The Error Related To The String And Integer

Dec 24, 2011

New Introduction to Programming Vb.NET I did. Says the problem that I have been living in the code example below. Code Example:


The problem is not changed it to a text column in the database MNO. But I had to use as a MNO Numeric Column

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String To Integer Conversion Error

Oct 28, 2009

If I want to populate an ArrayList with values 1 and 2 it works.[code]I found here a link about string to integer conversion in visual basic but I don't know how to deal it to my problem.

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Conversion (Integer To String) Type Error

Apr 21, 2009

I am getting a conversion type error on the red line?
Private Function GetGap() As Integer
Dim VowelNumG As Integer
Dm Vowels as string = "AEIOU"
Dim VowelIndexG as integer
For VowelIndexG = RandomStr.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
[Code] .....

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Error - Conversion From String To Integer Not Valid

Nov 30, 2011

I have an unbound datagrid of which I load a csv into it.I then add an additional column and populare it with row numbers:

Private Function AutoNumberedTable(ByVal SourceTable As DataTable) As DataTable
Dim ResultTable As New DataTable()
Dim AutoNumberColumn As New DataColumn()


I then add to my datagrid :

datagrid1.DataSource = AutoNumberedTable(ds.Tables(strFileName))

I then try to update my sql table:

My insert paramater:

insertCONTACTS.Parameters.Add("@Company_ID", SqlDbType.Int, "Company_ID")

My add row:

row("Company_ID") = datagrid1.Rows(r).Cells("Company_ID").Value

But I get the above error, I thought when i added the column, the values in the rows were integer.How can I convert my column to integer.

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Keep Getting Error Conversion From String To Type Integer Is Not Valid

Jun 25, 2011

I designed a payroll application and I keep getting the error conversion from string to type Integer is not valid.Also when I enter the name in one of the textboxes it reads form and not my name.[code]

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.net - Error:conversion From String Load Report Failed To Type Integer Is Not Valid

Apr 17, 2012

there is one search button to see the report on datagridview using when the more items are there in database correspond it year(say 2012)... the above exception is thrown by filling the datgridview,the problem happens when it tries to connect with crystal report,it shows error...Remember that i face this problem only if there are more records in my database(exactly more than 100 rows)...when i delete few rows from the database,it works fine..I have created a table and added that table to a dataset,then assigned that table1 as datasource for crystal report


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.net - Error:conversion From String Load Report Failed To Type Integer Is Not Valid?

Sep 3, 2009

there is one search button to see the report on datagridview using when the more items are there in database correspond it year(say 2012)... the above exception is thrown by filling the datgridview,the problem happens when it tries to connect with crystal report,it shows error...Remember that i face this problem only if there are more records in my database(exactly more than 100 rows)...when i delete few rows from the database,it works fine..I have created a table and added that table to a dataset,then assigned that table1 as datasource for crystal report

Public Class crystalform1
Dim r As DataRow
Dim t As DataTable


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Error : 'AddressOf' Expression Cannot Be Converted To 'Integer' Because 'Integer' Is Not A Delegate Type?

Aug 11, 2011

I faced an error when upgrading VB6 code to VB.NET. The error occurs at AddressOf WindowProc

AddressOf expression cannot be converted to 'Integer' because 'Integer' is not a delegate type

My declaration for SetWindowLong is:

Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA"(
ByVal hWnd As Integer,
ByVal nIndex As Integer,[code]....

What is the reason for the error I get?

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Error After Implicit Conversion Of 1 Dimensional Array Of Integer To IEnumerable Of Integer() ) ?

Apr 25, 2011

I'm trying to create a linked list of an array of integers. Why is the following implicit conversion required?

When I run the code that contains that conversion, I get the following error.

As a real-time data acquisition user control data (a packet of an array of bytes) arrives every second, is converted into an integer array and inserted into a linked list.

The most recently arrived data is painted as coordinates on a grid at the right of a PictureBox using Graphics.DrawLine (pen,X1,Y1,X2,Y2).

The oldest data (arriving 120 seconds ago) will be drawn at the leftmost portion of the Picturebox.

Why a linked list rather than a list? To display 120 views of time sequence data, the draw routine the most recently inserted node to a node that points to Nothing. How do I limit the length of the linked list to 120 nodes and always ensure that the last node points to Nothing?

Do While Not item Is Nothing
item = item.NextItem

View 4 Replies - LINQ - Putting Result In A Dictionary(Of String, Integer), Where The Integer Must Be 0?

Sep 19, 2011

I have a LINQ2Entity problem, I want to get the value, string, from a database, so I select FProducts.Serial_number, and to end the query, I do .ToDictionary. The problem is, it tells me that it doesn't have sufficient parameters, to convert ToDictionary. So I need something like select FProducts.Serial_number, Nothing). ToDictionary. Also FProducts.Serial_number, 0).ToDictionary doesn't work.

