Status Of A "book" In A System

Apr 24, 2012

here's the situation, im implementing a Library Management System. i have a form "Issue of books" and in the users form, i want the system to recognize the Status of a book in the Library system. whether the book is available or rented.

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Load Data (Book) To Text Box When User Just Enter The Book Code?

Oct 28, 2009

how to load data (Book) to text box when user just enter the book code?how to load data (student) to text box when user just enter the student id?how to write the code when user click the save button , the book quantity(Book) will reduce 1 and the all the data in textbox will save in database(Issue)the interface is like


the database is show at


the code is

Public Class frmIssue
Dim dt As New DataTable()
Dim rowIndex As Integer = 0
Dim rowIndex1 As Integer = 0


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Execution Based On System Idle Status

Oct 13, 2011

I am in the process of developing an application for one of my clients. I am not going into the details of the applications, but brief facts of the same. The application is divided into two tiers (actually three, but the third tier is the database (SQL SERVER) so that is not included). The top tier (or first tier) is a web application (ASP.NET) where the users shall log into the system and use the application. This web application will also access the Database directly. One important activity the users shall do is uploading excel files with various information to the server. Web Application once the upload is successful shall enter the details in the in Database about the upload along with an ID and save the excel file at a location in the server.The Second tier is a VB.NET Application which will run in the server. The application will connect the database and retrieve the list of excel file uploaded by the web application and start processing one excel file after another based on ID. The processing that will be done is very simple: read the excel file, check for certain parameters, do some calculations and insert the whole details into the database. (say some 100 records per excel file)

The server in which the VB.NET Application (Second tier) runs is hosting a serious of services and application which shall run simultaneously including the Database (SQLSERVER), web server. The Database also host tables and database for various other applications. In order to help in the smooth functioning of the system, it has been decided that the VB.NET shall do the processing activity only when the server is idle (including CPU usage is idle). I have searched the Net and found API to get the system Idle status. But the real question is how to pause the processing activity when the system switch from idle mode and continue when it is again back to idle mode. Please note that I am talking about system being idle because no other application is executing any activity except the VB.NET Application.

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System Timer - Checking Message Status?

Jun 9, 2010

I have application that use MSSQL database. Application have module that is using for sending messages between application users. When one user send message to another I insert message in database, and set message status to 1( after user read message database I update and set message status to 0). Now, I am using system.timers.timer for checking message status, and if message status 1 user get alert that he has one message inbox. The problem is that this application can be used by many users, and if timer run ever 5 minutes this gone slow application and database.

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VS 2008 System.Net.Socket Connection Status?

Dec 8, 2009

im trying to detect if the connection is still active upon trying to send or receive anything. Now I have checks in place if it's connected then it will send or receive however... it's saying it's connected when it is not connected... and therefore my program tries to send and receive and errors.

I am determining if it is ok to send and receive by using the Socket.Poll(-1, SelectMode.SelectWrite)

if it's true then im connected and data can be passed..This seems to always be true until I send something and it fails..How can I catch the socket not being connected before it fails upon sending or receiving?

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Create An Icon In The System Tray As Status For Num-lock?

Jan 12, 2010

I am trying to create an icon in the system tray as status for num-lock, caps-lock, and scroll-lock, because my keyboard that came with my computer does not have status lights on the keyboard, and only on the system tray.

The program however that came with it, does not like to work when I have some games open and stuff, it works usually in IE, and most other programs, but some programs just seem to interfere with it.

I have made a new program on a 1 mili-second timer for the 3 and it seems to work just fine in the application, I was wondering now if I could move that over to the system tray and make it look like the one that came with computer, it has 3 different icons, and the icon changes for on/off and has a tooltip status change on mouse-over showing status of on/off.

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Get System Date From SQL Server To Status Strip With Timer Control

Dec 15, 2011

How can I get SQL Date and time into statusstrip with timeer control

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VS 2005 Using A Status Strip To Notify The User About The Status?

Sep 1, 2009

Here is my insert statement:


Now for a succesful insertion i want to notify the user about a successful save operation.....i.e,i want to display a message "Successful Save Operation"to the user. How to do this using the Status Strip?

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Status Bar With The Current Browser Status Text?

Mar 20, 2009

I've got the code to display the current browser status text in the status bar but i want it to display the name of my web browser aswell. Example: - (Name of Webbrowser)

He is my code for the displaying staus text.
Private Sub webBrowser1_StatusTextChanged( _
ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
Handles webBrowser1.StatusTextChanged


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VS 2008 Getting Status Of "system.diagnostics.process.start"

Aug 11, 2009

I'm using system.diagnostics.process to launch a web page in the browser: system.diagnostics.process.start("http://........").

It works well. My question is how to get a return value? What if the browser has failed to launch the address or I'm not connected to internet? Can I catch it by any return value?

View 3 Replies - If Status=false Then Update Should Change To Insert And If Status=true Then Update Should Be Update Itself?

Jul 3, 2009

I have a gridview in which when I click edit, update, and cancel button comes. I have a variable named status. If status=false then update should change to insert and if status=true then update should be update itself.

<asp:TemplateField >
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkEdit" runat="server" CommandName="Edit" Text="Edit">


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Linq To SQL Book?

Jan 27, 2011

I'm looking for a book that is pretty much A-Z for LINQ programming from Visual Basic. I am particularly interested in LINQ to SQL. I've found "Programming Microsoft LINQ in Microsoft .NET Framework 4" and while its description sounds interesting, there is no discussion on the book at all . Do any of you have any experience with this book? If so, what do you think of it?

