Tables In A .rdlc File

Jun 12, 2011

There would be more than 8 table controls in the report(.rdlc) and each would hold records that has specific values on specific fields.The fields in my database table are;

1. Year
2. Semester
3. Subcode
4. Description
5. Units

What those tables in my report(.rdlc) contain would depend on their Year and Semester fields. That is, my first table (in my report) would display records whose Year value is "1st Year" and whose Semester value is "First Semester".

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VB - 2008 - Tables In A .rdlc File?

Feb 6, 2010

There would be more than 8 table controls in the report(.rdlc) and each would hold records that has specific values on specific fields.The fields in my database table are;

1. Year
2. Semester
3. Subcode


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Dynamically Change Datasource Of A Rdlc File?

May 3, 2010

I need to know how to dynamically change the datasource of a rdlc file.

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How To Load A .rdlc Report File Into The Reportviewer

Jun 22, 2010

I am having trouble loading and displaying my .rdlc report file in my reportviewer. I've been all over the internet and nothing worked.I think it might be because i am using 2008.Also I am wondering if there is a click event in Microsoft Reports or in Crystal Reports where I can link certain data in my report to other files in my project, eg. form2.vb

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Adding A Rdlc Report To An Existing Excel File?

Jun 2, 2011

This may be a lengthy explaination, but I am hoping to make myself clear.I have an existing Excel file that is created using the following code:

Dim warnings() As Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.Warning = Nothing
Dim streamids() As String = Nothing
Dim mimeType As String = Nothing


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Multiple Rdlc File In One ReportViewer In Visual Basic?

Feb 17, 2012

How to use multiple rdlc file in one ReportViewer? in same dataset using visual basic 2010

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VS 2008 How To Load A Rdlc Report File Into The Reportviewer In Vb?

Feb 17, 2010

I am having trouble loading and displaying my .rdlc report file in my reportviewer. I've been all over the internet and nothing worked.I think it might be because i am using 2008.

Also I am wondering if there is a click event in Microsoft Reports or in Crystal Reports where I can link certain data in my report to other files in my project, eg. form2.vb

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Timeout Using SQLite - Create A Database And Several Tables - To Populate The Tables With Data From Arrays

Jul 25, 2012

I am using VS2008 and SQLite. I have created a database and several tables and am attempting to populate the tables with data from arrays.

The following code (example) works fine but stops after it inserts 30 to 50 records. I am running the VB code in debug mode and when it stops, I press pause to see where it is. It stops on "SQLcommand.ExecuteNonQuery()" and when I press continue (F5) it will insert another 30 to 50 records.

I do not get an error message. Is this a timeout issue? How do I keep the loop running to the end of the array?

Following is example code.


SQLconnect As New SQLite.SQLiteConnection()

Dim SQLcommand As SQLiteCommand


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VS 2008 DataAdapter.Update To DataTables With Multiple Base Tables (Joined Tables)?

Jul 12, 2011

have a datagridview containing 2 tables left joined, so that:table1 LEFT JOIN table 2 ON get an error whenever I try to edit my datagridview."invalidOperationException was unhandled by the user codeDynamic SQL generation is not supported against multiple base tables."The error points to this line:

da.FillSchema(dt, SchemaType.Mapped)
da.Update(dt) << This line
'da = dataadapter


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Update Tables Using Bindingnavigator Save Button From Join Tables

Oct 29, 2010

In my datagridview I was fill in using join tables (table1 = pr_employees, table2 = pr_employee_deduction). My problem now is during save button I want to update records from table2 only.[code]

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Sql - Find Tables Used From A .net Application To Remove Unused Tables?

May 10, 2012

We are presently developing an application, let's call it APP1, which uses a SQL Database which have about 800 stored procedures, 600 tables, etc. APP1 was originally created in order to replace another application, APP0, from which we do not have source code but only SQL tables, Stored Procedures, views, etc. Previous programers of APP1 used some DB objects from this same database and added some other objects specific to APP1 because it becomes bigger than APP0. And we do not need APP0 anymore as APP1 does all what we want, and more.