Sub GetStatistics(ByVal ProductNumbers As List(Of String), ByRef Passed As Integer, ByRef FailedProducts As List(Of String))
Passed = 0
FailedProducts = Nothing


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String With Multiple Integer Values To Integer?

Apr 5, 2009

I'm trying to set an Integer value from my.settings.The values comes frpm a listbox, and then inserted to settings (set to specialized.StringCollection)The problem is when i'm trying to get the values and apply them to my function.Error code: Conversion from string "65 & 71" to type 'Integer' is not valid.To me it looks right, but maybe i'm missing something.

Code: Dim test2 As Integer Dim test As System.Windows.Forms.Keysm trigglist As New StringBuilderor Each item As String In


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Conversation From String "" To Type 'Integer' Is Not Valid Is The Error

Jul 9, 2011

Here are my codes Dim DeptObject As New EmployeeData()


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Error - Conversion From String "" To Type 'Integer' Is Not Valid

Aug 25, 2009

Basically I am trying to have it so when they click the save button it changes the timer.interval to what they entered in the textbox.On form load I have it do this.

Timer2.Interval = My.Settings.timer_interval
timertxt.Text = Timer2.Interval / 1000

When they click the save button.

My.Settings.timer_interval = timertxt.Text * 1000
Timer2.Interval = My.Settings.timer_interval

The program works, but it throws an error Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid.I understand that the textbox is a string and the Timer Interval is a Integer, make it work without having to click continue after it throws the error.

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Error: Conversion From String " " To Type 'Integer' Is Not Valid

May 25, 2012

Im geting a error:InvalidCastException was unhandled by user code Conversion from string "UNITID, INSTNM, ADDR, CITY, STAB" to type 'Integer' is not valid.



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Error: Conversion From String "" To Type 'Integer' Is Not Valid

Aug 19, 2009

Many of you are aware I am making a AiO Character Creator for all tabletop RPG games.

My code is:

Private Sub TextBox2_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox2.TextChanged
Dim totalXP As Double


Error: Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid.

Because I am running Windows 7 Ultimate RC 64-bit, would I have to put Int64?

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VB Error Conversion From String "" To Type 'Integer' Is Not Valid?

Mar 13, 2012

My code is coming up with this error " Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid.

Public Class Form2
Dim num1 As Integer
Dim num2 As Integer


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Error Creating Directory - Conversion From String "testfolder" To Type 'Integer' Is Not Valid

Feb 8, 2009

I am using :

Dim di As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(My.Settings.Outgoing(CreateFolderTextBox.Text)) to create a directory


But I get the following error: Conversion from string "testfolder" to type 'Integer' is not valid.

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Show Textbox Input In MsgBox Error! Conversion From String "Tabii" To Type 'Integer' Is Not Valid?

Feb 19, 2012

The project I'm working on is a Multichoice RadioButton quiz with answers and percentintegers. At the end there is a MsgBox that gives the number of answers counted 'correct'and the percent 'correct'. Also after you press the confirm button on that MsgBox it emails the results to the built in information given on the SMTP information. What I am trying to do now is show the input typed into the textbox on FormA in the MsgBox at the very end.

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ADO.NET Related Table Concurrency Error?

Jan 28, 2009

I get an error when updating a related table, the main table can be updated but the related gives me a concurrency error but I don't know why. Btw I'm the only one using the program and it's connecting to sql server 2005 express.Inserting works like a charm.My piece of code, I hope you get it. The concurrency error is given on Me._objtblOrderinformatieA.Update(Me.objdtsOrders.orderInformatie)

If MessageBox.Show("Bent u zeker dat u deze record wilt wijzigen?", "Orderbeheer", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = 6 Then


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Forms :: Error With 2 Related Combobox

Sep 30, 2009

I am facing prblm in selecting compbobox...I have a 2 combobox...cboxSelunits and cboxseldept

In selected index change of Cbxunit i am filling CbxDept.and in selected index change of cboxseldept i need to populate the treeview


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SQL Server Connection Related Error

May 19, 2012

Below error is thrown in a already opened program which connects to different database

A transport-level error has occurred when sending the request to the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)

Program details: code done using with SQL Server 2008 as back-end

Two instance of same exe where running simultaneously in same PC but error was thrown only by one instance

Program uses both SqlConnection (ADO.NET) and ADODB connection (upgraded from VB6) and the error is thrown by both types of connection If the error is due to network problem with the server then why few programs work fine? I am not able to trace the reason for this behavior of the program

Can I know why this error occurs and why only in few programs of same instance

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VS 2010 VB 2010 Express Ed Sql Error - A Network-related Or Instance-specific Error Occurred

Jun 1, 2010

trying to get my hands wet on vs 2010 and i downloaded samples from ms site but when i tried to run some of the DB samples i received this sql error: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) any ideas how to get around on this?

