TabControl: Show Tabs On Top Right And Left Side With Horizontal Text?

Sep 13, 2010

i use vs 2008. how do i make the tabs stay on the top right hand side and left hand side with horizontal lettering.

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Adding An Image To 1 Of The Tabs On A TabControl, Blocks My Tab's Text?

Dec 9, 2011

Using Visual Studio 2005 ( (windows forms) on Windows XP, I have a standard Microsoft TabControl.A button click adds/removes an image from 1 of the Tabs.Seems like the image is placed OVER my tab's text, making it unreadable.Why isn't it like it should be: Image on the left. Followed by text on the right.Why is the image being placed OVER my tab's text? Do I need to do some kind of "refresh" or "redraw" before it will appear as it should? I don't see any way to "make the image appear on the left edge of the tab". (NOT the tab-page.) ... and then place the text just to the right of the image. (Just like a normal image+text tab can do.)The code is pretty simple, it just gets an image from my ImageList: cfgTab.ImageKey = "PadLockClosed.png"' Show CLOSED PadLockThe tab's text changes from: This is my tab text to: T(IMAGE HERE)is my tab text The image appears OVER the beginning of my text. But if I move to another tab, then move back, the image appears in the correct position:(IMAGE HERE) This is my tab text

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Display Cursor At Left Side Of Text In MaskedTextBox?

Jun 23, 2010

When Window form loads, we are displaying the date (in MM/dd/yyyy format) in the MaskedTextBox control. Currently it is displaying date in MM/dd/yyyy format and displaying cursor at the end of the text. Our requirement is to display the cursor at left position of the text in MaskedTextBox.


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Add Text At Left Side Of Text File?

Jun 15, 2009

My text file is like this

G0 G90 G54
X200.876 Y-140.576
G0 Z 5.


I need to add N1,N2...Nn to the left hand site of the lines in my text file.

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Making The GUI A Scrollable Window - Tabs Get Built, Displayed And Disposed As The User Scrolls Left And Right Through The Member Tabs?

Mar 6, 2009

My code is basically a file parser/editor and it handles most files fine as they hold a handful of records concerning family members. However there are a few files that crash when trying to deal with them. Here is the problem.Each family member record creates 3 tabs that hold an average of 3 group boxes each. Each group box holds an average of 3 text boxes.So each member record creates 3x3x3 = 27 text boxes and some files get up to 289 family members which = 7803 text boxes.

The problem is the rare file with 400+ member records = 10,800 text boxes which causes a crash due to using up all the window handles. Each member has a separate tab page (with 3 subpages) but really only a dozen or so member pages are visible in the GUI with scroll arrows to move through them so I was thinking of somehow making the GUI a scrollable window so the tabs get built, displayed and disposed as the user scrolls left and right through the member tabs.

The files are parsed into a 3d list DataList(x,y,z) where x is the page number, y is the group box number and z is the text box number. So all the data is available. The code then traverses MyList and builds GuiList(x,y) where x is the page number and y is the groupbox number with all the textbox.text linked to MyList(x,y,z) locations so all text changes are reflected in the MyList.

I already have a memberCount variable and I am thinking of building, say, the first 30 member tabs with the middle 10 being visible in the GUI. If the selected tab > 20, then dispose of the first 10 tabs and create tabs 30-40.I am thinking I will keep all the member tab pages so I don't have to deal with inserts and indexing problems but just dispose all the group boxes and text boxes for tab pages out of view. I already have a deep clone sub that clones members when the user wants to add a new family member and I am thinking I will have to add something similar when a tabpage is passed in for disposal, it traverses and disposes each text box, then disposes the group box for each group box on the tab page.Additionally, another routine will rebuild the group boxes from the data held in MyList(x,y,z) when a tabpage(x) is passed in.

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[2008] MDI TabControl Container - TabGroups (Vertical / Horizontal)?

