VB Express 2008 - Reading File And Use Data And Average Them Out

Nov 29, 2009

I have a text file that the first part of my program writes data to, but for this second section, I need to read that file and use pieces of that data and average them out. The text file is setup up with 90 lines of data starting with the first 9 lines containing data and the 10th is a blank space. I need to read line 6, 8, and 9. I need to Loop through the file so I am using the Do While Loop. Where I am confused is when using the For...Next Loop to tell the program to read a specific line. If you have any info that can lead me to the answer that would be great. I would prefer you just point me in the right direction because I would very much like to somewhat figure it out in the process.

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Getting Average In VB Express 2008

Apr 19, 2010

I'm using VB Express 2008 with Access 2007 as a database. My problem is getting an average from the database with a query and copying that into my labels. I have a query for every one of the attributes that i want an average for (10 queries). the layout of my database looks like this:


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File I/O And Registry :: Reading File 2008 Express

Nov 19, 2008

I'm new to Visual Basic. I'm trying to get this code to read a .txt file line by line. If the only thing that the line says is "B" it should add one to the intTotalBoys integer and so on with G for Girls, F for Fathers, and M for Mothers. I'm not sure why it won't work. [code]

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VS 2008 Reading Outlook And Outlook Express Data?

Oct 9, 2009

I'm working on an application that takes certain outlook email messages, saved as text files, and loads data from them into a database. It would be better if I could read the messages from the inbox directly into my app without the user having to save them as text files. I've searched the web and every example I find is from 2003 or earlier and is using VB6. I'd like to read both Outlook and Outlook Express Inboxes. Can someone either provide me with the code to do this or a good "recent" link with a tutorial?

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VS 2008 Reading BigEndian Data From A File?

Jul 28, 2009

Is there a way to set BitConverter to produce Int32 values from BigEndian-encoded bytes?I feel like there might be a way to temporarily "set" the encoding to BigEndian before calling BitConverter, but I haven't figured it out.Right now I'm just reversing the 4 bytes before calling BitConverter, I guess I could create my own function that adds the bytes with the appropriate multiplier, but it seems a little inelegant if it can be done simply with BitConverter.

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VS 2008 - Reading Data - Read In Demographics From A Text File

Dec 8, 2009

I am trying to read in demographics from a text file. What I am trying to do is use the commas in the text file as a stop and starting point for each field. Instead of explaining all will be clear once you look at the code.

Dim filecontents As String
Dim newlineindex As Integer
Dim numindex As Integer
Dim credents As String


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VS 2008 Update Items In ListView + Reading From Data File?

Jul 23, 2009

I have a program that is reading and writing to certain memory addresses to a particular application exe...

So I have a listview control with 4 columns and X rows

| Name | Address | Type | Value |

Name: Is just an identifier so the user knows what it is.Address: Is a specific memory address (eg 0058AFA0).Type: Type of value stored in the address (eg, 4 Bytes, Float).Value: Value to store in the address.Im looking for a way to go through each row, take the address and use this to read the value at that address and then update the value on that row


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VS 2008 Calculate An Average Value From Data Imported Using Streamreader

Mar 25, 2009

I'm trying to calculate the average hours worked from a set of data imported from a text file using streamreader. My problem is counting the number of entries and the total hours worked imported from a text file within a loop[.


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VS 2008 - Code To Open A Text File And Append Data To It, In VB Express Edition?

Mar 1, 2010

What is the code to open a text file and append data to it, in visual basic express edition?Normally one would write:open "data.txt" for append as #1 but visual basic express does not accept it.

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Reading Status Of LPT Pins Using VB 2008 Express?

Mar 2, 2010

I'm using WinXP Professional and VB 2008 Express Edition. I need to check the LPT1 and LPT3 pins for its status high or low. I am new to VB programming and I need to interface LPT

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Saving Data From A Data Grid To An Access Database (2008 Express)?

May 18, 2010

I'm trying to create a simple Data Grid that will automatically save changes. So far I have a data grid connected to a MS Access 2007 Database that reads the data. I can create new fields in the Data Grid, but I need to program to save the data automatically to the database on update (or on close).

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DB/Reporting :: Include An Average In A Column Where The Average Ignores Zero Values In A Report Cell?

Jun 15, 2010

I want to include an average in a column where the average ignores zero values in a report cell where the column may have



I want 16, not 11 so (17 + 19 + 12 + 13 + 19) / 5 not (17 + 19 + 0 + 0 + 12 + 13 + 19) / 7 Something like this if it would work.

=SUM(Fields!fieldname.Value) / Count(iif(Fields!count_cycle_per_hour.Value >= 0,Fields!fieldname.Value,0))

Essentially just average everything in the column NOT a zero?

