Using AutoMapper To Map DAL Properties To BLL Properties?

Oct 8, 2009

I have a BLL class which contains properties for the fields in a Country table (CountryCode, CountryName, etc). It also has a property ioDAL, which is a reference to a DAL class (created with SubSonic 2.2), which has same named fields.

I have a LoadRecord() method which calls the DAL's FetchById() method that populates the DAL properties by calling the database (SQL Server 2005 FWIW).What I then want to do, rather than writing code to populate each BLL property from its DAL equivalent, is to use AutoMapper (from CodePlex). I think the line should be something like

Mapper.CreateMap(ioDAL, Me)()but this gives errors "Value of type (DAL class / namespace naming) cannot be converted to 'System.Type'" and "Value of type (BLL class / namespace naming) cannot be converted to 'System.Type'".


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.net - Automapper Only Mapping Certain Properties?

Apr 7, 2012

Using automapper i am mapping my ViewModel to my business object, however i want to map to an existing object instance and only map the properties on my view model. e.g.

ProductModel has id,name,code
ProductBusiness has id,name,code,dateadded
Function Add(ByVal model As ProducModel) As ActionResult


i want to somehow pass in the existing business object instance and only map the 3 properties that are on both objects, dateadded should stay the same as it was in the database.

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Make Custom Properties In Properties Window To Refresh Upon Change Via Code?

Apr 26, 2012

[code]I want to make the Properties Window to update the properties for X and Y at each MouseMove, so they become immediately visible for the user.

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User Control Properties - Finalize My Design Time Properties Grid

Apr 27, 2011

I'm making a control and I am trying to finalize my design time properties grid. I have several List(of Class) items as public properties and when I click on the design time menu (while testing the control) there is the word "Collection" and a button with an ellipsis (...) that brings up a neat pop up with the buttons Add/remove and all of the public properties of the collection's class on the right hand side. Basically for a non-collection instance of a class (with public properties) I'd like a similar button to show up. I know I could put all of the properties in the main control class and group them, but I like the pop up box feature. Anyway to duplicate this? (think font grid item etc.)

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VS 2010 Express - PictureBox Design Properties Box Shows Properties That Cannot Be Accessed?

Mar 5, 2012

In the form design I set up a TableLayoutPanel, 20x20 cells and in cell (1,1) a PictureBox (called Target) containing the image of a small target. The properties box for Target shows some very promising properties, Column and Row - and if you overwrite the values in the properties box, the PictureBox obligingly shifts to the corresponding cell position in th design. However in VB it is not possible to refer to Me.Target.Row or .Column - neither appears during coding in the menu of properties, and deliberately coding either of them produces an error like

Error 1 'row' is not a member of 'System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox'.

1. Why does the properties box show properties that cannot be altered programmatically?

2. How can my program move Target around in the TableLayoutPanel?

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Expose A UserControl's Properties To Properties Window In Designer?

Aug 19, 2009

Is there a way to expose a UserControl's properties to the Properties Window in the Designer?

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Set The Transparent Property Via Label Properties Properties Not Via Code?

Jan 16, 2009

I'm working on a Hazardous Materials label printing program. One of the options is to do an "NFPA" label. Since there are 4 values required with 4 or 6 options, the ratings are entered via radio buttons in a group box. That's working okay. I display values in the NFPA diamond as they're entered: left quadrant blue, top quadrant red, left yellow, bottom red. I'm having trouble with the label in which the rating will be displayed on top of a jpg diamond for the white. In this quadrant the text can be up to 4 characters. I can accept the text going into an adjacent block a little, but the corners of the label overlap into another quadrant/color. I reduced the font size which solved the overlap problem but the font is then too small and looks terrible. I tried to make the background of the label transparent to let the color come through correctly but that's not a valid value for label.background. I'm figuring that the transparent background is the best solution. What can I use that will accept a transparent background so the color shows through?

I'm trying to set the transparent property via label properties properties, not via code. Here's the code if it makes any difference:

Public Class NFPA
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub


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Change All Properties Of A Form To Properties Of Other But Don't Change Important Properties?