Jan 6, 2009

I'm trying to make an MDI TabControl Container usercontrol, which is used instead of the MdiClient control in an MDI application. Instead of MDI Forms, you can use (modified) TabControls that behave like (maximized) MDI Forms in a Tabbed environment.

A great example is of course the Visual Studio IDE. Each window is just a TabPage on a TabControl (at least it looks like it is, I don't know exactly how it works in the IDE.. but let's assume it is).Now, the VS IDE uses some great functionality which I believe is called TabGroups. By Right-clicking (or dragging it into nothingness) a TabPage 'header', you can choose New Horizontal / Vertical Tab Group, which splits the 'container' into two TabControls, each with their own TabPages, with a splitter in between so you can resize them.

I have been trying to recreate this behaviour, and I must say it works pretty well so far for very little effort. The only (major) downside is, it only works for Vertical OR Horizontal TabGroups. I have no idea how I can possibly make it work using both vertical and horizontal TabGroups simultaneously...

What I did is pretty simple: I have a mdiTabControlContainer which is just a blank UserControl. I made a public property TabControls that returns a (custom) mdiTabControlCollection (inheriting from a generic Collection(Of mdiTabControl) which is basically just a collection of my tabcontrols.

When the collection is modified, I call a RedrawTabControls method which first clears the Controls (deletes all TabControls), and then adds them one by one. First the last in the collection (docked Fill) then the rest docked Left. I also add a splitter between each TabControl. (Code at the bottom)If I dock the TabControls to "Top" for example, I can make it Horizontal. But I have no idea how I can possibly dock a few of them to Left and the other few to Top...? I would need some kind of property that determines which TabControl should be docked where, right? But how and when would I set that property?

The code I'm using now is:
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
Public Class mdiTabControlContainer
Public Sub New()


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Have A Tabcontrol With No Tabs Displayed?

Jan 7, 2012

What I want is a tabcontrol where it doesn't show the tabs. I want icons in a toolstrip that will select the tabpages. The closest I can get is setting the ItemSize to 1 (if it is zero, it reverts to the default of 20).

How can I have a tabcontrol with no tabs displayed?

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Hide Tabs From Tabcontrol?

Jan 22, 2009

I am having tabcontrol in which i want only to hide tabs.Consider i am having 2 tabpages. I want to hide only tabs of tabcontrol not tabpages.Then i will show the tabpages with this coding on button click.TabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1

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Hide Tabs In A Tabcontrol?

Jan 29, 2012

Ive seen some discussion on here about how to hide tabs in a tabcontrol but they all seem to be in C or some variant. I havent seen one for (i cant do C)

What i want to do is hide or disable all some of the tabs till the user has logged in. Ive sorted out the login and logout. All i need to do is add the code to enable/disable some tabs until the user has logged in.

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How To Deal With Tabs In A Tabcontrol

Jul 27, 2011

TabControl1. It is the only control that is created in design time. My text editor is a tabbed program. I have a addtab() function that whenever teh user clicks the toolstrip addtab, the tabcontrol adds tabs. THe code below is for the addtab()

Private Sub AddTab(Optional ByVal file As String = Nothing)
NewRTB.AllowDrop = True
NewTab.AllowDrop = True


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Unhiding Tabs In TabControl?

Jul 5, 2011

Ok, so I'm using and there isn't a way to unhide/hide tabs so I have to use TabControl.TabPages.Add() and TabControl.TabPages.Remove() to do this. All of my tabs are labeled as Account1, Account2, etc. all the way up to Account25. I want to make a loop and be able do something like this so that I can add the tabs in the right order:

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Use Of The Left And Of The Right Side Of A Toolstrip?

Feb 13, 2012

how can I use both the left and the right side of a toolstrip?I mean, f.e. on the left side are some buttons, on the right side two text fields.

