Tooltip Text Wrapping Around To Next Line

Aug 9, 2009

I have a client app written in Visual Basic (Visual Studio 2008). The text is wrapping around to the next line when the tooltip displays on the form. Can I draw the rectangle wider?

Private Sub WORMSToolTip_Draw(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As DrawToolTipEventArgs) Handles WORMSToolTip.Draw
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.AliceBlue, e.Bounds)


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RichTextBox Word Wrapping - Making New Line To Be Indented To Under Text Above

Jul 27, 2011

When i am receiving server responses some are to long for the RTB so obviously continue on the next line. Each line is time stamped. If the word is to long it looks as follows:

15:00 this is a long
15:01 another message and so on

what i would like is for the new line to be indented to under the text above so it does not wrap directly under the time stamp. [Code]

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Word Wrapping - Cannot Select Last Line Of Richtextbox (when A Line Is Wrapped It Becomes Two Lines)

Jul 5, 2009

The following code selects a line ina richtextbox. It works OK expect from one problem:

When a line is biger than the size of the richtextbox, it wraps it. This create a big problem as I can not select the last line of the richtextbox (when a line is wrapped it becomes two lines). When I set wordwrap to off it works just fine

Private Sub RichTextBox1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles RichTextBox1.MouseMove



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Fix DataGridView RowHeader Text Wrapping?

Jul 5, 2010

I am trying to decrease the height of DataGridView rows to allow showing as much of theme. ut all my best effort produces the following result:

These are the settings used for the RowHeaderDefaultCellStyle:
aGrid.RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight
aGrid.RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.DarkGray


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VS 2008 Wrapping Text In DataGridView

Mar 24, 2010

Is there any way to wrap text in the DataGridView control? When I do it doesn't auto resize the row height so it becomes mostly hidden.

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Wpf - Set Text Wrapping Inside A DataGrid In The Code-behind?

May 30, 2012

I'm working in VB.Net w/ WPF and I need to create a DataGrid at run-time (in the code-behind) with the text in each grid cell able to wrap. I've found a lot of examples showing how to do this in the XML but I can't find anything explaining how this is done in the code-behind. I'm stuck trying to figure out how the DataGridTemplateColumn, CellTemplate, and DataTemplate all work together.



I think the problem is with the binding and the textblock property. Something like this would make more sense but it doesn't work...

Dim b1 As New Binding("Wrap")
factory1.SetValue(TextBlock.TextWrapping, b1)

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VS 2010 Word Wrapping - Formatting Lines Of Text In ListBox

Jan 26, 2012

I have some lines of text in a listbox that I need to format. The text originally looks like this (on one line):
GND,CAL1.2 CAL1.3 CAL1.4 CAL1.5 CAL1.6 CAL1.7 CAL1.8 CAL1.9 CAL1.10 CAL2.2 CAL2.3 CAL2.4 CAL2.5 CAL2.6 CAL2.7 CAL2.8 CAL2.9 CAL2.10 CAL3.2 CAL3.3 CAL3.4 CAL3.5 CAL3.6 CAL3.7 CAL3.8 CAL3.9 CAL3.10 CAL4.2 CAL4.3 CAL4.4 CAL4.5 CAL4.6 CAL4.7 CAL4.8 CAL4.9 CAL4.10 CMS1L.2 CMS1L.3 CMS1L.4 CMS1L.5 CMS1L.6 CMS1L.7 CMS1L.8 CMS1L.9 CMS1L.10 CMS1U.2 CMS1U.3 CMS1U.4 CMS1U.5 CMS1U.6 CMS1U.7 CMS1U.8 CMS1U.9 CMS1U.10 CMS2L.2 CMS2L.3 CMS2L.4 CMS2L.5 CMS2L.6 CMS2L.7 CMS2L.8 CMS2L.9 CMS2L.10 CMS2U.2 CMS2U.3 CMS2U.4 CMS2U.5 CMS2U.6 CMS2U.7 CMS2U.8 CMS2U.9