So, now, we are thinking about a way to find out which objects are used by APP1 in order to remove objects which are ONLY used by APP0.What is the best approach to discover all objects used by APP1 without having to open every single class and form?

Once we will have a complete list of these objects, it will be easy to use a program we bought which detects all dependencies for all SQL Objects specified directly from SQL and remove objects which do not return from any dependencies. Any ideas of how I could get this list without having to go through all our program that have many, many, many classes and forms?

Note : I know, in a perfect world, all calls to PSs and tables should be in a DAL but in the case of the application we're presently working on ... this is not our case! Yippy! (sarcastic yippy) ;)

Note 2 : This application is not using any ORM. So all queries are directly using SqlCommand. So any call to any DB objects are in string format.

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Import XML File To MySQL Database Tables?/

Aug 14, 2011

I developed an application in VB.Net 2010 Express by which my users can updated the data in their offices and send XML files (total 4 xml files) for that particular date - its working fine I am getting 100's of files on daily basis to my FTP servers in a common folder.

Now i want to make an application that read those XML file at a scheduled intervals and import that to MySQL database tables. Also it should keep a log of files that has been imported in order to avoid duplicate importing of files.

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To Add More Tables - Access All My Tables Togather At A Time

Mar 25, 2009

I have a 5 tables in my database and i want to access all my tables togather at a time.e.g.I have a code for one table i.e. rs.Open "select * from Group_info", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic. instead of Group_info table i want to access 5 tables also as Login_table,User_info table,group_name table etc. How i do that

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Importing A Flat File Into A Header And Detail Set Of Tables?

Mar 21, 2011

I have to read in several thousand lines of a EDI 4010 or 5010 formatted file into a database. This is medical claims data. In my current process I read each row of the file and parse it into a string array. I then assign each value of the array to a string variable and when I detect a new claim header or detail record I write the variables to the SQL server in a SQL insert statement. Example below


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VS 2005 : Clear Tables/Ctrls To Open New File?

Oct 21, 2011

I am using TextFieldParser to read a .txt file and create a DataTable I then filter the table and create 4 new tables I then bind those tables to BindingSources Then Bind ComboBoxs to the BindingSource Then bind TextBoxes to BindingSource I like the user to be able to Open a new file without having to close the program So upon opening a new file I have a sub routine that clears the tables the rows and the columns of each table as well the DataBindings to each control The problem is once I do the Text Binding as such

Me.list1_MLStxt.DataBindings.Add("Text", Subject_Values.BindingSource1, Form10.mls_txt.Text)

Then when I open a new file I get an error message conversion from string"""" to type double is not valid.If I never perform the binding I can open and reopen different files without a problem. So this is causing me to think that the problem is with the way I am clear something? But I am obviously not sureIs there something I am missing to clear everything properly in order to open and read and bind a new file?

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VS 2008 Class To Create Database And Tables From XML File

Jun 27, 2011

I need some expert help in achieving this task. I have an xml file which will be emailed to me everyday. I need to loop through the xml and create tables in a database based on the xml nodes and their attributes. looking at the following xml fragment for example: Code:

So based on the above xml, I would have to create a Shipment table as a Parent with fields like ShipmentIdentifier. Then I would have to create an Event table with the ShipmentID as a foreign key and fields like Source, Code. Basically a field for each node. Then if there are columns in the table that are new, I would have to modify the table and add the column. I only have to create tables where there are child nodes or where the nodes have attributes.

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Displaying The .rdlc Conditions?

Jun 6, 2011

I have and existing .rdlc file where I display the grades of each students as well as the general average. I get general average like

=FormatNumber(Switch(Fields!YearLevel.Value="LC7" or
Fields!YearLevel.Value="LC8",(IIF(Fields!SectionName.Value<>"1st Sec A" and
Fields!SectionName.Value<>"2nd Sec A",


I want to display:

"1st Honor" if gen. ave is >=90 but all the subject grades must be >=90 also
"2nd Honor" if gen. ave is >=88 but all the subject grades must be >=88 also
"Third Honor" if gen. ave is >=85 but all the subject grades must be >=85 also

How do I do it?