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.net - Reorder Tabs In TabControl Without Flickering

Dec 17, 2010

There are multiple examples of modified TabControls on the Internet which allow the user to reorder the tabs using drag and drop. However, all seem to use the following technique:

Determine which tab is being dragged
Determine the index to which the tab is being dragged
Empty the tab page collection and add in the new order

The last step, hoewever, causes the control to flicker alot. Besides this, when there are a lot of tab pages on the tab control, it is rather slow.

Is it possible to swap items (i.e. swap indexes) in a TabPageCollection, without the TabControl flickering?

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Add Images Or Favicons To Tabs On A Tabcontrol?

May 9, 2009

I'm trying to images or favicons to tabs....Maybe there is a way to save each websites favicon, Save it to a folder on the comp, AND return it to the tabcontrol1.selectedtab...

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Add New Tabs To A TabControl And Be Able To Update Controls In Them?

Aug 12, 2011

I need to be able to programmatically create new tabs on a TabControl, add controls to them, and be able to update the controls in each tab from another function. I already have a function to add tabs to the control, and to add controls to those tabs when they are created, but I'm stuck as to update the controls after they have been created.EDIT: This is what I have to make the tabs and add the controls:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim tabpage As New TabPage
tabpage.Text = "(empty)"


I can't seem to get back into the account I used to post this question, so I have to post my follow-up to Tim's question in the comments for the previous answer as a new answer.Debug.WriteLine(TabControl1.TabPages.Item(2).Controls.Find("textbox1", True).Count) returns 0. The tab and the controls have been created prior.

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Close ALL Of The Tabs In A TabControl Except For The Currently Selected One?

Aug 11, 2011

How do you close ALL of the tabs in a TabControl except for the currently selected one?

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Force TabControl To Draw All Tabs?

Mar 26, 2011

I have an app with a TabControl that has 4 tabs on it. Each tab has probably 15 or so controls on it.This app is multilingual, so sometimes I need to resize things dynamically to make everything fit properly.For instance,I might need to resize a GroupBox to ensure a CheckBox can fit inside it properly if the language is changed. The language selection is on the tab with the GroupBoxes.

This dynamic resizing works flawlessly if I am already on the tab with the GroupBoxes when I make the language change, but when I start the app (on the first tab, not the language tab), my controls are being dynamically resized incorrectly (on the language tab).Further investigation showed me that only the first (currently selected) tab was the proper width, let's say 500, and the other tabs report 400 as their width, even though of course, they are indeed the same size.

I suspect this behavior is because unviewed tab pages are not... initialized? I'm not sure if that is the correct term. Even though I'm resizing controls on them? How can I bypass this behavior? Selecting each tab programmatically to "initialize" them does work, but is not a feasible option in this case, as the user can see it happening.

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Make The Tabs Bigger On TabControl?

Aug 4, 2009

I notice that the actual tabs on a TabControl are quite small (I am using VB 2008 Express). I would like more vertical space above and beneath the text on the tabs. I tried changing the padding in the TabPages collection but it didn't seem to do anything. Is there a way to make the tabs bigger?

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Removing/Hiding ALL Tabs In A TabControl?

Mar 1, 2008

I want to have all the tabs hidden/removed in my tabcontrol at runtime then only display the one I want to (cludgy workaround for having to show tabs in TabControls).

I've been playing with ways to parse through all the tabs and remove them but am just not quite getting it. I'm a COMPLETE newcommer to VB as I've arrived from RealBasic and am trying to get my head around it.

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Add The Line Number On The Left Side?

Nov 8, 2010

I'm new to programming and I'm trying to create a hex editor. I got some source from internet which I want to modify to my needs. But this hex editor is opening the hex files in text box. I want to open it like a grid(Like Excel). Also I want to add the line number on the left side and I want to remove the right stuff info.

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IDE :: Toolbar On The Left Side Of The MS - VB - 2010 IDE?

Oct 23, 2011

How do I mimic (in a windows application project) the toolbar on the left side of the MS Visual Basic 2010 IDE? I've tried all the container and menu options as provided on the IDE. I assume that it may be a combination of the IDE options and component properties, but have not been able to find the correct combination(s).