I need to format it (if it's more than 13 names), then add it to another list looking like this:
NET 'GND' R1-2 R2-2 R3-2 R4-2 R5-2 R6-2 R7-2 R8-2 L1-2 L1-3 L1-4 L1-5 L1-6 L1-7
NET 'GND' L1-8 L1-9 L1-10 L3-2 L3-3 L3-4 L3-5 L3-6 L3-7 L3-8 L3-9 L3-10 L4-2
NET 'GND' L4-3 L4-4 L4-5 L4-6 L4-7 L4-8 L4-9 L4-10 L7-2 L7-3 L7-4 L7-5 L7-6
NET 'GND' L7-7 L7-8 L7-9 L7-10 L2-2 L2-3 L2-4 L2-5 L2-6 L2-7 L2-8 L2-9 L2-10
NET 'GND' L6-2 L6-3 L6-4 L6-5 L6-6 L6-7 L6-8 L6-9 L6-10 L5-2 L5-3 L5-4 L5-5 .....
[Code] .....

View 15 Replies

Hide Bollon Tooltip When User Click On The Ballon Tooltip?

Dec 16, 2009

how to hide bollon tooltip When user click on the ballon tooltip?

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FCL For A Method That Will Allow To Erase A Line Of Text From A Text File And Replace It With Another Line Of Text

Dec 19, 2008

I've been looking through the FCL for a method that will allow me to erase a line of text from a text file and replace it with another line of text. Neither the StreamReader nor StreamWriter have a method for replacing or removing Text from a text file, as does the string object. Are there any available methods for erasing just certain lines of text from a file, and then replacing them with others?

In my code, I'd like to locate a certain line in the text file, and then at that point in the text file, use a For...Next Loop to replace each successive line of the text file with new text:

Dim user_data_file As String = "user_data.txt"
edit_input = New StreamReader(user_data_file)
Dim edit_line As String = edit_input.ReadLine


However, I can't find any methods that will allow me to do this.

View 4 Replies

Read Text From A Listbox Line By Line And Put Current Line In A Label?

Jan 16, 2011

how to read text from a listbox line by line and put current line in a label?

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Forms :: Skin The Tooltip's Tooltip Window?

Jun 22, 2010

Does anyone know if it's possible to skin the tooltip window so it looks like: Attachment 2448.Instead of the yellow box or the balloon like it does now?

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Format Text For ToolTip?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm populating a ToolTip with a string of text that has vBCrLf at the end to return a new line.

textfortooltip += dr(0) & dr(1) & vbCrLf

This produces multiple lines in my ToolTip based on a SQL query eg:

Administrator COMPUTER1
RandomUser COMPUTER2

Is it possible to format the string so the spacing is a bit more presentable like:

Administrator COMPUTER1

RandomUser COMPUTER2

Through tabs or another method of populating the ToolTip?

View 14 Replies

How To Put Textbox.text Into Tooltip

Nov 28, 2011

Using VB 2010 and a windows form containing Textbox1. I would like to know how to show Textbox1.text in the Tooltip when the mouse hovers over it.

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Text List In A ToolTip?

May 20, 2010

I am using a small dataset I'd like to show in the tooltip... i have the varible x defined as arraylist

but I can't get it display on the tool tip of an object?

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VS 2008 Reading Text File Line By Line - Put Into Text Boxes

Sep 21, 2009

Basically what I'm trying to do is read a text file line by line. After each line is read, it will put each line into a separate text box. I've been trying to do this for a while and so far I haven't been able to. I tried using a for loop, but that just put all my lines in to one textbox.

View 8 Replies

Change ToolTip Text For Button?

Mar 17, 2010

I've been trying to work out how to change the text of a tooltip in VB .NET 2005 Express, and have read posts like this: [URL]but that doesn't helped me, because I already have a ToolTip control on my form, but I still can't see any properties for my btnJoin button in Intellisense (I've been looking for btnJoin.Tool..., but not a sausage). I can see a "Tooltip on Tooltip" property in the properties window of the btnJoin button, and that allows me to assign tooltip text at compile time, but I want to change the tooltip text at runtime with code.

See attached ScreenShot1.png of the relevant items.

how I can do this, and what property name I can use to change the tooltip text for btnJoin?