Feb 26, 2011

How to change all properties of a form to properties of other but don't change important properties like Owner,Handle, OwnedForms, Parent,HasChildren,Controls and ... .I have a child form that i want it to provide controls of Form.The background form provides Aero frame and child form is a transparent form in it.I want it because I want to draw buttons with system style in Aero in Windows Forms.This is my own code but it does not work good (ForeForm is child form):

For Each Propertry In ForeForm.GetType.GetProperties()
Select Case Propertry.Name
Case "AeroBackgroundEnabled", "FormBorderStyle", "TransparencyKey", "Parent", "Owner", "ShowInTaskbar", "Handle", "HasChildren", "OwnedFo[code].....

Additionaly:I wrote a great Aero Form.I don't publish current version (1.2) that supports Aero Blur,RealTime Aero Color change,extend Basic theme?

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Adding "Properties" Dialogs - Pre-built Dialog Or Control For Displaying Properties At Runtime?

Nov 6, 2008

I have my own class of graphic objects, and now I'd like to allow a user to right-click on one of those within the application and see a properties window. Is there a pre-built dialog or control for displaying properties at runtime? I'd like to have something just like the IDE properties window button for my application.

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PictureBox Properties In PRintDocument Did Not Contain The Properties Set?

Mar 27, 2012

Public Class LOA
Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.PrintPage


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Get Custom Properties For A Custom Control Into The Visual Studio Properties List?

Nov 25, 2009

What I've done is create a User Control Library (Project) and I've added a single User Control to that project. The control contains a single FlowLayoutPanel, and I created a Property on the control itself to pass the FlowDirection from the Control to its FlowLayoutPanel child.

Build, reference, component appears in the Toolbox and everything works fine, but the property on the control does not appear in the Properties window when I go to edit it at design time.

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How To Have Properties File Like Java Properties File

Jul 20, 2011

I think that we can specify or import our properties that we wish to use in the project in the .vbproj file of our project.

And.. if so, how will I use these in my VB source code... ?

I want to keep the table names, connection strings, etc in the properties file.

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PropertyGrid Custom Properties - Custom Sub Properties

Oct 21, 2009

I've populated a PropertyGrid with a custom class. How do you create and display a sub property similar to Size (Height, Width) which has two values or Point(X,Y)? For example, the class is Test and the property is Item as string. I want to expand Item to have two sub properties, A and B.

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How To Use 'Contains' With Properties

Mar 8, 2010

Say I have a function "client.GetItems" that returns a list of items. Each item as a Property named "Id" as Integer. Instead of doing this:[code]Is there a easier way to do it? Like with 1 line. I couldn't figure out how to use "Contains" with properties.

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How To Use Get/Set Properties

Apr 14, 2010

I am using an array with four elements and I need to know how to do the get / set properties in the vb 2008 syntax.

When I try the above I get the error 'no longer supported. use the new property declaration syntax"

When I create a new instance of the class I would like to be able to set what is in each element in the array inside the form.

Here is what I have, without the finished get / set properties:

Public Class StdCondition
Public FilePaths(3) As String
Public stdImageList(3) As ImageList


So how would I set what goes into the array after I have created a class?

Background info: I need the array to store filenames (as strings) that point to images located on the hard drive. I will then use the imagelist, populated with the filenames from the array, to display the images on the form. (I hope to add the images to the image list with code inside my form)

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Why Use Get & Set Properties

Dec 13, 2010

I'm using vb10 express.I'm making a class library and most of the examples on how to do this have get and set properties.Why use properties? Are they needed?

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.net - Set Properties Automatically?

Apr 15, 2011

I'm actually more comfortable in Java language for developing apps. But since my requirement now is getting tighter, I need to jump forward into VB.NET
well yeah... seems need to adapt some a bit. Anyway, I typed a lot for making this setter and getter properties inside visual studio;


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.net 4.0 :: Get/set Properties Without Logic?

Jan 19, 2012

In many of the articles I have read on the web say that when creating properties in vb.netthey should use the get/set methods and a private/protected member variable in the class.

Like so:
Public Class Person
Private _name as string


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Add Items To The Properties?

May 12, 2009

were I can get information on how I can add items to the Properties. Ok you know how you right click a file and goto properties well I wish to add a tab for hash checks. I have the program in my head how to do it but I don't know how to add tabs to the properties menu.