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Looking For A Book On Hooking

Feb 16, 2010

I have been working on a project for some time now and I am stuck. I am trying to sense when a navigation software speaks so i can mute the volume of everything else on the computer.

my problem is that i cant properly sense the audio of the software. i am using windows 7 and i have done a good amount of research, but i have not come up with an answer.

i am almost positive that i need to intercept the win32api call of the software to trigger the mute that i will use. i dont know how to do this, all the information i can find that is even close to this subject is for 98, nt and 2k.

does anyone know of any books (or websites) that contain information on this subject?

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Propositions For .net Book?

Sep 30, 2009

I just wonder that somone can give me propositions for some good books to learn / VB2008.. I know the basics.. So I think of not a book like for dummies.. Just something more a step forward for new things to learn.

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VB Book Recommendations

Aug 2, 2009

I was wondering what books/items you guys would recommend to read in regards to VB programming and/or programming in general.

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What Is Best ADO.NET 4.0 Book For Beginners

Mar 2, 2011

i am searching a good book to learn ADO.NET 4.0,book should be excellent technical overview with practical examples,I want to learn ADO.NET Where should I start?

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C# Book Or Resource For .Net Developers?

Feb 16, 2010

What I'm Not looking for:Now, just to be clear, i'm not looking for VB6 to C#.Net content, as i know there are a few of those out there.Also, I know about that "syntaxconversion table" website, where it compares VB.Net to C# language features in a side by side table. I am not interested in this either, already know about it.I'm also not looking for a converter, which converts C# code to VB.Net and visa versa, i know there are a few websites which do this and already have the addresses.Finally, I'm not looking for a C# book or resource that caters to current programmers, but specifically to VB.Net programmers!

What I Am looking for:To learn C# (VS2008 or preferably VS2010 version) given that i already know VB.Net 10.0 (VS2010)... as there are many things related to .NET that i won't have to learn again if i can find something that will leap me from to c#, many bits of the CLR, how .NET works etc... since the languages are the same in what they do, and what they use to do them, i don't want to have to re-learn all this again. The only difference is really the syntax, but also how the C# language differs in dealing with certain things, what default expectations/behaviours are in various scenarios etc...

The set of differences and similarities between C# and VB.Net are so unique that neither of these languages likely could share this unique set/combination of differences and similarities with any other language. So my point is, it really needs to be C# for VB Developers oriented, otherwise it'll almost cetainly be inappropriate or a re-hashing!

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Getting Address Book Error

Aug 16, 2010

The problem is in the line that contains the part is underlined. When I backspace over the save, it gives me the options of what can go there and save isnt one of them. I am coping this out of a book.[code]...

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Good ASP / SQL Program Book?

Apr 21, 2010

I am starting off in the .NET world and wanted to know what a great beginner book would be that would explain how to use, vb and SQL.

I hear "Learning Visual Basic" is a good series but wanted to see if there were anymore out there.

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Run VB Dot Net Project On Apple (Mac) Book?

Oct 19, 2009

Is it possible to run vb dot net project on Apple (Mac) Book.

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Which Version/book To Start?

Nov 9, 2009

I have the vb books of 2005. Should I buy some new books ? Should I start with vb latest versions?

I'm starting as a self-learner and a little bid advanced learner. Few months later my university will start it.

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A Good Book For Learning Program?

Mar 9, 2010

I am really interested in learning VB .net, but I don't really know where to start. Could anyone recommend a good book or website to start learning.

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Address Book Program VB 2008?

Jul 28, 2010

May I expose my "small" problem?Here, i'm following a course in my University, called Introduction to Programming, there are only beginners in our class. i'm also a newbie, to say so.And some stupid students were not paying attention so he gave us a crazy assignment for Friday 30th.This is what his assignment consists in. I have created a PDF file from his requirements and some samples of Code.[url]

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Book For Learning MS Chart Control?

Mar 23, 2009

Is there a book for learning the microsoft windows form chart control?

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C# - Search For A Word In A Book Programmatically?

Jul 29, 2009

I need to develop an application that can search through a book and list out all the pages and lines that contain a given keyword. For books that are split up in some other way, such as a bible which is split up by chapter and verse; they would be able to search for all verses that contain a certain keyword. Or alternatively, search within certain chapters and verses for a keyword. What format should I store the book into? Should it be stored into a SQL database? What format would be easiest for searching as opposed to easiest for storage?

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Forms :: An Assignment For A Grade Book?

Apr 11, 2011

Suppose a teacher has five students who have taken four tests. The teacher uses the following grading scale to assign a letter grade to a student, based on the average of his or her four test scores.

Test Score Letter Grade
90-100 A
80-89 B


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Get Address Book From Yahoo Mail Through NET?

Jan 6, 2010

I need to get friends list (from address book) from Yahoo Mail. How can I do do this in VB.NET?

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Get Any Best Tutorial , Book / Site To Learn ADO Net?

Feb 12, 2010

Can i get any best tutorial/Book/site to learn ADO.Net

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How To Create Simple Address Book

May 20, 2010

How to create an address book in visual basic? I have the VB2008 express. Just a simple one. FirstName, LastName and Phone. I should be able to add from there. The resulting file could be an excel based or text file. I do not have Microsoft Access at home.

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Recommend A Good VB 2010 Book?

Dec 29, 2011

Can anyone recommend a good VB book that will teach functions, file IO, arrays, recursion etc. A lot of the ones I have looked at are very basic I started Sam teach yourself VB 2010 in 24hrs but a lot of it didn't relate to what we do in college.

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