Using Collections In A WebService?

Mar 18, 2011

I created a website that contains a Webservice that transfers data to a windows application Using a collection, however, I get this Error that says that anything that inherits the ICOllection, it must implement Add(System.Object)

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ADVERTISEMENT - Value Of Type 'System.Collections.ArrayList' Cannot Be Converted To 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of ITextSharp.text.IElement)'

Sep 21, 2011

I'm having a problem with this code in the highlighted line(*); getting the error in the heading.

Dim htmlarraylist As New List(Of iTextSharp.text.IElement)
htmlarraylist = *HTMLWorker.ParseToList(New StreamReader(tempFile), New StyleSheet())*


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System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection Vs System.Collections.Generic.List(Of?

Feb 5, 2011


What's really the point in using the former?It's hard to use linq if I used the former. I have to convert that to an array first which is difficult because there is no (asarray) function.I think I would change all of my code that's using System.

Collections.Specialized.StringCollection to System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)

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Translate PHP Json Webservice Request TO .Net Json Webservice Request?

Jun 13, 2011

I have to send a request to Webservice and I have a working PHP solution, that I have to translate in

Here's the code working in PHP

//fill in the details of the contacts.userId is obtained from loginResult.
$contactData = array('lastname'=>'Valiant', 'assigned_user_id'=>$userId);
//encode the object in JSON format to communicate with the server.


Naturally I imported a reference to a Json library and Imported (Imports Newtonsoft.Json)?

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How To Add Collections To Class

Feb 12, 2010

I would like to create a customer class and be able to add collections to it. I know I have to use List<T>. Look at the scenario below. I have a customer class, order class and address class. I would like to instantiate the customer class and add orders and addresses to it. E.g.

Dim oCustomer As New Customer("Acme Inc.")
oCustomer.Orders.Add(New Order(1))
oCustomer.Orders.Add(New Order(2))
oCustomer.Addresses.Add(New Address("Street 1"))
oCustomer.Addresses.Add(New Address("Street 2"))
[Code] .....

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Collections And Interfaces And Casting?

Nov 14, 2010

Say I have a interface called IProperties and I have a collection called colMyProperties that is a collection of IProperties. Then I have an object called clsProperty that implements the IProperty interface. Now, in my code where I add objects to the colMyProperties collection I add a bunch of clsProperty objects. so far so good.

Now when I try to access an object in the collection I can only access properties and methods of the IProperties interface, not the clsProperty object. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to cast the object?

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Collections Of .NET EntityObjects Contain Any Of The Same Objects?

May 19, 2009

Pages have Roles. Users have Roles. A user may only view a page if he and it share one or more roles.

This works:
Dim Allow As Boolean = False
For Each r As Role In CurrentPage.Roles


How can I make it compare only the Role Id values to determine equality?

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Control Collections In A Tabcontrol?

Dec 21, 2011

I have a form with a tabControl on it. This tabControl has 10 tabs and each tab has multiple textboxes. I am trying to iterate through these textboxes, but cannot find which collection these textboxes belong to within the project.

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Converting VB6 Collections To .Net Generics?

Apr 21, 2012

I have a VB6 project with about 100 custom collection classes which I want to convert to VB.Net. A typical example would be something like.

Class CAccounts
Private m_Accounts As New Collection
Public Sub Add(newItem As CAccount)
m_Accounts.Add newItem, newItem.IdKey


All of the collection classes in the project use this standard approach. However, not all the properties/methods of the collection classes are actually used. Most of the collection are used in "for each" loops. Keyed access using the string key is quite common. Keyed access by index is much less common.

Ideally I'd like to take a standard approach to converting these classes. I don't really want to have to review each collection and it's usage to consider whether I need a List, Dictionary, etc. Some of these collection contain 100,000 objects, and some will only contain 10. However, on the other hand I don't want to cause performance problems by using a more complex structure where a simpler option would do.

Sticking with the old style Collection. So, it would be relatively easy to convert to VB.Net But, I'd rather move to the more modern structures.Have CAccounts Inherit KeyedCollection(Of String, CAccount). Fortunately most of the classes held in the collections do have the key as part of the class (eg CAccount.IdKey above). This seems to work well. However, relatively few classes will access the colelction by numeric index. So, perhaps this is overkill if I only want keyed access by the string key?Have CAccounts Inherit Dictionary(Of String, CAccount) for the classes where I don't need access by numeric index. The problem I have with this is that all the existing "for each" loops are like "for each account in accounts". I don't want to have to change all these occurences to something like "for each account in accounts.Values". Although perhaps I can get round this by changing the default property?Have CAccounts Inherit MyCollection(Of String, CAccount), where MyCollection is my own bespoke collection. This seems a bit too much hard work.

