Sub Main() With WinApp Messes With Variables?

Jan 8, 2011

I'm having some problems with a Windows Application where I have deselected the application framework to be able to use Sub Main().I want to use Sub Main() because then I can do some things without showing any graphic interface to the user. Things such as automatic update and checking if another instance of the application is running.After checking these things, I execute these lines to run my application: Dim frmMain As New frmMain() Application.Run(frmMain)

I need to run it this way or else the application will close when Sub Main() ends. The Application.Run keeps the application alive until I exit the main thread.However, this causes some problems with a variable, no information can be saved into it, I don't know if it affects any other variables as I haven't noticed it. However, I save a string to the variable and then when trying to compare it, the variable is string.empty.Could it be Application.Run which is messing things up? Should I do frmMain.Show() and keep the application running with some sort of WaitUntilExit?

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Main Differences Between Properties And Variables?

Jun 25, 2011

Why use simple properties instead of fields in C#?

If I have a class, does it matter if I use a Variable instead of a Property? I mean, unless I need something to run during the get/set time period, does it really matter?

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Provide Variables From Main To All Other Classes?

Oct 18, 2009

I have a need to provide mouse coordinates and click details to the sub-classes of an application. The details are stored in a typed variable in the main class, as they are not processed when the event occurs.

What is the correct way of getting the classes to refer to variables in the parent class that instigated them? I realise this is not standard practise, but at this stage in the project I am converting code from a procedural language and need to do this as an intermediary step. Using the mouse events is also not possible, as this is a DirectX-oriented real-time program, and some things still have to be processed procedurally. They have to be stored via the event and then processed manually.

I may have dozens of instances of the classes, so distributing the mouse data every time it changes is not a good option. Ideally, the class should be able to retrieve the data when it needs it.

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Sub Main In A Project-static And Global Variables

May 17, 2009

I try to create a sub main in a project but i can not.I have create a module called Module 1 and inside i have created a Main Sub which is intended to creta a thesaurus_form class instance , like this Code: Module module 1Public Sub Main()Dim thesaurus_form2= New Thesaurus_formEnd SubEnd module.Instead of this, once it has cretaed a first instance of the thesaurus_form class, it creates another one what i dont want at all..How can i do do make it execute the code which is inside the thesaurus_form_load sub..I also can not create a global variable or a staitc variable, because i receive this message.static is not valid in a member variable declaration.

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Windows Service To WinApp Communication?

Apr 11, 2010

I've created a windows service application. i've also created a windows forms application that can automatically control the service ie. start, stop, install,uninstall, timer property change...... however all this is only one sided, ie i'm passing information from WinApp to WinService.

What i wanna know are ways to get the service to pass variables values from the service to the Application.....

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Current Frame From Swf Running File In Winapp?

Oct 29, 2009

Current frame from Swf running file in Winapp?

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Get The Vb Random Function - Basic Winapp Application

May 13, 2010

I must say I don't get the vb Random function. Try making a basic winapp application, but a button named Button1 and a few (around 10) labels on the form. Then add the following to the forms codebehind:

Public Class Form1

Public Function RollDize(ByVal iDize As Integer) As Integer

Dim iRes As Integer


Now, if you click the button, you will see that all the labels get the same number. However, if you step through the code in debug, the numbers are random.

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Playing A Wav Too Fast Messes Up?

Dec 12, 2011

I'm recreating an old 16 bit game. I'm creating the chat normally displayed at the bottom.Each sentence transitions in character-by-character.Every time a character is added, I wanted to have it make that little bleep noise. I've got a wav file that contains a short 'blip' that sounds just right, problem is, when I have it do the blip every time, it usually messes up.

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Rtf To Txt Conversion Messes Up The Text Files?

Jul 30, 2009

small but huge conversion problem i am facing.. i have this code to convert an entire folder from text to rtf and it works swell.then i have this code to convert rtf to text, and that is where the problem is:

Dim sourcePath As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(tfcrtfdir.Text) 'rtf selected folder
Dim targetPath As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(tfctxtdir.Text) 'txt selected folder


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VS 2008 OpenFileDialog Messes Up Database?

Jul 18, 2009

The problem I am running into is the OpenFileDialog box. I am allowing the user to pick an image and I want to save the image location into a column in the database(this isn't the problem), I know how to get the image location and save it...The main problem is this. Each time I open up the "OpenFileDialog box" and choose an image, it remembers the last location used, but after the image is chosen, the program looks at the images location as the spot the database is...To sum this up: Each time I use the "OpenFileDialog" and choose an image, the program looks at the images location for the database instead of in the "Debug folder" (which is were I put the database) So i end up getting an error that it can't find the database. Everything usually worked fine until I used the "OpenFileDialog"...