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Add Properties To PictureBox?

May 14, 2010

Can I create a new class that inherits the PictureBox and add two new properties to it and then access those properties in my code?

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Add Properties To WCF DataContract?

Oct 6, 2011

I've added a service reference to my WCF webservice which generated all of my datacontract objects. I'm using BasicHttpBinding. Using a partial class, I've made one of these objects inherit from another class that adds some properties to it.[code]...

View 1 Replies - UserControl And Inner Properties?

Jul 30, 2010

I am trying to develop a control that'll allow the developer to populate a collection through markup (e.g. Properties decorated with the attribute PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty). I have an example from Brian Chavez that more or less does what I want but I want to have the control inherit from UserControl and not Control.Here is the code I have in

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Public Class AggregateFeeds


As it is now when I try to compile I get a compiler error that simply says object instance not set to an instance of an object on the line above. If I take it out, the page loads just fine and the Settings object reflects the values in the markup. Why am I having trouble getting the collection to populate correctly?

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C# - How To Serialize Only Some Properties In .Net

Mar 15, 2010

This is for a web project so i have several classes that inherit from Web.UI.

I only want to serialize very particular properties (basically, only local properties)

I'm aware of the XMLIgnore property that can be placed on a property to ignore items, but this won't work in my context since that would require modifying a bunch of stuff that i really don't want to modify (and probably can't).

So how do i tell the xml serializer to ignore everything except for X and Y or tell it to seralize just X and Y?

i could just create my own xml in a string builder or something and if that's the only way, so be it. however i'm looking for a method that will employ the built in XML stuff.

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Can XML ID Properties Be Duplicated

Feb 2, 2009

this makes sense given the context of the document but I heard that XML tag's should have Unique ID's, which is fair enough but I was under the impression that each child node does not know about other child nodes outside its parent? What is your thought on this?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SourceType ID="XAML">


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Class Properties Won't Set?

Jan 22, 2010

as you might guess from the variable names I'm making a game (but this problem isn't game related!) which involves multiple "bullets" moving along straight trajectories. This is my attempt at changing my code for firing one bullet into one for firing many bullets at once. It works perfectly except for one thing.The class I made (BulletClass) to contain all the things needed to move the bullet isn't setting all of its properties correctly. I apologise for the walls of code however I wasn't entirely sure whether I should chop bits out. I wanted to colour code my code so that you could scroll through and see the subs where things have gone wrong, but apparently I can't even code a new thread. Let alone a video game. Instead I'll just list them, you can search for them if you like or just scroll through at your leisure.


In a nutshell: the properties TargetPosY, TargetPosX, ShipPosX and ShipPoseY are not working properly. As a result the calculations involving them are skewed and the bullets always travel directly downward.

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How To Add My Own Properties To An Object

Jun 2, 2011

I am trying to figure out how to add my own properties to an object. i am trying to make my own rpg game and i want to be able to refer to a integer property like so: strengthstat = bronzelongsword.attackstrength. of course strength stat being an integer vairable that would equal to the property attackstrength that belongs to the bronze longsword.

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How To Set Summary Properties

Nov 11, 2009

Before I publish my program, how do I set the summary properties? I mean the properties you see when you right click the exe file choose properties and then choose the "summary" tab.
There are the following properties:
Revision Number

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Properties Not Being Saved?

Apr 24, 2011

I have a module that has a load of properties in them but whenever I try to add data to the variables it doesn't save. Any reason why?

Public Class clsFormSettings
Public _colour As Color
Public _font As Font
Public _fontColour As Color


I tried to set another form the background colour red and the variables are empty when I step through it.

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Set A Wav Audio Properties?

Aug 23, 2009

How can i set a wav audio properties like set the volume, the tempo of the audio. is it possible to do that.?

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Set And Run Treenode Tag Properties In Xml?

Dec 1, 2011

I am able to populate treeview from xml.

But now i am going to place the tag propeties at each node. And the tag content will be file path.

My code to generate from xml is as below:

Private Sub Frm_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim file_name2 As String = "C:UsersDesktopEngineering.xml"


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