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Calculating Exponential Average With Out A Simple Moving Average

Sep 8, 2009

I'm working on a function to return a exponential average and there are a lot of examples of exponential moving averages but they all start with a moving average that is just the mean as a lead in to calculating the continuing moving average. I needed just a exponential average of a value set. After Googling my Bing off I still haven't seen anything so here is my attempt at a basic exponential average. Is this correct? Are there any errors? I have seen some text about adding a smoothing value to change the curve of the exponential average but not how that would be implemented.


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Reading Data From A CSV File?

Nov 24, 2009

I am working in VB.NET 2003 and here is the issue of the day (for me):

I have an application which is supposed to read data from a CSV file one line at a time then pick out the 9th item ( a number) in the line and then add these numbers together for a total. The problem is the routine does not get beyond the first line. The code is as follows:

Dim total As Decimal = 0
Dim reader As StreamReader


How do I get this routine to advance to the next line of the CSV file and continue to do so until it has read the last line?

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File I/O And Registry :: VB 2008 Express: Formatting A .txt File Written To A .txt File?

Jan 22, 2009

I have a program that can save to a .txt file.The issue is I need it to be done in a tab delimited way.Basically:


I have this so far, but all it does is put the TextBox1.Text next to TextBox2.Text

SaveFileDialog1.Filter = "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"
Dim FileWriter As StreamWriter
Dim results As DialogResult


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Reading And Extracting Data From Csv File Using VB?

Jun 10, 2011

This is the code i wrote in order to First open a csv file as excel, then find the required three columns, n then read data from them n save the data into another variables showing them in textbox. As about the csv file, it contains many columns out of which my focus is on only 3 columns under title ID, L, Lg.Problem is Excel doesnt actually open but Excel.exe process runs in task manager. But by this point its not the compile error; Compile error comes at 'Next' Statement. It says Compile Error: Next without For!!

Private Sub cmdFind_Click()
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Set xlApp = New Excel.Application


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Reading Data From Text File?

Mar 10, 2011

I will use this program for meter reader. Anyone can help me reading data from text file.. For example I want to get the data that i export from MySQL Database to Text file..

I have textbox to insert the acct number to search the name, and button1 to execute search, and another Textbox to store the name that have been search.


Data in zone6.txt ---- Acctnum, 06-12-057, LIZAcctnum, 06-12-058, MARK, Acctnum, 06-12-001, MICHAEL

Acctnum is the column 1, 06-12-057 is the column 2, LIZ is the column 3.. how can i get the name LIZ if i type the acctnum

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Reading In Data From A Text File?

Dec 4, 2009

Ive made a program that reads in data from a txt file that has 4 columns, but it doesnt work if there are headings to the columns or any other kind of text at the top of the file. I basically just want to be able to skip any text at the top of the file, either by the user specifying how many lines to skip, or by code that can calculate how many lines to skip.

At the moment, the code opens the file, calculates how many lines there are in the file, redims an array to this size, closes the file and then reopens it so its ready to have the data read.

This is how the data is input into the array at the moment:

ReDim data(lines, 3)
i = 0
While Not (EOF(1))


I was thinking a possibility would be to use a try statement so that if the data is a string, then it skips over that line, but i couldnt figure out how to put it together.

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Reading Only Certain Data In A Text File

Mar 31, 2008

I am currently trying to write a program that will do the following. 1. The user will open a .txt file that needs to be converted into a CSV file. 2. The user will then click on a button to convert the file. 3. The program will parse the .txt file for the necessary data and will then write the data to a new CSV file. So far I am sure that I can write the code which will open the file and which will save the file to the new format. Where I am having problems is with the .txt file format that I have to work with. [Code]

Each field is fixed length with the empty space in front of the starting numbers being a field. I have been unable to find any code that would show me how to parse only certain data from this .txt file. What I need it to end up looking like is this: [Code] The program itself needs to be pretty simple as the .txt file will only have at most 25 to 30 records. I was thinking of using a StreamReader to read the data into an array, but I can't figure out how to get just the data I need out of each record.

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VS 2010 - Reading Raw Data In File

Aug 23, 2010

How do you read the data from a file on the computer? I have an mp3 stored on my root folder and I want the form to read the raw data from it so I can do some encryption etc.
Dim fileOpen As New IO.StreamReader("C:file.mp3")
Dim stream As String = fileOpen.ReadToEnd
TextBox1.Text = stream

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Writing & Reading A Data File

Jan 30, 2011

I am trying to write the TOURN structure and then read the TOURN structure back in.. the file gets created on my desktop and the program does not have any syntax errors, but when I READ the file none of the Data gets retrieved. So I am not sure if the DATA was actually saved or it is just not being retrieved?? This is what I have coded so far...


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Array Calculating Min, Max, And Average Output: Min, Max, And Average?