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VS 2010 Combobox And Database Messes Up Form?

May 14, 2010

In my Thesaurus application, I use a combobox as a lookup for keywords. On the bottom of the form I have a datagridview that displays the synonyms for the currently selected keyword. The problem I'm having is that whenever I have selected a keyword that has synonyms, or in other words, whenever a keyword is selected that populates the datagridview, and at the same time I try to close the form or remove the keyword my form gets messed up.

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RDLC Render Report Messes Up Date Format

Feb 17, 2011

I have an error when converting a text string to date, I've tried all the date conversions I can think of and still get the same error (cdate, date.parse and Convert.ToDateTime) this happens after I export an RDLC report to a PDF. As you can see in the below code, there are 2 identical variables called newDate1 and newDate2, one being declared before the render and the other being declared after the render. The first one works no problem but the second one I get the error: Conversion from string "16/02/2011" to type 'date' is not valid. This now becomes a program wide error and affects every date conversion done in the program, this problem remains until the program is restarted.

In short: CDate converts MM/DD/YYYY no problem, but after a PDF export it tries to convert to DD/MM/YYYY which gives an error

Public Function ExportPDFReport(ByVal ReportPath As String) As String

Dim newDate1 As Date = CDate("16/02/2011")

Dim bytes As Byte() = uxReportViewerRDLC.LocalReport.Render("PDF")


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VS 2008 - Bunch Of Errors - Main Login Box And Then Fail To Show The Main Screen

Jul 28, 2009

My app works fine on the development machine and 3 other machines. However, some machines just show the main login box and then fail to show the main screen. There is no error message. I installed VS 2008 express on on of such machines and when i compile the project, the following errors appear:

Type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application' is not defined.
Type 'dao.DBEngine' is not defined.


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VS 2008 - Take A String Of Variables With A Common Delimiter And Break It All Back Out Into Separate Variables

Dec 11, 2011

Last year (2010) I came across a FANTASTIC command that allowed me to take a string of variables with a common delimiter and break it all back out into separate variables (possibly an array) with one statement.


As long as the delimiter was a unique specifiable character, this one-statement command could break it out into elements. my memory and point me in the right direction.

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Passing Multiple Byref Variables / Variables Fail To Change Calling Funct W/ Invoke

Sep 27, 2010

I have code, shown below, that works all except for 1 thing: The variables being passed byRef get passed, but once modified in the else section of the "if me.invokerequired" code of RecordData, the variables are never updated in the calling function. To reiterate, the calling function does not receive the updated data that is in the variables custid and amt.When debugging, I see the data change in the else section of "if me.invokerequired", but once it returns from the callback the data is missing.[code]

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Define Some Global Variables Of A Class - Variables Occupy Memory?

Mar 23, 2012

I define some global variables of a class as follows:

Private Class MyClass
Private var1 as Decimal
Private list1 as List(Of string)[code].....

But I found that after this form is closed, all above variables, var1, list1, list2 still exist in memory. I thought they should be collected by gc since the form is already disposed as I confirmed.

Add: I have monitored half an hour after the form is closed. But these variables are not collected by gc. I have an automatic update procedure on the form which uses above variables.Since the above variables still hold values, the automatic update procedure is always called which causes exception. (One quick fix is to check if form.isDisposed in update procedure. But I do not think this is elegeant. Besides, these variables occupy memory.)

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Memory Used In Declaring Variables Are Reclaimed By The OS When These Variables Go Out Of Scope?

Jan 7, 2010

Does the memory used in declaring variables are reclaimed by the OS when these variables go out of scope?Does the memory used be released by setting thier value to nothing? if not, then how can I force the garbage collector to run or excecute at a certain/desired time..How about in Windows Forms..How can we make sure that the memory used in initializing and showing forms be released if those forms were closed?

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Multithreading: Reading/setting Variables, And Passing Variables?

Mar 8, 2011

Question 1: What is the difference between "Background Worker" and "Worker Pool" as indicated within the MSDN samples provided.

Question 2: I noticed while using, AddressOf _Function_, variables cannot be passed; what would be an efficient solution to this?

Question 3: While using multithreading is it required to invoke before setting variables, or only form properties?