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Create A Collection Of Collections?

Sep 16, 2009

Is there a way to create a collection of collections? e.g. I created a collection ListOf(Lines) After I add all my lines to it, I want to store this colleciton in another listOf(Collections). The reason I want to do this is because i want to create several separate collections of lines and I'll need to loop through them all to look for a certain line and I thought this would be a good approach if it's possible.


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For Each Through Public Collections Within A Class

Sep 17, 2010

I have a class that is primary configuration for my application. It has 70 plus public collections that holds all my data. I am trying to do a For Each through each of these public collections, so that I can process the data through my code, but I am getting following error:


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Generic Collections And Inheritance?

Aug 24, 2009

I have a parent class and many children class, right now it look like this:

Public Class Parent
Public Property ID as String
End Class


What I need is a strongly type list List(Of Child) that Inherits from ListOfParent (I need the FindByID method) but I can't find the right syntax.

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Make Collections Last After Close?

Mar 10, 2012

Is there a code to make the contents of a collection stay the way that they (everything is still stored) are instead of being erased when I close my program?

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One Routine For Loading Collections

Sep 2, 2009

I would like to have 1 routine to load data into different collections.I would like to use the below routine in a more dynamic able to load a different collections with different data dependent on strSQL.Is there a way I can pass the collection I want to use.If so, in the below code how would I differentiate to load the correct data to the correct collection? [code]

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Searching List Collections?

Mar 21, 2011

My problem is probably something simple..I am trying to load a list of a perticularcustomer.I will have to load the list of all the purchases they have make (amount of tickets purchased (rseat). It runs fine, but when I change the file name from fri to saturday and keep the call name the same it still searches to the name that is in the call name textbox. I dont want it to do that. I want it to say the there are no reservation for that name if I change the is part of my code.

Private Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click
'resets file reader and put to the top of txtfilename


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Serializable Class Collections?

Apr 11, 2009

I have a class that contains a list of properties which serializes just fine. However I need one of those properties to contain a collection of another class to give me sub classes

Example XML


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Store Data In Several Collections?

Mar 31, 2011

I'm not sure how to do this but I want to store data in several collections. I want the data to be stored / accessed as follows.


how these nested structures or collections are defined and used?

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.net 2010 How To Work With Collections List

Feb 15, 2012

I'm trying to learn how to work with Collections list. In the past, if I wanted to create a list I would use an array and then save it to a text file after I was done manipulating the data via to save things of different types to a list such as:

Name, Birthdate(as date), Salary

I know how to do this in an array but all the synapses aren't firing with the "new to me" collections list as collections lists are hard typed....

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.net Collections: Copy Objects From One Collection To Another?

Nov 24, 2011

I'm implementing a customized Graph algorithm in, and I'm having the following problem:

Supose the code:

dim col as new collection
dim myC as new system.collections.genericList(of myClass)
dim obj1 as new myClass
dim obj2 as new myClass


'In the next statement, the myC2 inside col collection will be decreased to contain 'only obj1, like myC. I supose this is for myC and myC2 contains only a pointer to 'objects obj1 and obj2 as well col contains pointers to myC and myC2 myC.remove(obj2)'The problem is that I have to only copy myC to myC2, like a ByVal argument in a function,'instead a ByRef argument, in order to mantain a copy of objects in myC2 while these 'objects should be removed from myC. How should I do it?

View 2 Replies - Dispose & Finalize For Collections Of Properties?

Apr 20, 2009

I'm looking at some code I just inherited, and cannot fathom why the original developer would do this.

Basically, each "Domain" class is a collection of properties. And each one implements IDisposable.Dispose, and overrides Finalize(). There is no base class, so each just extents Object.

Dispose sets each private var to Nothing, or calls _private.Dispose when the property is another domain object. There's a private var that tracks the disposed state, and the final thing in Dispose is GC.suppressFinalize(Me)

Finalize just calls Me.Dispose and MyBase.Finalize.

There are no un-managed resources, no db connections, nothing that would seem to need this.

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C# - Extending An Object And Any Child Collections?

Jul 30, 2009

I have an class named Foo. This class contains a collection of child objects of type FooChildBase, but I also have a further class of type FooChildTwo which inherits from FooChildBase.