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Linq Related Table Not Queryable Error?

Aug 17, 2010

I've got a problem with Linq in VB.NET.I've created a .dbml file from my db, and everything looks good - relation "arrows" between tables are visible, etc.But when I want to use simple query (taken from 101 Linq Samples by MS):

Dim q = From h In dc.Hours, w In h.WorkType
I receive an error:


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Network Related Instance-specific Error

Jun 1, 2010

i am facing a problem that is frustrating i have a VB.NET application that i need to connect to an sql 2005 server .its giving this error when i publish the application "a network related or instance-specific error occured while stablishing a connection to sql server . the server was not found or was not accessible .verify that the instance name is correct and that the sql server is configured to allow remote connections" the pc has windows xp on it i configured my sql to allow remote connections its working on one mashine but not the other ??

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Network-related Or Instance Specific Error

Jun 15, 2009

I got an error message saying "Network-related or instance specific error occured while establishing a connection to SQL server............" when opening a connection in form_load event.Tried restarting computer it worked few a times,but still would get the same message again after sometime.How can i fix this error?.

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Application To Run On Server Is Giving An ODBC Related Error?

Aug 19, 2009

I've developed a small HR program that connects to the SQL database which is on the local PC. I've created an ODBC connection to connect to this server and the program works fine. I've used VB 2008 Express edition to develop.

My concern is now I want to install this EXE on a server. ON the server, I've created the same databses and successfully created an ODBC connection on the server as well. Also created one shared folder. I copied all my EXEs and DLLS on to this folder. On the server I was able to execute the program without any problem.

From a remote client, I opened this shared folder and try to execute and it was giving me an ODBC related error, basically it was not able to detect the SQL connection.What I want to achieve is to have one EXE. The program did not throw any other errors.

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VS 2008 Error - Related Tables - Can't Update Records

Mar 1, 2010

Using a datagrid, binding to one table, and related to one combobos, I cant update records, cause gives me a violation error. I'm not changing the primary key, so, I dont undersatnd cause this happen. I prepair a example of this error, and it was attached to this message.

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VS 2008 - Error Shown On Customers Machines Is Related To Framework Version?

Jan 12, 2011

I made a program a month ago and i gave it to the customers.recently they report some bugs and i fixed them. when i send the new version installer to them, they have some problems running it.i used vs 2008 to write it, but i removed vs 2008 and installed vs 2010 last week. when i opened my project to start fixing program bugs it asked for convert wizard so i did it.i made changes and build it. i use installshield and i add framework 3.5 Sp1 as prerequisites.
note : i was using inno setup first time. so i changed the installer i tried installing the program on my machine.i just noticed that i have only .net framework 4 installed my own system. so i have no idea how the program runs without any problems on my own system. i have even tried installing it on another machine who had framework 3.5. it it work on that too.the error shown on customers machines is related to framework version. everytime i send them a new version they have some problem installing/running it.

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Error:"Conversion From String "User" To Type 'Integer' Is Not Valid."

Oct 17, 2009

When trying to combine the User path with another path, I get a an error:"Conversion from string "User" to type 'Integer' is not valid." Dim Variable As String = IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.UserName), _
"AppDataLocalLowSunJavaDeploymentcache") I guess my understanding of how to combine paths is a bit unclear. I didn't realize that by doing it this way, I was attempting to convert the path to an integer.

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A Network-related Or Instance-specific Error Occurred While Establishing A Connection To SQL Server?

Aug 23, 2011

I am working on a project using VS2010 SQL2008 and I saw an ODD behaviour , First let me tell you that the app runs without any problem in my developing pc (Windows Xp sp3 32bit)But when I was trying the application in another pc (Windows 7 32bit)I got this exception: A network-related or instance-specific error occured while establishing a connection to SQL server.The server was not found or was not accessible.Verfiy that the instance name is correct and that SQl server is configured to allow remote connections.

Now what is weird in this exception; Is when the application reaches the DataAdpater.Fill(dataset) line I got this exception but when the app reaches the DataAdpter.Insert(....) It runs without any problem .

And what is more weird is that I noticed that the dataset that is used in the previous insert procedure can later be filled with dataAdapter.Fill(...) procedure which it was giving me an exception before .

I tried these things as a solution:

1)Checked SQlBrowser running..

2)No aliases to Sql server at all to remove...

3)remote area connection--OK

4)TCP and UDP port 1433,1434 exception in firewall

5)Unistalled my only antivirus Norton

6)Added Tcp/IP ports in Sql protocols

7)My connection String is : onnectionString="Data Source=ALISQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=PALMSDATABASE;Integrated Security=True"

8)Also tried using Sql Server authentication (user Id and password)

what is the difference between fill and insert? My app. runs smoothly on the original pc ,What should I do?

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