Question 4: While using System.Net.Sockets is it safe/efficient to use Application.DoEvents while waiting for new data; or would be using a Do While loop be fine without DoEvents since the action would be multithreaded? Note: there can be up to 2000-3000 sockets in use at a time.

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Use Variables Or Properties, And Global Or Static Variables In A Class?

Jun 9, 2012

I'm new in .NET programming.I have a class Form1 that includes Button1_Click event.Button1_Click creates a multiple Text Boxies at run time)Here is the class:

Public Class Form1
Dim shiftDown As Integer
Dim counter As Integer


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Error 3 'Sub Main' Is Declared More Than Once In 'SystemInformation': SystemInformation.Program.Main()

Jun 14, 2010

I have a solution with more than one project and the main project contains buttons to open forms from different projects that are in the same solution. Say Project1 is the main project and Project2 is the different project that gives the following error when i compile it:

Error 3 'Sub Main' is declared more than once in 'SystemInformation': SystemInformation.Program.Main(), SystemInformation.My.MyApplication.Main(Args() As String) System Information II

I have already seen other threads with this question but it does not work for me because i have more than one project.For Project2: Application Framework is disabled and the startup object is "SubMain".

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C# - Where Is The Main Function In .Net

Aug 31, 2011

I have taken over support of a VB.Net WinForms application. I am actually a c# developer and am more familiar with the setup of visual studio projects in c# projects. Now I am trying to determine why my application is crashing on a specific XP installation, and I read the suggestion here[URL] add a try catch block in the main function. This is suggested in about the 5th post from the bottom. (I will quote it below) However, if I look in the VB.Net visual studio project, I do not find a Main() procedure. What I do find is a grey folder called "My project" with a "Application.myapp" file inside it. This file has an associated designer file, but if I click on it I see the following xml:


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Main Differences Between VB And C#

Jan 17, 2011

what can C# do that VB.Net can't ? vs

main differences between visual basic and C# as well as the pros and cons between the two?

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Put Value That Got From Regedit And 'main.exe' Together

Mar 11, 2009

currectly i am making a launcher for my game now i was wondering how i put the value that i got from regedit and "main.exe" for example C:/games/fxmu/main.exe so full direction and application name.this i have to select the regedit and how i run the main.exe. [code]

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Start Up With Sub Main?

May 2, 2005

How do I start up with sub Main? I created a sub Main in a class. I clicked properties on my project. It provided a combobox of possible startup forms, but nowhere could I find an option to choose sub Main.

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Sub Main Not Found?

Jul 5, 2011

Visual Basic 2010.I just started learning visual basic (im an extreme beginner) and whenever i mess around with creating code, it always gives me this error: sub main () not found in (my projects name). I searched this error up and Microsoft said it was a bug.

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SUB MAIN Without ApplicationFramework?

Jul 16, 2010

I have a Class to start my Application.

Imports System.Security.Principal
Public Class MainStart
Public Shared Sub MAIN()


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VB Program Without Main?

Mar 9, 2012

Recently i bought the book by Troelsen about VB and the net and tried to run the programs e.g.:

Module Module1
Sub Main()


I had to add the first sub "Main" otherwise it would not run. Is it possible to do without that sub in the way member OLiver does in the examples he provides?

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VS 2008 Sub Main In VB6?

Mar 2, 2011

how solutions to the sub main that is in VB6. because there is no facility in VB.NET?

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WCF 'sub Main Not Found

May 10, 2011

After getting a test WCF hosted in a windows service, I'm trying for another one (practice, practice, practice). I created a WCF service library, added one function. Then created a Windows Service, and added my WCF to the project. Did the rest of the stuff located here ([URL]) Now I'm getting this "Sub Mian was not found in [WCF app]" error when I try to build the solution. I didn't think WCF projects required a Sub Main as they are services and not applications. What am I doing wrong? I didn't have a sub main in my last project.

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.net - Mono - Could Not Find A 'Sub Main' In ''

Apr 26, 2010

I started a new solution (with multiple projects) and am trying to get it to build. Initially I was getting an internal compiler error and thought maybe it had to do with MySql, so I removed all references to MySql. Now I am getting the error "Could not find a 'Sub Main' in ''". I have made sure that all of my projects have a Main subroutine like this:Public Shared Sub Main()End Sub2 out of the 7 projects will compile. I don't know what makes these projects different from the others, and the error message isn't very helpful. Any experience with this one?

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