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How To Delete ToolTip Text In Properties

May 28, 2011

I had a problem with ToolTips for Tool Bar controls, and it was solved. However, be fore I learned to use the ToolTips control from the Toolbox, I had filled in the ToolTipText in theProperties. Now, I cannot delete it. When I attempt to delete the property it comes right back when the mouse cursor leaves the property.. As a result, when I run the program and roll the mouse over theToolStrip Buttton I get the ToolTip I want and the ToolTip I tried to delete.

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HTML Tags Within The Tooltip Text?

Aug 7, 2009

I am building text for a tooltip value of a radiobuttonlist. I want to include HTML tags with the text like the <br/> tag. Right now it is just showing the <br/> values in the text for the tooltip.

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Tooltip Text For Method IntelliSense

Mar 24, 2011

I created a function and I want to explain more about argument of methods. Now how can I do that such as .net method? (I want something such as tooltip text for methods).

View 4 Replies

Unwanted ToolTip Text In DataGridView

Feb 8, 2012

I have an unbound data grid view. Every cell that has text will display ToolTipText for that value. I'd like certain cells to have no ToolTip and others to have a ToolTip that provides instruction on what the "X" button is for rather than just having "X" display. If anything, for this particular cell, I'd probably rather have no ToolTip. I've tried setting the ToolTip.Text ="" for the cell immediately after creating the row. On other cells, if I change the underlying text value, I try altering the displayed tip text, but only get the text value for that cell.

How can I remove/modify unwanted ToolTips in my DataGridView?

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Display Value Of Variable Abc As Tooltip Text On Picture1?

Jun 21, 2010

How to display the value of variable abc as tooltip text on picture1

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Hover Tooltip On Specific Words In Rich Text Box?

Nov 5, 2009

I'm trying to create something like a tooltip suddenly hovering over the mouse pointer when specific words in the richt text box is hovered over.

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VS 2005 Display The Value Of Variable As Tooltip Text On Picture?

Jan 4, 2010

How to display the value of variable abc as tooltip text on picture1

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C# - Get A Tooltip To Display An Image And A More Structured Set Of Details Then Just Plain Text?

Apr 23, 2010

I have a DataGridView in a Winforms application containing a collection of items. Each item has an image and various other details. I know it is possible in WPF, but can you get a tooltip to display an image and a more structured set of details then just plain text?

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Make Tooltip Text Reflect ListBox Item MouseOver In An App. (not Web)?

Mar 26, 2004

Exactly what I was looking for :thumb:

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Parsing Multi-line Clipboard Text Into A Single Line And Pasting Into A Textbox?

Feb 7, 2011

a user copies multiple lines of text (say, from an email) into the clipboard. Based on my observations, when one tries to paste the text into a single-line textbox, only the first line is actually pasted in. (I am aware that the "obvious" solution would be to set the Multiline property to True, but there are reasons I am looking to avoid this and to put multi-line data into a single line.)

In the TextChanged event handler, I wrote code that parses the clipboard data to successfully convert it to a single-line, comma-delimited format.

Private Sub txtMassTrackingNo_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles txtMassTrackingNo.TextChanged


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Storing Content Line By Line In Array Variale From Text File

Jun 29, 2009

i would like to store contents from a text file line by line to arrays before copying them to another text file. what i have is currently like this:


Currently I'm only able to store the whole content into one variable, would like to store the content line by line in arrays.

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Reading Text, Line By Line Was VB6 Now Need To Upgrade To Studio 2008?

Aug 13, 2011

I have a couple of VB6 programs which work 100%, however not under W7, so I need to upgrade them to Visual studio 2008 pro which I own a copy of.The VB6 software used to open a file, read in a line of data and process it then save it in a new file, before going on to the next line input.I need to convert this process to VS2008 pro and can't get my head around it..... getting old you see.I also have a few other needs to do with file handling, but I may be able to sort them myself if I get a start with the above problem....

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Wrapping Exe With Another Exe?

Sep 16, 2010

I want to wrap one exe withing second with some functionality is it possible in when user run main exe it will check some requirement and than run internal exe without extract it. How it is possible?

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Comparing Text File Records Line By Line?

May 14, 2009

I have to create a new program that reads to Text files. These text files are in the form of a report (with column headings). The purpose is to compare each record line by line to see if their have been any changes made. The record is based on an Account#. Over time these files will be considerably large. What is the best way to do compare records from each file. I'm thinking loading each file into an array and processing them that way.

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