Mar 26, 2012

I put comments on the average output since I kept getting error messages about that. My out keeps saying:

Maximum value: 33
Minimum value: 33
what am I doing wrong?
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On


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Displays The Average With An Appropriate Message Before The Average"?

May 10, 2011

I'm in a computer science class, and we are writing simple programs using Visual Basic 2008. I am really inept when it comes to this, as I have never done it before. I need to write a program that: "Asks the user for 5 numbers and computes the average. It then displays the average with an appropriate message before the average."

I have been really close with this, but I can't get the numbers to add up, then divide by 5, and display a pop up message.

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Reading A .txt File And Loading Data For Processing?

Feb 27, 2009

I have a text file that contained about 50,000 lines of data which are all the same format as below

0000710950,INFEED NAME,40,INFEED TIME,0,ENTRY,55649,MCS,[code]....

What I would like to do is read this data in as fast as possible either line by line and processing the data as I go by line. Or read the whole lot in and THEN process it, which woulkd be the fastest ? I used to do this in Excel but want to transfer it to VB and don't know really how to get started I have the following but would like to know how to get the columns into a named array and then how to itterate through array.

Dim myLines() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:SYNC_DATA�0 - LGW�5 - Archived�0 - IST Logs2008istlog20090224.txt")

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Reading A XML File And Saving All The Data In To The Access DB Using VB

Jun 10, 2011

I am currently working on a vb project. What I am trying to do is reading a XML file and saving all the data in to the Access DB. Once this is done, I read the data from the access Db and display it in the required fields in VB form. Issue is, when i store the value in the access, a weird character is assigned before and after the data. The character is a square box with question mark in it. Also the same character displays on the VB form as well


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Reading And Writing Data To A Text File?

Sep 28, 2009

The program that I am writing has three default variables that I would like it to store and also be able to change. I have them in a text file called "settings.txt" The format of the text file is as follows:

Default Source "I:DCIM101MSDCF"
Default Destination "C:Documents and SettingsChristyMy DocumentsMy Pictures"
Default Backup Destination "D:My DocumentsBackupMy Pictures"

The field descriptions eg "Default Source" take up 30 characters, so the variable data starts with character 30. I know their has to be an easy way just to pull out the data from a particular line starting with character 30 but I can't find it.

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Reading Data From File Into Separate Richtexboxes?

Jan 13, 2009

how do i put line 1 from a text file into richtextbox1 and line 2 from that text file into richtextbox2.

Then if i edit either i can then save and overwrite the original

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Reading Data From Text File And Using Split

Aug 4, 2010

I have a text file which has the format

I am trying to read the code, and pull out the 3rd, 4th and 5th set of each line in to a datagrid.
Dim list = New List(Of datagrid)
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C: est.txt"
If System.IO.File.Exists(FILE_NAME) = True Then
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(FILE_NAME)
Do While objReader.Peek() <> -1
[Code] .....
I get the reg come up ok, but then it errors out with Index was outside the bounds of the array.

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Reading Name And Numeric Data From Text File

Apr 27, 2012

I'm working on a program for a side business I run with a friend, who is a non-programmer.I've done a program before, using IO.StreamReader and IO.StreamWriter to read and write lines to a text file.

But now, I'm working on reading text data (it's output from an old legacy program) that reads a first and last name, and the customer number (6 digits) from one file.

Then, it uses the data (customer number) read the first time to cross reference the zip code and status from a second file, and display it.

The Data in the Text Files are as follows:[code...]

How would I begin parsing for the first and last name, and the customer number to assign to different variables?In the line that references names.txt I meant to put customers.txt.

That's a snippet of code I took from a previous program, so I know how to read the data, just don't know how to extract it.

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VS 2010 Reading Data From Lines Of .ini File?

May 23, 2011

Here's what i've got so far, i've written all of the data that i'm going to put into my config file, however i'm having trouble reading the specific string values that I need from that ini file. The parts of the ini lines I want to get are the values in between the I've tried using streamreader a couple things but i'm having trouble figuring that out. I need to parse each line of the ini file to get that value in between the single quotations, so that I can set the value for my richtextbox background and text color as well as a few other things that i've set up in my notepad including tab spacing and so on. lots of these different values need to be converted from a string value to integers, and boolean values as well. (4 of them, the rest of them don't have to be changed because they are already string values when my application reads them to determine it's application load settings.

EDIT: I just noticed in the preview that this is from the version of the app where I had streamwriter write "______ value=" & Something to a file. lol some of the (')s are still in this version, so please excuse that little part. I had them in, but took them out so that I could trim data to get a value easier, but I want to use (')s hopefully when all is said and done.For example, just to restate what I want - in the ini file it will read [setting name] value='VALUE'I want to be able to "get" the string value of "VALUE" within the ini file between the 2 single quotations '

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