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Determine Number Of Tabs In Tabcontrol In 'If' Statement?

Feb 19, 2012

I am writing a tabbed webbrower program and i am trying to close the program when all tabs have been closed using ctrl+w. So far i have used the following code but it has errors as tabcount is readonly:If TabControl1.TabCount.Equals(0) then Me.Close() End If

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Simluate Hiding / Unhiding Of Tabs In TabControl?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a tab control which contains other controls which I populate at run-time. I want to be able to hide certains tabs in this control and then make them visible at certain times. My understanding is that you cannot hid individual tabs in a tab control. All you can do is add them and delete them. If this is the case, is it possible to populate my controls in a Master TabControl at run time, then use a second tab control which is shown at the end of the routine, then add/delete tabs to this second tabcontrol and copy the populated controls from the Master TabControl to these tabs.

The idea being that I will create my tabs on the fly after the routine has run but I need the ability to copy populated controls held elsewhere into this tabcontrol.

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TabControl - Switching Between Tabs Runs Slowly

May 22, 2010

Why is it that any project I make in VB.NET runs very slowly? Even if I simply add a TabControl, switching between tabs runs slowly, flashes the control white, etc. Is there a way to make it run smoother?

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Use A Page Frame (like A TabControl) And Hide The Tabs?

Aug 31, 2009

One of the great features of Page Frames in the now discontinued FoxPro language was that you could use a Page Frame (like a TabControl) and hide the tabs. The nice thing about this was that if you wanted (for example) to have simulated "frames" you could use a Page Frame control, hide the tabs, and that gave you endless frame that you could then access programmatically.I need to do something along the same lines. To further illustrate, if you look at any configuration screen in Office 2007, they all have a ListBox on the left, and then clicking on those Listbox selections brings up "frames" on the right with what you want to work with.This is the effect I want to create - but in .NET I cannot see a good control to use.

Panels - these seemed a good idea at first, but even when set to Visible and not Visible these frames hide each other so they dont seem like they will work.

GroupBoxes - Tried these but the same problem as with panels.

TabControl - Tried this, and it works great - but I DONT want the Tabs. Instead I want non-tabbed pages, that would then be like frames.

What is the best control to use? And, can I hide the Tabs somehow in the TabControl?

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VS 2008 Change Color Of Tabs In Tabcontrol

Aug 3, 2010

How can I change the color of the tabs of a tabcontrol? I tried to search the forum but everytime I hit the search button I get an "Bad Gateway" error.

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Balls Ending Up On The Left Side Of The Screen?

Jun 3, 2011

I was wondering if there was a simple explanation for the fact that most of the balls in the following code seem to end up on the left side of the screen....

' Assembly : Balls
' Author : FOlphen
' Created : 01-28-2010


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Displaying Two Forms On Left / Right Side Of Screen

Aug 11, 2010

I would like to display 2 forms side by side. Frm1 will call Frm2. The problem is, if Frm1 is too near the edge of the computer screen, when Fr2 is shown, part of it will be outside the screen. How do I make it so that if Frm1 is near the right-side of the screen then Frm2 will show on the left-side of Frm1 and vise-versa?

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Dockable(Scrollable) Form Left Side?

Apr 2, 2010

im trying to make the form Dockable in the desktop on the righ side. I mean i can do this i can stick the form on the side but all other application are not seen in the full window coz my appz is still on the top and others appz under it.Size of the form is 200x1024, it is like administration stripe.So i would like to make other Winows in the system ended on the edge of my application. Is it even possible in VB?There is other way i guess to use some of the scroll(collapsible,expader) windows to the side of the desktop would do it as well but i dont know how to ?

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Holding The Alt Key Rearrange Tabs In A TabControl When Dragging The Mouse?

Oct 19, 2011

One of my friends has suggested that in my program i give users the ability to, when holding the Alt key,rearrange tabs in a TabControl when dragging the mouse. But im stumped as to how to do this.

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