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Retrieve Dataset Name From RDLC?

Mar 26, 2010

Is it possible to get the dataset name from an rdlc file? I have found several demonstations on how to get the datasource, but not the dataset nor the tabladapter.

Thought, but dont know if it is possible or not.

When you run your app. could you read the rdlc as an XML file?

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Add Columns Dynamically To Rdlc Report?

Nov 16, 2010

built rdlc report with report wizard, now i want to add columns dynamically to existing rdlc report instead of adding columns of drag them from the data source. i am using

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Custom Code For Rdlc Report?

Jun 14, 2010

In my report I want to display the dollar amoumt in textboxs.So I set the textbox property Format as currency.My question is that I want to reports show brackets for negative dollar values. It works out except "$" sign being showing whenever there''s an amount showing. I want to remove this "$" sign from the report.

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DB/Reporting :: Editing .rdlc XML With VB2005?

Feb 18, 2009

I am trying to edit a .rdlc report file before displaying it to the user. it will eventualy read from an MS Access database, but first im just trying to get it working. I have included the proper namespaces(i think!!), but when i try to change the innertext of a node, it gives me the folllowing error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I have google worn out trying to find the solution...i know its probably somthing realy simple in the code but, for the life of me, i cant fugure it out.Here is the xml and code ( i have compacted some of the XML to make it fit)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Report xmlns="" xmlns:rd="">


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Dynamic Creation Of Rdlc Reports?

Dec 16, 2010

How can i add columns to rdlc report at runtime in windows based application using

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Dynamically Assign ReportViewer To .rdlc

Mar 10, 2008

I have a form with a single Report Viewer control on it. I wish to use this single form to display ALL of my application's reports. I am looking for a method that will allow me to assign the rdlc file / table adapter and rebind the datasource at runtime. I've tried various methods but cannot get it working. It sounds simple enough but is now driving me crazy!!

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Multiply The Values Of The Textboxes In Rdlc?

Jan 31, 2011

How can we multiply the values of the text boxes(reportitems) in rdlc report?

Ex. The expression of TextBoxResult report item is:

=Reportitems!TextBoxPrice.Value * Reportitems!TextBoxQuantity.Value

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Password Required Fo Rdlc Report?

Oct 19, 2011

I created a report (rdlc) based on a dataset coming from an Oracle database table. I inserted a ReportViewer into a form and associated the report with the ReportViewer. This made VB to automatically create a binding source and a table adapter. The problem is when i run the report the application hangs (with no error). Later i discovered that it is because the Oracle user password which is required for the table adapter to retrieve the data. I found this because i tried to preview the data in the table adapter and the password was required.

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RDLC - Show Footer At Last Page

Jan 6, 2012

I had a rdlc that contain page footer. The page footer will show in each page. May I know if there is multiple pages, how can the page footer only show at last page instead of every page?

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Refresh Data In Rdlc Report?

Aug 30, 2010

I create a small vb 2008 Windows Form application which pick data from SQL 2005 and display in rdlc report.

Report creation and initial data load is fine.. but when i do any change to data and when i pull the report again, it does not getting refresh and still shows the old data.

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Retrieve A List Of Rdlc's From A Project?

Mar 24, 2010

Does anyone know how to retrieve a list of reports found in a project?

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Save RDLC Reports As PDF Programmaticaly?

Oct 30, 2009

I have a report that I need to run multiple times and save as PDFs. I am currently generating the report as a PDF programatically but want to save the reports without the user having to choose the save option manually each time.

The code I use to render a single report as a PDF is:

Dim warnings As Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.Warning() = Nothing
Dim streamids As String() = Nothing
Dim mimeType As String = Nothing


I was figuring I could run it in a loop and save the PDF each time.

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Set Maxlength In The Textbox Of Rdlc Report

Jun 11, 2011

Do you know how to set maximum length of character in the textbox of rdlc report? I already dug all of its properties but I didn't see any.

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