Class Foo
Public Children As IList(Of FooChildBase)
End Class
Class FooChildBase


What I would like to do is have my FooSpecial Class treat it's Children collection as if they were FooChildSpecial objects, but still be able to add FooChildTwo objects to it. Is this possible and if so how can it be done?

EDIT:I need to FooChildSpecial class to wrap any of the objects in the Children collection with the extra values, whether they are FooChildBase or FooChildTwo?

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C# - What Are All Of The Generic Collections/types In The 4.0 .NET Framework

Nov 29, 2010

Is there an exhaustive list of all of the "base" (not used in an object-oriented sense but more in a common sense) generic types in the 4.0 .NET Framework? I have found this list that I often send newer/mid-level devs to so they can understand how non-generic types map to generic types, but this is by no means exhaustive. I'm looking for something that also includes things such as KeyValuePair<>, Tuple<>, and other basic generics that may not be very-well known. Interfaces such as IObservable<> would be nice but not necessarily required.

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Challenges Storing Collections Value Into Database

Mar 22, 2010

Hello All,

Can anybody help me, i am having challenges getting collections value into the database

Here is my sample code. but is not working at all rather is crashing the applications

Dim collections As New System.Enrolment.CustomerBiometricsCollection()
collections = Me.PrintCaptureWizard1.ShowDialog()
Dim dbs As New DBClass
Dim mee As String
mee = dbs.ConnectionString
Dim conn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(mee)
Dim ds As New SqlCommand("Custoon", conn)
ds.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
ds.CommandText = "CustBiometrics"
For k As Integer = 0 To collections.Count - 1
ds.Parameters.Add("@TemplateID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = New Guid(TextBox1.Text)
ds.Parameters.Add("@TemplateIdentifierID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = (collections(0).TemplateId)
ds.Parameters.Add("@CustomerID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = New Guid(id)
ds.Parameters.Add("@Template", SqlDbType.Image).Value = collections(0).PrintTemplate
ds.Parameters.Add("@TemplateSize", SqlDbType.Int).Value = collections(0).Size
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = ds.ExecuteReader()
Next k
MessageBox.Show("Record Inserted")

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Collections - Pass Data To ActiveX.exe?

May 17, 2010

I've created a MAPI Wrapper in VB6 and compiled it as an ActiveX.exe so I can use it in my VB.NET project. The project is a windows service that takes data from a webservice passes data to activex.exe and it creates public folder records in exchange 2003. I was wondering if anyone know how I could pass a collection to my activex.exe?

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Create Collections With Named Indexes?

Aug 26, 2009

I need to create a collection that should have named indexes. e.g.: IN typical collection such as ArrayList :

Dim al as ArrayList = New ArrayList() al.Add("10") al.Add("20")

to access first element i have to use "0" in al(0)...such I need to create a collection that has Named indexes instead of Numerical zero based indexes. such as: assume the collectio object is col1. to access the value element "RegoNo", i should use the collection object as col1("RegoNo") or similar technique Is this possible to do?

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Serializing Collections To Binary File?

Mar 17, 2011

How to serialize a collection to a binary file?
Structure MainServerInfo
Dim Name As String
Dim IP As String
Dim Uname As String
Dim Pass As String
End Structure
[Code] .....

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Use Constructor In A Custom Collections Class?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a custom collection class that I would like to pre-populate with data from the database. Basically it would search for "submembers" that are related to the "member" data record using the "member"'s primary key id.

I figured the best way to do this would be in the constructor of the class, but I am not so sure now. The collection class does not have any properties (the member class does).[code]...

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VS 2005 Loop Through Collection Of Collections

Jul 23, 2009

I have a Collection, the keys are strings and the values are Collections. In the sub Collections the keys are strings and values are Singles/Floats. How would I loop through all of the data? I need to get the keys and values not just the values. I've tried this but it produces a cast error:


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VS 2005 Updating Items In Collections?

Jan 26, 2010

have a collection that stores structures of data. my problem is that, after i have populated my collection, i do not know how i could change or update the data stored in the structure of data looks like this:

Structure tType1
Dim ID as Integer
Dim QTY as Integer


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VS 2008 Using LINQ With Collections And Strict On?

Mar 20, 2009

I've been having this niggling issue that's been driving me nuts. Maybe there's something I'm not doing quite right, I don't know. I'm hoping someone with more experience on the subject can show me a better way or just confirm this with a "Jenner, you're not nuts, that's just the way you need to do it".The problem is this. Every time I try to use LINQ to enumerate a Collection, and for this example, I'll use a Collection of TreeNodes in a TreeView control; I get an error of:

Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Object' to 'System.Windows.Forms.Treenode'.
for the following


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