the windows form?

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Pressing Button On A Webpage Form?

Nov 29, 2006

How would I press a button on a web page form that is on the browser that is in my app. Wear is a good place to start learning about interacting with web pages that are in my app.

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Use To Fill Out A Form On A Webpage Automatically?

Feb 26, 2010

just looking for more information really as tutorials on the net seem to be lacking on this one. What would you use to fill out a form on a web page automatically? what syntax?

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Webpage Form Input Automation?

Oct 5, 2011

I have a list of data which needs to be inputted into many different fields on a webpage. usually about 1000 or so and i am trying to automate this using but i couldn't find a better solution than using appactivate and sendkeys. this solution definitely isn't very accurate and reliable.

is there another, better way of accomplishing this?is there a way to find certain input fields on a webpage, set focus to it and input data in a more reliable way? the way i have it written at the moment is appactivate and tab to certain fields and input data using sendkeys.

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Building Webpage Out Of User Inputs Off A Form

Jun 25, 2009

I was trying to find examples of how one would make a webpage using asp so that I could have the visitor enter information on a form and then when they hit submit it will be attached to my webpage indefintaly and any visitor can view it.

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Forms :: Display Particular Portion Of Webpage In Form?

Feb 21, 2010

Was trying to make a little project which will login to a site. The problem i am facing is with the captcha code display..

Was searching around to get the captcha to the form directly but didn't found anything useful.

So my question is how to display only the area of the captcha on the form instead of the complete form.

Like suppose I want to display only the portion where the logo of Visual Basic .NET Forums - The Exclusive VB.NET Community is located instead of complete webpage.

Application using : VS 2008

Answer expected for : VB 2008 or C#

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VS 2010 Downloading Files Form A Webpage?

Jan 27, 2011

Here is this code of the webpage:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>File List</title>


What I am wanting to do is create a program that will load up a page (it is password protected) and get the links out of any files that I need to download. The green text is the text that contains the link and will be repeated for every file.One little thing is that there are multiple pages that are accessed through JavaScript with the code highlighted in red. So, I also need to step through the pages and get a list of all files on subsequent pages.

Everytime I run this program, it will get a list of all files and only download the ones that aren't already downloaded. However, I have never done this before and was wondering what I need.I have accessed the source of pages and parsed it for things like links before, but not sure if that is the optimal way or if there is some other way to handle this particular situation easier, especially since I have multiple pages to deal with and JavaScript.

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Mdi Form And Show Form - Error "Form That Is Already Visible Cannot Be Displayed As A Modal Dialog Box"

Jan 26, 2010

I'm new in .Net and I have an application with windows form "LOGIN" When users enter the user and password and click "ok", then if user passes validation then I have the code Show(MDIMainMenu) (I'm trying to open an mdi form), but I receive the following error: "Form that is already visible cannot be displayed as a modal dialog box. Set the form's visible property to false before calling Show. Error Number 5"


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Check When Webpage Loaded And Fill In Form Within Loop

May 31, 2011

I am making this program that has a loop that goes to a website and fills in a form within the loop. But first, here is my code thus far

Dim message As String = TextBox3.Text
Dim loopnumber As Integer = TextBox4.Text 'makes the necessary variables
Dim browser As New WebBrowser
Dim url As String
[Code] .....

But what happens is that the loop runs a few times then it errors on the setattribute line (line 19 above) with
NullRefrenceException was unhandled
And I have a feeling that it is not loading the page fully before it tries to fill in the form.

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Click On Webpage Htmlelement / Link Through Form With Web Browser?

Jan 26, 2010

I tried several samples on the forums I can not get it to click.

For Each element As HtmlElement In WebBrowser1.Document.Links[code]...

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Convert Graphic On A Form To Bitmap Or Something Else I Can Post On A Webpage?

Apr 13, 2010

I designed a complicated graphic that draws on a Visual Basic screen. But how can I transfer the image to a bitmap or some other format that I can post on the Internet? I've tried the XAML editor in Microsoft Expression Web but people don't like downloading Silverlight, at least that's what they tell me.

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Navigating Through WebPage, Submit Form, Extract Files?

Mar 4, 2011

I am trying to create a executable that on opens:

-Navigates to a webpage
-Fills in the login Form
-Submits the form


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Multiple Forms - Declare And Instantiate Second Form On Program Start - Use Button Simply To Show Form?

Jan 14, 2010

I have a program that uses two forms. The program opens to the Main form, and the user can navigate to the other form from the Main form through use of a button. Here's the way I've currently written it: When the Main form loads, it declares and instantiates the other form during the load procedure. When the user presses a button, the second form is displayed by means of the ShowDialog method. On the second form, there is a Return to Main Screen button which closes the second form, bringing the user back to the Main form.

So, here's the structure of the code:

Public Class frmMainForm

Dim frmSecondForm As New SecondForm

Private Sub btnSecondForm_Click(blah, blah, blah) Handles blah, blah, blah


Here's my reasoning: Originally, I wrote the code so that a new instance of the second form was created every time the button was pressed. The problem was that whatever data was displayed on the second form, previously, was lost when the user returned to it a second time. Since the user would be switching back and forth between these forms, frequently, I needed that data to persist.

What is the best practice for accomplishing this:

1) Declare and instantiate the second form on program start, as I have done, and use the button simply to show the form?

2) Declare and instantiate the second form each time the button is pressed but maintain the variables on the Main form and pass them ByRef to a custom constructor for the second form? Is this even possible?

3) Something else?

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